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***Hey everyone still playing catchups with old commissions, this one was overdue so the other stories are on back burner until I finish them up over***

Todd was starting his first shift at his new job. Even with his less than stellar resume, he had managed to land himself this new gig working at a daycare that had only recently opened up.

It was in no short thanks to his mother who just happened to have connections as a teacher that she knew of the opening. Her reputation preceded her so it didn't take much persuasion to get Todd on the roster.

The owner of the daycare knew his mother well, she knew about his sordid history as a lay about. He had barely scraped through college and hadn't put his degree to any use. It hung on his wall as an expensive reminder that he really needed to get his act together.

But after so many years of schooling and studies, he argued he was deserving of a break. Unsurprisingly that 'break' turned into a gap year spent at home playing video games and going to house parties with friends.

Enough was enough, his mother argued. He eventually obliged to his mother’s demands, the threat of increasing his rent above his meagre unemployment payments were enough for him to finally start looking for something.

Unfortunately even with his college degree he was overlooked. Something about being 'overqualified' for the entry level positions and not enough life experience for him to actually score something that he could make a career out of.

When his mother told him that he would be working at a daycare he wasn't optimistic. Todd had no interest in children; his last relationship had ended because of that note. She wanted to take it to the next level, and have a real talk about marriage.

Todd had nothing against being married but he confessed he had no desire for kids and so eventually his partner called it off, and the two parted ways.

Todd's first shift was an early one; it took his mother ripping his quilt off to actually get him out of bed.

"You're not going to be late on your first bloody shift." she shouted.

"I'm up mum." he replied groggily.

"I told you to set an alarm, now you don't even have time to eat." his mother sighed, exasperatingly.

"It's fine, I'll eat on my break." Todd replied back, stifling a yawn.

"Just be ready in ten or you can find your own way there." she said before leaving abruptly.

Todd stretched and quickly got dressed; his mother had had the foresight to iron some nice clothes for him to wear the night before since they didn't have a specific uniform for him to wear.

He also knew his mother well enough by now that she would literally leave him behind if he wasn't ready. So after haphazardly chucking his clothes on, not caring to tuck in his shirt he hastily brushed his teeth and ran out to the car.

"I'm not going to have this fight with you every morning Todd." his mother chastised him. "I have a job too you know, if you want to be a laze about and leave get yourself in then get your license."

Todd stared grumpily out of the window, after the early morning wake up the last thing he wanted to start his day with was listening to his mother telling him how to live his life.

When they eventually arrived at the day care Todd muttered his thanks and watched his mother drive off down the road. He turned and looked back at the front door and realised he actually had a growing pit of anxiety forming in his chest.

After taking a deep breath Todd walked inside the glass doors to the receptionists counter.

There he was greeted by the owner herself, a tall, slender woman with curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes. She looked Todd up and down, sizing him up in a way that made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Good morning, Todd!" greeted the owner, a middle-aged woman with a warm smile. "I'm Mrs. Johnson, the owner of this daycare. I heard a lot about you from your mom, and I'm excited to have you on our team."

"Thank you, Mrs. Johnson," Todd replied, feeling a bit relieved that the owner seemed nice. "I'm excited to start working here."

"Great! Let me give you a quick tour of the place and introduce you to everyone."

As Todd followed Mrs. Johnson around the daycare, he couldn't help but notice how well organized and clean everything was. The toys were neatly arranged on shelves, the play area was spacious, and the walls were adorned with colourful murals of animals and cartoon characters.

"This is the main play area," Mrs. Johnson said, gesturing around the room. "We have a designated area for infants and toddlers, and another area for pre-schoolers. The kids can choose which activities they want to do, and we have a schedule of structured activities throughout the day."

Todd nodded, doing his best to absorb the information, determined to make a good first impression.

Mrs. Johnson introduced Todd to the other staff members, all of whom were friendly and welcoming. He was surprised to see that most of them were young women, and he couldn't help but feel a little out of place.

"And this is the infant room," Mrs. Johnson said, opening the door to a small room filled with cribs. "You'll mostly be working with the older kids, but we might need you to help out in here occasionally."

Todd nodded, trying to keep his expression neutral. He couldn't imagine taking care of babies. They all looked the same to him, and he had no idea how to tell if they were hungry or needed a diaper change.

His eyes scanned over to a corner of the room that seemed to have been purposefully designed for changing diapers going by the changing table they had set up. It reminded him of his own need for the bathroom; apparently he must have forgotten to use it this morning in his haste to get ready on time.

"Sorry where is the bathroom." he said awkwardly, interrupting the tour.

Mrs. Johnson turned to face Todd eyeing him up and down unexpectedly.

"Todd, you've only just arrived, I haven't even finished the tour and you're already asking to use the toilet." she said rather crossly. "I want us to start on the right foot I won't allow you to be making fifty bathroom breaks a day just to get out of work, I wasn't born yesterday."

"I really have to go," Todd whined. "I'm not just trying to get out of work I swear."

It felt rather embarrassing to have to convince this woman he needed to use the loo like one of her charges might.

