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“Amane─, I found this when I was digging in the ground.”

“Why did you decide to dig in the ground, Himezaki-san? ...Is this, a koban?”

* (T/N: 小判 - koban; small oval gold coin used in the Edo period.)

“Nn─, is that what it is? It's my first time seeing it, so I don't really know what it looks like.”

“Hee─h, where did you find this? If there are some still buried, there's a chance you'll gain a fortune...”

“Nn─, there might still be some, but it was buried in a troublesome place deep in the mountain, so I don't want to go there again─.”

“It seems you aren’t interested in anything other than things that you can directly eat. I suppose that’s typical of you.”

“Ooh─, I'll give you that, so just lend me your lap instead─. I’ll sleep for a bit─.”

“...Yes, I understand. That's truly typical of you.”


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