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Main Story 46 - Cute Memory


We work on the assignments from today's class. While snacking on the drinks and snacks we bought at the convenience store.

Since we are sitting close to each other, I teach Kazuo Mathematics II and B, and sometimes Classics to Hazuki-san. Teaching others sure deepens my understanding of the lesson.

Occasionally, I glance at Hiori and often find her teaching science subjects to Himura-san and Shimizu-san. Shimizu-san is serious, but sometimes I see Himura-san staring at Hiori in a daze. You... do you properly put what Hiori teaches you into your head?

The assignment I received today wasn't that difficult, so I finished it quite quickly.

I take out my Mathematics II workbook and start solving the questions that the teacher told us are in the scope of the midterm exam. Unlike assignments, some of the problems in the workbook are quite difficult.

“This part... I don’t get it.”

I thought about it for a few minutes, but I still don't get it. Even if I look at the answer booklet... I don't understand how it gets to this answer. All right, I'll ask Hiori or Hazuki-san.

When I look at Hiori, it seems like she has also finished her assignments, and is now working on a classics workbook. She isn’t teaching anyone, so I guess it's okay for her to ask now.


When I call out to Hiori in a small voice, she turns towards me.

“What could it be?”

“I'm working on the Mathematics II workbook, but there's something I don't get. Is it okay if I ask you?”

“Of course it’s okay.”

Hiori seems happy when she says that. Is it because it’s my first time asking a question?

Hiori moves a little towards me. As a result, I faintly smell a sweet smell in the air.

“Which problem is it?”

“It’s this... factorization problem.”

“...Ah, is it this problem? I remember solving it before. It's difficult, isn't it? First, the part to pay attention to in this equation is...”

And so, Hiori carefully teaches me the part of the factorization problem that I don’t understand.

Hiori's explanation... it's really easy to understand. As expected, she doesn’t keep getting first place in our grade for nothing. The way to solve the problem that I couldn't get to grips with on my own at all is getting clearer and clearer in my mind.

“So that answers the question.”

“Ooh, I see. I understand it clearly now. Thank you, Hiori.”

“No, no. I'm happy to be able to help you, Akito-san.”

Hiori shows a happy smile exactly as she said. Because she's really close, and she just explained a problem that I didn't understand, I end up being captivated by Hiori. Aah, that smile is too cute. Before I know it, my cheeks are heating up.

As a thank you for teaching me, I give Hiori the matcha marshmallow that I bought at the convenience store.

Hiori takes a marshmallow from the bag and puts it in her mouth. The sight of her smiling while munching on it, saying ‘it delicious,’ is really cute.


“All right, I'm done with today's assignment!”

Around one hour since we started the study session.

Kazuo has also finished his assignment, and now all six of us have finished ours. So, we all decided to take a break for a while.



“That fine white spine at the end of the bottom shelf of the bookshelf. What is that? It's plain.”

“Aah, that's my album.”

“I see! Can I take a look? Ever since I showed you my album on our at-home date during the consecutive holidays, I've been wanting to take a look at Akito-san's album as well.”

“So that’s how it is. You can take a look.”

“Thank you very much.”

After happily saying her thanks, Hiori gets up from the cushion and heads towards the bookshelf.

“I'm interested to see how Kamitou-kun looked when he was little-ssu. Since Kamitou-kun is handsome-ssu, I feel like he’ll be cute when he was little-ssu.”

“What Saaya said... I can’t say I don't understand it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested, so maybe I should look at it too.”

To think that even Himura-san is interested in what I looked like when I was little. That's surprising.

“We've seen it before, haven't we, Kazuo-kun?”

“Ah. I do remember that Aki was cute when he was little. But I don't really remember what kind of photos there were, so should we see them too?”

“We should!”

“Ooh, my expectations are rising-ssu.”

Come to think of it, I let Kazuo and Shimizu-san see my album about a year ago, didn’t I? When I think back to that time... I feel like the two of them said that I was cute a lot of times. Because I had a baby face until I was in elementary school.

Hiori takes out my album from the bookshelf and returns to the cushion she had been sitting on.

