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Volume 2 The Omnipotent Life of the Wood Class Veteran Adventurer

Volume 2 Chapter 1 - Veteran Wood Class Adventurer and Construction Request


On the central continent that is said to be the largest continent in the world. In the southwest of Eliard Kingdom, which boasts a size that ranks among the top three among the countries that exist within it, lies one of the country's leading metropolises that is flourishing as a trading hub, Lilac City.

In addition, it has a privileged location of being surrounded by four dungeons, which naturally attracts merchants and craftsmen in search of magic stones and resources, and in order to meet that demand, many adventurers fight monsters there. In other words, it can be said to be a city filled with energy.

However, even though it is such a city, no, precisely because of that, slums exist. The more people gather, the more people fall behind. It takes no ordinary effort for someone who has fallen to climb back up again.

Such people naturally gather together and accumulate resentment, bitterness, and frustration. In a place where such muddy emotions all jumbled together, real criminals establish their stronghold and things become even more chaotic.

There was such a slum near the western wall of Lilac... that’s how it was supposed to be.

“Oo─i, Allen. Hurry up and bring me the lumber.” (Nick)

“Hey, you’re being too rough with people!” (Allen)

Nick half-teasingly called out to Allen, who was carrying a piece of lumber that was clearly longer than he was tall. Allen couldn’t help but think about throwing the lumber he was carrying at him, but as expected, with so many people around, he didn't actually do it.

Allen carried the lumber to the spot Nick pointed after which, he straightened up and stretched his hips. ‘This place changed quite a bit too,’ while thinking that as he looked around.

The area used to be full of houses with decaying slanted pillars that looked like they were about to collapse at any moment, or houses that had been haphazardly added on over and over again and had become something like avant-garde art. There were no traces of those buildings left, the land had been cleared, with huge amounts of materials piled up on it, and one part already had some new homes under construction.

There was no stagnant air anywhere, and the place had transformed into a space filled with people's lively voices.

Of course, not all of the slum had changed into such a space, just the part of the entrance that used to be around the orphanage, but Allen smiled a little at this change.

Putting his arm around Allen's shoulders as if to embrace him was Allen's best friend and a carpenter, Nick. He has short red hair that stood on end and a manly smile on his face. He too, was happy.

“Hopefully this will change things a little bit for those slum guys.” (Nick)

“I hope so too.” (Allen)

Allen nodded in agreement to Nick's words.

Although neither Allen nor Nick live in the slums, they both live in this neighborhood, and both have led a life of poverty. There was a common understanding between the two that if they made one mistake, they too might have ended up living in the slums.

It’s not like people in slums like being there either. The two of them knew this very well, that’s why they thought it would be good if someone could be saved by this, and that’s why they were smiling.

“Oi, Nick. How long are you going to play around?” (???)

“Uwah, boss! I'll go now. See you later, Allen.” (Nick)

“Ou, do your best.” (Allen)

The boss of Brandt Workshop Nick belonged to yelled at him, and he jumped up and ran off at that while shouting to Allen. Without turning around, Allen bent one arm and made a strong fist in response, and he smiled wryly.

“Now then, should I continue as well? Or rather, this is clearly too much of a burden for a normal wood class adventurer. That bastard knew that and gave it to me, that damn Guildmaster.” (Allen)

Allen sighed as he looked distantly at the large amount of wood piled up as his own quota.

Although it was just one part of the slum, it was a large area where more than 100 people could live there, and they were building simple houses to temporarily house the people living in the slum. So it was clear that the amount of building materials required wouldn’t be anything to scoff at.

The request that Allen was half-forced to accept was to transport the building materials. Of course, there were other adventurers who had received similar requests, but Allen's quota was all about thick and heavy ones that would become the central pillar of a house.

It was obvious that someone's evil intentions were contained in it.

“Shit. Not this sort of time-consuming request again.” (Allen)

Even as he grumbled to Orlando, the Guildmaster of the Adventurers’ Guild who was as fat as a toad and had a wide grin on his face, Allen was carrying the heavy building materials in an all-too-smooth pace.

After discovering that if you defeat a slime after stepping on a level-down trap, your status will uniformly increase by a random number, Allen used that level-down trap that appeared in the Slime Dungeon after it changed, as well as the level-up trap there to get to level 500.

What's more, his attack power, defense power, vitality, magic power, intelligence, agility, and dexterity all exceeded 5000, achieving inhuman stats.

Considering that the average stats of a normal adult male is around 50-100 at level 1, it becomes clear how ridiculous Allen's stats values are.

To put it bluntly, the building materials he was carrying felt like nothing more than a twig to Allen, so this was a natural result.

While completing his own quota, Allen watched Nick and his colleagues build houses at a speed that is far beyond that of other craftsmen, and smiled.

“As I thought, people whose level has increased sure move differently. If it’s like this, the request might be completed sooner than I expected... but in the end, this is just going around and around, right?” (Allen)

Although he had only vaguely felt it, Allen's expression broke down and he let out a big sigh as he came to that thought again.

The reward Allen would receive for completing this request was 20,000 zenny per day. It was an extraordinary reward for a wood class adventurer.

Accordingly, the work was hard and strenuous; continuously carrying heavy building materials, but this did not apply to Allen, who had inhuman stats. In other words, Allen was not dissatisfied about the amount of reward.

Even so, Allen’s expression still broke down, because...

(Why am I working and getting paid myself for this work that was done with the money I entrusted to the Lord?) (Allen)

Allen tilted his head with such gloomy feelings in his mind. Although he didn’t know what to do about his feelings that he shouldn’t tell anyone about, Allen continued to work earnestly.


Author Note:

I received messages that you wanted to read the continuation, so I decided to cancel ending it, and resumed posting.

However, since this story has received a completion boost once, we plan to exclude it from the rankings when the story is completed next time.

Thank you very much for reading.

If you don't mind, I look forward to your continued support.


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