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[Even though it's summer vacation, students of our school should be aware that...]

Currently, it is the closing ceremony.
A few days have passed since the test, and school is finally over. For some people this means the start of supplementary lessons, but it has nothing to do with me. As long as I maintain an average score, I won't need to take supplementary lessons.

The principal's speech is long. Are all principals bad at summarizing things?
To sum up the main points, it’s just, ‘Be careful and keep up with your studies,’ that’s it. It seems that occasionally, there are people who decide to dye their hair or try out smoking just because it’s summer vacation, so he’s warning us not to do that.

Well, I don't feel like doing those. That’s because Hiuri hates frivolous people.
Although we shouldn't judge people based on their appearance, things like dyed hair and piercings tend to give that impression after all. Well, I'm not interested in that kind of thing anyway.

[Enjoy your summer vacation]

With that, the principal's speech ended. I wish he could have done that from the beginning...


On the day of the closing ceremony, students can go home by noon. I think I'll use that time to finish some of my assignments.

There is still some time between today and the day of the beach. By that day, I plan to have most of my assignments completed... if possible, all of them. I want to enjoy the beach without any future troubles.
I thought about calling Tadashi and finishing it early together, but it seems Tadashi has to prepare for the project. What a happy-go-lucky person he is, really

“I’m home—”

Of course, there is no one at home.

I’ll make some food before doing my assignment. Should I have instant ramen? Before changing out of my uniform, I fill a pot with water and start boiling it. This way is more efficient.

As I change into my casual clothes and return to the kitchen, my smartphone vibrates.

[Meet up at the library after this.]

...I was thinking of doing my assignments though.
The sender of the message is Tadashi. Since I was contacted by an individual and not by the beach project group, that meant the order to meet up was given specifically to me. So I can’t ignore it.

[I can’t, because I have to do the assignments.]

Even so, I have the right of veto. Even if he told me to meet up, I don't have the energy to go out in the scorching sun when I don't even know the reason.

Once the water boils, I put in the noodles. I break up the noodles with chopsticks and then put in the powdered soup and finally, it’s complete. Since transferring it to a bowl is troublesome, I just eat it straight from the pot.
I'm the one who washes them anyway. Reducing work as much as possible is a necessary skill in life.

[No, come.]

My phone vibrated again and I received a call from Tadashi.

[For what?]
[You’ll know when you come]

I hate people like this. I know he’s trying to lure me out without telling me anything when he could just tell me the reason, I hate that. If I go, no matter what the reason is, it’ll be hard for me to avoid it without knowing anything.

I slurp my noodles while thinking about what to do. Yup, it's good.

[Do I have to go?]
[I think it’s better if you come.]

It seems like Tadashi really wants me to go.

[What time?]
[Oh, you want to come? It's 2 o'clock.]

I didn't say I was going. Besides, isn't 2 o'clock the hottest time of the day?
I am even more reluctant to go. I've always been an indoor person if not for Hiuri. If I don't have to collect information to increase the things I play with in the dream, I don't really go outside.

I do get some allowance, but I don't have much to spend it on, so I end up saving it.

[Then, I’ll be waiting for you!]

Aaah, I shouldn't have asked him the time. Now if I don't go, I'll be an asshole who left Tadashi out under the hot sun.
It shouldn't be my responsibility since they just started waiting for me on their own, but I'm sure Tadashi will scold me later.

I sigh as I look at my ramen, which I had finished before I knew it. No choice, I guess I’ll go.

I wash the pot and chopsticks and set them aside. I make sure the fire is out, check my wallet, smartphone, and keys and then leave the house.
There's a small chance that we'll be doing some assignment, so I bring the math one with me just in case. Well, I don't think that's the case with Tadashi.

“Oh, you’ve come!”

When I arrived at the library, which was about a ten minute walk from my house, Tadashi was already there. The current time is 1:50.
What’s more, for some reason, I can see Hiuri behind Tadashi. Eh, why?

“Didn’t you have some preparations to make? Why did you call me? Besides, why is Sakura-san here?”
“Now now, just listen.”

Tadashi stops my words with his hand and starts to explain.

“First of all, I called because I wanted to ask Kazuki to run an errand for me. There are things we need for the preparation stage. I'll give you the expense.”

I receive 3,000 yen and a shopping list from Tadashi. What’s written is just common things.
Before I can say anything, Tadashi continues.

“And you will be going shopping with Black Thorn... with Sakura-san.”

Why, did it come to this?

“Yeah, I called you because I wanted to see your surprised face. Originally, it was just Sakura-san, but I thought I'd call you too while I’m at it.”

That’s, well, fine. But it's the first time I've seen real life Hiuri in casual clothes, so my heart is pounding. Besides, what am I supposed to say...

“This is that, you know. A surprise from a friend. Then, see you—”

Even though Tadashi is looking for a relationship with Hiuri, he seems to be supporting the relationship between me and Hiuri. As expected, I may not know anything about the dream world, but I can sense that there is a special relationship between me and Hiuri.
After telling me the reason, Tadashi goes into the library. They are actually having a meeting there?

Hiuri is looking at me.

“Nakano-kun, let’s go.”

For some reason, I suddenly found myself shopping alone with Hiuri.
How did this happen!


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