Mrs. Johnson's expression softened a bit and she sighed. "Fine, it's down the hall to the left. But please be quick, we have a schedule to keep."

Todd let out a sigh of relief and thanked her before he hurried down the hall to the bathroom. As he stood at the door way to the bathroom, he couldn't help but feel a sense of shame. He was a college graduate, and here he was, working at a daycare and asking permission to use the bathroom.

He stepped inside the bathroom and was quite taken back by what he saw. He quickly checked the image on the front door just to confirm he was in the right spot and spotted the men's logo on the front. But the bathroom was definitely meant for the daycare attendees and not the staff. Everything was scaled down and there weren’t even any urinals.

Todd opened one of the stool doors and saw the miniature toilet before him. The bathroom was spotless so Todd was terrified that if he went standing up he might make a mess and since they weren't open yet and he seemed to be the only male worker it wouldn't be hard to point the finger at him.

As he stood their looking at the toilet with a growing anxiety, his trained muscle memory kicked in. Coupled with the need to use the bathroom a short spurt of wee came out uncontrollably, soaking into the front of his underpants.

Todd gasped in horror as he looked down at the wet spot on his pants. He couldn't believe he had just peed himself like a little kid. He quickly tried to dry himself with some toilet paper, but it was no use. The damage had already been done.

Feeling ashamed and embarrassed, Todd took off his pants and underwear and tried to dry them under the hand dryer. He knew he couldn't go back to work like this, but he also couldn't just leave. As he stood there, half-naked and vulnerable, he heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Todd, are you okay in there? You've been gone a while," Mrs. Johnson's voice called out.

Todd's heart raced as he tried to figure out what to say. He couldn't tell her the truth, but he also couldn't just ignore her and hope she might go away.

"I'm fine, I'll be out in a moment," he lied, hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Are you sure, the dryers been going for an awfully long time in there what's going on?"

Suddenly the handle to the bathroom started to turn, and Todd panicked. As the door swung open, Todd tried his best to cover himself but it was no good. There he was standing bottomless, drying his wet underpants underneath the hand dryer.

Mrs. Johnson stood frozen in the doorway, staring at Todd in shock. Her eyes widened at the sight that was presented before her.

"Todd, what's going on?" she asked, her voice shaking.

Todd's heart raced as he tried to come up with an excuse. He knew he couldn't tell her the truth, but he was struggling to make something up.

"I spilled water on my pants," he lied, his voice trembling.

Mrs. Johnson looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure that's all it is?"

Todd nodded, hoping that she would just leave him alone and let him clean up and change. But Mrs. Johnson didn't move from the doorway.

"I need you to tell me the truth, Todd," she said sternly

Todd felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he finally told her what had happened.

"I… I had an accident," he mumbled, feeling utterly humiliated.

Mrs. Johnson looked him up and down, her expression unreadable "Your mother didn't mention to me that you weren't toilet trained."

Todd's face grew hot with embarrassment as Mrs. Johnson's words sunk in. He couldn't believe this was happening to him, of all people. He had always prided himself on being a responsible adult, but now he felt like a helpless child. What an awful first impression he had just made, his heart filled with dread that he probably just set a new record for someone to be fired from a new job.

Eventually he shook his head, feeling ashamed. "I'm sorry, it's never happened before. I don't know what's wrong with me."

Mrs. Johnson sighed and shook her head. "It's okay, accidents happen, but you need to be more careful we can't have any accidents happening in front of the others what kind of example does that set."

Todd nodded, feeling even more embarrassed than before. He quickly finished drying his clothes and got dressed. He was hoping to just leave and never come back, but Mrs. Johnson had other ideas.

"Come with me, Todd. We need to talk."

Todd quickly slipped into his nearly dried clothing and followed her out of the bathroom and down the hall to her office. She closed the door behind them and motioned for Todd to take a seat.

"Look, Todd, I understand that accidents happen. But we need to make sure that it doesn't happen again," she said, her voice firm but compassionate. "From now on if you're going to work here I want you to wear some protective underwear, just in case,"

Todd's eyes widened at the suggestion. "Protective underwear?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded. "Yes, it's nothing to be ashamed of. We have several children here who wear them, and it's better to be safe than sorry. I'll provide them for you, so don't worry about the cost."

"I...I understand," he said, feeling equally humiliated and defeated.

Mrs. Johnson looked at him sympathetically. "It's just a precaution, Todd. I don't want you to feel ashamed, accidents happen to everyone."

Todd nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling of shame that washed over him. He was about to be made to wear something that was so embarrassing he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to show his face back here again.

"Luckily we actually have some in your size on hand. They're quite babyish, the wrong size came in one of our deliveries so we've got a full case of them just sitting there."

Todd's heart sank at the mention of the word “babyish.”

Mrs. Johnson noticed the look of discomfort on Todd's face and tried to reassure him. "Don't worry, Todd. They're just like regular underwear, but with an extra layer of protection. No one will even know you're wearing them."

"I'm not even sure how I would even put them on." he whimpered.

