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“Amane─... my clothes are soaked from the rain and wind...”

“Here a towel, Himezaki-san. There’s a typhoon today after all, so please don't catch a cold.”

“Geez─, I wish it’s just the wind! There's a thing called a nice woman who is dripping with water though!”

* (T/N: 水も滴る - to be splendidly handsome. Literally: dripping with water.)

“Strong winds are dangerous because they are strong.”

“Eh? Strong wind is strong and fearful bosom? Hahaha, what are you talking about, Amane? That's so funny!”

* (T/N: Kyōfū wa kyōfū de kyōfu na kyōbu. Strong wind is fearful bosom because they are strong wind.)

“So, Himezaki-san, what were you doing in this typhoon?”

“Un! The wind was blowing up my hair and clothes a lot, so I held a microphone stand and pretended to be a V-kei band!”

“I'm glad that Himezaki-san doesn't seem like she’ll catch a cold.”


(T/N: I wonder if he’s talking about how idiots don’t catch colds.)

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