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Main Story 2 - Rules


After cleaning up the scattered trash, we enter Classroom Building B and walk towards the Year 2 Class 2 classroom.

There are hardly any students or teachers in Classroom Building B. I guess it's because it's been over 30 minutes since school ended, and because Building B only has regular classrooms.

When we returned to Year 2 Class 2 classroom... there was no one inside. Have all the other students on cleaning duty gone home?

“No one is here. I think we can talk slowly here. Shall we talk at my seat?”


I put my belongings on the teacher's desk and move the chair the teacher usually sits in to in front of Aoyama-san's seat. I sit down facing Aoyama-san.

When I look at her up close from the front, I realize once again that Aoyama-san is a very beautiful girl. Although it’s only on a trial basis, she’s going to become my lover, isn’t she? The very popular girl, and is called Absolute Zero Lady. It's like a dream.

“Then, let's decide on the rules right away. But where should we start? It's my first time dating on a trial basis, so I don't know.”

“It's my first time too. First is... I guess the dating duration.”

“Duration, is it? Earlier, Kamitou-san said that we would decide on a duration in advance. How long would be good?”

“Back when I saw the article on the internet, most of the time it was one or two months. In some cases, it was set as short as two weeks at first. During that time, if they started to like each other, they’ll extend the duration to one month.”

“I see. Since this is a trial, it makes sense to set it short at first.”

“That's right. If we think it's nice, we can extend the trial period anyway.”

“That’s true. Then, let's set it short first.”

Aoyama-san gets up from her seat and goes to the calendar hanging next to the blackboard. I also head over to the calendar.

“Today is April 26th. A good time to end it would be the end of the month, but as expected, a few days is too short, isn’t it?” (Hiori)

“That's true. There's one holiday there though.”


Aoyama-san flips over one page of the calendar and looks at the May page. It says there will be a midterm exam from the 18th to the 21st. I wonder if this writing belongs to our homeroom teacher. Also, the first regular exam for second year students will be in less than a month?

“Kamitou-san. How about until May 5th?”

Aoyama points to May 5th with the index finger of her right hand. That day is a public holiday, the last day of Golden Week.

"May 5th, is it? Including today... that’ll be 10 days, huh?”

“Yes. It's rather short, but there is the Golden Week there. if we go on dates and spend holidays together, I think it will make it easier to think about whether we want to continue to be together as lovers.”

“I see.”

Will spending time together on holidays make it easier for us to think about whether we are a good match? Golden Week can be said to be the perfect period. On days when I don't have a part-time job, I want to spend time with Aoyama-san.

“I think that's a good duration to set at the beginning. Well, let's go with until May 5th. On that day, let’s talk about whether or not we want to continue this relationship beyond the next day.” (Akito)

“I understand.”

“It's decided. If either of us decide that we don't like dating even on a trial basis, we can say it even before the 5th. Of course, this is also the case if we want to officially become lovers. I guess this is limited to Aoyama-san.”

We have decided on the trial duration, but I think we need an environment where we can talk about this relationship at any time.

Aoyama-san looks into my eyes and gives a small nod.

“I agree. I appreciate being able to say it anytime.”

“Got it.”

“Should we write down the rules we decided on?”

“That’s true.”

We return to our original place.

I take out my notebook and writing utensils from my bag. On the free page of my notebook, I write about the duration of our trial relationship.

Just like me, Aoyama-san writes about the duration of our trial relationship with a black ballpoint pen on a free page of her notebook. Her handwriting is very beautiful and easy to read.

“What should we decide next?” (Hiori)

“Let’s see... let’s decide what's okay and what's forbidden. But there are also feelings to consider, and as we spend time together, things we are okay with and things we don’t like will change.”

“That’s true. Then, let's decide what is [absolutely forbidden] right now.”

"That's easy to decide."

“Yes. First of all... let's forbid us from dating other people. Even if it’s just a trial.”

“That's right. Let’s forbid dating other people, including trial ones.”

“Yes. If we find out, let's talk about it then and decide on our future relationship.”


Even if this is just a trial, if Aoyama-san is dating someone else... Aah, just imagining it makes my heart ache. I'm glad that it’s forbidden. While thinking about such things, I write this on my notepad.

But, some people overseas do trial dating with multiple people at the same time. In fact, it seems that there are countries and regions where it has become part of their culture. If I recall correctly, it’s called dating.* (T/N: ‘dating’ in katakana, I don’t know if this is actually true, I don’t even know how to find this out.)

“Is there anything else you want to forbid?” (Akito)

“Let’s see... how about we don't kiss each other mouth-to-mouth or any acts beyond that?”

When she said kissing and any acts beyond that. I was startled. Aoyama-san seems unfazed though.

“Th-that's certainly important. I think the acts Aoyama-san mentioned is something one should do after officially becoming lovers. In the case of kissing, it seems like it can be considered a signal of officially becoming lovers though.”

“I agree with you.”

“Then, let’s not do those during our current trial relationship.”

“Thank you very much.”

Aoyama-san writes on her notepad, [Mouth-to-mouth kiss. And any acts beyond that are forbidden]. I also write the same thing on my notepad.

