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Main Story 39 - Visiting -Part 1-


After school.

It’s the long-awaited after school. Because the time was moving incredibly slowly, I feel more liberated than on usual Fridays.

“Come on, Kamitou! Let's go visit Hiori!”

Immediately after the closing ritual, Himura-san came to me with her bag in her hand and promptly said that. Such Himura-san's eyes are shining so brightly. Apparently Himura-san has also long awaited the after school.

I grab my bag and slowly get up from my seat.

“Let's go, Himura-san. Kazuo, see you on Monday. Do your best with your club activities.”

“See you, Kuraki.”

“Yeah! See you! Give my regards to Aoyama!”

Kazuo's smile, free from worry, is dazzling. I wonder if it's because it's been cloudy all day today and that there was a light rain in the morning.

I also call out to Shimizu-san and then leave the Year 2 Class 2 classroom with Himura-san. I head towards the entrance, which is where we’re going to meet with Hazuki-san.

Come to think of it, when was the last time I walked alone with Himura-san? At the amusement park, Hiori was with us. So maybe it was when she told me to break up with her if I was dating her on a trial basis.

“Kamitou. You look better compared to this morning. I'm relieved.”

“I'm going to meet Hiori soon after all. Could it be, the reason you were looking at me so much during class today is because you were worried about my condition? You were concerned about my condition this morning too.”

When I say that, Himura-san's cheeks turn slightly red and she glances at me.

“W-well... I guess so. Because if your condition also deteriorates and you can't come visit Hiori, she will be sad.”

“I see. Thank you, Himura-san.”


Himura-san's cheeks turn even redder, and she stops looking at me. Is she embarrassed? The sweet her is so cute.

When I arrive at the entrance, Hazuki-san is still not there. So, we decided to wait for Hazuki-san near the exit of the entrance. Because the door is open, I can feel the outside chill.

I think it's already spread that Hiori is absent. Even though we are near the exit of the entrance, the number of students who are glancing at Himura-san and I, who are waiting with just the two of us, is not few. Still, Himura-san doesn’t show any signs of reluctance or discomfort. As Himura-san looks down a little, the corners of her mouth turn up a little. I wonder if it’s because she’ll be able to meet Hiori soon. Looking at Himura-san, I feel a slight warmth in my heart.

“Sorry for being late-ssu! My homeroom teacher was late coming to class, so we couldn't quite start the homeroom-ssu.”

A few minutes after we started waiting, Hazuki-san finally came. She smiles bitterly, perhaps feeling sorry for keeping us waiting.

“I-It’s fine. Our homeroom teacher sometimes comes late, too.” (Kyoko)

“That's true. We've only been waiting for a few minutes anyway, it's totally fine.”

“I see-ssu. Thanks-ssu. Then, let's go right away-ssu!”

“Let's go!”

Because we are finally going to visit Hiori, Himura-san becomes really energetic.

The three of us leave school and head to Hiori's house. It's just as chilly as this morning. Although it's weak, there is wind blowing, so it might be chillier than this morning.

We head to Hiori's house via a route that passes through Kasagaya Station. That time when I went to Hiori’s house for our at-home date, we headed there from our usual underpass, so this feels kinda fresh.

We buy puddings, bananas, and a sports drink at a convenience store near Hiori's house.

Since I’m her trial boyfriend, I said I would pay for everything, but Himura-san wouldn’t budge and said she would pay as well. Hazuki also said, “I'd feel sorry if I’m the only one who doesn’t pay for it-ssu,” so in the end, we settled on splitting the bill into three equal parts.

We arrive at Hiori's house.

Himura-san presses the intercom, and Youko-san immediately comes out of the front door. Youko-san smiles kindly at us.

“Everyone, thank you for coming to visit.”

“No, no! She’s our dear friend after all, Okaa-sama!”

Himura-san says that in a loud voice. Also, she calls Youko-san Okaa-sama? Does Himura-san think of her as her ”mother-in-law” in her mind?

“Youko-san. How is Hiori doing?”

“When I checked on her earlier, she was better compared to this morning. Maybe it was because she took the medicine prescribed at the hospital and slept well. This morning she had a high fever, felt sluggish, and had a bad throat.”

“That's a relief to hear-ssu.”

“That’s good.”

“That's true. Also, about my bicycle, I placed it next to the gate of the house, along the wall. Is that okay?”

“You can place it in our yard. It's also to prevent theft. From now on, do that when you come by bicycle.”

