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7 - The False Accusation


That weekend, a whole group of criminals were arrested.

The group's main crimes were threats of false accusations of molestation, defamation, and so on and so forth.

In other words——the woman who sued Himeouji and the group of several women who organized false accusations and demanded settlement money were arrested together.

According to the investigation, the women had the so-called misandry ideology and committed those crimes as a means of resolving their hatred of the men.

What's even worse is that they gave priority to men who didn't treat them as women.

What it means is that, a person who treats everyone equally is a perfect prey.

“No way——that was a big incident right? Ryou”

“Haha… it sure is. Because my family takes care of it, I don’t have to do anything though.”

While they are pedaling their bicycles, they are talking carefreely, but Himeouji's voice is unusually exhausted.

“Considering all that, you are tired right?”

“Well, I have to take calls from home… and what I heard at that time was so heavy it gave me heartburn.”

What he talked about to him was mostly about reparations.

Each of the relatives of the group of perpetrators was wealthy in their own right, and it seems that the commotion involved them as well.

The settlement money the group took would be returned, of course, but they also paid a large amount of consolation money——.

For their unintended involvement in the commotion and incident, they took responsibility, declared reparation to each railway company and media company, also they already did apologize in the press conference and in the news.

Apparently, the government will also give out reparations so that the police will move.

“...Amazing. No, it’s amazing but… isn’t this strange?”

It's a vile and cowardly crime, but for false accusations of molestation, the situation where so many people are held liable and compensated, it’s something that doesn’t happen often.

According to the law put in place several years ago, deliberate false accusation is a felony, but the fact this decision, which was part of a civil case, was made in a day or two is abnormal.

Abnormal, or rather, it should be impossible——.

“Well… I’m sure there are various reasons.”

Himeouji, who appeared as if it was nothing special and finished off with such a simple statement, on the contrary became more frightening.

“‘Various reason’... what’s that”

“Various things are various things okay? Maybe, in this world, there are people you should never offend and places you should never anger, those kinds of things exist.”

Like I said, what kind of thing is that——

There were some things he wanted to ask, but Yuuma didn’t say anything.

Surely Himeouji knows, their true identity.

However——even knowing that, he despaired of the situation.

Even if they actually exist, they are by no means omnipotent.

Even if he said it like it’s nothing out of ordinary——

His fear, his despair, his imprisonment in a hell where he would never know when he would be saved.

At least, those are facts, not a single one of those is Himeouji’s fault.

“…Even so, it must have been difficult.”

That’s why Yuuma stopped to tell him that.

“Probably——the school is in a huge uproar too. Everyone involved must be panicking big time.” (Yuuma)

“I guess so.”

Unintentionally, Yuuma’s the tone was frightening, but Himeouji responded in a nonchalant manner.

“...Somehow, you look calm?”

“Well, I've prepared myself well over the weekend——I’ll be okay.”

While saying that, his foot strongly stepped on the pedal.

“I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

“My bad, I didn’t intend to doubt you!”

“I believed in you, Ouji-sama! But in front of everyone, I can’t help it…”

Et cetera——.

A hundred, maybe even two hundred times that number of voices gathered and threw apologies at Himeouji.

It was a good thing they had arrived at school an extra 30 minutes earlier than usual, otherwise they wouldn’t even have been able to enter the entrance, let alone the classroom.

That many people even crowded into the classroom to apologize to him.

Yuuma, who is far away from his seat, stares at the scene and at Himeouji from afar, and thinks.

(...Ryou, you didn’t reply at all.)

Even the aforementioned teacher who suggested Himeouji to leave school was there among them.

Far from just one word of grudge, it would be fine to return about a hundred to everyone.

But if he actually hit them with it, conversely, they’ll take that as their punishment and——

(——Ah, is that how it is?)

Maybe it was because they had been together for so long, but Himeouji’s thoughts came naturally to him.

As they watched to see what would happen, they finally realized that Himeouji didn't react at all.

He sat in his chair, arms crossed, eyes closed, not moving in the slightest as if he was asleep.

Everyone who felt uncomfortable, even though it’s noisy, kept their voice down, as though worrying about someone looking at them.

Eventually, in the quiet classroom, Himeouji opened his eyes and slowly spoke.

“——Are you guys done? Then, can I ask you to leave?”

An uninterested speech, a cold voice.

It was not a face of the gentle Prince they adored, it was the eyes of a ruthless and unforgiving ruler that stared at the surroundings only for a moment.

“...You can take it as me accepting your apology”

Hearing that voice, an atmosphere of relief spread around, but there was no way it would end there.

Immediately after that, Himeouji let out an even more chilling voice.

“But——I have no intention of forgiving anyone. I don't want to become a saint who can smile and forgive after being humiliated like that anymore.”

His cold anger seems like it became visible.

Pressured by the words that he spat out without intonation, the circle of people gradually retreated.

The moment Himeouji stood up with a clatter, all of them cowered in fright.

“——I will despise you from the bottom of my heart for the rest of my life.”

Staring at them one last time, with a cold gaze that freezes their minds and bodies to the core, Himeouji moved his feet onward, while they wondered where he headed.

Ahead of him, the wall of people cracked open and a path opened, connecting precisely with Yuuma's seat.

Looking at that, his expression as he was approaching softens little by little.

“——Yuuma, how was it?”

“Aah——you did your best, Ryou”

The best smile that will never be directed at the surrounding people——

As if to say ‘you are the only one who can monopolize this’, Himeouji smiled brightly as he laughed while looking at Yuuma.

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