“I’ve brought it.”

“...Then I'll be at my study desk.”

“Are you not going to look at it with us?”

“Looking at the photos together is, how should I put it, it’s embarrassing. I don't mind Hiori and the others looking at them though.”

“I might kinda understand Kamitou's feelings. You get nervous thinking how we will react, don’t you?”

“When I showed my album to Akito-san, I was a little nervous too.”

I'm happy that Hiori and Himura-san can relate to me.

“Of course, I will answer your questions about the photos in there. By the way, they are posted in roughly chronological order.”

“I understand.”

I grab the canned coffee I bought at the convenience store and my smartphone and get up from my cushion. I go to my study desk and sit down on the chair.

When I look at the table, I see 4 people gathered around Hiori as they start looking at my album.


I can hear the unison high voices of Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san. They probably saw a photo of me as a baby or a child.

“Kamitou-kun when he was little was so cute, wasn’t he-ssu?”

“He’s so cute indeed. His atmosphere is similar to his older sister Akemi-san.”

“By Akemi-san, do you mean this girl who is often in the photos?”

“That’s right, Kyoko-san.”

When I think back on it, in the photos until I was in elementary school, a lot of them are with my older sister, aren’t they? That's why this album has the meaning of recording my growth with my older sister.

After that, I keep hearing them say “Cute,” many times, mainly from Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san. Well, they’re photos from when I was little, so hearing them say I'm cute a lot isn’t bad.

While drinking coffee, I read some web novels on the submission site.

“Huh? Only this photo has two girls in it-ssu.”

“That's true. I think this big girl wearing the blue one piece dress is Akemi-san, but who is this girl wearing the red one piece dress?”

“Her atmosphere is similar to Kamitou and his sister, so a relative’s child, maybe? Miu and Kuraki, do you remember her?”

“...Sorry, I don't remember. It's been about a year since I saw the album.”

“I don't remember it clearly either. But I feel like she was a Kamitou.”

“Eeh, it can’t be. But, Kamitou has been cute so far, so it seems possible...”

I hear that conversation. I wonder what photo they are looking at.

“Akito-san, there is something I would like to ask you about the photo. Is it okay?”

“Ok, sure.”

I’m also curious about what photos everyone is looking at.

When I go to Hiori and the others and look at the album... I see that they’re at the page of when I’m around the lower grades of elementary school. Around those times my sister is still in the photos with me.

“It’s about this photo.”

The photo that Hiori points to shows two children wearing one piece dresses. Both of them are giving peace signs and smiling at the camera.

“Aah, this is my sister and me.”


Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san, who are looking at the album for the first time, shout out loud in surprise. In contrast to these three people, Kazuo and Shimizu-san look refreshed.

“The one in the blue one piece dress is Akemi-san, right?” (Hiori)

“That's right. And the one wearing the red one piece dress and pink headband is me.” (Akito)

“I see. You're very cute!” (Hiori)

“You’re totally a beautiful girl!” (Kyoko)

“I think the one piece dress and headband have an effect-ssu, but you’re pretty cute-ssu!” (Saaya)

Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san look at me with a twinkle in their eyes. Did I really look that good in a one piece dress? I was sure Himura-san would make fun of me after seeing a photo like this.

“Until I was around the lower grades of elementary school, my older sister treated me like a mannequin and made me wear a lot of her clothes. She kept saying I was cute, so the me at that time wore them without reluctance.”

“They look this good on you after all, I can understand why Akemi-san would want Akito-san to wear her clothes.”

“That’s true-ssu, Hiorin.”

As she says that, Hazuki-san stares intently at me. It's scary because it feels like she wants me to cross-dress or cosplay as a female character. Or maybe, she is already fantasizing about me looking like that.

Hiori and the others resume viewing the album. When Hiori turns the page... they’re still in the elementary school pages.

“Even though it’s only when you were little, there are a lot of photos of Kamitou looking happy with your older sister. You don’t usually talk about your older sister at all but, are you actually a siscon?”

