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Sequel 11 - Tapioca Drink


Just as Himura-san told us, walking a little to the left after exiting the shop leads us to a plaza with a calm atmosphere. There are many large trees planted not only around the plaza, but also inside it, and many areas of the plaza are shaded. That's why it feels like it’ll be refreshing.

There are many benches around the trees here. The benches are in the shade, so there are many people relaxing, reading books, talking, or perhaps drunk, sleeping soundly on their backs.

There are several empty benches, so we sit next to each other on one of them.

“We’re in the shade and a breeze is blowing a little, so it feels good, isn’t it?”

“That's true. The area around here is busy, so I think this kind of calm atmosphere is really nice.”

“That’s true.”

Then, we use our smartphones to take photos of the tapioca drinks we purchased and selfies of us holding the tapioca drinks cups.

When I look at the album... I see that I took a lot of photos during today's date. I think I'll print some out and put them in my album at home.

“Akito-san. Shall we have a drink now?”

“I guess we should. Itadakimasu.”


I take a sip of my tapioca cafe au lait.

The sweetness of the cafe au lait and tapioca is strong, but the bitterness of the coffee is also strong, so it's not too sweet. I’ve been walking for about 15 minutes, so my body feels hydrated. The sensation of my hot body being cooled down feels good.

“It's delicious with both sweetness and bitterness.”

“Is that so? The milk tea is also delicious with its strong taste of tea leaves.”

“That’s good, isn’t it.”

“Yes. Also, we’ve been walking for about 15 minutes, so the coldness of the milk tea is really nice.”

“I also thought that when I drank my cafe au lait. I'm glad I walked here on this sunny day.”

“I think so too!”

After replying happily, Hiori takes another sip of milk tea. The way she holds the cup in both hands and sucks on it is so cute. I can watch her forever. Thinking that, I take another sip of my cafe au lait.

“Milk tea is delicious. ...Drinking tapioca drinks just the two of us like this reminds me of the first time we went on an after school date.”

“That's true. At that time, we went to a tapioca drink shop near Kasagaya Station. I think that was almost a month ago now.”

“That's true. When we exchanged a sip, I remember my heart pounding because it was an indirect kiss.”

Hiori says with a soft smile.

When we went on our first after-school date, Hiori didn't smile at all. But, when we exchanged a sip of our tapioca drink, her cheeks turned red. So her heart really was pounding.

“Hiori was so cute when your cheeks turned red at that time. My heart was pounding too because of that indirect kiss.”

“Akito-san was too, I see. At that time, Akito-san's face was slightly red after all.”

“I knew it. My body was hot too after all.”

“Fufu. Now we often exchange sips and indirect kisses, and sometimes we also kiss directly. I have also realized that I love Akito-san too, and we're now officially dating...”

Saying that in an enraptured manner, Hiori kisses me. We only put our lips together, but I can smell the sweet smell of milk tea from Hiori's lips.

After a few seconds, we part our lips, and I see Hiori in front of me smiling with red cheeks.

“I smelled cafe au lait from Akito-san.”

“I also smelled milk tea from Hiori.”

“I see. It's just the smell, but we’ve exchanged it with our lips, haven't we?”

Saying that, Hiori puts her right index finger to her lips and laughs; “Fufu”. Geez... my girlfriend is just too cute. My body is getting hotter, more than when we exchanged sips of our tapioca drink on our first after-school date.

“I guess we have. Then, let's actually exchange sips of our drinks.”


We pass our tapioca drink cups to the other person.

So this is the tapioca milk tea that Hiori bought and drank two sips of. I've drank many cups of milk tea, but this looks the most delicious looking one.

“Then, I’ll take a sip of the tapioca cafe au lait.”

“Go ahead. I'll have a sip of the milk tea too.”


I take a sip of Hiori's tapioca milk tea. Just as Hiori said, I can clearly feel the taste and aroma of the tea leaves, it’s delicious. Also, this feels sweeter than any tapioca milk tea I've had so far. Is it because Hiori has already put her mouth on it?

I've gotten used to exchanging bites and sips, but after talking about exchanging indirect kisses and scents with our lips, my heart skips a beat.

“The cafe au lait is delicious!”

Seeing Hiori beaming as she says that, I feel the taste of the milk tea left in my mouth growing stronger.

“The milk tea is delicious too. Thank you.”

“Thank you very much.”

We give each other's drink cups back to the other.

“Amazing! It’s standing!”

“Challenge successful!”

“You’ve gotten bigger than when you became a second year.”

I hear happy voices of women talking from the front. So, I look there and see three women in uniforms who appear to be high school girls sitting on a circular bench placed around a tree.

The woman sitting in the middle has a cup of tapioca melon soda on her chest. The woman stabilizes the cup without supporting it with her hands and happily drinks it. ...Not good, I shouldn’t look at another woman's chest too much when I have a lover.

