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When I arrived at school, Hiuri was sitting in my seat, waiting for me.
 If Hiuri didn’t sit there, Tadashi would, and if Tadashi didn’t sit there, Hiuri would, that’s why when I arrived, I was rarely able to sit down readily. Even though it's my seat...

“Good morning, Sakura-san.”
“...Yes, good morning, Nakano-kun.”

She called me by my surname... that means, her dream memories don't carry over? There's a high possibility that she doesn't remember what happened when she was being fluffy. Hiuri also told me to forget about it, so I can't really ask her about it here.
 Hiuri stares at me while I greet her. What kind of... emotion is that? What should I do?

“Nakano-kun, come here a bit.”

Hiuri beckons. If I get any closer, I’ll be beaten up by the boys.
 When I glance at Tadashi, I see him grinning in the corner of the classroom. At times like this, if he was nearby, I could have used him as a shelter, but Tadashi has a good sense of things, so he won’t stay where I want him to.

I give up and approach Hiuri. The gazes of the people around me are intensifying, but I don’t care anymore—


Hiuri grabs the sleeve of my school uniform. Oddly enough, it was the same place Hiuri grabbed yesterday while I was in her house.
 Hiuri grabs my sleeve and doesn't let go without saying anything. The gazes of the people around me watching this are painful.

If this was the dream, it wouldn't be weird for me to say something witty, but in real life, in front of so many people, I'm just a mob student, so I can't say anything.

“I’m sorry, it's nothing.”

Hiuri suddenly lets go of my sleeve and leaves the classroom. Really, what is this about...
 Once Hiuri disappears, the bloodlust of the boys around me increases. However, as if to rein in that bloodlust, the person who appears in front of me is Tadashi, who was just laughing in the corner of the classroom.

“Yaa yaa, good morning.”
“What's with that mastermind-like appearance?”
“Actually, I heard through the grapevine that apparently, you went to the Black Thorn Princess’ house yesterday.”

Tadashi ignores what I said and continues speaking in an inciting tone. To be honest, it's annoying.
 But, he wasn't speaking at a volume that could be heard by the surrounding, only by me, so the surrounding boys remained motionless while oozing bloodlust. If they find out I went to Hiuri's house like this, they'll kill me.

“How do you know that?”
“Nn? I just asked the class rep.”

...Morimoto-san, please don't talk about it too much.

“So, by that reaction... did you cross the line?”

I slap Tadashi immediately. Because he was annoying.
 Even I have things I can’t tolerate. Saying anything that would tarnish Hiuri is NG.

“If you get it, then good.”

Tadashi honestly apologizes after I slapped him to stop him from speaking..
 People tend to think I'm timid because I don't have many friends, but I'm firm enough to slap my friends like this.
 The surrounding boys pull back a little when they see my slap. Yeah, well that's a success for me.

“...No, but, you know. It looks like there has been some change in the relationship between Kazuki and the Black Thorn Princess.”
“It's just your imagination. I don't understand Sakura-san's feelings either.”

In fact, I don't know why Hiuri grabbed my sleeve earlier.
 But in my case, I can ask the person herself in the dream, so in a sense, I can say I understand her feelings. Maybe it's because it’s a dream, but Hiuri basically answers my questions.

“Is it normal for a boy and a girl who have nothing going on to have such an atmosphere?”
“There’s no way I’d know that. Do you think I have a girlfriend?”

In fact, Hiuri is my first girlfriend, so I don't really know about things like the atmosphere between a man and a woman, or how to go on a date.

“I definitely think there's a secret though...”

...I won't deny that. But, no matter how hard he tries, Tadashi will never find out about the dream world.
 Tadashi tilts his head and returns to his seat when the homeroom teacher arrives.


“Good evening, Kazuki-kun.”
“Good evening, Hiuri.”

Today, once again, I meet Hiuri in the dream. If I have any questions about something Hiuri said or did in real life, this is the quickest way to ask.
 So I ask her about what she did today...

“...I will remain silent.”

For some reason, she didn't answer.
 During the day, I said something about how she would usually answer, but for one reason or other, it seems like Hiuri won't answer me honestly today.

“...It means that my daily efforts have paid off.”

Her daily efforts... is she talking about how what happens in the dream influenced Hiuri in real life? Was it caused by meeting fluffy Hiuri or by spoiling her all night long?

“I can only see a future in which you'll end up in a lot of trouble if you do something like that to someone who’s not even your lover though.”
“Bear with it. In real life, I still only recognize you as a friend.”

It's not me who has to bear with it, but the surrounding boys... because I don't have veto power over Hiuri.

The stares today were especially painful. I even thought I was going to be attacked on the way home. I wouldn't have been surprised if a group of boys showed up.

“Now, this is the end of this conversation! Today... I want to eat some fruit. I want strawberries!”
“...Yes yes.”

She changed the subject, but since there was no way for me to read her mind, as long as Hiuri doesn't give me the answer, asking any more would be a waste of effort. I give up and make Hiuri's desired strawberry appear.


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