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Volume 1 Chapter 39 - Reason for Stampede


“Fumu, as expected of a clown. You make me laugh.” (Mizuchi)

“...I can't hear what you're saying, but I'm pretty sure you’re wrong.” (Allen)

In contrast to Mizuchi's cheerful smile, Allen, having heard his roar of laughter right in front of him, frowned as he replied. Iseria, who had cunningly covered her ears next to him, removed her hand from her ears when she saw that the two of them had started talking.

For a while now, Allen had been checking his ears by letting out “Aah” sounds while shaking his head, and when they were finally back to normal, he sighed in relief. Looking at Allen like that, Iseria smiled.

“Mizuchi-sama's laugh is a little loud after all.” (Iseria)

“You have some nerve when you cunningly covered only your own ears, you traitor.” (Allen)

“I've experienced it too after all. Besides, I didn’t particularly betray you.” (Iseria)

As Iseria shook her head while still smiling, Allen sharply looked at her. However, since he didn't understand what she was saying, he didn't pursue it any further.

‘However,’ Allen thought.

Although Allen was told that the blue-scaled ancient dragon in front of him was the Mizuchi from the story of the hero Artigald, it hadn’t really sunk in.

‘I remember well about Lyle, the hero's dragon mount, but was the ancient dragon that sent it even named?’ it was only at that level, and the ancient dragon’s screen time was low.

The story about obtaining the dragon mount Lyle, called the Three Trials of the Dragon's Valley, is very famous, and Allen too, has told it many times to his younger siblings.

After that, Lyle, together with Artigald, continued to play an active role in subjugating the demon lord. At the end of the story, it protected the hero from the demon lord’s attack and suffered a fatal wound, and yet it still let out a breath that made the demon lord flinch, creating a gap that let Artigald thrust his sword into the demon lord’s heart. In a sense, it is the dragon that is the leading actor behind the demon lord’s subjugation, it is impossible for him to forget it.

However, the ancient dragon that sent Lyle has never appeared after the Dragon Valley. When Allen was talking, he recalled the story again, and was convinced that the name Mizuchi has never been used in the story.

Allen didn't know why it sounded familiar though.

“Iseria. I also know the story of the hero, but I don't think the name of the ancient dragon comes up.” (Allen)

“Aah, then I’m sure that the story Nella-sama knows is the simplified version for children. The story of the hero Artigald is famous, so the content may have changed considerably depending on the year it was published and the target audience. The reason it sounded familiar is probably because Mizuchi-sama's name is also sung in the stories told by minstrels and the like. It's interesting how so many different stories were originally just one, isn’t it?” (Iseria)

“Surely so. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard that that crybaby boy was described as a hero who had overcome the trial.” (Mizuchi)

Iseria merrily answered Allen's question, adding more information than he was looking for, and Mizuchi agreed.

‘My doubts have been cleared up for now, but could it be that Iseria is a hero Artigald maniac?’, and a new doubt had arisen in Allen. As expected, Allen wouldn't do something so foolish as to ask that in this current situation though.

“Or rather, Artigald was a crybaby?” (Allen)

“Umu, he cried so much during the trial that his saintess comrade spanked him.” (Mizuchi)

“The saintess he’s talking about is Virginia-sama, who later became the queen of the country founded by Artigald. Haa~, even though Virginia-sama became his friend right before Dragon Valley, they started exposing themselves to each other from around that time, it’s wonderful, isn’t it?” (Iseria)

As he watched Iseria's cheeks turn red as she said such things ecstatically, Allen felt the image of the hero inside him quietly crumble. As he felt him change from a distant presence to a man he felt close to, Allen smiled wryly.

Perhaps thanks to talking about this, Allen felt calmer and remembered his original purpose for coming here.

“Well, let's leave that aside, Mizuchi-sama. Now that I’ve come here, does that mean you’ve achieved your purpose? My brother is also worried, so I want to take Iseria back with me.” (Allen)

Allen asked Mizuchi, hoping to somehow end this peacefully. Seeing Iseria's expression change to one filled with bitterness at those words, Allen ignored it even though he had some idea why.

Iseria may want to talk more with the legendary being, but as expected, she can't afford to let the damage from the stampede increase. Because, at worst, Eric might be among them.

Mizuchi gave a small nod in response to Allen's request, then opened his mouth as he tried to remember.

“Aah, wait. O mighty clown, if you wish to undergo the trial, please come to the Dragon Valley on the 81st floor and beyond.” (Mizuchi)

“Mighty clown...” (Allen)

“Trial! Could it be that you can undergo the trial just like Artigald?” (Iseria)

“Umu. It is the role of us dragons and this dungeon to guide the strong in preparation for the coming day. Then, I have told you. May we meet again someday.” (Mizuchi)

Saying that, Mizuchi raised his body and spread his huge wings. Then, flapping his wings as if he was about to fly into the sky, leaving behind the two who were about to be blown away by the wind pressure, Mizuchi disappeared. Abruptly, as if the fact that he had been there until now had been an illusion.

Allen restlessly looked around for a while, but when he confirmed that the presence of Mizuchi had completely disappeared, ‘Fuu,’ he let out a small sigh.

“I'm glad I wasn't forced to fight, but... what did he want in the end?” (Allen)

“Just knowing that the Dragon Valley is on the 81st floor and beyond and you can take the trial is a historic event, you know.” (Iseria)

“No, that might well be true, but...” (Allen)

It's not like he didn't understand what Iseria was saying with her eyes sparkling, but for Allen, who had come prepared to risk his life, it was still a very disappointing ending.

However, considering that the person involved, Mizuchi, had already disappeared, it was hard to imagine anything else happening. After thinking this far, Allen came up with a hypothesis.

“There’s no way he caused this stampede just to call me here and talk about the trial, right?” (Allen)

Allen said it out loud and reorganized his thoughts again.

If you think about it normally, those words seem impossible, even ridiculous, but after actually talking to Mizuchi and realizing the scale of the situation, Allen couldn't completely deny that possibility.

“What’s wrong?” (Iseria)

“No, it’s nothing.” (Allen)

Seemingly not hearing his muttered words, Iseria asked worriedly, but Allen shook his head and answered.

As if to shake off his own ridiculous hypothesis.

(It's finally over. For now, let's not think about anything that might be troublesome.) (Allen)

Changing his mood, Allen was once again healed by Iseria’s gaze filled with concern, and he smiled. Allen certainly felt that his strained string of tension was loosened by Iseria.

As if to cover up the feelings that were rising within him, Allen twirled his stick and pointed it in the direction he had come from.

“Okay, let's go back. Eric is probably worried too.” (Allen)

“Eric-sama, is it? If I'm not mistaken, he was the reliable captain-san who was in charge of all the soldiers. Are you close?” (Iseria)

“Ou, he’s the younger brother I’m proud of after all.” (Allen)

“...Younger brother?” (Iseria)

“Ah!” (Allen)

Allen stiffened as he realized his own verbal slip. And Iseria stared straight at Allen as he did.


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