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Main Story 33 - Haunted House


“Welcome back! Thank you for your hard work!”

The moment the seats reach the ground, the staff onee-san cheerfully says that. I wonder if it’s a rule in Dome Town to say “Welcome back” when a thrill ride returns to the starting point. It feels good to be welcomed back, even if it's a rule.

“Freefall was fun! How was it for you, Akito-san?”

“...The Freefall was also scary. My legs were dangling in the air too. It might be scarier than the roller coaster. But the wind hitting my face as I fell wasn’t so bad. I was holding hands with Hiori too.”

“Fufu, I see.”

Hiori says while laughing happily. Freefall was really fun. Hiori holds my hand tightly.

The safety bar goes up and we get off the seats.

“Ooh, it's the ground. Amazing...” (Akito)

“This is the first time I've ever heard someone say that as their first words after getting off a Freefall.” (Kyoko)

Himura-san says that with a wry smile, and Hazuki-san laughs happily, “Ahaha.” Although Hiori, Kazuo, and Shimizu-san don't say anything, they are smiling.

“My legs didn’t touch the ground when I was on it, you see. I felt really relieved when I could stand on the ground.”

“I see. Are you feeling okay this time?”

“I’m okay. Is it because it was only for a moment?”

“That’s good.”

Himura-san says that with a whisper and a kind smile. That time on the roller coaster too, she supported my back when I was leaving the boarding area. Himura-san may be a very kind person.

We leave the Freefall boarding area. The line for the Freefall is also longer than when we lined up, I see.

“Everyone, what’s next? Should we go for 3 consecutive thrill rides? Or should we go to a different genre of attraction? If there's a place you want to go, don’t hold back and say it!” (Kazuo)

“I have a place I want to go-ssu!”

Hazuki-san raises her right hand. It must be a place she really wants to go to.

“Oh, Hazuki. Where do you want to go?”

“That haunted house over there-ssu!”

As she says that, she turns her raised right hand towards the haunted house and points at it with her index finger.

“A haunted house, huh? That’s a classic of amusement parks, Hazuki-san.” (Akito)

“That's right-ssu! I love haunted houses and other ghost-type attractions-ssu!”

“I see. I like those kinds of attractions too. There are some horror movies and anime that I like.”

“Me too-ssu!”

Hazuki-san's eyes sparkle as she stares at me. I can tell that she really loves ghosts. I guess she’d want to go to the haunted house then.

“H-haunted house, huh...” (Kazuo)

“...I got lost there when I was little. Since then, I’ve been too scared to go there. I've always been pretty bad with ghosts...” (Miu)

“Just like Miu, I'm really bad with ghosts...”

Both Kazuo and Shimizu-san seem uncharacteristically lethargic. Their faces are also pale. I wonder where all the energy they got from riding two consecutive thrill rides went.

“Now that I think about it, I never heard you two talk about haunted houses even once. Hiori and Himura-san, have you ever been to this haunted house before? The last time I went was seven years ago, the only memory I have of haunted houses is of my sister clinging to me from beginning to end.”

“I mainly focused on thrill rides, so I’ve never gone there before.” (Hiori)

“I have a friend who is fine with ghosts, so I’ve gone there before. It was quite scary, so I think it’s impossible for Shimizu and Kuraki. Also, up to four people can go into the haunted house together. There were four of us when we went in before as well.”

“I see-ssu. I'll check with the staff for a bit-ssu!”

Hazuki-san says that, and runs towards the male staff near the entrance of the haunted house. If only up to four people can enter together, then the four of us other than Kazuo and Shimizu-san should go.

“Hiori, how are you with a haunted house?”

“I'm a little bad with it, but if I’m with someone who likes or is okay with ghosts, I'll go in.”

“I also feel the same. I will never go in alone.” (Kyoko)

“I can’t go in alone either.” (Hiori)

“We match!”

Himura-san's expression turns very bright. It’s obvious with the things they like, but the things they dislike too, if they are the same, they can feel a sense of kinship. Considering that, Kazuo and Shimizu-san, who both love thrill rides and hate ghosts, may be a very matching couple.

I hear Hazuki-san's voice saying, “Thank you-ssu.” When I turn my gaze towards the haunted house, I see Hazuki-san running towards us.

