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Volume 2 Chapter 26 - Exploring with Rebecca


Allen had expected to leave the guild and go around the shops once again, but that was canceled at Rebecca's suggestion. So, after a rather early dinner, Allen and Rebecca changed into their adventurer gear and left the house.

Of course, it was to go to the 9th floor of Lilac Dungeon and complete Rebecca's self request.

Rebecca and Allen were walking together in the dusk. The city was gradually becoming less and less populated, and although they were not replacing them, adventurers who seemed to have returned from their request could be seen happily swaggering around the city. They were probably going out for drinks.

Allen looked at Rebecca walking next to him and called out to her.

“Still, those are quite good equipment. They’ve been well maintained too.” (Allen)

“Un. I've never shirk on maintaining my equipment, just as Len-nii taught me. It's a matter of life and death after all.” (Rebecca)

“Good girl.” (Allen)

Allen stroked Rebecca's head as she answered with pride. Her hair became a little messy, but Rebecca didn't really seem to mind and happily accepted it.

Rebecca's equipment consisted of light armor made of monster leather, a steel one-handed spear, and a steel buckler, which was the same type of beginner equipment that Allen gave her when he sent her off out of the city as a peddler while being completely updated.

All of them had faint marks of use, such as scratches, but they were in good enough condition to be usable, which was, more than anything, proof that Rebecca's words were true.

(Aah, but the spear seems to be a bit out of balance. She herself might not even be aware of it though.) (Allen)

Allen thought, having developed an observational eye for weapons that had been tempered to some extent in Dolban's Workshop. That said, their main purpose this time was to defeat treants, so he didn’t have any plans to explore that deeply, so he judged that there should be no problem.

‘It's sure been a while since the two of us went to a dungeon together,’ Allen thought nostalgically as they headed towards the south gate, but when that gate came into view, he realized that he had not asked Rebecca what he needed to confirm.

“Hey, Rebecca. You told me to leave the transportation of treant building materials up to you, but what are you going to do in the end?” (Allen)

“Fu fu fu. I have a secret plan. I'm sure Len-nii will figure it out in just a little bit.” (Rebecca)

* (T/N: the ‘I have a secret plan’. I’m pretty sure it’s code geass reference, but I don’t watch it, so I don’t know the correct wording. raw: 我に秘策あり.)

“What does that mean?” (Allen)

Rebecca didn’t answer the question, and just pushed Allen to walk toward the gate with a wide smile on her face. Then he took out the guild-issued adventurer's license from his chest and presented it to the gatekeeper who was guarding it.

“Good to go.” (Gatekeeper)

After receiving permission from the gatekeeper who compared Allen's appearance with the information written on his adventurer's license, Allen passed through the gate as usual. And then Rebecca followed after him.

The gatekeeper looked slightly impressed by Rebecca's iron class adventurer's license before he glanced over at Allen. With that alone, Allen could roughly guess the gatekeeper's thoughts and his cheeks twitched, then, when the gatekeeper finished verifying Rebecca's identity and was about to give permission, he stopped.

“Fumu, you own a magic bag, huh? Do you currently have it?” (Gatekeeper)

“Yes. The contents are food and spare equipment.” (Rebecca)

Rebecca took out a folded pouch from the backpack she was carrying, and the gatekeeper put his hand into the pouch and checked it for a while.

When you put your hand into a magic bag, the items stored inside it would pop up in your head, so it didn’t take long to check them.

There was no particular problem and Rebecca was naturally allowed to leave the city, and then she came to Allen, who was waiting for her, with a happy look on her face.

“See, you figured it out, right?” (Rebecca)

“Yeah. I see you had a magic bag with you. If that's the case, there's certainly no problem with transportation.” (Allen)

‘I guess Rebecca's full of confidence attitude is only natural if she has a magic bag,’ Allen was convinced and he started walking towards Lilac Dungeon.

However, he noticed that the expression on Rebecca's face in front of him was becoming more and more sullen, so he stopped.

“What's wrong?” (Allen)

“Len-nii, you’re not surprised. It's that magic bag that Len-nii said he admired as an adventurer, you know. Even though I thought I’d surprise you.” (Rebecca)

Seeing Rebecca looking a little depressed, Allen noticed his mistake and began to panic.

It was as Rebecca said. Allen used to talk to Rebecca about the magic bag like that. He even passionately talked about how one was a first-class adventurer precisely because they had a magic bag.

Allen immediately realized that Rebecca had hidden the fact that she had the magic bag to this extent in order to surprise him since he was like that. Because normally, he would’ve gone ‘Why do you have that?!’ in surprise.

However, Allen had already obtained a magic bag as Nella, so he was convinced before he was surprised.

“N-no. I'm surprised, okay? I guess you could say I was so surprised that I became calm. That’s the kind of thing that happens, okay?” (Allen)

“...” (Rebecca)

“That’s why, umm... I guess, I’m sorry.” (Allen)

Allen started to make excuses, thinking that he had to somehow mend the situation, but he stopped and apologized when he saw Rebecca staring at him.

Rebecca watched Allen like that for a while, but then, ‘Fuu,’ she let out a breath and closed her eyes for a moment.