"Don't worry about that." Mrs. Johnson told him sympathetically. "Come with me and we'll get it sorted."

Todd followed Mrs. Johnson hesitantly, feeling like a child being led by the hand. They entered the supply room, which was stocked with all sorts of diapers, wipes, and other baby supplies. It was overwhelming to see all of the supplies meant for babies. Todd’s heart sank once he realised the implication of him being in this room was they were about to find something that would become his underwear for the day.

Mrs. Johnson cracked open a box, pulled out a package and handed it to Todd. "Here, hold these."

Todd hesitated, but he knew he had no other choice if he wanted the chance to keep his job. He took the package from Mrs. Johnson and made his way with her down the hall.

He held it up nervously, looking at the childish design printed on the front. It was covered in cartoon animals and looked like something a toddler would wear. He followed her into the infants room when he realized she was taking him towards one of the changing tables.

Todd's heart raced as he realized what Mrs. Johnson was planning. He couldn't believe he was about to be changed like a baby.

"Mrs. Johnson, I don't think this is necessary," he protested, his voice shaking.

"Todd, it's for your own good. We don't want any more accidents happening, do we? Everyone in diapers gets changed on the tables" she said, her voice firm.

Todd couldn't argue with her logic, but he couldn't shake the feeling of embarrassment that washed over him. He felt like a helpless child, completely at the mercy of his caretaker.

Mrs. Johnson instructed him to lie down on the changing table, and he did so hesitantly. He felt like a helpless baby as he lay there, vulnerable and exposed. She removed his pants and underwear, exposing his bare bottom. Todd felt a sense of shame wash over him.

Mrs. Johnson pulled out one of the diapers and began to unfold it. "Now, Todd, lift up your bottom."

Todd submissively complied and lifted his bottom up off the changing table. He couldn't believe he was being changed like a baby.

Mrs. Johnson quickly slipped the diaper underneath him and pulled the front up between his legs. Todd felt the soft material press against his skin.

"There we go," Mrs. Johnson said, fastening the tapes on the sides. "All done."

Todd felt a sense of relief wash over him as he was finally allowed to sit up. However, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed as he looked down at the childish diaper between his legs.

The reality sunk in that he was going to have to wear this thing for the rest of the day.

"How long do I have to wear this?" Todd asked, his voice shaking.

"Until we can be sure that you won't have any more accidents," Mrs. Johnson replied.

Todd felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment. He couldn't believe that he was being treated like a baby, all because of one little mishap.

"Can I at least put my pants back on?" Todd asked.

Mrs. Johnson nodded. "Of course, but I need to make sure that the diaper is secure first."

Todd didn’t put up any fight, feeling helpless as Mrs. Johnson checked the fit of the diaper.

Finally, she deemed the diaper secure enough for Todd to put his pants back on. He quickly pulled them up, appearing rather distressed as he looked down at the childish diaper between his legs.

"Now, Todd, I need you to be responsible and check yourself regularly. If you feel like you need to use the bathroom, let me know so we can avoid any more accidents in the future," Mrs. Johnson said.

Todd froze but meekly nodded as he realised she was waiting for some semblance of a response.

As he left the room, he felt the crinkling noise of the diaper rubbing against his legs. He was terrified that everyone knew what he was wearing, that the bulge between his legs would be easy to spot.

He tried to ignore the feeling and went about his morning, trying to focus on his work That Mrs. Johnson had left for him. But he couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was watching him. It was even more humiliating knowing that he wasn't the only one wearing diapers here but he was by far the oldest.

When lunchtime rolled around his meal was provided for him. Since he hadn't brought his own he was given a child's lunch and juice box.

Todd felt his face flush with embarrassment as he held the child-sized sandwich in his hands.

He looked around the lunchroom, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. He knew that they were all looking at him, and judging him. A few of the kids at the table next to him giggled and pointed in his direction, and Todd felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

It was hard enough to deal with the humiliation of wearing a diaper, but having to eat a child's meal was just too much. He felt like he was being treated like a baby, it was emasculating.

As he ate his lunch, he tried to ignore the feeling of the diaper pressing against his skin. Once he had finished his juice box he felt a pressure growing quickly in his bladder.

He panicked, knowing that he was supposed to seek out Mrs. Johnson before any unscheduled trip to the bathroom could be permitted. He looked around for her desperately until finally he managed to catch her attention. When she got to Todd's table, she noticed the strained look on his face.

"Todd, is everything okay?" she asked, concern in her voice.

Todd felt his face flush with embarrassment. He couldn't believe that he was about to have to ask for help to use the bathroom.

"I need to use the bathroom," he muttered, his voice barely audible.

Mrs. Johnson nodded, understanding immediately. "Of course, Todd. Let's go."

Todd followed her, feeling like a child being led by the hand.

"Excuse me Mrs. Johnson." a small voice called out.

"Hmmm, yes what is it?" she said turning and letting go of Todd's hand at the same time.

Todd wasn't focusing on the conversation; he was too preoccupied with the fact that his need to pee was getting desperate. But he was too embarrassed to interrupt them.

