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19 - You can hear my voice, can't you? I am speaking directly into your mind.


“Hey, newbie! Wash this for me!!”

Around evening, the adventurers who finished their quests returned home.
After working in the fields or around livestocks, the smell and dirt on their clothes are terrible.
I guess they know I have a light element and am good at cleaning, so they're pushing it on me.

I'm also glad I finished that thing myself before they got back.

“Please put your clothes in here. It will start washing on its own.”

“Nn? What’s this?”

What I place in one corner of the lodging house is a washing machine.
…It wasn’t a high-tech device, but multiple floating sphere-shaped mermaid-style magic circles. Inside, clothes are spinning around alongside bubbling water.
The spheres that’s currently washing were moved to the ceiling so that as many spheres as possible could be placed in the space.
While that was happening, I say.

“Shoes can be cleaned and deodorized in an hour. Ah. this one is done now.”


Just as the first laundry was completed, the sphere came down automatically.
Not just the stains, but also the odors, were completely removed from the clothes and shoes.
When the washing is finished, the magic circle disappears automatically. I added instructions into the magic circle to put the clothes inside into the basket when it does.
When two of the spherical magic circles disappear, two new spherical magic circles automatically appear from the grimoire placed in the corner. They come to a stop in the designated space.

Yes, I wrote down the formula for processing these series of actions in the grimoire.

That said… the maximum number of washing machines, or rather, washing magic circles that can be managed with one grimoire is 20.
The formula is also complex.
To use an analogy, it’s at the level of a box-shaped computer or a flip phone.

The same principle was used to wash the dishes after dinner, using the… dish-washing magic circle, where the dishes are placed in the spherical magic circle to complete the washing process.
The adventurers were conveniently saying things like “Light magic sure makes things easy” and “It would be better if we leave things like cleaning to you” while brimming with motivation to push me around, but I was grateful for it instead.
I am aware that depending on the environment, people would complain to me saying “You’re stealing other people’s jobs.”
I've been told that many times in my previous life… that's why I'm wary of strange things.

While the adventurers are starting a drinking party, I head to the reception desk to accept a quest.
Since the usual receptionist was there, I handed over the two grimoires for the washing magic circle and the dish-washing magic circle.
The receptionist, who was looking at me with strange eyes when I took all the grimoire that was piled up like a mountain because no one used them, is now looking at me in bafflement again.

“This is... is it ok if I use it?”

“There is no need to worry. These are designed to be activated using my magic power. When not in use, if you just close the magic book, the magic circle will automatically be canceled. When you want to use it, open this page here and It will activate automatically.”

“Ha-haa... Ah! Josiah-san, did you paint the walls of the lodging house without permission?”

“I didn't paint it. That's the original color of the lodging house. It was pretty dirty, you know.”


It's not like I wasted a whole day building a washing machine.

First, I trimmed the garden.
Especially the backyard, even though there was a field for cultivating potions ingredients and other medicinal herbs there, it was left unattended and was in disrepair, so I revived it.

What was useful was [Holy].
In order to eliminate troublesome weeds together with their roots, I analyze them with [Scan], and eradicate them with [Holy] while adjusting its power.
Weed removal, which at first glance seems easy, is difficult to solve using magic.
Even if you burn it with fire-element magic, it’ll just fill the surrounding area with fire magic essences, making plants unable to grow.
If it's [Holy], there’ll be no problem, and plants grow easily when they're full of light magic essence.
Weeds would also grow easily, but that is also my specialty. In the grimoire set up in the field, I incorporated a technique formula to remove weeds using [Holy] with a magic circle.

Next is the entire lodging house.
I repaired leaky areas and creaking floors that I heard from the adventurers.
After that, I cleaned up the entire lodging house.
Although I didn't go as far as entering the adventurers' rooms, I did clean the dining room, kitchen, and the living room-cum-hall where the adventurers gathered right after crossing the entrance.
I washed the outer wall and roof of the lodging house using a combination of [Clean Water] and [Holy], resulting in a water jet with improved cleaning power.

The adventurers are having a drinking party without touching the exterior of the lodging house or the field in the backyard, probably because it was too dark to notice.

“By the way, I deployed soundproofing shields throughout the lodging house. It only blocks noise, so there is no problem with entering and exiting. I just thought I'd let you know as someone who's bringing in ingredients.”

“Now that you mention it, I can’t hear the noise from the other side. T-that's amazing isn’t it. To be able to do something like that... Um, it's about the treatment quest last time after all.”

“Repairing and cleaning things are the basics of light magic. When it comes to healing, it’s a different story. More importantly, is there any quest?”

“That is…”

“Aah, if there’s none, tomorrow, I'll do various cleaning at the lodging house here. Especially that place.”

What I find worth cleaning――is the book storage.
It looks so full of dust, that just creates a gloomy atmosphere, doesn't it?
Let's take a look at the book about magic circles while I'm at it.

That night, I had a dream.
No, to be precise, it wasn't a dream――I just heard a [voice].
The voice was kinda masculine, kinda feminine, it was an androgynous adult voice.

[You can hear my voice, can't you? I am speaking directly into your mind.]

[Where do I begin? You, a human being, may find this story ethically unacceptable.]

[You should be starting to notice.]

[That you are my spawn]

[...Oh?. Surprisingly, you don't seem to think “I am your parent”. Most human spawn misunderstand me by thinking that.]

[I am a deity that falls under what you humans call the “God of the Underworld”. My name is ■■■■]

[And you have become my spawn.]

[...Aah. Maybe you don’t know what a spawn is in the first place? A spawn is a scattered power of the deity.]

[In most cases, scattered power becomes a living organism, but there are more than a few cases like yours, where the scattered power possesses another race.]

[Most of the spawns were born on their own. It's common sense for many deities to irresponsibly leave them be, but I will effectively make use of them.]

[You are a successful example even among the spawns.]

[What am I talking about, you say? It's reincarnation you know. Reincarnation]

[Did you think that you were able to reincarnate without any explanation? isn’t that strange.]

[You were able to reincarnate because I manifested the power of “God of the Underworld.”]

[Now then… I will ask you to investigate that world.]

[Mainly whether resources and the environment are self-sustaining. It is an investigation of the value and lifespan of the planet.]

[I will communicate regularly, so please give me a periodic report at that time.]* (T/N: liberal translation: ‘regular report’ to ‘periodic report’, ‘at that stage’ to ‘at that time’)

[Once the investigation is over, please discard that body and reincarnate into another life form.]

[Well then]


(T/N: Spawn (落とし子): nobleman's illegitimate child, offspring; aftermath. According to the dictionary. Spawn is from google translate.

Mind (精神): 1. mind; spirit; soul; heart; ethos 2. attitude; mentality; will; intention 3. spirit (of a matter); essence; fundamental significance)

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