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Pushed by Hayashi-san, we move to where Hiuri is.
As expected, there’s no way I can confess my feelings like this!?

“Ah, there she is─!”

There Hiuri was, crouching right near a classroom. Nearby stands Kannazuki-san with an exasperated look on her face.

“Kono-chan, how did Hiu become like this?”
“You ask how, it's obviously because you provoked her.”
“The usual Hiu-chan would just take it in stride though─.”

Hiuri's mental state must be in serious trouble right now, so please don't provoke her too much, Hayashi-san.

“Arara, Hiu really doesn't seem like herself right now.”

Hayashi-san pokes Hiuri's shoulder.
All the while, Hiuri continues to make strange noises. How should I put it? It’s like a new species of living being.

“I’m going home!”

Hiuri suddenly stands up and Hayashi-san falls down on her back.
Hiuri, you're so fast...

“Hey boyfriend-kun!”
“Why didn't you stop her!”
“Do you think I can stop that Hiuri?”
“...I see.”

Sorry I’m unreliable. But you know, even in the dream, it takes a bone-breaking effort to stop Hiuri when she becomes desperate. That’s why, I'm sorry but I gave up.
Hayashi-san brushes the dirt off her skirt and stands up. The force with which Hiuri stood up was so great that she seemed to have hit her head as well.

“My head hurts─”
“Isn’t it Rinrin's fault for messing with her?”
“But, doesn’t that Hiu make you want to mess with her─?”

Hayashi-san complains.

Since Hiuri went home, we decided to disband and go home. I don't really want to go home today...


When I came into the dream, Hiuri was already there. In reality, when I fell asleep, Hiuri, who was already sleeping, was called, but that doesn't change the fact that she was already sleeping.
Hiuri is sitting on the sofa with her back to me. I can see a fox tail around Hiuri's hand, so she is probably holding Muu in her arms.

When I fearfully walked around to the front of Hiuri, I found her looking very displeased as I had expected.

“Kazuki-kun, I have something to tell you.”
“Ye, yes.”

I succumb to Hiuri's intimidation and sit in seiza on the floor. Somehow, it's been a while since she gave me a sermon...

“First of all, the me in real life is completely conscious of Kazuki-kun. This is the result of a school trip, so we can call it a success, right?”

Different from usual, her tone was strangely polite, and she gave off a very intimidating air. Muu, who is in Hiuri's arms, seems to want to run away, but unfortunately it is held so tightly that it can’t run away.

“I'm sorry about Rinrin. That was a little pushy.”
“I guess so...”

All I can do now is affirm. Scary.

“But I think there was a little more Kazuki-kun could have done.”
“Yes, you’re correct...”
“You could have talked to me face to face, or pacified me...”

Hiuri lists out the actions I could have taken. It’s doubtful whether it’s possible to do that to Hiuri in that state, but I'm not allowed to say anything.
After listing various things, she pauses a little and then says a few words.

“Do you have any awareness that you’re my boyfriend!?”
“Don't ask me to have that much courage!”

At last, Muu escaped.

“Really... Kazuki-kun, come here.”

Hiuri pats the place next to her with her hand. I sit next to Hiuri.

“Well, today was mostly Rinrin's fault, so it's wrong to blame Kazuki-kun.”
“Hayashi-san's provocations, none of them were direct hits, were they?”
“The me in real life, she’s a mess inside her head. Just by having Kazuki-kun around, she short-circuited.”

I guess that’s how it is. Hiuri's unprecedented reaction, the side of her that I have never seen before even in the dream, it was fresh and cute.

“Why are you grinning?”
“I was just thinking how cute it was.”
“It's the first time I've ever been in love before I realized it, so it can't be helped. Even here, my affection just went on and turned into love, so I've never fallen in love.”

In the dream world, we become lovers by chance. Of course, it’s not like our feeling of love is zero, but it was not the kind of love you see in shoujo manga.

“I was planning to go home early, you know. But Rinrin said she was going to call Kazuki-kun.”
“The moment I saw Kazuki-kun's face, I remembered the last day of the school trip. I was so embarrassed that I felt like I died.”

The one where she came to my house, hugged me, and went home?
That behavior was not like Hiuri in real life, but more like Hiuri in the dream. I feel a little regretful of the fact that I couldn't support Hiuri when she hugged me in real life.

“From just before the school trip, I hugged Kazuki-kun every night, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, that's the one that surprised me.”
“That seems to be more effective than I expected, and the moment I saw you in real life, I ended up wanting to hug you so badly. The me at that time was trying to be calm, but from the next day,  I already became conscious of Kazuki-kun...”

I'm really worried that it will affect things in a strange way, or that it has already affected things considerably and is causing a lot of trouble...
From Hiuri's perspective, it seems to be a happy response. I don't really get it.

“Today, Hayashi-san told me to confess...”
“Isn’t that good? Do it. I'll be waiting.”

I don't have much courage, but... looking at her reaction today, I know that I won't be rejected.
Hiuri had pushed me many times, and Hayashi-san had also told me to do it, so maybe I should confess.

“I understand. But I can't do it at school...”
“Isn’t it fine? Just show them. All the boys I've met have confessed to me at school, you know.”
“I told you I don't have that much courage... instead of at school, I'll meet you outside on the weekend.”
“Doesn’t that require more courage?”
“I won't be nervous if only Hiuri will see me.|
“Ara, I’m happy to hear that.”

While making a churro appear, I discussed my confession plan with dream Hiuri.


[Are you free on weekends? Would you like to hang out?]

Morning, when I looked at my smartphone, I saw a message like that from Kazuki-kun. He’s strangely polite about it that it feels weird...
Could it be, is he going to confess? If it's Kazuki-kun, well, that’s fine...

[I'm free on Sunday. Let's meet in front of the station.]
[I got it.]

While I was having this exchange at the entrance, I heard someone call out to me from behind.

“Go on, get going. Also, don’t come home until six o'clock today.”

It's my mother. For some reason, when I woke up this morning, my mother was in my house.

I have never talked to Kazuki-kun about my parents... I feel like I’ve told him somewhere...but I haven't, so I don't know how to tell him.
As expected, as long as these parents are here, I am not going to be free. I can't even tell anyone because they’re paying money and they don’t abuse me.

I don't want Kazuki-kun to know yet.


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