As the conversation continued, Todd's desperation grew. He shifted from one foot to the other, unable to stand still.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "Excuse me, can I please use the bathroom now?" he blurted out.

Mrs. Johnson turned to him, surprise evident on her face. "Oh, yes, of course, Todd. I'm sorry; I didn't realize it was so urgent."

Suddenly, he felt a hot warmth between his legs pooling inside of his thick diaper, and Todd's heart sank. He couldn't believe that he had just wet himself like a helpless baby.

Mrs. Johnson noticed the sudden change in Todd's demeanour and looked down to see the tell-tale sign of a wet diaper.

"Todd, did you have an accident?" she asked gently.

Todd felt his face flush with shame as he nodded his head. He couldn't believe that he had just soaked his diaper. He cursed his luck that he couldn’t even mange to hold himself for such a short while, he was pathetic.

"Mrs. Johnson, Todd is wearing a diaper! Why is he wearing a diaper?" the little voice exclaimed, filled with curiosity.

Mrs. Johnson quickly intervened. "It's just a precautionary measure, sweetie. Todd had an accident earlier, and we want to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Todd felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as everyone in the hallway turned to look at him. He couldn't believe that he was being subjected to this humiliation in front of everyone.

"It's okay, Todd. Like I told you before accidents happen," Mrs. Johnson said, her tone soothing.

But Todd didn't feel soothed. He felt humiliated, like he was less than human. He couldn't believe that he was wearing a diaper like a helpless baby, and now he had wet himself like one too.

Todd waddled with the extra weight in his diaper as Mrs. Johnson led him away from the bathroom, and towards the infant’s room which was now bustling unlike how it had been earlier.

As they entered the room, Todd felt his heart sink even further as he saw all the giggling faces around the room. He couldn't believe that he was about to be treated like one of them, like he was just another helpless baby. He watched as Mrs. Johnson went over to one of the shelves and pulled out a fresh diaper and wipes.

"Come on, Todd. Let's get you changed," she said, motioning for him to lie down on the changing table.

Todd felt a sense of resignation wash over him as he climbed up onto the table. He couldn't believe that he was about to be changed like a baby, but he knew that he didn't have a choice.

Mrs. Johnson quickly removed his wet diaper, cleaning him up with baby wipes. Todd felt humiliated as she wiped him down, feeling like he was nothing like the man he was meant to be.

Once she had finished cleaning him up, Mrs. Johnson lifted his legs and slid a fresh diaper underneath him. She powdered him before securing the tapes tightly. He waddled off the changing table, feeling the bulk of the fresh diaper between his legs.

"Todd I think it will be better if you stayed in this room for the rest of the day." She told him.

"What for?" he asked.

"I can’t really have you in charge of the others after you wet your diaper in front of them." Mrs. Johnson sighed.

"But I don't know how to look after babies." Todd whined.

"Don't worry about that; consider work finished for the day. You can just play in here until your mum comes and gets you." she told him.

"But I'm not a baby!" Todd cried, stamping his foot in frustration.

"I never said you were sweetie, now don't fight me on this you've been very good today don't spoil it now."

"Can I have my pants back." he asked.

Mrs. Johnson shook her head, "It will be easier for the ladies to see if you need a change just call out to one of them if you need something."

Todd started to tear up but followed along with his diaper proudly on display, a glaring beacon for his new status.

Mrs. Johnson sat him down in a playpen, surrounded by toys and other baby items. Todd sat there, feeling completely out of place, as Mrs. Johnson said goodbye before she left to tend to the children in the other room.

Todd sat there gloomily, feeling like a complete and utter failure. He couldn't believe that he had been reduced to this, sitting in a room meant for babies and playing with toys.

He tried to busy himself with what was available to him, picking up a rattle and shaking it half-heartedly. But his mind was elsewhere, consumed with the humiliation of the day.

As the hours ticked by, Todd felt his stomach growl. He realized that he hadn't eaten anything since his lunch earlier in the day. Again he felt his face flush with embarrassment as he realized that he was going to have to ask for help again. He took a deep breath and called out to one of the ladies in the room.

"Excuse me, can I please have something to eat?" he asked, feeling like a complete and utter failure.

The woman turned towards him, a smile on her face. "Of course, sweetie. What would you like?"

Her reaction was surprisingly pleasant and ordinary considering how out of place he was in this room.

Todd felt his stomach growl again, and he realized that he was starving. "Do you have any pizza?" he asked, hoping that there was something resembling normal food available.

The woman chuckled. "I'm sorry, sweetie, we don't have pizza. But we do have some baby food if you're hungry."

Todd's heart sank at the mention of baby food. He couldn't believe that he was going to have to eat like a baby. But his hunger got the best of him, and he nodded his head reluctantly. The woman fetched a jar of pureed peas and carrots and a spoon, and brought it over to him.

Todd stared at the jar in disgust. He couldn't believe that he was actually going to have to eat this. But he knew that he didn't have a choice, so he opened his mouth and let the woman feed him once he realised he wasn’t going to be allowed to do it himself.

