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“Amane─! I want to eat cakes! I want to go out! I want to play games! I want to go on vacation on a southern island!”

“What is this, Himezaki-san? You're being more selfish than usual today.”

“Un! I felt like screaming out my desire!”

“Thank you for your hard work. Are you feeling refreshed now?”

“No! Not really!”

“Somehow, I feel like you're possessed. Shall we do an exorcism?”

“What do we do in an exorcism?”

“Who knows, but since this is Himezaki-san, I don't think it's anything out of the ordinary. Maybe doing calligraphy while being hit by a waterfall?”

“Isn’t that an absurd challenge?”

“Then, would you rather give up and study? Which one would it be?”

“As expected, isn’t that just a cowardly 2 choices?”


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