“Right now, there's nothing else I want to forbid.” (Hiori)

“As for me... nothing, I guess. Well then, let's end the rules about forbidden things with this. Is there anything else you want to decide?”

“Anything else, is it?... Are we going to tell the people around us about our relationship? Including the fact that we're dating on a trial basis.”

“We haven't been together at all until now after all. We're not in the same clubs, committees, or associations. Not to mention, Aoyama-san has rejected every confession. That's why a lot of people who see us together will think we might be dating.”

“That’s true.”

Of course, there will be people asking about our relationship, starting with our respective friends.

“But, if we reveal even the fact that we're dating on a trial basis, some people might feel antipathy against us. Because of that, Kamitou-san might go through something unpleasant. But, spending our time together while hiding the truth is, it’s painful, I guess...?”

“I see.”

Some might say that if you're going to date someone, you should make it official rather than just a trial. Some might even consider it insincere. What's more, the person I'm going to date on a trial basis is Aoyama-san, who boasts tremendous popularity and familiarity at school. It won’t be strange if some students will try to do unpleasant things to me. To think she’s worried about me. What a kind person.

But, I can also understand Aoyama's feelings about the fact that spending time together while hiding this relationship from people around us is painful. Aoyama-san seems to be lost, so should I tell her what I think first?

“As for me... I’m going to clearly tell my family and people close to me that this is just a trial. I’ll just tell them briefly how it happened. The people close to me that Aoyama-san knows are... Kazuo and Shimizu-san, I guess.”

“Kuraki-san and Shimizu-san, is it? You talk to the two of them during breaks and eat lunch together, right?”

“Yeah. There's a possibility that the person we’ll talk to will oppose. But if you’re talking to the person you think it’s okay to know, you should tell them yourself. Also, about when someone asks us, [Are you dating?], we should say it depending on the person and the situation. We should make sure that rumors that [We're dating on a trial basis~] don’t spread. And we should be prepared for when this news spreads and for if someone does something unpleasant to both of us. Of course, I'll protect Aoyama-san. That's what I think.”

I said, looking Aoyama-san in the eye. I just hope this will help Aoyama-san collect her thoughts and resolve her doubts.

“...Tell everyone who should know, like my family and close friends, myself. That's nice.”

“Then, is this it for the stance about revealing it to the people around us?”

“Yes. Also, I'm happy that you said you would protect me. I also want to protect Kamitou-san.”

“Thank you.”

To think I’d hear Aoyama-san say, “I want to protect you” from her mouth. I'm moved. Although this is a trial relationship, I hope that Aoyama-san and I can support each other as lovers.

I write about how we are going to communicate this to the people around us on my notepad.

“Aoyama-san, is there anything else you want to decide?”

“...I think this is different from a rule, but it's about how we call each other. Should we continue to call each other by our surnames? Or should we use our given names? I feel like using our given name would bring us closer.”

“That's certainly true. Then, as a test, shall we try calling each other by our given names once?”

“That's true... Akito-san.”

Ooh, my heart skipped a beat. I feel like we're closer than ever. It’s like we’re more like a couple.

“That feels nice. Then, me too... Hi-Hiori.”

Calling someone by their given name sure makes me pretty nervous. Partly because of that, I ended up not using the honorifics.

“Being called by my name... it’s nice, isn’t it. I like it.”

“That's good to hear. But, I was so nervous that I ended up calling you without honorifics...”

“I don't mind. I think it’s nice.”

“Got it. Then, I'll call you Hiori.”

“Thank you very much. Then, I will call you Akito-san.”

“I got it.”

About how we call each other... I guess I don't have to write it down on my notepad. When I get home, I'll practice so that I can call her Hiori naturally.

“Is there anything else you want to decide?” (Akito)

“I think this is enough for now. If we want to add, delete, or modify the rules, we’ll talk about it each time.”

“Yeah, let's do that. Well then, let's go home today.”

“Yes. let’s. But before that, shall we exchange contact information?”

“That's true. I talked so much with Hiori that I completely forgot about it.”

After that, I exchanged my smartphone number, email address, and ID for an SNS app called LIME with Hiori. I am happy to see the name [Aoyama Hiori] in my smartphone contact list and LIME friends list. Hiori's LIME icon is a picture of a blue ice. How so like her.

By the way, my icon is an invisible man drawn with a dotted line. Because if you write my full name, [Kamitou Akito], there is the word for [invisibility] there. Perhaps because it’s a pop design, Hiori said, “What a cute icon.” Unless I come across a picture that I really like that I can use as an icon, I'll keep using this picture.

* (T/N: 紙透 明斗 - Kamitou Akito. 透明 - toumei - invisible.)

We confirm that we can send messages to each other on LIME. With this, I can contact Hiori at any time. I’m really happy about that.

Also, she told me that it would be better to have a photo of our face when we tell our family about our relationship. So, we each take a photo of the other with our smartphones. I was able to take a photo of the cute Hiori giving the peace sign. I am happy to not only have Hiori's contact information, but also her photo.


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Very healthy conversation, this is ticking off a bunch of boxes for me