He couldn't help but grimace as the pureed peas and carrots slid down his throat. The taste was disgusting, and he felt like he was going to be sick.

But he forced himself to keep eating, knowing that he needed to eat something. He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the taste and embarrassment as the woman continued to feed him like a baby spoonful after spoonful.

As Todd finished his meal it started to dawn on him just how far he had fallen. It had hardly reached passed midday and he managed to wet himself twice and end up being treated like any of the charges he was supposed to be minding.

But as much as he wanted to fight against it, he knew that he didn't have a choice. It seemed like he was stuck here until his mom came to pick him up, and he had to make the best of it.

The woman wiped his mouth with a bib and kissed his forehead.

"You're such a good boy," she said, and Todd couldn't help but smile.

Todd felt warmth spread through his chest at the woman's words. He hadn't felt like a good boy all day, but hearing her say it made him feel a little better.

"Thank you," he said, feeling a little shy.

The woman smiled at him again before going back to her duties, leaving Todd alone in the playpen once more.

Todd tried to busy himself with the toys again, trying to forget about the fact that he was wearing a diaper and what room he was in. But his mind kept drifting back to the humiliation of the day.

He couldn't help but wonder what his mom would say when she came to pick him up. Would she be disappointed in him? Would she be angry? He was an adult after all and this was his job, but now he looked like he belonged here as one of the charges.

As time ticked by, Todd began to feel tired. He tried to fight it, not wanting to fall asleep in the playpen like a baby. But eventually, his eyes grew heavy and he couldn't fight it any longer.

Todd drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the sound of giggling laughter and the smell of baby powder. He dreamed of a world where he was a successful businessman, respected by all of his peers. But as he dreamt, the world around him shifted, and he found himself back in the playpen again.

"Did you have a nice nap, sweetie?" she asked, and Todd couldn't help but blush.

He nodded his head, feeling a little embarrassed. "Yeah, I guess so," he said, rubbing his eyes.

The woman smiled at him before checking his diaper. "Looks like you're wet."

Todd shook his head, feeling a little confused. He had been changed earlier, so he must have wet himself in his sleep.

More pressingly his eyes darted upwards at the clock and he realised his mother was due back at any moment if she wasn't already waiting for him outside.

Todd's heart started to race as he realized that his mother was probably outside waiting for him. He couldn't bear the thought of her seeing him like this, wearing a soaking wet diaper and surrounded by toys like a helpless baby.

He started to panic, wondering what he was going to do.

The woman noticed his panic and put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry sweetie, we'll get you changed and ready to go in no time."

But before she had the chance his mother walked into the room accompanied by Mrs. Johnson.

"Finally, there you are," Todd's mother said, smiling at him.

Todd felt his face flush with embarrassment as his mother's eyes drifted down to his diaper. He couldn't bear the thought of her seeing him like this.

She took in the sight of her grown son sitting in a playpen, surrounded by toys, wearing only a shirt and a diaper that was visibly wet.

"Mom, I can explain," Todd started, but his mother cut him off.

"It's okay, Todd. Mrs. Johnson explained everything to me," his mother said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Todd felt a wave of relief wash over him as his mother didn't seem angry or disappointed. "She did?" he asked, feeling a little confused.

"I'm just glad you're safe and that they took good care of you."

Todd felt a wave of relief wash over him. He couldn't believe that his mom wasn't angry with him.

"I'm sorry, Mom," he said, feeling like a little boy again. "I didn't mean to embarrass you like this."

"It's okay, honey," his mother said, smiling at him. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

Mrs. Johnson spoke up, "We were all very impressed with how well Todd adapted to the situation. He was a good sport and he even helped out with some of the younger children."

Todd felt a sense of pride wash over him at Mrs. Johnson's words. He had been so focused on his own humiliation that he hadn't considered the fact that he had actually somehow managed to be somewhat helpful.

"Thank you," he said, feeling a little shy.

His mother smiled at him again before taking his hand. "Let's get you out of here and get you cleaned up," she said, leading him out of the room.

As they walked out of the room, Todd couldn't help but feel incredibly relieved that the day was over.

They reached the front door of the building, and Todd's mother stopped to thank Mrs. Johnson. "Thank you so much for taking care of my son today," she said, shaking the woman's hand.

"It was my pleasure," Mrs. Johnson said. "Will Todd be returning tomorrow then?"

"I can't imagine you would want him working here still?" his mother replied.

Mrs. Johnson chuckled, "No but we have plenty of room for him to enrol under our care."

Todd blushed crimson, she couldn't be serious he thought this nightmare would finally be over. He was about to speak up but his mother beat him to the punch.

"Hmmmm, it probably would be for the best" she replied, eyeing down his soggy diaper.

"Of course we will comp all the charges and he can still help out here or there in exchange. Mrs. Johnson replied. "That includes diapers too." she quickly added.

"There's no way that-" he started, but his mother abruptly cut him off.

"Shoosh love the grownups are talking."

