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The first day of the school trip. We had come to the bus terminal in the city. Today's schedule was to take the bus to Kyoto, see the museum, and then enter the hotel.
Come to think of it, I didn't mention it, but the destination of the school trip is Kyoto.

“In other words, you guys aren't going to flirt during the school trip, huh.”
“It’s not like we regularly flirt, right?”

Each group has a designated seat on the bus. Some groups couldn’t decide their plan for their free time due to lack of time, so this measure was taken to allow them to discuss it inside the bus.

“Well, if you were living normally, you wouldn't get many chances to talk to her. She’s in the next class after all.”
“Well, yeah.”

I told Tadashi that I would avoid talking to Hiuri as much as possible during the school trip. I couldn't say it was because I was told to do that in a dream, so I told him it's so that I can enjoy the trip without any constraint.

“But if we are going to do it, we have to be thorough.”
“What do you mean?”
“If the princess tries to talk to you, I'll obstruct her!”

Wouldn't that make Hiuri hate you...? There's no need to go that far though...

“Well, this is that, you know. The technique to avoid the stage of ennui.”
“Stage of ennui...?”
“From what I've heard, rather than being together all the time, it seems like a relationship will last longer if you put some distance once in a while.”

Where did you get that from? Besides, in real life, I don't really spend that much time with Hiuri.
In the dream, we have no way to keep our distance, we’ll be together no matter what, but there is nothing we can do about it, so we have no choice but to find a clear solution.

“With that being the case, I feel bad for the princess, but I'll have her gain independence from Kazuki.”
“Why do you make it sound like she'd gain independence from her parents?”

Tadashi is strangely enthusiastic about it, so there’s nothing I can do to stop him.
I said he doesn't have to go that far, but if I have to say, a complete shut off is okay. Hiuri told me to not ignore her, but if Tadashi is getting in the way, then I wouldn’t be ignoring her.

“You guys seem to be talking about something interesting.”
“I want in as well. I want to see Hiuri-chan's troubled face anyway.”

For some reason, Nakatani-san is also getting on board. I previously described her as the female version of Tadashi, but... Nakatani-san may have a worse personality than him.

“If things go well, the princess will get tired of Kazuki and move on!”

...Maybe Tadashi also has a bad personality.


We arrived at the museum. Here we can enjoy old literature and culture as well as exhibits in the garden.

“This is the most boring event of the school trip.”
“Tadashi, don’t say things like that here.”

Tadashi has no interest in old things and has no desire to study them, so his enthusiasm for the museum is low. It may be the lowest during the school trip.

“Who cares about museums.”
“This is schooling after all.”

In the end this is a learning journey. We can't just focus on playing.

“Shindo-kun, please line up quickly.”

Morimoto-san got angry. He was as excited as he was before a test.

As for me, I'm looking forward to it to some extent. It’s true that knowing about it is fun, but I also think I can use it as a reference in reproducing it in the dream.
Well, I don't know if reproducing old things will make Hiuri happy though.

“Everyone, please feel free to look around for the next hour. There are some general public here, so please don’t forget to be considerate.”

At the teacher's command, it was time for free time. That said, there aren't many pleasant things to see in a museum, so every group is moving rather slowly.
Our group is slow because of Tadashi's slow pace. No one except Tadashi seems to have any aversion to museums.

“Come on, we’re going, Tadashi.”

He replies, but he is slow to move.

“I'll wait here, so you all can go...”
“Didn’t they say it was a group action? Come on, let's go quickly.”

Because the class rep is here, breaking the rules is not allowed.


I drag Tadashi along and take him into the museum.

Even when we are inside, Tadashi remains unmotivated. I tried to talk to him about something, but he didn't give a decent reply. I wonder if his soul was pulled out before we entered the museum.

After walking for a while, we came to a place where the group from the next class was gathering. Among them is Hiuri, who is approaching me...

“Um, Nakano-ku...”
“Kazuki, I'm curious about that scroll! Let's go!”

His reaction is fast. The moment Hiuri spoke to me, Tadashi pulled my arm. I wonder if he got his soul back.

“Fuu, this is kind of fun.”
“Don’t have fun, Tadashi.”

I looked at Hiuri while making sure I wouldn't be seen. She was looking at me with somewhat lonely eyes, this is really painful.
As for Tadashi, he becomes energetic all at once. Maybe Tadashi has a bad personality after all.

“Let’s keep this up, and avoid talking to the princess.”
“I’m already feeling painful though.”
“Bear with it.”

That's unreasonable...

“Forget about your lover during the school trip.”
“...She’s not my lover.”
“She’s pretty much the one isn’t she. Hayashi-san even calls you boyfriend-kun.”

It was definitely Hayashi-san's fault that the rumors about my relationship with Hiuri accelerated. The other day too, because Hayashi-san came to the classroom I was almost killed by two factions...
By the way, it seems these two factions have their fire extinguished before they could do anything to me. Hayashi-san seemed to have said something to them, but... what exactly did she say? I'm a little scared because it's like a bomb to me right now.

“Don’t run so suddenly...”
“You shook her off more forcibly than I expected.”

The three of them caught up with us. Since Hiuri wasn't here, she was probably pacified in a gentle way.

“Shindo-kun, Sakura-san was a little angry.”
“Ooh, scary. But, it's okay once in a while, right?”

Morimoto-san's intimidation doesn't seem to work on Tadashi.
When Tadashi is having fun, he is in a state of close to the so-called invincibility. While he’s having fun, he’ll gain the mindset to laugh off all manner of insults.

“All right, let's get away from the princess while we have the chance.”
“I feel sorry for Sakura-san though...”

Sasa-kun, I think so too.


“He ran away.”
“It’s okay, Hiu.”
“He doesn't have to run away...”



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