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I wake up and immediately turn on my smartphone screen.

Now, what should I send? Hiuri in the dream said that she would be waiting for me... but I don't think she would actually be waiting for me to contact her.

“Hiuri, is it okay if I contact you?... No, it doesn't feel right. In the first place, I have no reason to contact her at this time of the night.”

I have never contacted her at this time of the night. After all, I always play with Hiuri in the dream at night.
I can't think of anything good to say, even though my mind is clear thanks to waking up on my own free will. I don't have a single idea because I'm not the type of person who is good at communication like that.

“If I just make her wait, she'll definitely get mad at me in the dream... all right.”

Just be safe.

[Hiuri, are you awake?]

...Is this safe? No, I have no choice but to believe that it's safe.
In the first place, this is my first time contacting her at this time of night. Even with Tadashi, I have never contacted him this late at night.

[You're finally here.]
[Huh? were you waiting?]
[I'm sleepy right now, so do it quickly.]

Apparently she’s the squishy Hiuri right now. Therefore, she may also retain her memories of the dream. If I had taken more time, things would have been bad instead.
I saw it in a movie somewhere before. I think it was about how something like, as time passes, they would forget.

She’s probably waking up from touching her smartphone, so let's get on with it and tell her what we need.

[I started talking to Hiuri in mid-May, right?]
[That’s right.]

Back when we weren't lovers yet, I started talking to Hiuri occasionally.
It was only after we became lovers that she started coming to my classroom to talk to me in the morning.

[And it was late June when you started coming to our classroom, right?]

Here, I have to be careful not to write about things we only do in the dream.
Hiuri is fluffy now, so she is aware of the happenings in the dream, but I have to make sure that she doesn't think something is wrong when she wakes up and reviews her chat history after a while.

There is a limit to the excuse of being half asleep.

[The most important thing is, why did Hiuri start talking to me...]

If we can manage this part, we can make a reasonable excuse. However, if a contradiction occurs here, their wariness toward me will become terrible.
In all honesty, I'm scared of the boys. After all, they might seriously come and kill me one day.

[That’s because I came to like you.]
[Hiuri, that looks like it's going to be terrible when you look at your chat history.]

Ah, it disappeared

[Or rather, why are we having this conversation?]

Hmmm, it seems like she’s starting to wake up. As expected, she wakes up faster when she’s using her smartphone.

[I'm sorry for contacting you at this hour. good night.]
[Yes, good night.]


“That was close.” (Hiuri)
“As expected, it's easier to wake up when using electronic devices.”

I came back to the dream and had a review meeting about what we should have done. As expected, we rushed in too much without a plan.

“Now that I think about it, I should have left behind the fact I liked Kazuki-kun.”
“It might help me know how I feel in real life.”

Well, I wonder. I'll just get asked a lot of questions during the day, and it looks like it's going to be more of a hassle instead...

“What kind of feeling does Hiuri in real life have?”
“For now, I’m certain I trust Kazuki-kun as much as Rinrin and Kono. Maybe I trust you more than the two of them.”

That makes me happy.
Compared to those two, I have only known Hiuri for a short time, so I’m pleased to have the same level of trust.

“Well, it looks like we need to let the feeling of love age a little more.”
“That’s like a pickle...”

Sometimes Hiuri in the dream talks about Hiuri in real life as if she was a stranger. Well, just because you have memories, doesn’t mean you are yourself, so maybe it wouldn't be strange for her to feel like she was someone else.

“Ah, right. Hiuri, what are the conditions for the squishy Hiuri?”
“I don't like that naming, but... let’s see, I guess when I'm sleepy.”
“You were a fluffy Hiuri when you caught a cold last time, right?”
“Was I? Didn't I just want to sleep?”

Hiuri doesn't seem to  remember much of that time, either in real life or in the dream. It seems that the logic behind her action was in line with the Hiuri in the dream...
The condition for the fluffy Hiuri, also known as the squishy Hiuri, is still unclear. Because even though she said she was just sleepy, she can still hold a conversation. In fact, I can have a conversation with her as if I was talking with her in the dream.

It seems to me that there are other conditions besides being sleepy, but since I don't know everything about Hiuri, I can't think of anything in particular.

“At least she shouldn’t be suspicious of anything strange happening tonight.” (Hiuri)
“Eh, why? I think it was quite a failure.”
“It's okay. Please believe me.”

I can make up as many stories as I want, so if Hiuri is okay with it, that's fine with me...

“Do you have any basis for that?”
“What? You don't believe me?”
“It’s not that, I'm just curious.”

I don't want to cause Hiuri any trouble, and I want to avoid getting beaten up because of Hiuri.

“The messages are still there. Including the one I deleted, they have meaning.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. Don't worry. I swear Kazuki-kun won't get beaten up by the boys.”

As I thought, Hiuri was also concerned about that.

Hiuri is aware that her appearance is better than others and she is also self-aware that she is popular. Therefore, Hiuri and I share a common understanding that we need to deal with problems before they occur.

“Okay, it's about time I wake up.”
“Huh, already?”

Looking at the clock installed in the dream, it is now 5:30 in the morning.
In the dream, time does not move at a constant speed, so we have to get ready to wake up soon.

“Ah, that's right.”

Hiuri muttered something like that and hugged me.

“Hiuri!? What’s wrong all of a sudden?”
“Ehehe... then, good morning.”

And then Hiuri disappeared. Apparently she woke up.
What on earth was that... to think she did that right before she woke up, there is also that thing about how Hiuri in real life remembers it, so I'll tell her not to do anything thoughtless...

I woke up with my mind reeling from her sudden action.


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