Mrs. Johnson handed over a packet of the same diapers that he was wearing that she had apparently stashed behind the counter earlier that day. "Of course I imagine he will need his own at home, this packets on us. I can give you the number to order more."

Todd stood there fuming, in complete disbelief of what he was hearing.

But as Todd looked into the eyes of his mother, he knew that arguing was pointless. She had made up her mind, and he didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Come on, Todd," his mother said, leading him towards the car. "Let's get you home and cleaned up."

Todd felt a knot form in his stomach as he climbed into the back seat of the car. He couldn't believe that he was still going to be stuck in diapers and that his mum seemed insistent on keeping him enrolled at the daycare.

As they drove home, Todd felt a sense of numbness wash over him. He didn't know how he was going to face his friends, or how he was going to explain what had happened to him.

"I know it's not what you want, Todd. But you have to admit, you did seem to enjoy yourself a little today."

Todd felt a cold knot form in his stomach. He couldn't admit to his mother that he had enjoyed anything about today.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, looking out the window.

His mother chuckled. "Okay, okay. We'll talk about it more when we get home."

They drove home in silence, and when they got there, Todd's mother led him to his room.

"I've set up a little changing station for you," she said, opening a drawer filled with diapers, wipes, and baby powder that Mrs. Johnson had given her. "I'll be the only one changing your diapers, you won't need to worry about the potty anymore, this will be your new toilet from now on." she told him, giving his soggy diaper a pat.

Todd felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment as his mother began to change him. He couldn't believe that she had been so agreeable to this. He wondered if there was more to all of this than what he was being led to believe.

But as his mother cleaned him up and put a fresh diaper on him, Todd couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort. The soft padding between his legs felt warm and cosy, and he couldn't deny that a part of him had enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of.

As his mother finished changing him, she looked at him with a soft smile. "There we go, all clean and dry," she said, giving him a pat on the bottom.

Todd blushed, feeling like a little boy again. "Thanks, Mom," he said, feeling a little sheepish.

His mother smiled at him before helping him up. "Let's go get some dinner," she said, taking his hand.

As they walked down to the kitchen, Todd couldn't help but notice how much smaller he felt. The diaper made him waddle a little, and he felt like he was walking with a bowlegged gait.

His mother led him to his chair and helped him sit down. She fashioned a cloth napkin into a bib and tied it around his neck, which he couldn't help but feel humiliated about.

But as his mother began to feed him, Todd found himself feeling incredibly relaxed. He didn't have to worry about anything, just enjoy the feeling of being taken care of.

As they finished dinner, Todd's mother looked at him with a smile. "I have something for you," she said, opening a small box on the table.

Todd looked at her curiously as she pulled out a pacifier. "What's that for?" he asked, feeling incredibly confused. Utterly perplexed as to why or when she might have procured this. Had she been holding onto this for a while, he wasn’t too sure, it all felt like some sort of nightmare he couldn’t wake up from.

"It's for you, silly," she said, placing the pacifier in his mouth.

Todd felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he sucked on the pacifier. He couldn't believe that he was still going along with everything. But as he continued to suck on the pacifier, he found himself feeling more and more relaxed. The steady rhythm of sucking and the softness of the pacifier in his mouth made him feel comforted in a way that he hadn't felt in a long time.

His mother smiled at him, "You look so cute with that paci, Todd. I think we'll have to get you a few more."

Todd felt a little apprehensive at the thought of using a pacifier regularly, but a part of him also felt excited at the prospect. He couldn't deny that he had enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of, and the pacifier only added to that.

As the night wore on, Todd found himself slipping further and further into a childlike state. His mother read him a bedtime story, and he felt himself drifting off to sleep with the pacifier still in his mouth.

In his dreams, he was back at Mrs. Johnson's daycare centre, playing with the other children and giggling with joy. He felt happy and carefree, without a worry in the world.

But as he woke up the next morning, he felt a sense of dread wash over him. He knew he would have to face the reality of his new life, and the humiliation that came with it. He wasn't sure if he was ready for it.

But as he climbed out of bed and felt the wet squishy diaper between his legs, he knew that this was his new reality. He would have to learn to adapt and accept his new role as a baby, whether he liked it or not.

As he walked down to the kitchen, his mother greeted him with a smile. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she said, patting his diapered bottom.

Todd blushed, feeling embarrassed by the reminder of his diaper.

But as his mother sat him down for breakfast and began to feed him again, Todd found himself slipping back into that childlike state again. The feeling of being taken care of was so comforting that he couldn't help but relax and let his mother do everything for him.

"Mum...." Todd stuttered. "I need to use the toilet."

"That's what your diaper is for silly, I'll change you before I drop you off at daycare." she replied.

"But mum," Todd cringed lowering his voice, "I have to poo."

His mother smiled sweetly at him, patting his head. "Don't worry my little one. That's what your diaper is for. You don't need to worry about the potty anymore like I already told you."

Todd felt a pit in his stomach as he realized what his mother was asking him to do. The thought of soiling himself like a baby made him feel sick to his stomach.

