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100 - Our adventure will go on, just for a little bit


“You are following that woman, senpai? Don't do anything pointless. Just act normally like an adventurer.”

“Only while I'm an adventurer. I don't have anything else to do anyway.”

While observing the vehicle exclusive to E Kingdom, I listen to Midia, who came rushing in on the super express bringing various stories to tell.
In front of Sackwill Academy, the media is making a lot of fuss, so Ekaterina and I decided to leave the country from the courtyard.

The shape of the thing we’re going to board is close to an airship.
It's an excellent thing that can float and move with magic essence, can change direction quickly, and can be freely controlled in 360 degrees.
We will arrive at E Kingdom after two days of flying through the night.

This aircraft carried the elves dispatched to I Confederacy, including Ekaterina and Basili.
Apparently it was anchored at the airfield so that it could cross to E Kingdom in case of an emergency.

I can't grasp the whole thing just by looking at the magic circle on the surface. Would they be willing to show those to me while we’re here? No, I'm a suspect, so I guess I won't be able to move around freely.

While I was observing the vehicle and having a conversation with Midia.
Basili, who is about to be taken away on the other side for a confidential document case, is shouting.

“What's going on!? The evidence letter should have been kept under strict custody...!! How did this happen?”

“Ho, however, it was definitely there when I was about to seal it with earth magic before, but when we looked inside, it turned to dust like this...”

“Hurry up and restore it! Shit!! It's because the man who restored the letter used poor magic...!!”

After finishing her preparations, Ekaterina completely ignored Basili and spoke to me.

“Josiah-sensei. Please keep your interest in moderation. We can't keep the leaders over there waiting. You can observe the magic circle as much as you like after arriving in E Kingdom.”

“...I'm sorry. Also, from here on, I'm no longer a teacher, so I think it's a little strange to be called sensei.”

“Fufu. That's true. Then, Josiah-san, let's go.”

The airship starts to float to the air while Midia watches over it.
The ship does not vibrate as much as I imagined, and we move forward while experiencing the gravity caused by the ship ascending.
Once the ship reaches a certain height, it ceases ascending, and while maintaining a stable speed, the ship is keeping level and passing through the sky of I Confederacy, eventually leaving I Confederacy mainland and heading back along the same route I took through the border before toward the direction of E Kingdom.

The interior of the airship is――ridiculously luxurious.
The shape and size of the interior looks as if it has been brought straight from a luxury liner. Or rather, they must have purposely used these things for that purpose.
Ekaterina explains like this.

“E Kingdom only possessed two airships, this one passenger ship and the one reserved for the royal family. The ship for the royal family is needed in case of emergency, so we have automatically decided to use this one.”

“Aah, I see... but, passenger ship? Isn't this usually used by elf nobles?”

“No. It was originally designed for international exchange, but E Kingdom has not yet approved the entry of other races, and so it has become a wasted treasure. I don't think they ever expected it to make its maiden voyage like this.”

Ekaterina and I are more or less suspects, but there is no particular surveillance around us.
On the contrary, I was wasting my time eating at an excessively spacious restaurant.
All the employees are elves, so I'm the only one here feeling out of place.

In a situation where I was seen as enjoying the luxury from the outside, I checked with Ekaterina, or rather, I verified the answer with her.

“I would like to confirm a number of things... Is that okay?”

While elegantly drinking champagne, Ekaterina asks back with a satisfied expression “What is it?”

“There are two things that caught my attention. The first is that, Basili-sensei... No, Basili-san succeeded in destroying the magic circle on the storage. More than that, I also feel a sense of incongruity on the fact that Basili-san escaped the surveillance of your wand flowers.”

“Thank you for your high opinion of my abilities. But I am not all-powerful either. It is true that I have given him the slightest opening.”

Even though you rushed right away when I was about to do it at that time.
If the person herself continues to firmly deny that this is the case, then we won’t reach an agreement on this topic.
I have another question to ask.

“The other thing is that my letter was kept at the academy. As you said, that thing was no doubt important, so you should have had an opportunity to move it to the storage facility. Even if it took time for the procedure to be completed, there was enough time for that.”

“...Unfortunately, that would be difficult. Josiah-sensei's achievements as an adventurer were highly recognized, and your achievements in pharmacy were insufficient. Above all, I hesitated to reveal that to others. The only way to eliminate the possibility that it might be misused at the first opportunity is to keep it in the academy.”

“Then why didn't you dispose of it?”


I can understand that much.
So a prompt disposal would be the best way to deal with it.

“Honestly. When I received a letter from you asking me to teach you the formula again, I thought Principal Ekaterina would misuse it. Just in case, I even looked for a countermeasure for it.”

Ekaterina , who had been silent, placed the champagne glass on the table and opened her mouth.

“Without that thing... the leaders of E Kingdom wouldn't recognize Josiah-san. That was what I thought.”

...I guess they were trying to legally bring me to E Kingdom behind the scenes.
It must have coincided with Randy's plan.
With a serious look on her face, she confesses.

“At present, the internal situation of E Kingdom is in crisis. Thanks to many years of success, the population of elves has increased rapidly, but there has been a significant delay in education. That’s right... the education of essential, cornerstone knowledge of elves――[Magic Circle].”

That time, I had a disturbing feeling about the matter with Randy.
Aah, I see.
They can't keep up with the ratio of young people, and the essential education is at a stalemate, no...

“Is it just education? If that's the case, don't other fields have problems as well?”

“Of course, others have problems as well. We prioritized domestic livelihood problems and put the education of our young people on the back burner. The problem will come back to bite us later... if that was pointed out, that’s exactly what will happen. The more serious issue is the education of [magic circle]. The youth population, like humans, have become accustomed to simple magic without a magic circle. They can’t understand the importance of magic circles... therefore, Josiah-san. I don't mind if it’s only during your stay in E Kingdom. Won’t you lend us your strength?”

“I don’t mind.”

Ekaterina's eyes widened a little when I answered immediately, but I added a few more words.

“It was fortunate that I was able to secure myself, albeit for a short period of time. I was planning to leave the mainland of I Confederacy after finishing my temporary teaching position, you see.”

“That’s... why?”

“Even if you ask why, isn’t unauthorized treatment and other things going to be prohibited?”

That bill, which was identified by [Cure].
Just when I was thinking of moving to the I Confederacy, that happened.
At first, I thought I'd follow the bill, but――back then, when we got involved with people from P Country, I remembered, that place is a lawless area, so there's no problem doing whatever I want, right?
It’s not like I have to stay in I Confederacy, if anything, when it comes to my hobby, I don't have to be concerned with being an adventurer, right?
I just realized that.

Ekaterina grumbled, “I wonder who was responsible for submitting the bill,” but I don’t care.
Someone who spends money on such a ridiculous bill is stupid.
Finally, I say one more thing.
I'm not being conceited, but I tell her in a nail-biting sense.

“Also. I'm better off not having children, so please understand.”

Ekaterina asked, “Why is that?” with a strangely pitiful gaze, but the answer is simple.

“Because my parent is shit. Well, I say parent, I don't mean my real parents.”

In truth, I wonder how it would be.
I don't even imagine getting married or having children, but since I'm the descendant of that shitty god, I'm sure it will have an effect on my children.
There is doubt that they would be happier if they were never born.

Now then... How many of them are worthwhile over there?


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