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56 - I really didn't do anything though...


One girl, to be exact, a kijin girl, was raising her voice against the dummy training that Midia and Port were doing.
The girl is dressed in a beautiful kimono, probably a daughter of royalty.
As if to show that, a large male kijin who seems to be her attendant calls out to her, “Ojou!”
The girl hits the dummy with a metal club, interrupting Midia and Port.
As expected, the time limit for training was over without all the dummies being defeated, so the girl stamped her feet on the ground in frustration.

“Nua~! One more time! Let me do it one more time!!”

Since it can't be helped, I called out to the kijin attendant to check, “Excuse me, what is your element? Can you use [Familiar]?” and the kijin replied “Fami? ...are you talking about [Shikigami]?” while bewildered.
He says he can't use Familiar――it’s called [Shikigami] in M Country.

Since it can't be helped, I activate the training grimoire, so as not to offend the selfish ojou-sama.
Training dummies appeared, set to move slower than the one Midia and the others were using for their special training.
After defeating all of them, she said, “Hmph! This is so easy!!” and went back satisfied.

But... the difficulty level that Midia and the others were doing was for a B-rank dungeon.
What I deployed was the one for a C-rank dungeon with speed and appearance rate lowered to less than a D-ranked dungeon.
Even a child can fight that well... As expected of the best race in the world for melee combat.

There was an unexpected disturbance, but I called out to Midia and Port.

“Now she’s no longer in the way of your special training. So how are you feeling?”

“I'm the same as usual. I want to go to a B-rank dungeon.”

“If I can somehow handle the training for a B-rank dungeon, I also would like to go!”

The two once again, begin the dummy special training.
These two are fine, but the rest depends on Randy.
That said, that guy... today, when I thought that he was unusually staying in the lodging house, he was doing something by manipulating the [Wand Flower] and incorporating a technique formula to it.
Even though I was the one who more or less taught him technique formula... that’s.

“Oh! It's done, it's done! Water and earth are easy to gather, but the rest is~... Let's try some magic for now...”

That Randy, it can’t be..

“Kya~! This is bad!! Don't go any further than that~~~!”

Oi... what the hell?
This time, a scream came from the vegetable garden in the back. The owners of the voices were the earth-element healer and the chemist, Lina.
Reluctantly, I headed to the scene, and.
Finally, at the vegetable garden that had been expanded and maintained, the selfish ojou-sama  was surprised instead, saying “What!?”.

“The soil is dry, so Yoshina watered it! Isn’t that right!!”

“Ye, yeah. That's right. This Yoshina bestowed water to the soil. Although unskillful, I can use water magic. As long as we, servants, are taken care of here, a little something is―― “* (T/N: ‘magic’ has a furigana 'youjutsu' (妖術): witchcraft, sorcery.)

It seems like it will be a long story, so Lina interrupts and explains.

“I just watered it this morning! What's more, if you give it enough water to create a puddle like this, it will kill the plants!!!”

“Wha!? If, if you give it too much water, it will die!?”

I can't watch it anymore, so I hand over the magic circle I wrote to the panicking Lina and the earth-element healer so that they can activate it.
By manipulating the earth magic essence, the magic circle moved the absorbed water magic essence underground.
Temporarily control with a magic circle so that the plants do not absorb too much water.
For the remaining water on the surface of the soil, I asked Port to deal with it by controlling water magic essence using the starter water magic [Walter].
For the time being, the vegetable garden is back to normal.

Without thinking, I honestly said, “There is a playground facility over there, so I think you can pass the time there.”
As expected of the attendant, she even lowered her head and said, “I’m sorry.” As for the ojou-sama, “that guy, I see he was an onmyoji like Meisen!” she says excitedly.* (T/N: ‘I’m sorry’ is actually ‘suiyasen’. I think it’s a dialect. Also, I assumed Yoshina is female.)

Just when I thought the place had calmed down, the receptionist called me apologetically.

“Excuse me. I would like you to repair the places the kijin broke when they went overboard last night... The room has been approved for entry, so I’d like you to repair it...”

That’s what I thought.
From the buffet space that was turned into a banquet hall to their room in the lodging house.
Even though it's earning experience points, it's a troublesome task... I wish I could use the [Cycle] I learned yesterday for this...
Or so I thought, but.

The girl's scream can be heard along with the loud sound of destruction.

“I just grabbed it and it came off! Nua~!! I’ll put it on again... guu~!”

What is she trying to do this time!
In the end, I was swung around by the selfish ojou-sama for the rest of the day.
The selfish ojou-sama gave me compliments, saying, “What an excellent onmyoji you are!”, but it’s not me, the ojou-sama is just too unprecedented... she just causes too many problems.

No way, to think this would go in a ridiculous direction...


(T/N: Ojou-sama (お嬢様): young lady. Maybe mistress would work as well. Anyway, I decided on ‘ojou-sama’ to remove confusion with ‘ojou’ which is also translated ‘young lady’ and also ‘reijou’ which I already translated to ‘young lady’, I’m talking about Wendy here. Although, the more accurate translation for ‘reijou’ is ‘noble daughter’, but that sounds weird.)

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