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“I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!”
“I’m okay, so don't apologize.”

In the dream, I received Hiuri's apology.
Even though she said that much, Hiuri rejected my confession.

“It's the result of thinking too much about Kazuki-kun!”
“I get it already.”

Muu is on my lap. It finished eating the ice cream I had materialized earlier and was sleeping on my lap.
Muu saved me earlier, so I can't get angry at this situation.

“Haa, I didn’t think I'd refuse your confession either.”
“Just in case, it comes from the person herself, right?”
“...For some reason, she didn't want to involve Kazuki-kun in this, but even so, I thought that if you confessed to her, she would accept it.”

Apparently, Hiuri in the dream knew what Hiuri in real life would decide. If there is a possibility of rejection, I wish she’d let me know first.

“No good... the me here love Kazuki-kun just right, so I'd accept you if you confess to me, but the me in real life is thinking about Kazuki-kun all the time and doesn't seem to be able to treasure herself.”
“It’s like real life Hiuri and dream Hiuri are different people.”
“We’re obviously different people. After all, this me share most of my secrets with Kazuki-kun, you know? Sometimes our judgment is also different.”

Hiuri in the dream has already spoken to me about things like her family. That's why she doesn't worry about her family. The reason Hiuri in real life refused was because of her family problem, that’s probably what caused the difference in the conclusion between her and Hiuri in the dream.
I don't know what to say to Hiuri who looks apologetic...

“Hmm, I wonder if Hiuri will be okay tomorrow...or rather, in the morning.”
“Eh? Let’s see... maybe she'll run away, but won’t she talk to you properly? Because she has feelings of love toward you, Kazuki-kun. People want to talk to someone they love.”

The shock was so strong that I forgot about it, but Hiuri in real life also told me that she loved me. Normally, that's something to be happy about, and it's something I’m overjoyed about.
At the very least, I think this will allow me to have a deeper conversation with Hiuri. Hiuri rejected me, but I have to bridge the gap and talk about her family.

“...Um, if you don't mind, can you hug me?”
“Nn? Sure.”

I hug Hiuri while making sure not to wake up Muu on my lap. Then, as if panicking,

“Not me! The me in real life!”
“Ah, sorry.”

I tried to pull away from Hiuri... but then Hiuri hugged me.

“Um, I want you to hug me too.”

I gently hug Hiuri.
Hiuri in the dream was also confused due to the happenings in real life. I gently hug her to calm her down.

“Nn, thank you. As I thought, a hug calms me down.”

I pull away from Hiuri.
Because I moved too much, Muu woke up and glared at me. It seems to be telling me not to move.

“I'm sorry, Muu. You saved Kazuki-kun, right?”
“You really saved me.”

Muu cried when I was becoming not normal. I feel like that’s what keeps things from becoming unnecessarily complicated.
In addition to Muu, I have to give my thanks to Uka-san for leaving Muu with me. Maybe I should go to a shrine somewhere that enshrines Uka-san.

“Haa, to think we still didn’t become lovers even with Muu’s help...”
“There there.”
“To think we can’t become lovers even though we love each other, isn’t this sad?”

In here, we are already lovers, and in real life we are also in love with each other. However, in real life, we are not lovers... things become complicated because of Hiuri's family.
I never thought there were people who get in the way just by existing...

“By the way, how about using thought guidance to get Hiuri in real life to talk about her family to me...?”
“Unfortunately, that’s impossible. Before, it was impossible because she didn't have enough affection for you, but now she won’t say it because she loves you! That’s what I think.”

Hiuri's thought guidance is just a guidance, it cannot go against Hiuri's wishes in real life. The more Hiuri is conscious of something in real life, the more difficult it is for thought guidance to affect it.

“I guess I have to be the one to tell her after all.” (Kazuki)


When I woke up in the morning, there was a message on my smartphone.

[Nakano-kun confessed to me, and I turned him down. What should I do?]

He confessed!? Boyfriend-kun, you finally confessed!? And she turned him down! ? Whyyyyy!?

Wait, calm down. It's obvious that Hiu likes boyfriend-kun, so there’s definitely something going on.

[Why did you turn him down?]
[I don't want him to know about my family...]

Acha─. Did she think too much?
Hiu's family is a bit like that, so it seems she doesn't want the one she likes to know about it. But even with that, she should go out with him...

[Hiu likes boyfriend-kun, right?]

I tried testing her by asking that question. It's marked as read, but she hasn't replied. I wonder if she’s mulling over it.
Since it can’t be helped, I changed into my uniform before eating breakfast, that’s when I finally received a reply.


So cuteeee! Her face on the other side of the smartphone must be bright red anyway─
To think he’s loved by this Hiu-chan, what a lucky man boyfriend-kun is─

[Did you tell him you love him?]
[I did.]
[Then I think acting as usual is okay.]

Boyfriend-kun, he has the strength to remain unfazed after all that after all.
As I was about to leave my room to eat breakfast while having those earnest thoughts, I received an additional message.

[Even though I turned down his confession, you still call him boyfriend-kun...]

Ah─... I guess that’s a bit awkward.

But, I've already gotten a pledge from boyfriend-kun that he’ll make Hiu happy...

[I’m sure he’ll be your boyfriend in the future, so it’s okay!]
[What do you mean?]

And then the messages stopped. Well, with this, it’ll be okay.

Still, for her to turn down his confession... Even though she loves boyfriend-kun so much, to think she’d turn him down because of her family...
Huh? but I feel like boyfriend-kun already knew about Hiu's family situation though. What could this be~?

“I guess I'll have to call boyfriend-kun again.”


(T/N: 断る - kotowaru - I initially translated it as ‘refuse’, you know, like the famous ‘daga kotowaru’ but I changed it to ‘turn down’ here and in future chapters because I feel it’s more fitting.

Also, Hayashi called her 'cute' because the reply is just 『うん』 which is basically a sound effect of a nod.)

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