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10 - The Tradition of a Certain Family (1)


Sunday Morning——.

Yuuma, who headed to the apartment at the appointed time, saw a limousine in the pick-up space and became stiff.

“...No, nononono. Yup, that can’t possibly be it.”

It's probably used by another resident, better stay away.

He passed by it and called Himeouji by the intercom that day. (T/N: I don’t know why there is a “that day.”)

[Ryou, can you come out?]

[Ah, you’re here already? Then, please get on first, I’ll go down with Reiko-san.]

So that’s how it is, so it’s ok to ride the bicycle first.

While escaping from reality and waiting while straddling on a bicycle, Himeouji came out of the lobby and gave a wry smile.

“There's space for two bikes, you can leave that there. We'll ride this one.”

“Of course it is.”

When he returned after parking his bicycle, a woman who he assumed to be the housekeeper——Reiko-san and Himeouji was waiting for him at the door.

“Is this Reiko-san?”

“Yeah. Strictly speaking, she's not a housekeeper, but we would be able to talk about that too at my parents' house——Reiko-san, this is Hanyuu Yuuma-kun.”

When Yuuma lowered his head as he was being introduced, Reiko-san also quickly lowered her head.

She was about as tall as a Himeouji and much younger than he had imagined.

She must be still in her mid-twenties, but her eyes are slanted and she has a cool air around her, that makes it difficult to talk to her.

She was dressed magnificently in a pantsuit, but her chest was also very large and puffy, and although he thought it was rude, his eyes were almost drawn to it.

“——Yuuma, where are you looking?”

“Nothing in particular. How do I sit?”

To fool him, Yuuma looked into the interior through the opened door.

It is a not very long type of limousine, the seats are front and back facing each other.

If they were to sit down, should they still be facing each other?

“Normal is fine. Reiko-san is in the passenger seat, so Yuuma and I can just sit next to each other”

Saying that, Himeouji quickly boarded, and Yuuma had no choice but to follow.

“Um… then, pardon the intrusion.”

“Yes. I leave Ryou-sama in your care, Yuuma-sama.”

When Yuuma called out to Reiko-san for some reason, she replied with a much cuter voice and a more gentle tone than he had imagined from her appearance.

The journey on the limousine was comfortable, with no engine noise and very little turbulence, probably due to the excellent skill of the driver.

“——So, who are you really?”

He said as he moistened his lips with the drink served by Himeouji himself.

“Fufu, you ask that sort of thing huh, Yuuma.”

Like when I saw the flat and when I asked him about the housekeeper, he didn't really get into it that much——he thought.

He felt like he could hear his heartbeat.

“When you get picked up in a limousine, as you would expect… Besides, we’re going to Ryou’s parents’ house right now, aren’t we?”

It's also information about where he’s going, so he really wants to hear it.

Himeouji answered Yuuma's question without any particular hesitation.

“The last name I am using now is my mother’s last name. But my real surname is Daidouji--if I say that, would you understand?”

He replied in such an nonchalant way that Yuuma almost dropped his glass.

Speaking of Daidouji, far from representing this country, it is also a large company that is about to go global, and a corporate group that by itself is at the top in multiple fields.

“Wha, eh… you’re, the son of the Daidouji family?.”

Being the son of a family that manages such a large company, he would be given an apartment of that size, and even a limousine would be readily available.

No wonder he was given a beautiful, busty housekeeper and lived together with her.

“Ah—... Half-correct, I guess.”

While replying in a troubled manner, Himeouji glared at him with reproach.

“Also, don’t look at Reiko-san like that. Is that kind of girl your type?”

“...Did I speak out loud again?”

“You should fix that habit, for sure.”

Whether she's his lover or his fiancée, if someone looked at the beautiful woman by his side like that, he surely won't be at peace.

“No, sorry… It was unintentional. But, don’t worry, I didn’t look at her that way.”

“Wh-what are you asking me to not worry about?”

“Eh——I mean, I won’t touch your girlfriend.”

“Wha… A-are you an idiot!? She’s not my girlfriend!”

The fact that he's red-faced and yelling at him means that he has someone he has feelings for, but he hasn't confessed yet.

Himeouji——No, should be Daidouji.

Anyway, if he confessed, it would surely go well, but he seems to have been a late bloomer.

