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So in the "new world" that Madoka created, magical girls are still created, wishes and all, and are made to fight wraiths rather than witches. Wraiths are just the curses of everyone taking form, like curses from Jujutsu Kaisen, but while they still bypass entropy, they are a lot less efficient than witches. So Kyubey still gets the energy he needs, just a lot slower. Once Magical Girls use up all their magic, if they don't have any of those cubes you saw Homura feeding Kyubey at the end there, which are less efficient Grief Seeds, their Soul Gem shatters. Which is what happened to Sayaka at the end. The reason why it didn't happen to Mami or Kyoko is because both of them are really good at being Magical Girls, so the only way either of them would die was if the wraiths they fought got a lucky shot in to shatter their Soul Gems. And since wraiths are pretty much everywhere, there's less of a reason for Mami/Kyoko/Sayaka/Homura to fight over Grief Seeds, they get to work together, so there's less of a chance for them to die by fighting/overconfidence. Extra bit - if Madoka had chosen to erase magical girls as a whole, it would've reverted all their wishes as well, which meant humans would be living in caves again, so destroying witches before they are "born," was a pretty good compromise.


Omg so glad yall finished this and enjoyed it! I see someone else has already offered some explanations on things, but I thought it'd be helpful to go over everything in somewhat chronological order. So you're right about the importance and ultimate "reason" for Homura going back in time being so that "our" Madoka is powerful enough to make this wish. The wording of her wish is also important: "To erase all witches before they are born, in all timelines in all universes, past present and future, by [her] own hands." So Madoka becomes a law of nature, a concept, that steps in right at the point where magical girls WOULD become witches. She cleanses their gems by taking that darkness into herself. Their soul gems still shatter because they've essentially hit their natural limit, so they still die, but WITHOUT the karmic rebound of their wishes, essentially. That's what mattered so much to Madoka, that their hopes and dreams - exemplified in their wishes - wouldn't ultimately result in equal pain, despair, and misery. Sayaka is a perfect example of the tragedy of this, where she wanted so badly to help and save people, but in the end she grew to scorn the world and became a creature that would have killed and spread suffering. Sayaka is definitely a huge influence in why Madoka ends up making the wish, hence the importance of her as a character and her death within "our" timeline. So, after Madoka makes the wish, she shoots an arrow into the sky. The symbol represents her as The Law of the Cycle. That first arrow becomes arrows that shoot out all throughout time and space, saving magical girls. And because Madoka's wish basically rewrites how magical girls even work, and the results of their wishes/deaths, the universe has to completely change. It essentially resets, adjusting itself to suit her new law. Homura and everyone else are "reborn" in a brand new timeline in a new universe, one where the curses of humanity (formerly witches) take new forms (now wraiths). Incubators still made contact with humans and began making contracts to create magical girls because they still need a source of energy to combat entropy, but now magical girls don't become witches when they've reached their limit/their soul gems break. It's also implied by Kyubey near the end that the witch-system was more energy efficient than the wraith-system, because there's no longer an enormous burst or energy that comes from girls falling into despair the moment they would have become witches. It's kind of a lot, but once you get the general idea, it makes more sense on a rewatch! I so glad yall mentioned watching the movie, it's fantastic and continues the story. The subtitled version might be a bit tricky to find online, but it's definitely out there if you look!


W reaction there is somthing i want yall to do like if your going to do a anime put polls about like 5 animes and let us patreon vote and choose what we want yall to react to, (alot of youtubers do this) put the animes that are getting reccommended btw i want you guys to react to the anime "jujutsu kaisen"/"blue lock" one of the most popular/great shows there all 24 eps a season blue lock has 1 season while jujutsu kaisen has 2 seasons


ok so when are we going to get some uploads its been 2 weeks -_-


okay what its been almost a month, am not gonna pay anymore if yall dont upload like i dont want 1 ep reactions every month -_- pls upload not tryna be toxic but am spending money here