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Volume 2 Chapter 23 - Post-Meal Visit


While feeling bewildered by the request from Rebecca, Allen was gradually taken to [Garden of Sunbeams], where Rebecca guided him inside.

As to be expected from the high-class restaurant, even though it was among commoners, that was named [Garden of Sunbeams], the inside was furnished with wooden furniture that gives it a warm atmosphere, making it a calming space.

So much that Allen couldn't help but think the atmosphere was nice, if he disregarded the fact that there were so many couples here.

However, when he saw the prices, he instantly froze.

Allen stared intently at the cooking style that, unlike the one he sees in cafeterias, was so sophisticated that it was as if its purpose was to stimulate conversation by intentionally showing the cooking process to the customers. Out of a sense of duty to at least recover the cost, even just a little bit.

And the food that was served was even more wonderful than Allen had imagined.

It goes to the taste as well but, its appearance was so appealing that it almost looked like a work of art, captivating Allen and causing his hand to stop at it, and it was only after Rebecca burst out laughing and urged him that he started eating.

It certainly rewrote Allen's common sense of cooking.

“Geez, even though I already said I'd pay.” (Rebecca)

“No, a big brother asking his little sister to pay for his meal when she comes home after a long absence is kinda bad, right?” (Allen)

Allen managed to stop Rebecca as she was seriously trying to pay and half-forcingly paid for it himself, but because of that, Allen's wallet became quite light.

Allen had put several times more money in his wallet than he usually carries around because he was going to accompany Rebecca shopping, but even that was still just barely.

That said, it doesn’t change the fact that it was enough. Allen felt relieved at that and inwardly praised himself for his decision to add money to his wallet this morning.

Because he had somehow managed to maintain his dignity as an older brother.

Rebecca puffed out her cheeks a little, and Allen lightly stroked her head, as he had done in the past, and after seeing that her expression had softened, Allen relaxed his cheeks as well.

“So, I couldn’t ask when we were eating, but what’s the request?” (Allen)

“Ah, yeah. You’ll accept it?” (Rebecca)

“Adventurers accept requests after all. Well, it depends on the content, and I’ve still got that obstinate old man’s request... aah, come to think of it, I’ve got to talk to him about that too. Can I hear about it on the way to the old man’s place?” (Allen)

“Un.” (Rebecca)

As Allen started walking, Rebecca was in a good mood as she lined up beside him and talked to him about her request. The content didn't seem to be that big a deal to Allen. Because Allen did that just yesterday.

“In other words, you want me to go to the 9th floor and hunt treants. You also want me to process it while I’m at it, right?” (Allen)

“Un. And in large quantities.” (Rebecca)

“But I can only carry so much by myself. And it's a bit of a hassle to go back and forth to the 9th floor so many times.” (Allen)

If he were to act as the wood class adventurer Allen, the amount he could carry would be no more than the amount he brought home yesterday.

It's not like he couldn’t use a cart, but since the floors were connected by stairs, he'd have to carry it by hand at that time no matter what.

As Allen started thinking about helping Nick and his friends raise their level for free, and asking them to help transport them in exchange for the request fee, ‘Nishishi,’ Rebecca let out a weird laugh as she put her hand over her mouth and shook her head.

“I have an idea about the transportation, so don’t worry about it.” (Rebecca)

“An idea, huh. Well, it's fine. Then all I have to do is defeat treants and process them, right? Then it's fine.” (Allen)

“Yattaa. Now let's get into the specifics...” (Rebecca)

“Before that, I need to talk to the old man first.” (Allen)

Allen stopped walking in front of a house, and beside him, Rebecca turned her gaze toward that house. The house had a magnificent gate and could even be called a mansion.

Without hesitation, Allen proceeded to open the gate. And seeing this, Rebecca hurriedly grabbed Allen's hand.

“What are you doing, Len-nii?” (Rebecca)

“No, I'm trying to see the old man though.” (Allen)

“With a gate like this, it's common sense to wait until a servant opens it. Even Len-nii knows this, right?” (Rebecca)

As Rebecca said that with a panicked look on her face, Allen nodded in response.

Certainly, as Rebecca said, it’s generally the servant's role to open the gate of a large mansion like the one in front of them. If you ignore this and enter without permission, it won’t be strange if you’re arrested for trespassing.

Allen also knew this as common sense. But...

“No, no one will come even if we wait here. The first time I came to deliver medicinal herbs for a request, it ended up being a failure because of that.” (Allen)

“Eh?” (Rebecca)

“Seems like it’s only the old man who lives here, and he told me to come inside on my own, so it's not a problem. Then, let's go.” (Allen)

Even so, Rebecca still hesitated, so Allen held her hand, easily opened the gate, and entered inside.

Seeing Rebecca looking around restlessly, Allen's mouth loosened a little as he reached the front door, and once again, he opened the door without hesitation and without knocking.