“It’s like Himuko said, up to four people can enter together-ssu.”

“I see. Then, Hazuki-san, Hiori, Himura-san, and I will go to the haunted house. Kazuo, Shimizu-san, are you guys okay with that?”

“I don't mind at all. Right? Kazuo-kun.”

“Yeah! I'm a little hungry anyway, so I'll wait near the exit with Miu while eating ice cream or something.”

“Got it. Then, let's meet up at the exit of the haunted house.”


After temporarily parting ways with Kazuo and Shimizu-san, I head towards the haunted house with Hiori, Himura-san, and Hazuki-san.

There is a waiting line, but it’s quite short compared to the roller coaster and Freefall. When Hazuki-san asked the male staff member earlier, he said it would take about 10 minutes until we could get in.

“It looks like we'll be able to get in soon.”

“That's true. Hiori had supported me in the thrill rides, so now it's my turn to support Hiori.”

“I'll be relying on you, Akito-san.”

Hiori tightly grabs my right hand once more. I want to show her that I can be dependable as a boyfriend, even if I’m just a trial one.

Just as the staff said, we enter the haunted house after about 10 minutes.

Having been under sunny skies all this time, just entering this dimly lit, cool space gives a sense of horror.

“Oh, it’s dark and cool and has a nice atmosphere-ssu!”

Hazuki-san's voice as she says that is very bright. When I see her happy smile, I feel like she will light up the inside of the haunted house.

“Not only its darkness, but its coolness also creates a scary atmosphere. Even in this time’s weather, it feels a little cooler than outside. I wonder if it will feel quite cold if we come during summer.” (Kyoko)

“I feel cold even now. Is it because I'm wearing French sleeves?” (Hiori)

“Hiori is sensitive to the cold, I see. I feel cool and comfortable even if I'm sleeveless.” (Kyoko)

“Hiori. If you don't mind my cardigan, do you want to put it on? I've been outside all this time, so my body feels warm anyway.” (Akito)

“...Then I'll take advantage of your words.”

I take off my long cardigan and hand it to Hiori. Since my body has become warm, a single long-sleeved V-neck shirt is just right.

Hiori puts on my cardigan. Although it is dark, I know that she looks good in it. It's cute how her hands stick out a bit from the sleeve of the cardigan.

“You look good! Hiori!”

Himura-san seems excited and says that out loud. Is it because that voice resonates? I hear a woman's scream from the front, “Kyaaa!”

“How is it? Hiori.”

“...Akito-san had been wearing it until just now, so it's very warm. I think I’ll be fine with this.”

“That’s good.”

“Looks like you've taken care of Hiorin's coldness-ssu. Then, let's go-ssu.”

The three of us nod at Hazuki-san's words. And then, Hiori holds my hand in a lover’s hold.

With Hazuki-san who loves ghosts in the lead, we start walking through the haunted house.

An old sign that reads [X-ray room] is attached to the wall, as well as tattered posters with warnings of what not to do inside the hospital. Apparently, the motif is an abandoned hospital.

“Is this an abandoned hospital? It's scary, isn’t it? Kyoko-san, do you remember what came out?”

“...I don't remember. I was behind my friend and clinging to her.”

“I see...”

Hiori looks anxious. I guess she was trying to prepare herself by asking in advance about what kind of things would come out.

After that, we proceed through the haunted house. I wonder what kind of people will come out in this haunted house.


“Hey, ladies, would you like a medical examination?”


The door to our side suddenly opened, and a man in a white coat covered in blood appeared. At that moment, Hiori and Himura-san screamed.

Hiori is hugging my right arm tightly, and Himura-san is also huddled on my back. As a result, I feel warmth and softness from my right arm and my back. My heart is pounding.

“Ooh, you’re coming from the side-ssu?”

Hazuki-san is not surprised and is looking at the man in the white coat happily. As expected of someone who said they wanted to go to a haunted house.

I was also a little surprised since he appeared after the closed door opened. It will probably be quite surprising for Kazuo and Shimizu-san, who are not good with ghosts.

Judging from the man's attire, I wonder if his setting is as a deceased doctor. There is a sign next to the door saying [Examination Room]. The man gives a creepy grin and looks at Hiori and the others.

