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“Amane─, let’s do some lifting!”

“Is it that thing where you juggle a soccer ball with your foot? I've never lasted more than three times with that.”

“Hahaha, I guess Amane’s lousy at it! Come here! I'll show you an example.”

“Yes, please.”

“Well, see this! Ha-! Yo-!”

“As expected of Himezaki-san, then, I'll try it too. Please pass me the ball.”

“Deya-! Tou-! Sei-! Just wait a minute until I fail!”

“...How long will it last?”

“Fun-! Derya-! Choa-! It’ll be three days at most!”

“Ah, I have to change the light bulb on my study desk, so I’m heading home.”


(T/N: リフティング - 1. football juggling; soccer ball juggling; keepie uppie; keepie-ups; kick-ups 2. lifting (in a rugby line-out) 3. (breast) lifting surgery. I translated it to ‘lifting’ to introduce this word to you guys.)

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