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Volume 1 Chapter 30 - Iseria’s Level Up


After a while, Iseria calmed down and let go of Allen while hiding her face. Guessing that ‘I probably shouldn’t look at her while she’s like that’, Allen quickly turned around and acted as if he was trying to keep an eye on the surroundings.

(Yeah, I wonder why. It's not like it’s my fault, but this is awkward.) (Allen)

Allen thought while hearing the sound of Iseria moving behind him. Allen, who had been so occupied with providing for his younger siblings, was overwhelmingly lacking in this kind of experience.

It wasn't that Allen had never dated a woman, but he tended to prioritize his very young family members, so it never lasted long.

And by the time his younger siblings became independent, he was already 29 years old, and was already past the marriageable age, which is generally 20 years old, but no later than 25 years old, so he was no longer seen as potential romantic partners.

Of course, this is not to say that there are not others who are not married as well. There are many who enjoy the single life to the fullest, and this tendency was especially strong among adventurers who risk their lives.

Allen himself felt a little disappointed that he couldn't get married, but he wasn't that pessimistic about it, but there was definitely a part of him that felt like he was helpless in these situations.

“I'm sorry. I got your clothes dirty.” (Iseria)

Iseria had fixed herself up, and had almost erased all traces of her tears, but her red, inflamed eyes remained the same. Turning around and seeing her like that, Allen thought for a moment about what to say, but he couldn't think of anything good.

However, in a hurry to say something, Allen said the words that come to mind.

“N-no. These clothes are clothes that I found in a treasure chest in the dungeon and have a stain-proof feature. You don't have to worry about it.” (Allen)

‘Look, it's not dirty, isn’t it?’ Allen said as he stretched out his clothes and Iseria stared at it, and a quiet moment passed between the two.

‘Huh? isn't this the same as saying ‘your tears are dirty’?’ Allen noticed this, and before he could impatiently add a follow-up, Iseria erupted and started laughing.

“Yes. It's very clean.” (Iseria)

“T-that’s right.” (Allen)

Allen could only awkwardly smile back at Iseria, who had a big smile on her face.




The two left the defeated cyclops as is, and began walking in search of a new monster. At first, Allen was a bit awkward by himself, but after thinking ‘what will be, will be’, he started being able to have normal conversations.

“By the way, what’s your level right now?” (Allen)

“I rose to level 46 from that battle earlier. Thank you very much.” (Iseria)

“That’s the deal after all.” (Allen)

Iseria thanked him, and Allen waved his hand sideways to tell her not to worry about it.

What Allen obtained from the deal with Iseria was to have her lend him her magic book called the Magic Encyclopedia, but what Allen offered Iseria in return is not just returning her a level 1 using the level-down trap that Iseria had done the other day.

As evidenced by the fact that they are fighting together in the dungeon today, the deal included helping Iseria level up.

Although it wasn't something she wanted, Iseria had lived with a stats of over 1000 until now. Allen could easily imagine that she wouldn’t fare well if she was suddenly reduced to the meager stats of a level 1. All the more so with Iseria's good looks.

That's why Allen intended to help Iseria level up at least until she reached her previous stats values, and was currently in the process of doing so.

“Still, to think it increased your level by 45 in one go, as expected of a cyclops. It can’t be compared to a treant.” (Allen)

Although it’s only by one level, they surpassed the results of raising Nick’s level by spending a day hunting treants in the Lilac Dungeon. ‘We might be able to get her stats back to before faster than expected,’ Allen thought when Iseria reacted to Allen's previous words.

“It's certainly amazing. I was surprised when I heard the sound of my level increasing continuously. But my level has increased to 44, you know.” (Iseria)

“Hm? But didn’t you say you're level 46 just now...?” (Allen)

“Actually, I was at level 2 then. My level increased in the Slime Dungeon, and embarrassingly, I even cried at that time.”

Iseria said that with her cheeks dyed red, seemingly embarrassed, when Allen saw that, ‘how cute,’ he thought, but he also understood that, ‘I guess that’d happen.’

The effect of a level-down trap is that you only lose all the experience points you earned after reaching that level, and you drop one level.

Defeating a monster after that, no matter what it is, would raise your level, Allen knew that best, having experienced it many times. And as soon as he realized this, Allen felt a bad premonition.

“Right right, God blessed me during my first level up.” (Iseria)

“Hee─h, I see.” (Allen)

Allen replied while feeling his bad premonition growing stronger. And Iseria's words after that, which she said with a smile on her face, confirmed that Allen's premonition was right on target.

“All my stats went up by 10. God must be telling me to work hard as a hero egg.” (Iseria)

“Un, might be.” (monotone)

Allen managed to reply even though his words were broken, but his heart was pounding quickly, like an alarm bell. Fortunately, Iseria didn't hear it.




Allen had work that night, so he didn't have that much time, so Iseria's stats haven’t returned to its previous value.

However, after that, they did leveling several times, including on holidays, and as a result, Iseria's level grew rapidly, until it finally reached level 200.

Respecting Iseria's words that she was better at magic, Allen encouraged her to fight with magic midway through, and her magic-related stats had easily grown to over 1400. On the other hand, her other stats haven't reached 1000 though.

This was quite the stats for an ordinary adventurer. And with the added advantage of being able to use intermediate or higher level magic, Allen judged that she would be able to handle most things one way or the other.

“Then, the deal is over today. Thank you for lending me your important book.” (Allen)

“Me too, thank you very much. I will never forget the favor I received from Nera-sama for my whole life.” (Iseria)

“Like I said, it was a deal.” (Allen)

“Even so.” (Iseria)

In order to return to the city, he killed the ogre king in an instant, and they returned to the 1st floor of the Demon Dungeon. At the place where Allen and Iseria first met, Iseria said that while directing her sincere eyes at him, and Allen, troubled by it, scratched his head as if to hide it.

Allen himself knew that he would look a little better if he could say a clever line here, but unfortunately he couldn't think of anything.

“Well, enough about the favor. Rather than that, if I had to say something as a senior in life; have fun, remember just that.” (Allen)

“Have fun?” (Iseria)

“Yeah. You can’t get too caught up in being a hero egg. If someone with a grim face or a desperate expression saved someone else, the person who was saved will just say I'm sorry instead of thank you, right? That's why Iseria, enjoy your life.” (Allen)

Allen's words were filled with more than enough real experience. Allen frantically tried his best to provide for his younger siblings, but that doesn't mean everything was painful for him.

But Allen was desperate and had no leeway. Because of this, there were countless times when his younger siblings worried about him.

Now that he no longer had to, and now that he had the power, he realized it all over again.

Iseria looked down a little with an ambiguous expression, as if she understood, as if she didn't, seeing that, Allen smiled at her then patted her shoulder and slipped past her.

Because he didn't know what else to say, and he thought it was Iseria who had to draw the conclusion.

Iseria stared at his back as it slowly moved away, but she clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest and looked up.

“Please go on an adventure with me again someday.” (Iseria)

“Ou.” (Allen)

Allen raised one hand and walked away without even looking at her, and Iseria continued to stare at his figure as he left, and even after he was out of sight.


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