With a sense of defeat, Todd stood up and felt himself relax as he let the mess out into his diaper. He felt the soft padding expand and sag as the warm mess filled it up, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed of his further decent into infantilism.

But as his mother made a fuss over him, congratulating him for being such a good boy, Todd couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He didn't have to worry about finding a bathroom, or feeling embarrassed about his accidents anymore. He could just let himself go and be taken care of like a baby.

As his mother changed him into a fresh diaper, Todd felt a sense of comfort wash over him. He realized that he had been fighting against his new life, instead of embracing it. Maybe being a baby wasn't so bad after all.

They drove to Mrs. Johnson's daycare centre, and Todd felt his heart rate increase. He didn't know what kind of reception he was going to receive from the other workers or from Mrs. Johnson.

But when they walked into inside, Mrs. Johnson greeted them with a smile. "Good morning, Todd! It’s wonderful to see you again" she told him as she patted his diapered bottom.

Todd blushed, feeling embarrassed by the reminder of his diaper. He tried to hide behind his mother, feeling like a little boy again.

But Mrs. Johnson just smiled and took his hand. "Come on, let's go play with the others," she said, leading him over to another group.

Todd felt nervous at first, but as he played with them, he found himself having a lot of fun. They chased each other around, played with toys, and giggled with delight.

As the day wore on, Todd found himself slipping further and further into his new persona. He didn't feel like a grown man anymore, but like a little boy who didn't have a care in the world.

During diaper changes, Todd even found himself giggling and cooing like a baby, enjoying the attention and the sensation of being cleaned and pampered.

As the day began to draw to a close Todd heard his name being called out and he froze. He recognized the voice and there was no chance they would have missed the soaked diaper between his pant less legs.

It was his ex-girlfriend, Annie. "What on earth is going on here?" she asked, looking at Todd's diaper with a mixture of disgust and confusion.

Todd felt his face go red as he struggled to find the words to explain. "I...I can explain," he stuttered, feeling like a little boy caught doing something naughty.

Annie looked at him sceptically, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, I'm waiting," she said, her tone impatient.

Todd bit his lip, feeling a sense of shame wash over him. He didn't know how to explain it to her, didn't even know if he could. How could he possibly make her understand what he was going through?

But just as he was about to give up, Mrs. Johnson stepped in. "Annie, have you met Todd before he's one of our newest charges," she said, placing a hand on Todd's shoulder.

Annie looked at Mrs. Johnson in disbelief. "What do you mean, charge? He's a grown man!" she exclaimed.

Mrs. Johnson smiled patiently. "Yes, he is. But Todd here needs a little extra care and attention and we're here to support him in that."

Annie looked at Todd with a mixture of confusion and pity. "I don't understand, Todd. Why would you do this to yourself? Don't you see how ridiculous you look?"

Todd felt his face go hot with embarrassment. He couldn't believe he had been caught in such a compromising situation. He tried to think of something to say, but the words wouldn't come out. He just stood there, feeling small and helpless.

Suddenly Annie's expression changed from shock to clarity. "Is this why you never wanted kids, because you were still just a little baby yourself, I should have realized when we were dating."

An attractive young man came into the room and put his arm around Annie. "Hey babe what's taking so long?"

Annie turned to the man and explained the situation to him. Todd felt his heart sink as he realized that his ex-girlfriend had brought her new boyfriend with her and now his shame would be privy to the two of them. He felt humiliated, looking at this guy that she was now dating and immediately started comparing himself.

"I can't believe you used to date this guy," he scoffed, "Look he's even pissed in his diaper."

Todd felt his face go red with embarrassment and shame as the man pointed out his wet diaper. He wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.

But just as he was about to give up hope, Mrs. Johnson stepped forward. "Please, let's not make fun of Todd. He is a special boy, and we're here to make sure he's taken care of."

Annie's boyfriend looked at Mrs. Johnson sceptically. "Special? He's just a grown man wearing a diaper. That's not normal."

Mrs. Johnson smiled patiently. "It may not be normal, but it's what Todd needs right now. And we're here to support him in any way we can."

The man walked up and gripped the front of Todd's soaked diaper, "Awwww I didn't mean to upset the little baby," he sneered. "Would you like me to change your diaper?"

Todd felt a wave of humiliation and anger wash over him. He wanted to push the man away and run out of the daycare, but he knew that he couldn't. He was trapped in his new life, unable to escape the humiliation and shame that came with it.

But just as he was about to lose all hope, Mrs. Johnson stepped in once again. "Please, let go of Todd. He doesn't need any more embarrassment or humiliation than he's already experiencing."

"I'm just trying to be helpful, if everyone knew about Todd's knew life then we can all help pitch in and take care of the little guy." He sneered.

Todd realised what he was insinuating and was terrified that he and Annie would expose him to the rest of the people in his life. Maybe it would be better to go along with him.

"So what do you say little guy, want Uncle Marc to change your wet diaper?" he said, squeezing the soggy padding harder this time.

Todd felt his heart drop into his stomach and he was unable to move as he saw a sly smile spread across Annie's face. He felt his face go red with shame as he realized what was about to happen.

