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60 - Meanwhile, in A Empire (7)


And time returns to [Westdelia International Expo].
The cutting-edge familiar has been responding to the guests who were waiting impatiently for the opening and had too much free time on their hands.
Those who were unfamiliar with magic didn't react at all at first.
A person who sensed that they are not human from their presence. A person who is familiar with magic. A person whose Job is Necromancer finds out that they don’t have souls.

At first, the organizer explained the outline of the familiars in order to calm down the rowdy site, but that also made the site even more rowdy.
As a result, they are still staying near the entrance of the venue.
Magicians and the likes are asking the organizers what the principle behind it is.

Anyway, a ground-breaking magical processing using a new technique formula has made it possible to accurately input everything from individual recognition to memories. the organizers couldn't explain it to them beyond that.
Because there is no way they, who live in the modern era, can explain the principle behind the ancient and defective magic circle anymore.

“Ma, magic circle you say...!? Then, wouldn’t [Magic Circle Breaker] break it into nothing?!”

When a rebuttal flew from a realist A Empire side, their enthusiasm cooled for a moment.
One person, a calm kijin magician――Seimei said.

“In that case, you should actually try using [Magic Circle Breaker] on it. As I understand it, it has a countermeasure technique formula for [Magic Circle Breaker] built into it.”

“Do, don't ask me to do it, I'm not a magician! You can do it yourself.”

“It's impossible, isn't it? In the first place, don't you know that [Magic Circle Breaker] itself is a delicate technique?"

“Wha... what did you say?”

Amidst the murmuring and groaning people, a number of magicians said.

“Certainly, it's not something that can be done easily.”

“The [Magic Circle Breaker] is not a technique that destroys the shape of the formula, but offsets the wavelengths of the magic flowing through the formula.”

“It's a delicate technique even for breaking one or two formulas...”

“Earlier, I was allowed to see the details of the technique formula, but I see they didn't neglect to take measures against [Magic Circle Breaker].”

“The elves have also devised a number of countermeasures against the [Magic Circle Breaker] and officially published them at the [Westdelia International Expo]. How can you not even know that...”

The magicians began to press parts of the magic circle technique formula saying ‘this part here.’ The reason why they do that is partly because of the familiar that Josiah created, but it was also precisely because they had been studying magic circle technique formulas in secret and they wanted to demonstrate the height of their knowledge.
Whatever their objectives were.

“The reason this familiar is so highly regarded is not only because of its degree of perfection! but also because this is a wonderful new technology of humanity worthy of an [International Expo].”

“It seems that W Country, which exhibited these, is using them as a record of the adventurers' investigations.”

“The records are also accurate, covering how many materials were obtained and which monsters were subjugated!”

People who laugh at misunderstandings and turn them into parables are common in isekai.
At the very least, W Country, which exhibited these Familiar as a mere temporary staffing quota, caught the attention of all guests, and furthermore, the exhibiting countries must appeal to people that they are exhibiting something more advanced and interesting than these.
Because the comparison target is already out of the standard.

Countries that tried to promote their own technology——including A Empire——couldn't hide their impatience.
A Empire in particular, when people come to see the magic tools used for nursing care.
Sure enough, it was compared to the familiar.

“Couldn't that familiar do this much?”

“That familiar, I heard it can use the same magic as its owner for self-defense.”

The A Empire side does not remain silent and makes an appeal.

“Magic tools do not use magic circles and other technique formulas, so they are safe, and above all――in the future, they will evolve to use other resources instead of magic power to activate!”

“Not magic power...?”

“How are you going to move it?”

Exhibitors from A Empire appeal to people this way and that, trying to hold them on.
However, the more people hear, the more they tilt their heads in confusion.

“Wouldn’t we need human resources just to secure those resources…”

“Then you should just use your own magic power.”

“Adventurers will become unnecessary? In that case, where should those who used to be adventurers make use of their abilities?”

Like that, they go off-topic.
This was not unique to A Empire.
Each country is also desperately making an appeal. Even W Country has started a different appeal.

“In recent years, there have been many activations of the dungeons in the surrounding area. Last month, one A-ranked dungeon was activated. By all means, we would like you to dispatch some adventurers to our country!”

(The likes of a small country looking down on us...! They dare to not only keep people from acknowledging our magic tools, they are even trying to stop us from eradicating adventurers!!)

From A Empire’s side toward W Country, A quiet irritation and dissatisfaction began to grow.


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