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42  -  Meanwhile, in A Empire (5)


A Empire was hit by the damage of the [Poison Rain].
It causes damage similar to [Acid Rain] from the world of Josiah's previous life. Toxins are scattered in the water of irrigation canals, and all kinds of structures are affected, discolored, and dissolved.
In cities, the few plants that grew there died.

In addition, [Poison Mist], a derivative of [Poison Rain], also occurred.
Literally, a mist mixed with toxins. Just by breathing in it caused physical problems and it even affected the eyesight.

Furthermore, worse still happened.
The [Poison Rain] and [Poison Mist] also caused problems with the magic tools.
Weapons that use monster materials with magic nullification properties such as [King Golem] and [Lector Statue] are deformed when exposed to [Poison Rain] or [Poison Mist].

As the cause of the [Poison Rain] and [Poison Mist] was the monsters’ toxins, hate was directed at the adventurers who neglected to dispose of the corpses of the monsters.
All adventurers who investigated dungeons and subjugated monsters around A Empire were punished for neglecting to anticipate human casualties, despite being adventurers.

As for the government, they say: “Toxin disposal is a basic ironclad rule for adventurers, and it is common knowledge that is written in the textbook. The adventurers’ defense by saying they were unaware of this is too far-fetched. It is negligence on the adventurers’ part.” and sentenced them to life imprisonment. Furthermore, they also publicly executed some of them by drenching them in the [Poison Rain] throughout the day for over a week.

As a result, the trust in adventurers within A Empire declined, and the adventurer's guild was effectively dismantled. Adventurers who were not subject to punishment were sent to the Knights Order if they were capable of becoming an asset.
Other adventurers were dispatched to a magic tool production facility.
Already, dungeons are conquered by knights and magic weapons, and monsters are also dealt with with them. Of course, same with the monster's toxin disposal.
The government has announced that ‘this is the safest’.

“You've got to be kidding me!”

“As if I can handle this kind of life!!”

However, the dissatisfaction of the former adventurers exploded.
The adventurers who were sent to manual labor, the adventurers who joined the Knights Order, each and every single one of them.
They didn't become adventurers for money.
They didn't become adventurers for the exhilaration of defeating monsters.

In any case, they don't want harsh manual labor, and knights with strict rules are no place for them.
They were a rough bunch, for better or worse, so they escaped and defected..
Naturally, escaping or defecting from A Empire is normally impossible.

Taking advantage of the fact that the effects of the [Poison Rain] have not ended yet, they exile in mass in the middle of the [Poison Rain].
The former adventurers were physically exhausted by harsh manual labor.
Even so, the higher-ranking adventurers confronted the knights and magic weapons with their strength.
In this incident, there were more than 500 casualties――including Knights and former adventurers.

Only a few people managed to escape.
Many people are still unidentified, and it is not clear who succeeded in escaping.

Of those few, no one still knows that one of them aimed for W Country...

In a room in the castle of A Empire.

“How could this happen...! How could there be so many casualties...”

Anguished and mumbling to himself over and over again is one of the researchers of the magic tools.
He is the one who previously presented the plan in front of the royal family and upper echelons of government.
But... even though the trust of the adventurers had been lost, the escape by the adventurers... an incident comparable to a so-called [Coup d'etat] had broken out.

The upper management considered adventurers to be a useless concept and tried to eradicate them.
In his case, he was thinking he’d be able to remove adventurers' casualties and subdue monsters more safely by completing the magic weapon.
However, his good intentions resulted in the adventurers losing their support, and alienating them.

The upper management around him exchange various topics without knowing his true intentions.

“The troops we sent to infiltrate E Kingdom with listening devices have not returned! Have they been dealt with by E Kingdom! No, if that’s the case, the reaction from the other side would be...”

“The elves generally don't make big moves. Even if they have dealt with them, they will just become more wary of us.”

“However, there is also the matter of C Principality!”

“Try being attacked in the same way as C Principality...!”

“That's why I built a magic-nullifying bomb shelter in the back!”

“Unfortunately, that was also damaged by the [Poison Rain]...”

“Shit! Damn adventurers. They just bring more trouble...!!”

It was the queen who dismissed the noisy upper echelons, telling them to “Be quiet”.
When the king and queen, and their beloved daughter, Anatolia, showed up, the people in the room calmed down even if they didn't like it, and they bowed their heads to the royal family.

The king quietly speaks.

“If we don’t demonstrate the practicality of magic weapons through this one incident, not only the neighboring countries, but also all the nations of the world, will not be convinced by our policy. However... an opportunity will present itself in the near future. It is the [Westdelia International Expo].”

For a moment, a commotion runs through the place.

Westdelia International Expo
It is a major event that happens every four years to demonstrate the dignity of each country by exhibiting and publicizing the means that can be used by all humanoid species, or the progress and potential of a certain field.
Each time, the host country was different, and this time the event was decided to be held three months later in I Confederacy.

“We will be making magic tools to be exhibited at the [Westdelia International Expo].

But little does A Empire know that this plan will be ruined in an unexpected way.


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