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Volume 2 Chapter 34 - Rebecca’s Deduction


Allen thought about it for a while, but he couldn't think of anything in particular, and was about to tell Rebecca, who was looking at him with amusement, wondering if he'd understand, that he surrendered, when he suddenly realized.

“Because they bought it directly from me?” (Allen)

“That meant?” (Rebecca)

When Allen said the words that came to his mind, Rebecca was a little surprised at that and she asked back.

Allen organized the thoughts in his head and began to slowly explain.

“Well, they're a carpenter workshop after all, they probably have a lumber dealer that they usually deal with. Buying directly from me without going through them is an act that would damage their relationship of trust, wouldn't it? I sold quite a lot too.” (Allen)

“...” (Rebecca)

“Even if they risked such a thing, the fact that they prioritized securing the building materials means that they have a legitimate reason that their lumber dealer can accept. For example, they have a request from the Lord, so they can’t miss out on the opportunity to obtain them, like that. How’s that?” (Allen)

Seeing Rebecca continue to stare at him in silence, Allen became a little worried, but he still finished sharing his thoughts.

Allen didn't know much about the world of merchants and craftsmen, but he had a very good understanding of the importance of relationships of trust from his experience as an adventurer.

Because it's not uncommon for a relationship of trust to lead to the next request. Like Gideon's medicinal herbs collection request.

On the other hand, Allen was also well aware of the trouble it would be if it broke. Despite the fact that it’s something that steadily built up over time, it would only take a moment to fall apart, and the deeper the trust, the longer the effect.

A man's face appeared in Allen's mind, but he shook his head slightly to banish it. Because he understood that there was nothing he could do about the relationship that had become twisted after all this time.

After hearing Allen's thoughts, Rebecca nodded for a while with a mysterious look on her face, and then suddenly her expression changed to one of happiness.

“It seems like Len-nii has started to understand a little bit about business. That's mostly correct.” (Rebecca)

“Mostly?” (Allen)

“Un. Because the amount that Len-nii sold, while quite large for an individual, to a specialized merchant, I can’t say it’s just a fraction, but it's negligible. Also, Brandt Workshop didn’t buy the treant building materials from Len-nii for the construction of the fort, but for the craftsmen to practice processing it.” (Rebecca)

Rebecca praised him while clapping, but Allen had a doubtful look on his face as he received it.

“No, rather than mostly correct, isn’t it mostly wrong?” (Allen)

“You're thinking in the right direction after all, and if you can think that far even though you don't have the knowledge or experience, then it’s correct. Len-nii might have a surprising talent for business.” (Rebecca)

As Rebecca said that and smiled, Allen replied with a wry smile.

‘I don't know if I have the talent or not, but if I have to think about such troublesome things for work, I definitely won’t become a merchant,’ he thought inwardly.

Then Allen remembered Rebecca's words again and realized how strange it was.

“Hey, how did you know that Brandt Workshop bought it for the craftsmen to practice processing it?” (Allen)

That's what bothered Allen. The part about transactions of building materials could be explained by the fact that she had general knowledge about the amount of transactions between the relevant workshops and trading companies.

However, there was no way experience could tell her why Brandt Workshop bought the building materials.

And yet, Rebecca was certain of the reason. The conclusion to be drawn from that was...

“You, it can’t be?” (Allen)

“Un. Reason number 3, I bribed Nick-san.” (Rebecca)

“What the hell is that guy doing!?” (Allen)

Allen couldn't help but hold his head at his best friend's appalling behavior.

The construction of the fort has yet to be made public. Brandt Workshop was most likely informed of this, as they will probably receive the order, but Allen could easily imagine that this was information that should not be leaked to the outside.

As Allen was worrying, Rebecca ignored him to rummage through her magic bag, and then she placed several cute frilly hair clips on the desk.

When Allen looked up and saw that, he wondered why she brought out such things, but Rebecca immediately followed up.

“Hair clips that are popular in the royal capital, 1,500 zenny for a set of three! When I suggested that they would look great on Lily-chan, he folded instantly.” (Rebecca)

“So cheap!” (Allen)

“Geez, this is a popular product, you know. This is the product I chose to attract customers with no regard to profit and won the hearts of local girls. While I’m at it, I also made them buy other things and ripped off their parents!” (Rebecca)

“No, don’t rip them off.” (Allen)

When Rebecca said that brazenly while making a nice face, Allen couldn't help but make a tsukkomi.

Rebecca shook her head, looking happy receiving that.

“Ah, I lied about bribing him. I did give him a hair clip to lighten his mouth, and it’s true that I led him to that topic, but Nick-san did hold the line. He didn’t say anything about the construction of the fort.” (Rebecca)

“...Nick, sorry.” (Allen)

Allen was ashamed of himself for even momentarily thinking that Nick might have leaked the information, and apologized to Nick, who was not here.

Allen didn't intend to go out of his way to apologize directly to the person in question, but since he had just gotten some money, he was thinking of offering something or at least buying him a drink.

Until he heard Rebecca's following words.

“Un, but he talked about important things piece by piece, so once I pieced the information together, it was obvious.” (Rebecca)

“That guy's too careless!” (Allen)

Rebecca said those words with a smile, but behind that seemed to be the smile of the devil that entices people, and seeing that, Allen held his head once again.

It's certainly better than taking a bribe and leaking information, but in the end, the information was still pulled out by Rebecca. In fact, since the person himself was not aware of it, this may be a bigger problem.

After enjoying watching Allen like that for a while, Rebecca continued the conversation.

