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Main Story 12 - Going home with Hiori



My shift today ended on schedule. Before changing into my casual clothes in the locker room, I sent a message to Hiori telling her that my shift is over. When I did, I immediately received a reply saying, [I’ll be waiting for you just outside the entrance].

I change into casual clothes and leave the store through the employee entrance.

As I walk to the front, I see Hiori standing next to Zosol’s entrance. The sight of her is also so beautiful that people walking nearby are glancing at Hiori. There are also people watching from a distance.


Hiori notices me and comes right in front of me.

“Thank you for your hard work on your part-time job.”

“Thank you. Today's part-time job went by so quickly because Hiori came.”

“I see. I was watching Akito-san working from the counter seat, you were serving customers with a wonderful smile, weren’t you. While you were working, you looked more mature than when you were at school. Also, the iced coffee was delicious.”

“What a happy thing to say.”

That may be the best compliment I've ever received regarding my part-time job. The fact that Hiori came here and what she said just now are enough to pay for today's part-time job.

“I’d be happy if you continue to come to Zosol.”

“Of course I'll come. I want to come with Saaya-san and Kyoko-san too. Speaking of Kyoko-san, she asked me about our after-school date on LIME last night. She wondered if everything was okay.”

“I also received a message saying, [You didn’t do anything strange to Hiori, right?]. Before our after-school date, she even warned me ‘Don’t bring Hiori to a strange shop, okay?’.”

“I see.”

Really, Himura-san loves and cares about Hiori. She also warned me about today's at-home date. Someday, she might start secretly watching our dates.

“Then, shall we go to my house? It's about a five minute walk from here.”


Hiori quietly grabs my left hand.

Little by little, we're getting used to holding hands, like when we go school, and on our after school date yesterday. But, it’s the first time I hold hands with Hiori in casual clothes, so my heart skips a beat.

I start walking to my home with Hiori.

“Now that I think about it, this is the first time I've seen Akito-san in casual clothes. You look great in a V-neck shirt.”

“Thank you. I often wear shirts like this or dress shirts for my casual clothes. Do you often wear one-piece dresses, Hiori?”

“I often wear them when I go out. On days when I'm at home all day, or when I only go out to Kasagaya’s Tohyu, I often wear something rougher.”

“I see.”

I definitely want to see Hiori in a rough outfit. I'm sure Hiori will be cute and beautiful no matter what she wears.

“By the way, how did you get to Zosol? Train? Or maybe bus?”

“No, I came on foot.”

“Ooh, on foot.”

That's surprising. Hiori didn't seem tired or hot when she arrived at Zosol.

“I talked about it before, but my house is located a little closer to Hagikubo from Kasagaya Station. Also, I was interested in how long it takes to walk to get to the area around Hagikubo Station.”

“I see. How long did it take?”

“It took about 20 minutes because I checked the location on my smartphone several times. If I walked normally, I think it’d take about 15 minutes.”

“15 minutes, huh. In that case, it's within walking distance.”

“Yes. There was also a cool breeze blowing, so I was able to walk comfortably. The scenery was also fresh. I think I'll walk when I go to Hagikubo in the future. It's a good exercise. And I don't have to pay for transportation.”

“Transportation costs sure are high.”

For the same reason as Hiori mentioned, I usually commute to school on foot even if it's raining or snowing. The only time I use trains or buses is when the rain or snow is heavy. I don't think I took the train or bus to and from school for more than 10 days during my first year. Well, if I ask my parents, they'll probably pay for my transportation during bad weather though.* (T/N: is this a typo? Or maybe ‘on foot’ includes bicycle?)

Perhaps it's because it's a place she doesn't usually go to. Hiori takes a good look at the scenery around us.

“I thought so too when I went to Zosol earlier, but the area around Hagikubo Station also has a nice atmosphere, doesn't it? This place also has a number of chain stores that also exist in Kasagaya, like Tohyu, so I feel like I can get used to it easily.”

“I see. It's true that having a store that also exists in your local area gives you a sense of familiarity and security.”

“Yes. Also, this place also has an entrance to the Tohto Metro station, so it had a very urban feel to it.”

“Hagikubo is the starting station for the Ennouchi Line after all.”

Tohto Metro is a subway operating company. It runs underground mainly in Tokyo's 23 wards, so when people see an entrance to the metro station, I guess they feel like they’re in a big city.

By the way, there is also a Tohto Metro station in Kasagaya District called [South Kasagaya]. Some students who attend our high school use that station. But, it is located more than a 10-minute walk south of Kasagaya Station. That's probably why Hiori, who lives on the north side, doesn't usually see the Metro station.

After a short walk from Zosol, we entered a quiet residential area.

“So the north side of Hagikubo is also a residential area.”

“That's right. The area around the station is crowded, but if we walk a little further into the residential area, the atmosphere becomes calmer. Is the area around Hiori's home like this too?”

“Yes, the atmosphere is similar. But, there is a park near my home, so when I open the window on weekday evenings or holidays like today, I can sometimes hear the cheerful voices of children.”

