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In the dream.

“There there...”

I was single-mindedly patting Hiuri. Hiuri is hugging me, and to be honest, it's a bit painful even though we’re in the dream, but with the circumstance as it is, I don't stop patting her.

Before, when Hiuri caught a cold, neither of her parents were at home. Thanks to that, I was able to enter the house and see that squishy Hiuri, but that wasn't the case today.
His mother, who was supposed to not be home most of the time, is there. No wonder Hiuri is so stressed out.

“Ah, that's right. It doesn't seem like that person was cold to you. Was Kazuki-kun okay?”
“I'm okay. What about Hiuri?”
“...I'm also okay now. Thank you for letting me hold you tight.”

Hiuri straightened up.
By the way, in that hand is the soda that I made appear.

“Haa... I wonder why she’s home only on days like this.”
“Did she tell you something?”
“No. She never went into my room. She seemed to have eaten all her meals by herself, and by the time I woke up at night, she was gone.”

Hiuri's mother hardly ever comes home. After all, she's the kind of person who sleeps at some man's house on a daily basis. There is no need for her to go home.
However, perhaps because they are aware that they will be criticized if they abandon every responsibility, they seem to write documents that require parental confirmation. That's why they come home some days, and the day happened to overlap with the day Hiuri caught a cold.

“Well, when that person is around, I don't leave the room in the first place, so it doesn't make much difference.”
“But you're having trouble breathing, aren't you?”* (T/N: this may be a metaphor.)
“Well, yeah...”

Moreover, Her father never came back. He only gives Hiuri the money she needs and goes back to work.
Whether this is due to familial love or child neglect is unclear.

“I should have recovered by tomorrow...”
“You seem to be having a hard time because of the cold, are you okay?”

In the first place, when she has a cold, she becomes squishy. She was also stressed, so I thought it would be difficult for her to go to school the same day she was recovering, that’s why I asked her that...

“I won't pull out of school, so it's okay. But for a while, let me hold you like that every night.”
“That’s of course.”

Hiuri likes to be treated like a princess and likes sweet things, so from hearing this it seems like single-mindedly spoiling her would be a stress reliever, but the truth is a little different.
The correct answer is to just be quiet like normal and let her act spoiled. Apparently, hugs are quite the stress reliever, so when something happens at home, she’ll definitely hug me. To be honest, my embarrassment is breaking through the heavens, but since there is no reason to refuse, I do as she wants.

“Aah, but the day after I spoil myself with all my might like this, the real life me becomes strangely conscious of Kazuki-kun, you know...”
“That can’t be helped, right?”
“Well, that’s true... but I wonder if I should just avoid meeting Kazuki-kun tomorrow.”

In the dream, we are lovers, but at school, we are still not more than friends.
Therefore, considering the fact that our class is next to each other, it wouldn’t be strange if we have a day where we don’t see each other even once. In fact, there were several days when we didn’t see each other even once.

That said, it is difficult to aim for that...

“It's not the kind of awareness that makes my heart pounding, it's the kind of awareness that makes me want to be spoiled, you know... I don't think trying to get close to you even when avoiding you like a girl having a first love is good.”
“Seeing it is funny to me, though. Hiuri blushing a little while trying to get closer to me, that’s cute.”

Even though we came to the conclusion that it would be better to keep our distance, the real life Hiuri will be approaching me. Apparently, the effects of being spoiled in the dream are going to manifest in real life in a strange way.
What’s more, when the boys at school see such an innocent Hiuri they all lose consciousness. No, they don't actually faint, but it seems like they can't see her straight in the eyes. It's easy to know that Hiuri is so cute that even my consciousness doesn’t come to me.

“I’ll realize it the day after tomorrow and get embarrassed!!”

Hiuri exclaims while blushing.
But the totally girly Hiuri is really cute.

“Hiuri is quite self-destructive, huh.”
“...Please don't say that. When it comes to Kazuki, I just can't help but get all weird.”

Hmm, my lover is too cute.

“I know. Let's do it like this.”

Suddenly Hiuri seems to have come up with a good idea.

“We’ll use a backhanded method. Kazuki-kun can just spoil me even in real life like I wished!”

...Hiuri is still feeling the lingering effects of the cold after all. She has become stupid.

“What’s backhanded about that?”
“Because it’s embarrassing, I’ll end up feeling embarrassed. That’s why, we’ll just throw away our embarrassment and do it!"

I think you'll probably get so embarrassed that you'll explode the day after tomorrow. If you are filled with shyness in real life, it will come to the dreams as well, so I hope you don't increase your explosive power too much...

“In the first place, we can’t do that at school, right?”
“...We’ll hide somewhere...”
“Don’t try to do it for real!”

I thought she was joking, but she was seriously serious. The sight of her trying to get spoiled somehow is cute, but her face is serious.
I had a hard time keeping Hiuri in check.


(T/N: 天元突破 - tengen toppa - breaking through the heavens.)

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