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Volume 2 Chapter 38 - Allen’s Slum Countermeasures


In a room of Lilac's Lord’s mansion, much smaller than the original reception room but still capable of comfortably accommodating about 10 people, three people were currently sitting on sofas facing each other.

One was the owner of this mansion, Count Naveen El Lilac. Behind him were two knights standing with serious expressions on their faces, as if they were on a battlefield, and on the side was an elderly butler standing by with a gentle smile on his face.

And currently sitting facing Naveen were Allen in his Nella form and Iseria.

(Yeah, I told her to tell me how to meet the Lord, but no matter how you look at it, this is different isn’t it?) (Allen)

Allen felt a little at a loss as he thought that.

In order to use the method Allen came up with, he needed permission from Naveen, the Lord. Rather, since it was something Allen couldn't do as an individual, he was planning to make a proposal and then leave everything else, like command to Naveen.

‘Well, the stampede had sold me a certain amount of favor, so I’m sure he’ll let me do that much,’ it was partly that calculation.

On the way back to the city from the Dragon Dungeon, Allen told Iseria about the plan. Iseria's reaction to hearing that wasn't too bad, so Allen became more confident that it would work, but he never expected Iseria to head straight to the Lord's mansion just like that.

When they entered through the east gate, the gatekeeper Iseria talked to suddenly left running, and Allen understood what it meant when they were welcomed into the Lord’s mansion without being stopped. That it was a harbinger.

If that was all there was to it, Allen wouldn't have been so surprised.

Both Nella and Iseria had made significant contributions to the defense against the stampede. So it's possible that they happened to be lucky enough that he was free and had made it convenient for them to be able to easily meet him so that he could return the favor.

However, when the guide led them into the reception room, which was not that big but was instantly recognizable as a room for welcoming distinguished guests, the Lord, Naveen, was already waiting for them. And while standing.

Even Allen, who didn’t know much about nobles, could understand how abnormal that was.

Naveen seemed to be in a good mood as he urged them to sit on the sofa, and that’s the current situation.

“Now then, hero Nella. I heard the outline of your proposal from the soldier who sent me the message, but could I ask you to give me a little more detail?” (Naveen)

“Uncle Nav. Let me be the one to explain that to you.” (Iseria)

Naveen glanced toward Allen at Iseria's words, and Allen nodded in response without saying a word.

Originally, Nella avoided speaking in front of people to prevent his identity from being revealed. Therefore, it inevitably takes him a long time to explain things normally.

Allen had planned to write down the outline to a certain extent in advance and show it to him, but of course he was unable to prepare anything like that since they went straight here.

That's why Iseria's suggestion was more than he could ask for, but Allen had something more to worry about.

(Uncle Nav... what’s more, the Count accepted it as a matter of course.) (Allen)

Allen was the only one who thought this was strange, and neither the two knights nor the butler had any particular reaction. From that, Allen understood that, at least for those in this room, it was considered natural for Iseria to call the Count ‘Uncle’.

(I thought she looked like a noble or something along those lines, so she was the Count's niece. Still, I feel like this turned into something troublesome... aah, so because something happened, she came here to ask the Count to protect her. Uwah, the world of nobles is scary.) (Allen)

Even though he made some strange misunderstandings, Allen’s deduction was roughly correct, and he was convinced by himself. And he once again felt how troublesome the world of nobility was, and once again, vowed in his heart not to pry into Iseria's past.

Iseria ignored such Allen and faced Naveen, and with a smile on her face, she opened her mouth.

“I'm sure you already know the outline, but Nella-sama's proposal is to provide housing to the slum people involved in the construction of the fort and their families. The funds will be from the proceeds from the sale of the monsters Nella-sama defeated during the stampede. The idea is to donate the 600 million zenny to the Count’s house and use that as a capital.” (Iseria)

“That'd be a blessing for us, but are you serious?” (Naveen)

Naveen glanced at Allen, perhaps for confirmation, and Allen nodded his head without hesitation.

Allen's idea was simple.

Since Allen's house was close to the slums, there was a high possibility that Matilda would be in danger. So by redeveloping the housing on the outskirts of the slums in the west district and having those who find work live there, the size of the slums would decrease, and the slums would move away from Allen's house by that much.

Since the housing would be built with the Lord's sponsorship, it would be on the patrol route of the patrolling soldiers, which would make it much safer. 

And Allen was also happy to be able to solve the problem of 600 million zenny that was so big that he had trouble using it.

Allen was fully satisfied with his current Nella equipment he got in the Demon Dungeon, and since he also got the magic bag, he thought he had no choice but to store it.

