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13) If you have any lines in the story that you like the most, please introduce them.

“I guess it’s pretty much everything Amane says!”

“I suppose it’s almost all of Himezaki-san’s lines.”

14) Why do you like those lines? Also, please tell us about the circumstances and feelings that led you to write those lines?

“Well, doesn’t Amane surprisingly say a lot of famous line-sort of things?”

“Because most of Himezaki-san’s speeches are silly.”

15) If there is one sentence in the story that you like the most, please introduce it.

“...Amane, this question has me stumped!”

“...Yes, there are only a handful of lines that can be called [descriptive] here after all”


(T/N: I don’t get it. One sentence = 一文, descriptive = 地の文. Are they supposed to be pronounced the same?)

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