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“Kazuki-kun, I’ve thought of something.”

It happened in the dream during summer vacation.
While eating sweets as usual, Hiuri suddenly started saying something like that.

“You thought of something... about what?”
“About a way for Kazuki-kun and I to play in real life!”

That’s amazing.

I've said it over and over again, but in real life, Hiuri and I are just friends. Well, since we're friends, it's not completely weird for us to hang out together, but we are not that kind of friends.

In the first place, I am not supposed to have Hiuri's contact information. The person herself told it to me in the dream, but I won't have a chance to use it until she tells it to me in real life.

“How would you do it?”
“It's easy. First, I'll use thought guidance to get myself to go out into the city during the day. Then, Kazuki-kun will go there. And then, you just need to pretend it's a coincidence and invite me out to play, and that'll solve the problem.”

...That’s, I don’t know about that.
For argument’s sake, let’s say I managed to pretend it’s a coincidence, but inviting her out to play after that might be a bit of a high hurdle for me...

“Why do you look so unsure?”
“I don't have the confidence to invite you out to play.”
“...Now that I think about it, Kazuki-kun, you were really a wuss about that kind of thing.”

Shut up, I can't help it.
At the very beginning, I said something like I'm winning because I have a girlfriend, but in reality, I'm more of a half-inkya who doesn't even have many friends to talk to.

“Then I'll be the one to invite you.”
“Is that possible?”
“I wonder. If it’s to play with the friends I met there... but then If I meet other people, I might play with them instead... But I think it's a bit harsh to focus on designating Kazuki-kun using thought guidance...”

Hiuri is muttering to herself while trying to think of what to do.

I don't think Hiuri's strategy itself is bad. I also think it would be nice if I could play outside with Hiuri during summer vacation. I also hope that this will advance our relationship in real life a little bit.

However, whether it goes well or not is another matter.
I'm not going to butt in though, since Hiuri looks like she's having a lot of fun thinking up a strategy.

“How difficult... as I thought, I think it's best to confess to me in real life to get me to be conscious of you. It would make thought guidance easier too.”
“But that means I’ll get rejected once, won’t I?”
“...Maybe you’ll get rejected. I'll comfort you then...”
“Why do I have to be comforted by the person who rejected me...”

While coming up with various ideas, we search for ways to play in real life during summer vacation.

As Hiuri comes up with ideas in a joking manner, I also start having quite a bit of fun along the way. Thus, the strategy meeting ended in a very lively atmosphere.


However, when it comes to the execution, things are far from lively and peaceful.

“According to Hiuri, she should be around here...”

She said she would be taking a break at the donut shop in front of the train station in the city. She told me that she would somehow make her feel like she’s waiting for someone, so if I go there, she should be there, but will she really?

For the time being, I go inside. While I’m at it, I buy a French cruller and look around the seats inside the store.

Indeed, she was sitting in a two-person seat as if she was waiting for someone, looking at her smartphone with the plate that would have held the donuts she finished in front of her.

The preparation is done. Thanks to Hiuri's thought guidance, everything is currently working according to plan. All that's left is for me to talk.

Now, I activate the skill of someone with a communication disorder! [Pretend not to know even if you know someone]!
...All right, let's talk to her. I passed her for a moment, but if I don't talk to her now, there’s no doubt Hiuri in the dream will lecture me.

“Um, Sakura-san?”
“...If it isn’t Nakano-kun. What a coincidence.”
“That’s true... can I sit here?”
“It's fine. It's not like anyone's coming.”

After saying that, Hiuri turns her attention back to her smartphone again.
That said, that doesn’t mean she declined. I sit quietly and eat my French cruller. It's not good etiquette to talk while eating, so for the time being, I will finish my food.

During that time, except for occasional glances, Hiuri is constantly looking at her smartphone. At least she seems to pay attention to me.

“Thank you for the food.”

It doesn't take that long to eat one donut.

I start the long-awaited conversation with Hiuri.

“Sakura-san, do you have something to do?”
“No. I just thought I'd come to the city for some reason. What about you, Nakano-kun?”
“I'm like that, too.”

I have an objective of meeting Hiuri though.
In the end, it seems Hiuri guided herself to go to the city without any particular purpose. That's because if she gives her a purpose, she might leave as soon as she accomplishes it, she said.

Now, here's the main topic. Even if I get rejected here, I'll have Hiuri comfort me in the dream since I get depressed.

“Since we’re here anyway, how about we hang out?”

Hiuri looks stunned for a moment.
However, soon after that, her expression returns to normal.

“Ok. Saying goodbye even though we met here is kinda tasteless anyway.”

Yosh! Yosh!

I feel like the dream Hiuri is saying, “You did well.” It's just my imagination though.

“Then, let’s go.”
“All right.”

I gained a chance to play with Hiuri in real life.


(T/N: なんとなくの行動原理 - The behavior principle of ‘somehow’. The title probably refers to how Hiuri uses ‘somehow’ as a logic behind her action, that’s because I think this 行動原理 means ‘logic behind one’s action’. Well, dictionary actually says it means ‘behavioral principle; principle (value) governing one's conduct’

Inkya; gloomy character. Youkya; cheery character. I thought about translating it as introvert and extrovert, but it doesn’t really match. Inkya refers to someone who doesn’t have socialization skills, not someone who prefers to be alone. I think I’ll leave it in raw. Btw, I already translated youkya as ‘cheery person’ before, but maybe I’ll use raw from this point.)

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