Himura-san asks while grinning. Well, there are a lot of photos of me with my sister, it's understandable that she thinks I'm a siscon.

“I admit that I get along well with my sister, but I'm not a siscon. In fact, I think she might be a brocon instead. The reason why there are so many photos of us together is because she wanted to be in them with me. When I was little, she was clingy, you know. She'd ask me to take a bath with her or invite me to sleep with her.”

“Heeh, so that’s how it was. It's true that there are a lot of photos of where your sister looks like she's having fun or being happy.”

“Right? Well, even though my sister is like that, I do think I’m glad that Kamitou Akemi is my older sister.”

[Onee-chan think so too!]

I hear my sister's voice from outside the room.

Then, the next moment, the door to the room swings open and my sister comes into the room. She looks so happy as she proceeds to hug me tightly.

“Onee-chan is also glad that Akito is my younger brother!”

As my sister says that, she looks up at me and smiles.

“...Did you hear what I said earlier? Also, so you’re back from college. Welcome back.”

“I'm back! When I was about to knock on Akito's room, I heard you being asked if you were a siscon. So I secretly listened.”

So she heard it from that part, huh? That’s a little embarrassing.

“Hearing Akito's words made Onee-chan really happy. So tonight, let's take a bath and then sleep in Akito's bed together for the first time in a while!”

“No way no way.”

What are you saying in front of everyone?

Also, we haven't taken a bath together in years, but we've slept together a few times this year. When you get drunk.

When I look at Hiori and the others, I see that Hiori, Kazuo, and Shimizu-san, who are acquainted with my sister, are smiling, while Himura-san and Hazuki-san, who are not acquainted with her, are looking at us with wide eyes.

“...You understand, right? Himura-san. That I think Aneki is a brocon that is.”

“...I can understand it very much.”

Himura-san looks at me in the eye and firmly nods. I'm glad that you understand.

My sister releases me from her embrace and turns to Hiori and the others.

“Everyone, good afternoon. Also, this is the first time for the red-haired girl and the brown-haired girl, right? Akito showed me the photo before, you’re the friends who went to Dome Town together, right?”

“Y-yes. My name is Himura Kyoko.”

“I'm Hazuki Saaya. I'm in a science class different from everyone else-ssu.”

When Himura-san and Hazuki-san introduce themselves and bow lightly, my sister gives them a calm smile.

“You’re both so cute. I'm Akito's older sister, Kamitou Akemi. I'm a third-year student at Tama Chuo University. I heard from Akito that you’re having a study session for the midterm exam. But since you’re opening the album, does that mean you're taking a break?”

“That's right. Everyone finished all their assignments today, so we took a break.”

“And so, at my request, Akito-san is letting us look at his album.”

“I see.”

My sister seems convinced.

“Akito-san when he was little was really cute, wasn’t he? Of course, Akemi-san too.”

“Fufu, thank you. Akito had a baby face and was as cute as a girl until he was in elementary school after all. It makes me want to see the album too.”

“Let's look at it together, Akemi-san.”

“Yes! Also, I can teach humanities subjects, English, and mathematics. I guess I can also teach science subjects... as long as they appear in the humanities class. I'm from Kasagaya's humanities class anyway, I have my notebooks from back then too.”

“Having Akemi-san teach us is really reassuring-ssu!”

“That's right, Kazuo-kun!”

Kazuo and Shimizu-san say happily.* (T/N: is Kazuo mimicking Saaya’s manner of speech?)

Until now, when my sister came home early from university, or when she was having a day off from university and was at home, we sometimes had my older sister accompany us in our study sessions. Not only Kazuo and Shimizu-san, but I also had my sister teach me things that I didn't understand.

After the break, we start studying for the exam on our own. Since my sister is here, I have more time to study by myself compared to before the break.

My first study session since I became a second year student was exciting, the break included.


By the way, at night, my sister once again asked me to take a bath with her, but I managed to block her. However, we ended up sleeping together in my bed. My sister hugged my arm tightly, so it was very warm.


(T/N: I kinda regret translating ‘Aneki’ to ‘my sister’, but I can’t change it back.)

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