“Cute girls are always welcome~. Shall I give you an examination in the back~?”

“I refuse! Idiot!”

Himura-san says with a shout. Hiori shakes her head violently from side to side while hugging my arm. They both look scared of this man in the bloody white coat.

“I'll refuse too-ssu. My friends are waiting.”

Hazuki-san says that calmly.

The man smiles in disappointment.

“That's a shame. I thought I could play with girls...”

Saying that, the man in the white coat enters the examination room and slowly closes the door. Nothing happened because Hiori and the others refused, but what was he going to do if they said they’ll accept the examination? Based on the eerie way he laughed earlier, it looks like he's going to do something strange. Also, I wonder what he would have done if it had only been men. A cold reception, maybe?

“Hiori, Himura-san. That man in the white coat is gone.”

“...I’m so glad.”

Hiori moves her face away from my right shoulder. When our eyes meet, she smiles in relief.

Also, when I turn around, I see Himura-san right there with her head down. She keeps glancing at me with upturned eyes.

“I-I'm sorry about earlier. I was so surprised when that man showed up that I huddled behind your back...”

“You don’t have to worry about it.”

“It’s because the closed door suddenly opened and he appeared, isn’t it-ssu? It was unexpected to me too-ssu.”

“Me too. It was right next to me, so I was really scared...” (Hiori)

Hiori’s and Himura-san’s screams when that man came out were amazing after all.

“...This is only if Kamitou is okay with it, but can I hold the hem of your shirt until we leave the haunted house?”

“Aah, sure.”

“...Thank you.”

Himura-san gives me a cute smile. Not long after that, I feel a slight pull from behind. At about the same time, Hiori's hold on my arms gets stronger. I wonder if her fear swells up because of the appearance of the man in the white coat.

After that, we continue along the route with Hazuki-san in the lead.

“It looks like we're going into a hospital room-ssu.”

Hazuki-san says after we walked a bit.

Until now, we have been walking along the hospital corridors, but the direction of the arrow drawn on the [Specified Route] sign leads to a hospital room. I feel like something is going to happen in the hospital room. Hiori and Himura-san must be thinking the same thing. Hiori once again hugs my arm tightly, and Himura-san pulls on my shirt.

“Let’s go-ssu.”

Hazuki-san gently says that and we enter the hospital room.

There are three beds on each side of the route. Every bed cover is bulging though...


A woman's low voice can be heard from somewhere. Saying a classic haunted house line. That's exactly why I feel a little scared.

* (T/N: I don’t know what urameshiya means. In the dictionary, it means ‘grudge’ or ‘hate’ or something. It’s a standard ghost line, I think.)

And when we are walking in the middle of the hospital room,

“Come to heaven with me. I'm lonely...!”

“Me too...!”


Long-haired women wearing a hospital gown jumped out of the middle bed on each side and ran right up to us. As a result, Hiori and Himura-san scream and cling to me, just as they did earlier.

“Ooh! Two people came from the left and right at the same time-ssu!”

Hazuki-san says that excitedly. Seeing her like that eases my fear.

The two women in hospital gowns turn their eyes towards me.

“This boy, he is quite handsome. Hey, why don't you get in bed with me and do all kinds of things? I'll give you a taste of heaven.”

“No, you'll be able to taste heaven more if you're with me.”

The two women start glaring at each other.

What on earth are you going to do to make me feel like I'm in heaven, ladies? Or rather, I feel like I'm in heaven just by Hiori hugging my right arm tightly. Himura-san clinging to my back is also cute.

“Is their setting liking men?”

“I wonder about that.”

No matter what their settings are, it doesn't look like the outcome will be decent. I guess I should finish this.

“I won't go in either of your beds. The one holding my right arm is my lover. Please do your best with your ghost work, both of you.”


The two women reply cutely in unison and go back to their respective beds. I'm glad everything turns out okay.

Still, the man in the white coat from earlier and the women in hospital gowns just now... I feel like they're putting their personal feelings into it. Hazuki-san who is excited after entering the haunted house aside, I have to protect Hiori and Himura-san who are scared.

“Shall we move on, Hazuki-san?”


After that, the four of us move on along the route.

Every time a ghost or a staff member acting as a ghost appears, Hiori and Himura-san would scream loudly and cling to me.


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