“Wai-, Len-nii!” (Rebecca)

“Like I said, it's fine. I told you earlier that I was told to come inside on my own, didn’t I?” (Allen)

When she was told this, Rebecca realized for the first time that she was misunderstanding. When he said he was told to come inside on his own, she realized that he did not mean inside the gate, but really all the way inside.

At the same time, Rebecca changed her mood. Because judging from the contents of Allen's request, this mansion, and everything she had heard about his behavior, she thought that she might not be able to handle it in her current half-date mood.

Allen, who was proceeding through a wide hall, didn't notice the change in Rebecca's state as she withdrew her hand, and he slowly opened the door to the room at the end of it.

Rebecca was no longer surprised and did not raise her voice.

Allen looked around the room, his nose twitching a little at the grassy, slightly acrid smell of medicinal herbs that wafted from behind the open door, and then spotted an elder in the corner of the room running a pen on a piece of paper.

“Ooi, old man. Is this a good time?” (Allen)

“Hm, Allen, huh? What medicinal herbs did you bring today?” (Elder)

“My bad. I had something to do today so I didn't go to the dungeon. Well, that part's why I came to talk to you though.” (Allen)

“I don’t really get it, but in that case, go wait over there for a bit.” (Elder)

“Roger.” (Allen)

The elder with a white beard looked up and Allen briefly exchanged words with him.

As soon as that was finished, the elder resumed writing, and Allen didn't seem to mind and just found a chair and sat down, taking Rebecca along as she had been frozen staring at the elder.

“Ah, Rebecca, are you okay with the smell of medicine?” (Allen)

“Yeah. I handle it as a product. There's always a constant demand for it everywhere, so it's my standard product. Anyway, Len-nii, that person is...” (Rebecca)

Rebecca said as she continued to look at the elder who was writing with his whole heart, and Allen smiled wryly and answered.

“Yeah, he’s the client. His request conditions are extremely strict, and he's an obstinate old man who won't even tell me his name though.” (Allen)

“I can hear you, Allen.” (Elder)

The elder said that while casting a sharp gaze towards the two of them for just a moment, Rebecca’s body trembled at that, and Allen smiled softly to reassure her.

“Well, he’s like that. He's obstinate, but his personality is generally kind... kind? Hmm, he's not a bad person, so don't worry.” (Allen)

Seeing Rebecca nodded repeatedly while still nervous, Allen stroked her hair.

Allen thought it would be impossible to talk about Rebecca's request with her in this state, so he began to jokingly talk about the hardships he had faced with the herbs collecting request he had accepted here.

All of these stories were hard for Rebecca to believe, but being his family, Rebecca knew that Allen wasn't lying.

In other words, everything Allen said was true.

“Then the old man said, ‘If that's the case, you should just go get it again,’ even though he was the one who failed.” (Allen)

“That's a difference of opinion. I wouldn't have failed if Allen hadn't suddenly called out to me.” (Elder)

“No, you look like you were about to spill it, old man, that’s why I called out to you.” (Allen)

When the elder naturally cut into the conversation, the two of them looked toward him, feeling a little surprised.

The first thing that caught their eye was the elder's clothes, which were probably originally white, but they were stained green, yellow, and black in some places.

However, the elder was strangely able to wear it without giving off any sense of uncleanness. The elder looked around a bit, then randomly pulled out a nearby chair and sat down in front of the two of them.

“So, what’s your business?” (Elder)

“No, I got told that there is a hole in your request, old man. Isn't it bad to be paid even if I don't work? I actually didn't go to the dungeon today after all.” (Allen)

“What, it’s that?” (Elder)

“No, don’t give me that ‘it’s that,’ money is important, you know.” (Allen)

The elder quickly lost interest in Allen's talk, and Allen retorted with a bit of a bite. That was because, for Allen, that statement was unbelievable.

However, in contrast to Allen, the elder did not sympathize with Allen's words at all.

“What's important to me is time. I have money after all.” (Elder)

“That’s kind of the opposite of Len-nii. Len-nii has time but no money.” (Rebecca)

“Shut up! Besides, I've already saved up some money.” (Allen)

“It's about your values. Well, it's partly our fault though.” (Rebecca)

As she said that, Rebecca lowered her eyes somewhat sadly, Allen was at a loss for words, and then he immediately tried to tell her that it wasn't true.

However, before he could do so, he was stopped by the elder opening his mouth.

“Missy. Your brother is a man with a lot of promise. He's serious and steady. Above all, he knows what's important. Isn’t it because of you guys that he became that way?” (Elder)

“...” (Rebecca)

“I'm not saying you should be full of yourself. But don't despise yourself for being loved so much. You still have a lot of time, Missy. You should repay the favor.” (Elder)

“Yes!” (Rebecca)

Rebecca rubbed her wet eyes and replied in a loud voice. The elder smiled fondly at such a sight and squinted his eyes as if he were looking at something dazzling.

Watching the conversation between the two, Allen felt left out even though he was supposed to be the person concerned, and he blurted out.

“Somehow, I feel like the old man took all the good parts though.” (Allen)

At Allen's words which he said while frowning, Rebecca and the elder looked at each other and started laughing out loud.


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