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“Amane─, the main characters of the game I've been playing so hard have reached level 99.”

“Is that the game you were addicted to, Himezaki-san? It's a game you can clear at around level 40.”

“Well, the game character won't grow any further, but I'm still at level 10 (10 flowers) after all! I'll keep on growing! I even achieved +5kg barbell yesterday!”

“Fumu, that kind of thinking is good too. Life is about growing every day after all.”

“Right right! All right! What should I grow today?”

“Let’s see, let’s go with math or English, which Himezaki-san is not good at... huh? Himezaki-san, where did you go?”


(T/N: I don’t get what that ‘10 flowers’ or ‘level 10’ thing is about. Level 10 is the furigana, 10 flowers is the kanji.)

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