When I turn my gaze to Hiori, I see her drinking tapioca milk tea while looking at the women.

“...I believe it was a challenge called the [Tapioca Challenge]. You put a cup on your chest and see if you could drink it without supporting it with your hands. There was a scene like that in a manga I read before.”

“...I-I've also seen scenes like that in manga and anime.”

The tapioca challenge is a topic that is directly related to chests. I'm curious if Hiori can do it or not, but I can't ask that. I think I should change the topic to something else──

“I've never done it before.”

“I-I see.”

“...Let's try it once to see if I can do it or not. It seems like it won't be successful unless you have a certain size though.”

When Hiori says that, I can't help but look at her chest. ...At her size, I feel like it'll be a success. I never thought she’d express her intention to try the tapioca challenge.

“...If you've never done it before, I think it's worth giving it a try.”

As her lover, I wonder if these words are right. But, I honestly want to see Hiori doing the tapioca challenge. And I also want to see her succeed.

Perhaps my words just now were the right thing to say. Hiori smiles and nods once.

“I understand. Let's try it.”

“...Then, just in case, I'll be on standby so I can take the cup. Of course, it's not that I don't trust Hiori's chest capacity.”

“Fufu. It's important to be prepared just in case, so please stand by. But, I’d like my lover Akito-san to see me succeed.”

“I got it.”

I turn my body towards Hiori. My left hand is on standby near her chest.

Hiori places the cup containing tapioca milk tea on her chest with her right hand.

“Then I'll be starting the challenge.”


Hiori takes her right hand away from the cup containing milk tea. As a result, the cup on her chest──

“...It doesn’t even sway.”

“So it seems.”

Not only does it not fall, but it firmly stands on top of Hiori's chest. Even when Hiori puts her mouth on the straw and drinks the milk tea, the cup remains stable. Was my prediction correct? As expected of Hiori's chest. High Oppai.

Once she drinks her milk tea, Hiori smiles happily.

“Challenge success!”


“Thank you very much. I'm happy to be able to recreate the scene from the manga. Besides, um... I now know that I have breasts big enough to do that.”

“I-I see.”

“Akito-san, could you please take a photo with your smartphone and send it to me via LIME? To commemorate our success. Of course, Akito-san can keep that photo.”

“I got it.”

I stand in front of Hiori and take a photo of her successfully completing the tapioca challenge with my smartphone. Perhaps happy from her success, she smiles widely while giving the peace sign as I capture her cute appearance into a photo.

When I send the photo through LIME, Hiori immediately looks at it on her smartphone.

“Thank you very much for the photo. So this is what it looks like from the front.”

“That’s right.”

“...I have made another memory from today's date.”

“That's good.”

If I look at the photo I just sent to Hiori, I'll probably remember the tapioca challenge just now and Himura-san’s appearance as she does her part-time job.

After that, while drinking tapioca drinks, we get excited talking about the cat cafe and [The Angel who Leapt Through the Sky] that we saw at the movie theater.

After finishing our tapioca drinks, we head back home. Since New Takano Station is nearby, we decided to take the Tohto Metro Ennouchi Line subway and head to the stations nearest to each of our houses.

Perhaps because it's Saturday evening. All the seats in the train are occupied. So we stand close together.

The closest station to Hiori’s house by Metro is South Kasagaya Station. It’s three stops away from New Takano Station, but the distance between stations is short, so we arrive in only about 5 minutes. Even in the train, I’m also talking to Hiori, so,

[Soon, South Kasagaya Station. South Kasagaya Station. The exit is──]

Before we know it they announce that we will soon arrive at South Kasagaya Station.

“We quickly arrive in South Kasagaya, don’t we.”

“That's true. It went by so quickly since we were talking. It was a really fun date.”

“It was really fun for me too. The movie, omurice, cat cafe, and tapioca drinks. And seeing Saaya-san and Kyoko-san working part-time, it was really exciting.”

“Yeah. Let's keep going on dates from now on. Also, I want to watch a movie with Hiori, either at the movie theater or at our houses.”

“It was really fun after all. By all means, let’s do that.”

As if to show that those words are genuine, Hiori gives me a happy smile. That makes me really happy.

Eventually, the train slows down and arrives at South Kasagaya Station.

“Today was really fun. Thank you very much.”

“Thank you to you too. Be careful on your way home.”

“Yes. Akito-san too, be careful. I think I'll go to Zosol tomorrow afternoon.”

“Yeah, I'll be waiting.”

That alone will make me work much harder at my part-time job tomorrow.

“Well then, see you.”

After saying that, Hiori kisses me and gets off the train. Then she turns around and waves at me with a smile on her red face. I also wave at Hiori. All the way until the train leaves and Hiori is no longer in sight.

As soon as I stop waving, I start to feel lonely without Hiori.

But, as Hiori said earlier, today's date was exciting. When I remember those things, my heart becomes warm.


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