“I understand. Thank you very much.”

Thanks to Youko-san's kindness, I can put my bicycle in the Aoyama family's yard.

We intrude on Hiori's house and head to her room on the second floor. When I knock on the door of her room,


I hear Hiori's reply in a small voice from inside the room. She was absent from school today, so just hearing her voice now makes me feel somewhat relieved.

“It’s Kamitou. I came to visit you with Himura-san and Hazuki-san. I bought pudding, bananas, and a sports drink. Can we come in?”

[...Go ahead.]

“Thank you. Please excuse me.”

I slowly open the door to the room and turn on the light. When I do, I see Hiori looking towards us while lying on the bed. Also, perhaps because the heater is on, the inside of the room is very warm.

Only Hiori's face is peeking out from under the bed cover, and her entire face is slightly reddish. Most likely, she still has a fever. Also, perhaps because she had been sleeping, she doesn’t have the ice crystal hairpin she always wears. Hiori without any kind of hair ornament is also lovely. By Hori's side is a stuffed calico cat and a stuffed eight-split orange tabby cat that I gave her as a present on our Hagikubo date.

“...Everyone, welcome.”

“Good afternoon, Hiori. How are you feeling? I heard from Youko-san that you had a high fever this morning.”

“I've been in bed all this time so... I still feel hot. But different from in the morning, the heat doesn’t feel unpleasant.”

“I see.”

Most likely, the medicine prescribed at the hospital is working. At the very least, her condition seems to be better compared to this morning.

Hiori looks at us, and she smiles gently.

“Thank you very much for coming to visit me today. Also, I apologize for the worry and inconvenience I caused.”

“Don't mind it. Besides, I managed to work hard at school today by looking forward to visiting you.” (Akito)

“That's right. Besides, the three of us didn't have shifts at our part-time jobs. We came here because we wanted to see Hiori.” (Kyoko)

“It's just like Himuko said-ssu. Also, Kuraki-kun and Miumiu, who have club activities, send their regards-ssu.”

“...Thank you very much. Seeing the messages is nice, but actually seeing your face makes me feel better.”

Hiori's smile turns into one of happiness. I'm happy that I can make Hiori feel better. If I catch a cold and Hiori and the others come to visit me, I'm sure I'll feel better.

“Hiori. Shall we take your temperature?”

“...That's true. After taking the prescribed medicine in the morning, I was sleeping until just now after all.”

“So that means you’ve been sleeping for a few hours, right-ssu? Being able to sleep is good-ssu.”

Just as Hazuki-san said. I think being able to sleep is a good thing.

“Hiori. We received some printouts from class and homeroom today, so I'll put them on the study desk. They're in a transparent clear file.”

“I understand. Akito-san.”

I go to the study desk and take out the clear file containing Hiori's printout from my bag. Since I might receive printouts from class, I brought a clear file from home to put them all together.

Just in case Hiori forgets our conversation just now, I write on a sticky note in my hand saying, [This is a printout I received from school on Friday, May 7th. Akito] and paste it on the clear file.

I put my bag at the far end of the room and look towards the bed.

When I do, I see Hiori sitting on the bed and taking her temperature. Also, Hiori is wearing light blue sleepwear right now. It looks good on her. This is the first time I've seen her in a sleepwear.

──Beep beep.

I hear that electronic sound coming from the bed. Is it Hiori's thermometer? It seems like my prediction is a hit, and Hiori takes her thermometer into her hand.

“...37.2 degrees.”

“That’s a slight fever-ssu.”

“That's true. Hiori’s forehead... it’s still a little hot.”

While saying that, Himura-san puts her left hand on Hiori's forehead.

“But, even this has dropped quite a bit. It was 38.6 degrees this morning.”

“When I hear that... I guess it’s gone down quite a bit. What about your other symptoms? Youko-san said you felt sluggish and had a bad throat.” (Akito)

“I feel much less sluggish. My throat still feels uncomfortable, but it's better than this morning.”

“I see. So it seems you feel better compared to this morning.” (Akito)

“I'm relieved. Hiori, is there anything you want us to do?” (Kyoko)

“You can say it without reservation-ssu.”

Hiori is sick after all, I want her to let us spoil her. We intend to do our best to answer Hiori's requests.

‘Hmm...’ Hiori let out a small voice,

“...Ah, I'd like you to wipe my sweat. I had been sleeping since morning until just now, so I'm all sweaty. Could you wipe me with the bath towel on the table? Also, I'd like to change into new clothes.”


