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Volume 1 Chapter 27 - Consideration for the Deal


“Fufu, it's finally completed. Geez, I thought it would take longer because I got hung up on the details, but thanks to the fact that I was able to shorten the time to build the basement, it was done sooner than I expected.” (Allen)

Allen muttered to himself as he looked around the room with satisfaction. The room, which until recently had been so dilapidated that drafts were blowing in, had its state completely changed.

The floor, where trash always piled up in its corner, has been replaced by floorboards laid out evenly and horizontally. The roof, which often leaked rain, and the walls, which had drafts coming in, have not only been completely renovated, but also made to use wood grain to create a calming space.

Much of the furniture that had been used had been replaced with new, sturdy-looking ones, starting with the bed that had been creaking so much that it sounded like it would break if someone tried to jump into it.

The exterior had only undergone some rough repairs, so the only one who knew that the interior looked like it was brand new was Allen. Well, Allen created the plan so that it would look like that, so perhaps it's only natural

That said, not everything was new, several things that remind him of its former appearance, such as the pillar with many scratches carved into it, were left behind.

They’re irreplaceable pieces of precious memory. Those things show that his younger brothers and sisters lived here, so Allen intentionally left them behind. It can be said that the reason why it took so long was because Allen was lost in the process of sorting through them.

Allen walked on the floor, which did not dent even when he walked on it, and then applied force to a seemingly empty floorboard in the corner of the room. Then, the floorboard made a clicking sound and sank diagonally, and then Allen pulled the raised floorboard and slid them.

“Oo─h, what can I say, it's good no matter how many times I see it.” (Allen)

Hidden under the floor was a staircase leading to the basement. Allen, carrying a lamp, happily descended the stairs, which were so uniform in height that you’d think they were made using a mold.

After walking for a while down the narrow staircase about 1 meter wide reinforced with wood shining slightly black, Allen arrived at an open space.

That space is about 3 meters in height and 5 meters in width in all 4 directions. In the center of the room was a desk and chair made from the same shiny black wood that surrounds the walls.

Allen hung the lamp to a hook on the wall, sat down on the chair with a thump, and looked around the room.

On a shelf set up along the wall, a complete set of Nera disguise costumes and rewards for subjugating the ogre king were placed carelessly, and alongside them, tattered toys and similarly tattered books were lined up carefully.

“Phew, as expected, the underground is dark... Ah, now that I think about it, there was a perfect spell for this, wasn't it? Light Circle.” (Allen)

As Allen chanted this, a circular ring of light appeared on the ceiling and began to emit light like midday. The basement, which had been dimly lit earlier, was indeed brightened, but...

“It's too bright. For now, let's cancel this current one, and then. Light Circle." (Allen)

The floating circular light disappeared, and this time, a ring of soft light appeared. Satisfied with the result, Allen nodded, got up from his seat, and took out a massive book from the shelf along the wall.

He slid his hand over the heavy cover, which he can tell at first glance was made with money, and looked at the words inscribed on it.

The words ‘Magic Encyclopedia’ were written on it.

“Yeah, I thought it was an exaggerated name, but this is some seriously dangerous content. Normally, wouldn't this be considered a forbidden book?” (Allen)

While saying such things, Allen proceeded to flip through that Magic Encyclopedia. Allen had memorized all of the contents after reading it once, but thinking that he would probably never have another chance to read a magic book like this, he read it over and over again.

Magic books are rarely available to the general public. There are quite a few adventurers, including Allen, who have learned magic, but most of them basically learn it by being taught directly by their predecessors, who were also taught in the same way.

Because of this, the level of magic that ordinary adventurers can handle is generally similar and low in level.

The only people who could use magic above intermediate-class were graduates of schools that perform magic research, or rare people who were born into noble families but became adventurers for some reason.

Naturally, there are only a few of them, and those who can learn powerful magic that can be used as a trump card are in high demand, and it is said that if you can use intermediate or higher level magic, you will have no trouble making a living as an adventurer.

However, this Magic Encyclopedia contained not only intermediate level but also advanced level spells, and even tactical level spells that would normally be used by a group of people during war.

