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89 - If it’s not an enemy, then please figure out if it’s not an ally either


The essential medicine was completed after a month.
While not neglecting my duties as a teacher, I keep compounding medicines, I also write down the magic circles I use to compound the medicine whenever I have a chance while striving to not burden myself.
I request not only Midia but also the guild to procure the ingredients.

It’d be nice if the ingredients are of good quality.
That said, if I specialize the effect toward youthfulness too much, it will end up exhausting my own life energy.
I compound the medicine so that it can be supplemented with other life energy instead of my life energy.
I'll make a separate medicine for rejuvenation...

I confirm the effect of the two types of medicine with [Scan].

“All right, this time for sure...”

I pour two doses of the two types of medicine into the Herkovara wand flower... it's like an IV drip, so to speak.
As a countermeasure against side effects, I incorporated another magic circle that continuously activates [Cycle] into the wand flower, and then I activate everything.
And now...

At first glance, I can’t tell if there’s any dramatic effect.
If I had to say something, it would be that my body feels somewhat lighter.
I've heard that people who are constantly receiving buffs tend to get that feeling and assume it's their natural physical ability.
It’s the so-called buff addiction.
This is what caused as much trouble among adventurers as engagement annulment.

The me right now feels as if I am constantly lightly buffed. Next time, I’ll administer the medicine-cum-IV-drip in moderation while observing the volume.
For now, let’s see how this goes.

―――The level of light magic has reached 50

―――[Cure] acquired

Just as I was about to relax, I heard a voice of heaven echo in my mind... [Cure]? It’s a new magic??
I put down the cup containing the pseudo-coffee I was about to drink.
I checked the outline of my status.

Cure: Enemy search magic
   Using light magic to search for things that are harmful to self.

I just don't get it. The explanation is too short and simple... yet it’s ambiguous.
In other words... Unlike [Scan], it's a magic that specializes in causes?
Should I try using it?


For this magic circle, I put off writing down the formula using the wavelength of magic power for later, and tried activating it randomly, but nothing happened...
No, for some reason there was a faint light shining on this morning's newspaper. Not just one, but several.
One is on an article related to the [Stampede].
It seems the suppression of the [Stampede] that happened due to the activation of A-rank dungeons isn’t in a favorable condition.

What’s more, this dungeon. It's close to Sackwill Academy where I am.
Although it is close, there is still some distance, but there are no obstacles in this rural area, so if a [Stampede] were to rush in, the school and its surrounding area would be overwhelmed in no time.
Well, I know because I read it this morning, but I find it bizarre.

“What a strange magic. The fact that it reacts to something like this means...”

As I thought.
The article that [Cure] reacted to talked about first reviewing the adventurer rank system and the like.
Law revisions for the residential area of Cameron district, where I used to live.

“Law prohibiting unauthorized repair and treatment within the residential area... A doctor’s license is required. And medicine related things too? It's troublesome, but I guess I should study for qualifications...”

Where is their declaration of this being a free country?
They're passing laws without giving a shit to freedom in the confusion of a [Stampede].
But well, it reacts to things that are harmful according to my sense. What a curious magic.
...I see.

On a sudden impulse, I activated [Cure] on Ekaterina's letter.
...There is no reaction.
Is it safe to assume that there are no malicious feelings or agendas?
I don’t have any response because I can't tell if it's magic I should be overconfident in.

At this time, I was complacent, thinking that things should be more or less fine.
I was relieved because I had completed the first stage of the development of the rejuvenation medicine, but...
That woman.
Yes, Ekaterina perpetrated something unnecessary. Do women only do unnecessary things?

The new medicines that I created to reach the current new medicine.
I had no intention of publishing them at all, so I thought I’d just make it into Ekaterina's accomplishment. I guess it was my fault for just letting it go.

Indeed, that woman published my new medicine to the world, but as expected, she did it using my name.
Even though I didn't voluntarily publish it.
Ekaterina herself signed the official approval and nonchalantly submitted it as it was.

Normally, you'd need my signature for something like this, but things like handwriting management in this area is a thing governments don't do in this other world.
I can only think that Ekaterina was aiming for that opening.
Just one thing.
The elixir of [Immortality] from before, it has not been made public, so please rest assured, she said. Don’t mess with me.

Thanks to that, I’d stand out in the public eye...
Aah, this woman.
Is she trying to make me her fiancé without romantic feelings, by including my achievements that E Kingdom knows...?
Does she think Basili is no good while I’m okay?
What kind of standard is that? Even though you don’t know a single thing about my private life...


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