“...Well, do your best so that you won’t regret it.”

“What regret!? Don’t make weird misunderstandings!”

For some reason, while getting angry, he emptied his glass all at once to calm himself down.

“Anyway, the reason I'm taking you to my parents' house is because there's something I want you to hear.”

“...Something like, I’m actually the son of Daidouji?”

The reason why Himeouji answered ‘Half-correct’ to the question earlier is probably because Yuuma himself is the son, not him.

(——No, probably not)

“No, of course not.”

“Of course.”

Yuuma was a little relieved that his unbelievable imagination was dismissed.

“Isn’t it disrespectful to your kind father if you think about such things.”

“Uh… no, I get it okay.”

Not only did he provide him with a tandem bicycle without asking the reason, he even maintained it. He is a father who has raised his primary school-age son as a single man until now.

Yuuma doesn't talk about it, but he has never forgotten his gratitude and respect.

Having said that, that is that, and this is this, it's part of being a boy to enjoy the delusion that he's the illegitimate child of a wealthy family.

“...Well, in a certain sense, it might become like that.”

“Nn? Did you say something?”

“I-it’s nothing.”

Himeouji, red-faced and averting his gaze, cleared his throat while fanning his face to dodge the question.

“A-anyway, we’ll talk when we get there——until then, just sit back and relax.”

It was in return for the daily bicycle pick-up and drop-off, he said.

Himeouji, who was serving as host, smiled happily for some reason.

Eventually, the limousine entered a site surrounded by trees and arrived at a large Japanese house.

As it was the home of the Daidouji, one might have imagined that a large number of servants would greet them, but this was not the case.

“Well, that’s because this isn’t the main residence. It's more of a secondary residence, or a getaway——a place where we can talk in private since not many people are around.”

Yuuma no longer cared that a house this size is just a getaway, he just kept his mind blank,  and accepted his guidance while convincing himself that this was the case.

“Well then, wait here for a bit. I'll go say hello.”

After letting Yuuma through the guest room, Himeouji said so and excused himself.

Reiko-san also went with him, so Yuuma was left alone.

“...Now that it turns out like this, It's a bit lonely.”

It was a long way from the gate to the entrance, which was so wide that it reminded him of a Japanese inn, and the corridor they have walked through to get here is long.

He could also hear the sound of Shishi-odoshi from outside the closed shoji.

(T/N: Shishi-odoshi: the thing in Japanese fountains. The bamboo that periodically filled and emptied of water to make a sound. Shoji: paper sliding door.)

That made him conscious of the size of the mansion and the height of their social status, and made him shrink without realizing it.

Compared to the size of the mansion though, this guest room seems to be a little cramped, with things like a tea kettle inside, it is probably used as a tea room.

He may have been careful not to make Yuuma feel intimidated by the vast mansion.

While he was thinking about this, a person approached him from the corridor and called out to him.

“...Please excuse me.”

“Ah, yes——go ahead.”

Is it a helper or someone who came to entertain him?.

With that in mind, Yuuma agreed to let them enter the room, but immediately realized that he had made a wrong decision.

A stunningly beautiful woman kneeling down as she opened the shoji entered the room, clad in a kimono, with an air of familiarity, as if she wears it regularly.

The make-up, which is only lightly applied, is only to accentuate the shape of her face, and highlights her beauty itself.

The bridge of her nose is tall and well-shaped, but her bright eyes and long eyelashes are also conspicuous, making it difficult to look directly at her.

“Before the head of the family comes, please let me serve some tea——.”

“Y-yes, please do…”

Her hair isn't very long, but the woman, who elegantly held it in place with a hair clip, greeted him while bowing, pressing three fingers of each hand on the floor.

When he was swallowed by the neat atmosphere and answered even as his voice trembled with nervousness, her lips seemed to relax slightly.

(This is bad, she’s so cute…)

Distrust of women? What’s that?——.

While he was thinking that, captivated by her appearance and the atmosphere she created, she began her preparation.

Surprisingly, it seems that the tea kettle was actually a hot water kettle.

While quickly boiling water, she prepares matcha, a bowl and a tea whisk from a cabinet and begins to serve tea in a familiar manner——.

Although he had no experience with the tea ceremony, he could infer from her smoothly moving hand that she is extremely refined.