Marc smiled and patted Todd on the back. "That's a good little baby," he said, taking Todd's hand and pulling him over to a changing table.

Todd felt his face go red with embarrassment as he was led over to the changing table, but he didn't find the courage to object. He just stood there, feeling tiny and helpless. Annie had a wicked grin on her faced as she watched her new boyfriend taking her ex-boyfriend to get his diaper changed.

As Marc laid Todd down on the changing table, he began to un-tape his wet diaper with a smirk on his face. Todd felt exposed and vulnerable; his heart racing as he realized that he was completely at the mercy of these two people who seemed to take pleasure in humiliating him.

But just as he was about to give up hope Mrs. Johnson stepped forward and placed a hand on Marc's shoulder, she had a determined look on her face.

"Please, let me take care of Todd," she said, her voice firm and authoritative. "You two have caused enough trouble for one day."

"It's ok Mrs. Johnson, I don't mind," Todd lied.

Annie's grin only grew wider as she watched her ex-boyfriend back down and allow Marc to get his way.

Mrs. Johnson sighed but backed away.

"Ok baby, let's get you cleaned up," Marc laughed, still looking amused by the whole situation.

Todd did his best to hold back tears as he felt a rough pair of hands pull down the front of his diaper and expose his penis. He could feel Marc's hands roughly pushing his legs apart and he cringed as the cool air hit his nether regions.

Marc began to wipe away the mess that Todd had made, but he wasn't too gentle about it. He rubbed roughly, cleaning every inch of Todd's buttocks and genitals.

Todd felt tears welling up in his eyes as he realized that Marc was actually enjoying this, he was doing it to humiliate him.

While he was suffering through the shame Annie walked over and slipped a pacifier back between his lips.

"We don't want to upset the baby," she said, laughing.

Todd felt even more humiliated, but he didn't have the courage to object. He just lay there, sucking on his pacifier and crying.

He was completely defeated; there was nothing he could do. His resistance crumbled as he accepted the pacifier and suckled on it for a moment, shamed and defeated.

Marc rubbed the baby powder into Todd's wet skin and hairless crotch, covering him with a layer of the white powder.

"There we go baby, all done," the man said, straightening the baby's diaper and once again dragging him up by the wrist.

He patted Todd's head and smiled at him before he turned back to Annie, "I'm glad I came with you to pick up your nephew this was fun."

Annie smiled and grabbed her boyfriend's hand, "Yeah this was definitely eye opening, I'm sure I'll see you around Todd I'm glad you found somewhere you belong." she taunted.

And with that they walked out of the nursery, leaving Todd alone on the changing table and Mrs. Johnson looking down at him with a look of pure concern on her face.

Todd sat there on the changing table, his diaper bulging and feeling vulnerable. Why did he let them do that to him? Why did he allow himself to be humiliated in front of the entire daycare?

"Are you alright Todd?" Mrs. Johnson asked, stroking the side of his cheek with her hand.

Todd nodded, trying to hold back more tears.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Johnson asked.

Without realizing the front of his diaper was growing warm again as he soaked himself on top of the changing table as he sat there in shame.

He felt like a baby, and he didn't know how to stop from acting like one.

Mrs. Johnson put her arms around him and ran a soothing hand through his hair, "It's ok Todd, it's going to be alright."

Todd tried to regain his composure and let Mrs. Johnson embrace him, even though her breast felt firm on his chest. He let her hug him and tried to block out his humiliation by focusing on the feeling of her soft hands running through his hair.

"Come on Todd, let's get you cleaned up." she said, gently lying him back down on the changing table for another change.

Mrs. Johnson had a sweet smile on her face as she wiggled his wet diaper from underneath him. He just laid there and let it happen, letting her wipe him clean with a warm cloth and powder his crotch and buttocks.

"There we go Todd all finished." Mrs. Johnson smiled, tucking him into a fresh, clean diaper.

Todd spent the rest of the day in silence. He just did as he was told and sucked on his pacifier. Mrs. Johnson took him to another room and put him down for a nap.

"Get some rest; you'll have this room to yourself today."

The pacifier slipped from his mouth and hung loosely between his lips as he let out a huge sigh of frustration. He might as well just accept that he was a baby now, he was sure everyone would find out anyway.

Eventually Todd's eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep in his crib hoping that when he woke his mum would be there to take him home.

"Todd, wake up baby." his mother said, gently stirring him awake.

Todd slowly opened his eyes and realised that he wasn't in his own bed, he was lying in a crib in a room he didn't recognize.

"Mummy," he said, already feeling the tears welling up in his eyes.

"It's ok baby," his mother smiled, running her hand over the top of his head. "I'm here now, let's get you home."

As Todd was helped up from his crib he finally felt some semblance of clarity. He wasn’t sure what the future had in store for him, but at least he had people that loved him and cared for him. He greedily sucked on his pacifier as he waddled out into the foyer with his mother’s hand in his. Maybe he really was a big baby after all.




Awww so cute