“No, I'm sorry too. Even though Len-nii isn't at fault.” (Rebecca)

“No, I can understand that you were looking forward to it. I think you did it with me in mind too, so I'm glad for that. Still, you're making enough money to buy a magic bag, huh?” (Allen)

“Fu fu fu. That's why I said I’m a first-class peddler. It's an admired item for peddlers too after all.” (Rebecca)

The two walked towards Lilac Dungeon while having a cheerful conversation, as if to blow away the bad atmosphere from earlier. While both of them felt a little relieved in their mind.

When they arrived at Lilac Dungeon, the two of them made their way to the 9th floor at too smooth a pace. After all, Allen clearly remembered the shortest route to the 9th floor, and moreover...

“Yooi-shotto.” (Rebecca)

With Rebecca's unmotivated shout, her sharp one-handed spear stabbed through the torso of an ash wolf, who suddenly jumped out from behind a tree. Then, Rebecca immediately pulled back the one-handed spear and stabbed it into the ash wolf's head as it fell to the ground, finishing it off.

That execution was so brilliant that even Allen, who was watching from the side, could not complain about it.

“You’ve gotten better.” (Allen)

“I guess. Besides, my body has gotten a little bigger, and by the way, my breasts have gotten bigger too!” (Rebecca)

Rebecca smiled proudly as she puffed out her chest as if to emphasize the chest part of her monster leather light armor. Allen then looked at that area that had some undulations.

“Heeh, good for you.” (Allen)

“Isn't that where Len-nii should be surprised and say, ‘Seriously?’ or blush a little and look embarrassed?” (Rebecca)

Perhaps not liking Allen's reaction of lightly brushing it off, Rebecca retorted while making that reaction herself. Seeing that, Allen cocked his head while smiling wryly.

“No, well, but I’ve changed your diapers and stuff, you know. Even if I think you've gotten bigger, I wouldn’t think of you like that.” (Allen)

“Eeehh.” (Rebecca)

“Think about it the other way around. Wouldn't it be disgusting if, after I heard you talk, I stared at your chest and blushed?” (Allen)

Rebecca raised a voice of dissatisfaction, but when she heard Allen's words, she imagined it. Then, looking into Allen's eyes, with a serious expression, Rebecca nodded her head.

“Un, it's disgusting.” (Rebecca)

“Right?” (Allen)

‘Ugeh,’ Rebecca said as she mimicked vomiting. Allen agreed with her, and at the same time, he kicked back an ash wolf who jumped at them from the rear left, thinking that they were letting their guard down from their stupid conversation.

‘Kyain,’ the ash wolf whined as it was blown away, smashed into a tree and fell to the ground, and Allen thrust his sword into its neck.

“Len-nii is also stronger, right?” (Rebecca)

“Well, to some extent. It's been a few years since I taught you after all.” (Allen)

Allen lightly answered Rebecca's question.

Before Rebecca decided to become a merchant and left the city, Allen used to take her to the dungeon whenever time allowed to teach her how to fight and help her level up. Coincidentally, that was the Lilac Dungeon they were currently in.

That's precisely why both Allen and Rebecca could clearly tell that both of their skills had improved. This Lilac Dungeon was also a memorable dungeon for both of them, as they spent a lot of time together here before they separated.




And without anything happening, the two reached the 9th floor, the treant floor. As they descended the stairs, Allen tilted his head slightly.

“How rare. There's a couple of groups fighting here.” (Allen)

Due to his improved stats, Allen's ears were able to hear much better when he concentrated, and he was picking up the sounds of battle coming from three directions. Hearing those words, Rebecca's expression clouded a little.

“Hmm, I guess that means there are people who noticed.” (Rebecca)

“What’re you talking about?” (Allen)

“Yeah. About us. Even if we have rivals, we have an advantage on our side, so we won't lose. But is it really okay to divide the reward equally? Personally, I think Len-nii should get around 7.” (Rebecca)

“No, Rebecca is the one with the higher rank, so it's normal for me to get 3 instead. Wait, we've already talked about this and come to a conclusion. Let's hurry up and get going.” (Allen)

“Ah, wait. Len-nii!” (Rebecca)

Allen started walking and Rebecca chased after him until she lined up next to him.

What the two of them were talking about earlier was about the division of the reward. They talked about it before entering the dungeon, but they both insisted that it was natural for each of them to have the lower share, so in the end they settled on a 50/50 split. Neither of them really accepted it in the truest sense though.

When Rebecca caught up with him, Allen smiled a little and asked her.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you this, but how long do you plan on hunting here?” (Allen)

“Hmm? Of course, until the magic bag is full. I plan to repeat this over and over again.” (Rebecca)

“Ha? Even if you brought back that much, there’s no way you’ll be able to sell it, right?” (Allen)

“Don't worry about that and leave it to me. It’ll be okay, I'll make Len-nii a lot of money.” (Rebecca)

When Allen was surprised by the unexpected amount, Rebecca smiled confidently and said that.


(T/N: some of the sentences here, I didn't understand them until I translated v2c34, good thing I didn’t release this before that time.)

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