Putting matcha in a bowl, pouring in the cooling water, and mixing it with a bamboo whisk——such sounds reverberated.

After some time, candies served on a small plate and a container of tea were gently placed in front of Yuuma.

Normally, one should eat the sweets first and then drink the tea——but Yuuma, who had never heard of the etiquette, was ashamed and held the teacup with both hands, tilting the bottom of the cup.

Of course, he didn't even turn it around to avoid the front. There’s no helping it because he didn't know.

(...Wait, it’s bitter!?)

However, it was by no means an unpleasant bitterness.

Once he got accustomed to the bitterness, he enjoyed the slightly foamy taste, drank it all in one breath, and put back the teacup.

“...Umm, the right procedure should be.”

Probably, it was to wipe the mouthpiece of the drink, how was it done?

He thought it was something he had heard somewhere, but in the end he didn't really understand it, so he left it as it was and ate the sweets as if to cleanse his palate.

When he felt the sweetness of Wasanbon that melts away, ‘I see, this is something that should be eaten first’ he thought.

(T/N: Wasanbon: refined Japanese sugar)

The woman who seemed to be staring intently at the scene eventually lowered her face and seemed to be laughing——or rather, she’s clearly laughing, her shoulders trembling.

“I’m sorry… I don’t know anything about etiquette——”

“N-no… ku, fu… ahahahaha, sorry sorry!”

Then finally——she laughed aloud as if she could no longer contain herself, and Yuuma's eyes widened as he realized who she really is.

“Eh——are you, Ryou?”

“Ahahaaha, well, I guess you wouldn't notice. I'm sorry, I'm really… nfu… no, that’s not it——it's not about etiquette or anything, it's just that Yuuma's serious reaction, that’s the point!...”

Turning into a laughing bag, she——he——no, it was probably she after all.

(T/N: a laughing bag, or a lachsack, according to wikipedia, does exist.)

Anyway, as he was staring in amazement at Himeouji, who was laughing his head off, the shoji was opened from the corridor and a middle-aged man and woman appeared.

The one who was kneeling and opening the shoji was Reiko-san.

(In that case, these people are——)

Most likely, Himeouji's parents——that is to say, the man is the head of Daidouji, the leader of the Corporate Group.

He doesn't feel intimidating, rather he has a gentle atmosphere, but there is a definite air of dignity about him, and Yuuma involuntarily straightens his posture.

“N-nice to meet you——I am, t-this one is…”

“Aah, no, no. Don't worry about it, just carry on as normal.”

The man smiled at Yuuma, who was confused just by the first person pronoun, let alone the honorific.

“Yes, that's right. You’re Ryou-san's benefactor after all... we're the ones who should be polite.”

While saying that, the two of them sat down next to Himeouji, who was holding her stomach—— the woman was patting her daughter on the back.

“Here, Ryou-san too. Pull yourself together, we’re about to say our thanks.”

“Nn, yes… fu, kuku… haa——sorry, Yuuma.”

After waiting for Himeouji's laughter to subside, the three bowed their heads almost at the same time.

“First of all——for saving our daughter from pain, for protecting her from malice… and for even going out of your way to pick her up and drop her off, we are deeply grateful.”

“Thank you very much, Hanyuu-san.”

“...Thank you, Yuuma.”

“——No, that’s, you are welcome.”

His throat is strained with nervousness, even though he has just had a cup of tea.

That said, there's probably no use in worrying about it now that they are at this point.

Ignoring the reality that the leader of Daidouji is bowing down to him, there is no choice but to treat them as Himeouji's parents.

“Especially about the pick-up… I heard from Reiko, that you saved her from a life or death situation. I can not sleep with my feet facing Hanyuu-kun anymore.” (T/N: metaphor for being heavily indebted.)

“That really was a coincidence... but I too am glad that she was saved.”

While Yuuma unintentionally felt a shock at Himeouji's red face after hearing Yuuma's words, the madam pointed a fleeting gaze at her.

“That's why I told you to use a taxi... didn’t I tell you that the cost is nothing?”

Considering that it is only in the middle of the second year, the cost of transport until graduation should be a staggering amount of money.

Their level of money sense is different when they say that such a cost is nothing.

However——it seems that she was refusing to take a taxi, citing the cost to her parents' house, but that's probably not her true intention.