In addition to the ranks, it also listed special magic such as [light] and [dark], in addition to the commonly known basic magics of [fire], [water], [wind], and [earth].

The Light Circle that Allen used earlier was also that light magic.

Incidentally, the reason the creation of this basement was completed so unbelievably quickly was thanks to the earth attribute magic written in the Magic Encyclopedia.

Allen finished reading the Magic Encyclopedia at an impossibly fast pace without making any new discoveries, and stretched out.

He then thought, ‘Isn’t this Ojii-sama who entrusted the book in front of me to Iseria a pretty dangerous guy?’, and shuddered.

In the deal he made with Iseria, Allen had her lend him this magic book as a compensation. This was because Allen had a desire to use those precise and sometimes overwhelming magic used by first-class magicians.

That said, the real reason was that Iseria had just mentioned the magic book then, so Allen had just taken advantage of that, but as a result, Allen had gained the right to borrow something outrageous.

Allen was able to understand the theory in the magic book in one go, and was able to use all the spells written in this Magic Encyclopedia. Even the tactical level spell that skilled magicians use in groups, he can use it by himself.

To put it bluntly, he is a walking dangerous object. Well, that might already be the case when all of his stats exceeded 5000 though.

“I learned magic, but it's pointless if I can't use it effectively in actual combat. Well, I'll be diving into a dungeon for a while after this anyway, so I'll get used to it there.” (Allen)

Although he had learned magic and was able to use it, Allen had never used it in actual combat, so he casually thought that and leaned his weight on the backrest.

He couldn't do that with his previous chair because he was worried that it would break, but being the creator, Allen himself knew better than anyone that the chair made using hanging tree material won’t budge at that level.

Allen enjoyed the atmosphere of the secret basement for a while, but then he got hungry so he came out of the basement, ate lunch, took a short nap, and stuffed a few things into his magic bag before leaving the house.

Today was the day when he worked for the Guild at night. Allen put on his usual equipment and showed his face at the Adventurers' Guild.

“Allen.” (Matilda)

“Hey, Matilda. Things a little calmer over there?” (Allen)

Matilda called out to Allen, and he replied in a friendly manner.

Due to the fact that their working hours have been slightly different recently, this is the first time they met and talked properly like this since Allen received the request to repair the church.

For a while, Matilda had dark circles in her eyes due to adjustments and difficulties regarding the use of the level-up trap, but now, although she looks a little tired, her beauty has returned.

Matilda smiled bitterly and beckoned Allen over. As Allen approached her, wondering if she had some business with him, Matilda left the counter and headed towards a hallway in the back of the Guild that was only used by employees, and Allen followed without asking anything.

The two then entered the storage room at the very back, where almost no one, not even guild employees, come into.

“So, what's the trouble? I have work after this, so I won't have that much time.” (Allen)

“Trouble, you say... I guess it is trouble in a sense, but I’m just providing information so that Allen won't get dragged into it.” (Matilda)

“If it’s like that, then you don’t really need to come this far... wait, could it be that knowing that information itself is dangerous?” (Allen)

When Matilda nodded, Allen exaggeratedly slumped his shoulders. In all honesty, Allen didn't want to hear that kind of information, but he thought that if Matilda, whom he trusted, judged that he should, then it was definitely better for him to hear it, so he raised his eyes.

Matilda made a mysterious face and brought that face closer to Allen. ‘Somehow, it’s like she’s going to kiss me,’ Allen thought, trying to escape reality, and blushed at that thought as Matilda whispered to him.

“Do you know an adventurer called Iseria who recently came to this city?” (Matilda)

“...I don't know her directly, but I've heard of her.” (Allen)

“I'm concerned about that small pause.” (Matilda)

Allen shook his head even while he was internally shaken by her stare. ‘I got to know her as Nera, not as Allen, so I’m definitely not lying,’ somehow, he made an excuse in his heart.

Perhaps sensing that feeling of Allen, Matilda's expression returned to a serious one.

“She's a girl so cute that I can't believe she's an adventurer, but definitely don't get involved with her.” (Matilda)

“Eh?” (Allen)

Toward Allen who was surprised and asked back briefly, Matilda spoke without changing her expression.

“That girl is probably being watched by the top brass of the country.” (Matilda)


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