“Although, after that, I also checked to see if the prices of hardware and other things had gone up at the shops in the city, and gathered evidence by slipping in small talk at the lumber dealer. And  the clerk-san told me ‘Geez, if you want durable building materials, a large amount of treant wood will arrive soon, so if it’s just a bit, even you can buy it, you know, Ojou-san,’ I’m grateful to him.” (Rebecca)

“Why is everyone leaking such important information?” (Allen)

“Because of my charm?” (Rebecca)

Rebecca acted flirtatiously on purpose, so Allen dropped a light chop on her head, and receiving that, Rebecca stuck out her tongue and laughed

Seeing that childish gesture, Allen thought with a wry smile that it was probably this part that made the other people less wary.

Like that, once they let their guard down, Rebecca then slips into their guard.

Rebecca's ability to close the distance was innate. It can even be said that she has an exceptional sense of smell for ascertaining the line that people don't dislike.

This was certainly one of the main factors that allowed her to achieve a certain level of success as a merchant.

“That's why you suddenly wanted to go to the dungeon.” (Allen)

“Un. There was still some time until the goods arrived, but I thought there were others in the same industry who were thinking the same thing as me. There were some on the 9th floor after all.” (Rebecca)

“Could it be, Iseria’s request was?” (Allen)

“I don't think it was from a merchant, but I think the motive was similar. I think they wanted to investigate how much treant material they could secure on the 9th floor.” (Rebecca)

The 9th floor is so unpopular that little is known about its actual state. Or rather, its information has not been updated since it was investigated a long time ago.

‘That's probably why they wanted to investigate what the current condition was,’ Allen thought. And that deduction was actually not wrong.

“But if you do that, won’t you get hated... aah, I see now.” (Allen)

“Un. Len-nii also seems to have noticed, but the amount I sold, seen from the whole, is just a small part. I might be thought of as a little uninteresting, but they can make a lot of money from their heavy turnover rate, so I won’t get hated. On the contrary, the worth of being seen as an astute person might be higher.” (Rebecca)

“I see. Merchants sure are tough.” (Allen)

‘Fufun’ Rebecca puffed up her nose at Allen’s compliment as he patted her head, and he stood up.

He was able to hear the general details of the situation, and he learned that Rebecca had done her best and put a lot of thought into it, so he decided to cancel making peanut dishes and just make something that she liked instead.

However, the person who put a stop to that was none other than Rebecca.

“Ah, and Len-nii. I'm planning to leave the city in a few days.” (Rebecca)

“Haa? That's too sudden. Besides, it hasn't been long since you came here.” (Allen)

“Hmm, this is what we were talking about earlier, but there is a possibility that I will get hated normally before the profits come in. See, there are small fries who get caught up in immediate profits, right?” (Rebecca)

“No, well, I won't deny that, but that's a terrible thing to say.” (Allen)

Rebecca bluntly said an insult as though it had nothing to do with her, and Allen smiled wryly at that. That said, Allen also thought that what she was saying was correct.

There were some adventurers like that too. People who get too caught up in immediate things and end up in a big disaster. The direction was a little different, but the adventurer party that escaped the other day using Lionel as a decoy was like that too, Allen was convinced as he recalled them.

“Well, it’ll probably be fine once things settle down, and I'll come again after a little while. And so, tomorrow night we'll have a fancy dinner outside.” (Rebecca)

“That's sudden. Or rather, don't plan it yourself.” (Allen)

“Ee─h, isn’t it fine. By the way, I also invited Matilda-san, who helped me when I checked the request history at the Adventurers’ Guild, so she's planning to come as well.” (Rebecca)

“You're completely ignoring my schedule. Well, I guess it's fine.” (Allen)

Seeing Rebecca's smug face as she ignored Allen's circumstances and spoke as if it's completely decided, ‘Haa,’ Allen lets out a big sigh.

That said, if Rebecca was really going to leave the city, there were things Allen wanted to do for her.

Because he doesn't know when he'll be able to see Rebecca again, as she works as a peddler. If things go badly, it’s possible that it will be several years later.

Though, as expected, even Allen didn’t think that she’d plan it herself.

“And so, Len-nii will be on the wallet duty.” (Rebecca)

“No, well, I'm already planning it from the start, but you’ve got to choose your words better.” (Allen)

At the blunt words of ‘wallet duty’, Allen became fed up and warned Rebecca. However, Rebecca wasn’t discouraged by the warning, on the contrary, her eyes lit up and her face changed to one of ‘I did it’.

Seeing that, a bad feeling ran through Allen's entire body.

“Fufu, I’ve got your word. Tomorrow’s meeting place will be the [Garden of Sunbeams], and the food will be its finest course. That's 50,000 zenny per person! And drinks will cost extra.” (Rebecca)

“Wai-!” (Allen)

“Arere─, a man doesn’t go back on his word, right, Len-nii.” (Rebecca)

The excessiveness of it made Allen almost raise his voice in protest as Rebecca, with a grin on her face, looked at him as if peering in. While politely pointing to the bag containing gold coins on the desk with her finger.

Even though he understood the meaning and understood that the amount was not a problem compared to what he had earned this time, he still couldn't hold back his irritation. So he took a deep breath and smiled broadly at Rebecca.

“Then for today, let's do our best to overcome Rebecca's weaknesses. We have a fancy dinner waiting for us tomorrow anyway, so I’m sure you can do it.” (Allen)

“Ah, I'm going outside for a bit...” (Rebecca)

Rebecca tried to slip out of the chair and run away, but Allen had enough time to firmly grab her by the shoulders.

“It'll be fine. I'm sure it will taste delicious if you help me with the cooking.” (Allen)

“Len-nii is definitely the demon lord─!!” (Rebecca)

Allen slid into the kitchen, dragging a reluctant Rebecca along with him.

And after dinner, Allen secretly smiled at the sight of Rebecca sitting absentmindedly in her chair, as if she was burnt out.


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