“That’s an easy task!”

“Thank you very much. So, Akito-san, um... could you please wait outside the room? Being seen undressed is embarrassing, so...”

“I got it.”

We're dating as trial lovers, but being seen by me, a man, when she takes off her sleepwear is still embarrassing.

“Then I'll be waiting outside. Himura-san, let's go.”

“Wait a minute. Why am I going out with you too? I, unlike Kamitou, am a woman. Even in PE yesterday, we changed clothes next to each other in the locker room.”

“No, well, I don’t know what you'll do if you see Hiori in her underwear or naked...”

“I-I-I won't do that!”

When you say it with that stutter and bright red face, I can’t quite believe it. Even though there are times when we agree in the past, she’s still a person who got excited when Hiori showed her her underwear.

“Well, you can rest assured since I'm here too-ssu. There are certainly things that are easier to do with two people than with one person-ssu. Besides, Himuko is a pervert when it comes to Hiori, but she won’t do anything that a girl she likes wouldn't like.”


Himura-san is looking at Hazuki-san with a smile on her face. Also, I wonder if the fact that she doesn’t retort even though she's called a pervert means that she's aware of it.

Well, since I found out about Himura-san’s feelings for Hiori, I’ve never seen Himura-san do anything Hiori didn't like. And she properly corrects her behavior that Hiori warns her about. And Hazuki-san is here too, so I guess I'll leave it to her for now.

“I got it. Then, I'll be the only one leaving the room. Himura-san, please be careful. Hazuki-san, I’m counting on you for various things.”


I leave Hiori's room alone. I stand leaning against the wall directly in front of the door so that I can easily know Himura-san’s behavior.

[I'm going to take off her sleepwear and underwear, so I want Himuko to take out new sleepwear and underwear from the drawer-ssu. You’ve seen it during the consecutive holidays, so you should know what's where, right-ssu?]

[Of course! Hiori, can I choose?]

[Yes, I'll leave it to you. But, I’d like a sleep bra for my underwear.]

[Leave it to me!]

I can clearly hear Himura-san's energetic reply. Right now, she is probably excitedly pulling out new underwear and sleepwear from the drawer.

Also, Hazuki-san is good at giving instructions to Himura-san. if she’s the one taking off Hiori’s clothes, she might’ve stuck closely to her, but she avoided that. If it’s like this, it should be okay as long as Hazuki-san is there.

[I’ve chosen the new underwear and sleepwear... wait, it’s so beautiful! Hiori's body! Her skin is white and amazing!]

‘Kyaa!’ I hear Himura-san's shrill scream. Thanks to that, I can somehow grasp the situation inside the room.

Also... is that how it is? Does Hiori have a white and beautiful body? My face must be turning red after hearing that.

[I-it’s embarrassing...]

[I know you're excited-ssu, but Kamitou-kun is also outside, so it's better not to shout-ssu. Well, Kamitou-kun is her trial boyfriend though-ssu...]

[Th-that's true. Still, I knew from looking at the size of her underwear, but... Hiori's breasts sure are big. The shape is beautiful too. This is E...]

[I'm jealous of Hiorin-ssu.]

It’s beautiful and big and E, is it? Is that it? I probably shouldn’t remember it, but I won't be able to forget it.

[Then, I’ll wipe your sweat with the bath towel-ssu.]


[I-I also want to wipe her.]

[Then... I'll have Himuko wipe both legs-ssu. If it’s like that, I don't think you'll be able to do anything perverted-ssu.]

[I got it! Until then, I'll be by Hiori's side sme-... watching over her!]

Hey Himura-san? You... you were about to say that you were going to be by Hiori's smelling her scent, weren't you? As I thought, maybe you should have left the room with me?

After that too, I spend time in the hallway straining my ears.

I’m worried about Himura-san running wild, but I only hear Himura-san's shrill scream from time to time, and never Hiori's disapproval or Hazuki-san's scolding.


(T/N: 昇降口 - entrance; hatch(way). I hope you know what a school entrance looks like, explaining it is too hard for me. It’s the place where you change shoes, I think.

終礼 - assembly at the end of the day (at a company or school, etc.). I translated it as ‘closing ritual’, I think it’s where they rise, and then bow. They do it at the beginning too, it just wouldn’t be called a ‘closing’ ritual.)

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