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It's been a beat since I've done a photo caption story! Obviously none are on here since Patreon is relatively new for me, but you can check out the other ones I've done on AO3. But this photo instantly sparked an idea from me the second I saw it. 

Any caption stories I do end up doing will be free for everyone since they're all typically going to be less than what I constitute a full story. Enjoy!


Stanley had lucked out when he found the help wanted sign for the new Korean restaurant opening soon in town, SLABZ. It was definitely og, straight from the homeland kind of restaurant. When he called the number to apply, he fumbled his way through barely conversational Korean-English mix with the owner. 

It was a miracle he was hired to begin with. The only words he could really make out from the call were "serve," "prime," "muscle," "meat," and "proud." He had figured the owner wanted to serve the best meats possible and that he wanted his workers to be proud of that fact. It made sense. What didn't make sense was when he was asked to send a photo of himself. Luckily for him, Stanley had no shortage of photos of himself.

He ended up sending a photo of him in a tight sweater polo, his muscles barely contained in the thin fabric. Weeks later, he got a call back saying he was hired. He went through training and met a couple of his future co-workers. All of the waiters were young men,  all Korean of course ,roughly Stanley's age, and just as buff -- if not more than him. 

Opening day soon arrived. Stanley slipped into the restaurant and clocked in. He walked into the backroom where the lockers were, coming to a halt in his tracks. There were his coworkers, stripping down to nothing but their nonslip shoes and their aprons covering their junk.

"What the hell is this?" 

"Dude, we all knew what we were signing up for. Mr. Park told us exactly what this restaurant was about! SLABZ -- That's us, bro. Sure it's a little embarrassing but the girls and the gays are going to tip so well," one said, making sure his apron was secure.

"Yeah, well... about that," Stanley stammered. "My Korean is kind of not great. I only understood about half of what he was saying. I thought he was just talking about the meat!"

The others laughed, their big beefy chests bouncing slightly while their abs contracted. "Oh man. Well, team huddle's in 5. Either you're in you're out, my guy!" They patted him on the shoulder, and gave his ass a passing spank as the naked waiters filed out into the main dining room.

Stanley was conflicted. He needed the money, but he did not want to parade around naked for 8 hours a shift! He stared at the apron on his locker and then at the back exit door. With a deep sigh, he peeled off his shirt.

"Nice of you to join us," Mr. Park shouted in Korean when Stanley finally emerged. He tugged at the apron, a blush spreading all over his face and neck. "We were going over the dessert menu."

"Looks like he got that covered," one waiter snickered, giving Stanley's exposed ass a hard slap. The echo resonated through the whole restaurant. Mr. Park glared at them, while Stanley looked away and rubbed his butt cheek. 

They concluded the meeting and prepared for opening. In just a few moments the whole restaurant would be flooded with customers all eager about the hunky wait staff bringing them their food. Stanley inhaled and exhaled, preparing himself for the rest of the shift. All he had to do was wait tables... in the nude. No big right? Yes, his genetically blessed posterior was on display but at least he had the cover his apron. 

What little good that cover did for him -- or any of the others for that matter. "Clumsy" customers would lift it up, exposing his dick, or mess with the ties so it would fall uselessly to the floor. He spent most of his shift not even serving food but fighting to keep from any more exposure. Of course, any time he was focused on getting his front covered back up again it just left his ample rear end exposed to be pinched and smacked.

The other waiters took their exposure and gropings in stride. Stanley... not so much. His face was a near permanent shade of blush before he even took his first break.

 It was going to be a long shift.



Great story and great pic!


My kind of restaurant staff 😍❤️