“Um——even if you’re going by a taxi, if you get off on the school route, it would stand out, and even if you get off at a far away place, there’s no guarantee someone won’t see…”

If that were to happen, she would be the focus of strange attention, and it would become a hotbed for a new rumor, it would have been painful for Himeouji.

At Yuuma’s words, the madam pressed her mouth with her hand in shock.

“I-I'm sorry, Ryou-san... That's right. Thinking about it calmly, if I was a normal student... I wonder if I would have been frightened too…”

“No... it's because I didn't say it properly, don't worry about it."

Himeouji smiled at the madam who dropped her shoulders dejectedly.

The two certainly look alike, but looking at their atmosphere, the mother felt a little sheltered.

The sociable and gentle behavior of Himeouji is probably inherited from her father.

“But... didn’t Hanyu-san notice this properly?”

“Aah, Um… that’s because, Yuuma is, you know, a normal student.”

Right? As she sought an agreement, Yuuma responded with a hurried nod.

“W-well, in the end, we were able to find a bicycle early on… I only realized later that it would have been difficult with a taxi.”

That's why please don't mind it——while answering, he tried to divert the topic.

“Come to think of it… the reason why I was called here was, um… to tell me why Ryou was dressed as a man, is that right?”

It was a bit of a forceful change of topic, but Himeouji nodded at his understanding, and then her father——Daidouji-shi also opened his mouth.

“About that matter, I’ll be the one to explain that. It's going to be a bit of an occult story, but please... I want you to think of this as true and accept it.”

Hearing the strangely serious tone of the story, Yuuma gulped and straightened his posture.

“This is something only some of the Daidouji family——the so-called relatives, know about. In our family, there is a tradition that any child born into the family, male or female, must be raised as a boy until he comes of age.”

Hearing those words, Yuuma felt an unintentional loss of strength, as if he had been let down.

Thinking about what they were about to say, it's unexpectedly just a tradition——.

At the same time, when he thought that Himeouji had been so hurt by such a thing, Yuuma even felt indignation.

Daidouji-shi may have sensed Yuuma's gaze and atmosphere, but he didn't seem to be timid.

“It’s reasonable for you to think that——’you don’t protect your own child’. But it's said that if you oppose this tradition, the family will decline.”

“What the hell… such a stupid thing couldn’t possibly——”

“It’s true——in fact, it has happened.”

If something like the decline of the Daidoji family had happened, it would be a crisis for the Japanese economy.

However——he thought back, in regards to Japan's economic history, whether or not such a situation has ever happened.

“Our clan is not that stupid. Some people wondered if there was any meaning in such a tradition, and ignored it——but the result was disastrous.”

Hearing about the economic crisis that Daidoji-shi mentioned, it was all about big uproars that even Yuuma, who didn't know much, had heard about it.

Eventually, they traced the original cause to be when girls born in Daidouji were raised as girls and introduced them as such in public places.

At the very least the timing seemed to match perfectly.

“Although they managed to recover their fortune after their near collapse... our ancestors, fearing the repercussions, from generation to generation, handed down the records that were written at that time, and have protected the house to this day.”

His tone and expression may as well say it, on top of that the attitude of the madam and her daughter, Ryou, while they are listening, do not appear to be joking.

If so——what about this situation where Yuuma ended up knowing about it?

“That's indeed an occult territory... you wouldn’t know how far it’s allowed to go about the extent and degree to which they are known”

Is it the number of people who knew, or is it the problem of family relations, is it the problem of being known as a girl, or is it the problem of being known as being in the Daidouji clan——.

In regard to those, it is said that they did not pursue them because there was a risk that the house would decline if they tried to study them.

Therefore——there can’t be anyone who knows that Himeouji was Daidouji, that she was a girl, and that there was such a tradition.

Even the Daidoji clan, however powerful, could not heavy-handedly suppress the incident, which resulted in Ryou being burdened with a harsh situation.

“For that reason, if there was something shady about the culprit, we could only get involved in the investigation from that direction, if we can’t… Well, we managed to clear the accusation though, hahaha.”

Hahaha, not.

Suppressing his desire to make a tsukkomi there, Yuuma took a deep breath, as if swallowing the story just now——the he looked at Daidouji-shi, and then at Himeouji.

“Why are you telling me… about all this?”

It didn't feel like that was the reason he was invited to this place——.

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