Seeing that reaction, Naveen returned his gaze to Iseria. Noticing this, Iseria glanced at Allen, and began speaking with a big smile on her face.

“Nella-sama is anguished at the current state of the slums. He hopes that the people who have turned to the ground without looking up at the sky and have lost hope will be able to look up at the sky again. Uncle Nav was also troubled, right? That the people in the slums don't trust you even if you recruit them to help build the fort. From their misgivings that they’ll be thrown away after being used.” (Iseria)

“I'm considering that possibility. I've actually received such reports after all.” (Naveen)

“If you use Nella-sama's idea of providing housing, then you can overturn it. Because anyone can understand that there is no way you would go to the trouble of preparing housing for people who will be thrown away after being used.” (Iseria)

Naveen recoiled a little from Iseria's enthusiasm as she spoke like a performer. However, there was a look of understanding in his expression.

What Iseria pointed out wasn’t wrong. The large scale project of constructing a fort required a large number of people. Naveen had planned to hire the slum dwellers as part of the workforce and use it as the first step to solving the slum problem, but recruitment was not going as well as expected.

Considering the reports from his subordinates, Naveen judged that there was a possibility that this could be improved by using this method.

Even if it failed, Naveen's pocket wouldn’t be hurt as the funds would come from Nella's donation.

Demolishing existing homes may generate resentment, but slum housing was essentially illegal occupation in the first place.

Even if the Lord demolished them with his authority, no one could blame him, and even if he was temporarily hated, it would change once they could continuously live a good life, Navin calculated that much in an instant.

Meanwhile, Allen, who was watching from the side, had to do his best to restrain himself from moving his body that was about to move.

(Nonono, what are you talking about? ‘Anguished at the current state of the slums?’ Well, it’s not that I don't have those feelings at all, but it's not that exaggerated. It's actually for my own sake.) (Allen)

Allen secretly wanted to stop Iseria from talking as if Nella was a great person, but he couldn't do that when he saw Naveen's convinced expression.

If he did something wrong and the story was ruined, it'd be Allen who would be in trouble.

Iseria continued speaking even more.

“In addition, we would like you to consider providing subsidies and loans for residents and facilities in the surrounding area to renovate their homes.” (Iseria)

“Why the surrounding area... no, I see, so that’s how it is.” (Naveen)

Naveen was about to ask back, but he quickly realized what their aim was and looked at Allen with admiration.

There were slums in the western district, but many of the residents near the slums were poor. Providing new housing just for slum dwellers in such a place could lead to a backlash from the general population.

If such dissatisfaction was directed toward slum dwellers, the discord that already existed now would certainly deepen. That was not what Naveen, the Lord, wanted.

Naveen’s opinion of Nella increased. ‘To have not only military power, but also wisdom in matters of ruling,’ like that.

At the same time, Naveen felt a strong desire to take him in, but he managed to restrain himself when he saw Iseria shaking her head slightly even in front of him.

Of course, Allen didn't think that far when he made that proposal.

He did get a bad premonition that if something like that were to happen, his acquaintances in the neighborhood would be jealous, resulting in a grumbling contest that he would get dragged in.

In the first place, the main reason he made such a proposal was because he thought it would also explain how Allen's house was renovated.

After all, Matilda was coming soon, so he thought it would be a good idea to get Nick to repair the exterior since he’d have the subsidy as the pretext.

Allen wanted to keep the exterior as it was because, in addition to not wanting to be found out to be Nella, if his house was clearly newer than the surrounding houses, it’d make it more likely to attract uninvited guests.

However, once this system is implemented, there will be no need to worry about that.

A moment of silence passed, and then Naveen slowly nodded his head and turned his gaze straight at Allen.

“Understood. Hero Nella. Our gratitude to your compassionate heart. In order to live up to such heart, I will definitely make this plan a success. In the name of our Lilac Count House.” (Naveen)

Allen could only nod at those words.

Then, he glanced at Iseria, sending a gaze of ‘What the hell are you thinking?’ and noticing this, Iseria stuck out her tongue a little, and for a moment, showed a smile that said that her prank had been a success.

Seeing that face, Allen hallucinated Rebecca’s appearance.

(Aah, could it be, this girl was influenced by Rebecca? They should have only spent a few days together, what the hell did she do, that girl?) (Allen)

Allen sent such grudging words to Rebecca who had already left the city and was in the middle of traveling.

Although it was different from what he envisioned, it seemed his plan was going to be carried out, and Allen let out a sigh while convincing himself that it was a good thing.


(T/N: I feel like Allen’s plans still don't solve the fundamental problem of them not having jobs once the construction finishes, maybe they have a plan for that? Well, whatever, this is fiction, no need to think too much)

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