“I see. Listening to what you just said makes me want to walk around Hiori's neighborhood.”

“Then, will you come to my house during the five-day weekend?”

“I-is it okay?”

“Of course. I'm going to Akito-san's house today, so I want Akito-san to come to my house too. Also, my family wanted to meet Akito-san.”

After all, when Hiori reported that we were going out on a trial basis and showed them my photo, she said her mother was thrilled and her younger sister was excited.

“Then, I'll be intruding on Hiori's house during the five consecutive holidays. I want to say hello to Hiori's family. Also, I'm actually curious about what kind of books Hiori read.”

“I see. So far, during the five consecutive holidays I’m only busy on the... fourth day. I'm going to a relative's memorial service.”

“I see. As for me... I have a part-time job during the day on the 2nd and 4th day. Then, can I go on the 1st?”

“Yes. That's fine. Then, we’ll have an at-home date at my house on that day.”

I’m going to Hiori's house the day after tomorrow, huh? This year's Golden Week looks like it will be the most fun time ever. I'd be happy if I could spend time with Hiori in a way that makes her think it's fun too. Also, doesn't ‘at-home date’ sound great?

“This is my house.”

When I say that, Hiori opens her eyes wide and stares intently at my house.

“This house has a lovely atmosphere, isn’t it?”

“Thank you. Then, let's go in.”

“Yes. By the way, is your family home right now? I wanted to greet them.”

“Both of my parents and sister are home. When I told them that I would be coming home with Hiori after my part-time job, everyone was looking forward to it.”

“I see. After hearing what you just said, I feel a little less nervous.”

‘Phew...’ Hiori let out a long breath. Hiori, was she nervous about greeting my family? I thought she wasn't the type to get nervous about things like that, so I was surprised.

“Then, shall we go?”


Once again, Hiori grabs my left hand tightly.

I enter my house with Hiori.

“I'm home. I brought Hiori along.”

“Sorry for the intrusion.”

As soon as we say that, both of my parents and older sister quickly appear from the living room. Judging from how fast they are, they must have been waiting for me to come home. I've already told them that Hiori is coming, and it's written on the calendar in the living room that I'll finish my part-time job at 3pm.

Both my parents and older sister come right up to us. Everyone is smiling, and my older sister exclaims, “She's so beautiful...”

“Everyone. I've told you before, and I've shown you the photo, so I'm sure you know, but this is the girl I’m dating on a trial basis, Aoyama Hiori-san. She's also my classmate. So, Hiori. These three are my parents and sister.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you. My name is Aoyama Hiori. Since Akito-san confessed to me on Monday, we’ve been dating on a trial basis.”

Hiori bows deeply. She said earlier that she felt a little less nervous, but her greeting was so firm that it made me think she was never nervous in the first place.

When Hiori raises her face, my family smiles kindly.

“My name is Hideki, I’m Akito's father. Thank you for taking care of Akito.”

“I’m his mother, Mika. What a wonderful child you are.”

“I’m his older sister, Akemi. I'm a third-year student at the Faculty of Economics at Tama Chuo University. By the way, I'm a graduate of Musashi Sakae High School's humanities class. Hiori-chan, you're so beautiful and cute. Please take care of me!”

“Everyone, please take care of me.”

Hiori once again bows deeply.

Mother turns her gaze toward my and Hiori’s connected hands and laughs, “Fufu.”

“Akito and Hiori-chan, it's nice that you’re holding hands. Looking at the two of you now, it reminds me of when I started dating your father.”

“That's true isn’t it? Has it been over 30 years ago now? Aoyama-san. Even from a parents' point of view, Akito is a kind and firm person.”

“I have already been told Akito-san's kindness many times before. I saw him working part-time today. He was working very hard. His smile was wonderful not only during his part-time job, but also in everyday life.”

Hiori said in a calm tone. I’m really happy that Hiori said that, but I feel embarrassed because the person she said it to is my family. Perhaps sensing my feelings, my sister looked at me and grinned.

“I see. It's only a trial now, but please take care of Akito.”

“Please take care of him, Hiori-chan.”

“I hope that you can choose a future that both Hiori-chan and Akito are satisfied with. Akito is a good younger brother. As his older sister, I guarantee it. Of course, if anything happens, don’t hold back and let me know. I can scold Akito and punish him for you.”

My sister winks at Hiori, and grabs her left hand tightly.

Punishment from my sister, huh? I'm worried about what kind of punishment it is. My sister had the experience of beating up boys who were bullying her friends when she was in elementary school. I feel a little chill.

“Thank you very much. As Akito-san’s trial lover, I would like to think about the future of our relationship while we spend our time together.”

“...Then, let's go to my room now.” (Akito)

“Yes. Sorry for the intrusion.”

The greetings between my family and Hiori ends in a peaceful atmosphere from start to finish. I hope the day after tomorrow, when I greet Hiori's family, it will be just like it is now.


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