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“Melissa, it’s so good to see you again, come in!”

Edward sighed at the sound of his mother’s cheerful voice echoing across the house. Her friend had just moved back to suburbs from her small one bedroom apartment in the city. It was a struggle finding an affordable place to rent on a single salary and during conversation she had quickly invited her to stay over for as long as she needed.

Melissa resisted at first, the last thing she wanted was to impose on her close friend’s space but she had insisted. It would be nice for her to have some company her own age; Edward had outgrown the need to spend time with her and would rather waste the day locked away in his bedroom.

When his mother had broken the news to Edward he groaned, they had a three bedroom place but he enjoyed having his room at the opposite side of the house. The spare room was right next to his; it felt like she was invading on his personal space. He made his displeasure obvious to her but the response he got was that it wasn’t up for discussion.

When moving day came he made up some excuse to be unavailable to help put her stuff into storage, there wasn’t much to do so his mother wasn’t insistent even though his excuse that he was job searching was rather unbelievable. He had been ‘job searching’ for months now without any luck. It didn’t help his odds that as a young man in his late twenties he still hadn’t held down a proper job since his brief stint at Burger King straight out of high school. He had drifted between casual jobs for years now doing the minimal amount of shifts to have money to blow when going out with friends.

When he took the job at Burger King his mother had been optimistic about his decision to not go to college and go straight into the work force. He worked full time for a year but quickly grew sick of it and left it behind much to her disdain. A resume full of different jobs in a short amount of time made his prospects as a competitive candidate less than desirable. It also didn’t help his chances that he hadn’t a good reference to use since he had left all his jobs after such a short time and was still using his High School career counsellor as his main reference. She was a lovely lady though and still happy to be of use to him.

“Edward, come say hello.” His mother’s voice cried out impatiently.

Grumbling Edward shambled out of his room like a disgruntled zombie and veered his head down the hall.

“Hello.” He said unenthusiastically.

He turned to retreat back to the solitude of his room but Melissa managed to catch him first.

“Edward, it’s been so long you’ve gotten so big, come out so I can see you.”

Edward cringed before stepping back into view and took a few steps towards her.

“Goodness me, such a big boy all grown up!”

He hated how condescending she was being, even if she was just being nice to him.

Melissa dropped her bags and rushed over to give him a hug.

“Don’t be shy Edward; I haven’t seen you in years.”

He reluctantly allowed himself to be smothered by this woman who was practically a stranger to him.

“Ava, you didn’t tell me your son had grown into such a handsome young man.”

It was strange hearing his mother called by her first name, even stranger hearing this person complimenting him in such an obvious way to try and make him warm up to her.

“Not exactly the words I would use to describe him, messy, lazy might be better.” Ava scoffed.

“Edward!” Melissa gasped. “If that’s true maybe I should bring you to school with me, even my class knows to clean up after themselves.”

Edward looked back at her with a strange expression before Ava answered him.

“Melissa teaches at the preschool, you’re more than welcome to bring Edward along with you he has nothing better to do anyway.”

Melissa chuckled. “We’ll I guess we will see how he is now that Auntie Mel is here to stay, I would always make room for such a cute young man in my class.”

She playfully pinched his cheek and Edward tried to swat her hand away but she had already pulled it back before he could reach her.

“Ok I’m going to get settled in, you can go back to whatever it is you were doing, sorry for interrupting such a busy boy.”

Both women chuckled but Edward was just thankful to be able to leave the conversation with whatever still remained of his dignity. He rushed back inside and quickly shut the door behind him, falling to his bed with a sigh.

While staring up at his bedroom ceiling he could hear footsteps through the walls as Melissa emptied her suitcase and made herself at home in her new room. He could hear everything; it was like the wall separating them was paper thin. So much for his privacy, he realised regretfully. Thankfully he still had his headphones but that didn’t stop her from being able to hear what was being said in his room, he knew he would need to watch what was being said now whenever he was speaking with friends online.

Maybe this move wouldn’t be so permanent; after all she had only brought some clothing with her, all her furniture was packed up in a storage unit until she found somewhere to live. It was wishful thinking but not completely implausible to think that she wouldn’t be staying here for very long, maybe she would hate it or his mother would grow sick of having her here. Knowing his mother though, she would soon rather be rid of him before she would kick her old best friend out.

Later that evening when dinner time came around Edward walked out to the sweet smell of his mother’s delicious home cooking. The mood was soured however by the laughter of the two women especially when he spied the open wine bottle on the counter.

“Well look who’s decided to come out of his cave.” Melissa taunted him.

Edward hated her incessant remarks; she was taking cringy dad jokes to a whole new level. It didn’t help that to him she was an unwelcomed presence in his life.

“Food is pretty much the only way to coax him out of his room these days.” Ava remarked.

“Well aren’t you a lucky boy to have a mummy that’s such a good cook!” Melissa said cheerfully, stopping to take another sip from her glass.

Edward wondered how much they had been drinking, his mum would occasionally crack open a bottle and have a glass or two when it was the weekend but that was it. She seemed to really be warming up to the idea that Melissa was going to be staying with them; she had a different vibe about her.

“I just came for some food, please.” He said, quickly remembering his manners.

“I guess you can be polite when you want to be!” Melissa chided.

Edward gave her an annoyed glance and she stuck out her tongue at him playfully.

They were bagging on his maturity when this woman who was at least twenty years his senior was acting more immature than he was. Apparently neither of them saw the irony in that and his mother continued to smile as she began dishing up the lasagne she had finished cooking.

He thanked her for his serving and helped himself to a can of soda before he was stopped as he tried leaving the room.

“Not today Edward, its Melissa’s first night here you can come eat with us.”

Edward swallowed his pride and took his old seat at the table, hiding his feelings of despair as Melissa decided to take the free seat right next to him.

Eyes glued to the table in front of him he began eating as quickly as he could manage without choking to avoid being a part of their conversation. In his haste Edward dropped a dollop of sauce over his sweat shirt, he cautiously looked up and saw his mother shaking her head and realised his embarrassing action hadn’t gone unnoticed.

“Edward.” Ava sighed. “Just remember to chuck it in the wash when you finish eating.”

He quickly swallowed his food before grumbling an apology.

“Such a messy eater.” Melissa teased.

She grabbed a clean napkin and wiped away the stain before turning it to a clean side and using it to clean his face. Edward pulled away like a disgruntled toddler but by the time he had managed to react Melissa was already satisfied and left the napkin on the table.

“Maybe you should use a bib.” Melissa said, ignoring his obvious look of anger and blushing embarrassment.

“Shut up.” Edward sneered.


He was taken aback by how quickly his mother’s demeanour had turned to fury on a dime.

“Sorry.” He said, with a level of sincerity that could be argued either way.

“It’s fine Eva honestly, I understand he’s just a bit nervous having someone else living here and taking away his mummy’s attention. But I promise you’ll love spending time with me mister.” Melissa playfully ruffled his hair.

Edward couldn’t tell if she was joking or not, it was plainly obvious that she was bothering him but it didn’t seem to faze her in the slightest.

“Can I be excused?” Edward asked rather desperately.

“Fine, just clean off your plate before you go.” Eva waved him off.

He could see Melissa mouthing ‘bye bye’ and blowing him a kiss out the corner of his eye, he wondered if his mother noticed but she still had a rather cold expression after his outburst.

After a quick shower Edward didn’t feel like playing any games tonight, so instead he jumped into bed and opted for an early night. Maybe Ava and his mother would go out tomorrow so he could still enjoy what was left of his weekend.


Edward’s eyes fluttered open and he stretched his arms out wide as he yawned. He wondered why he felt so gross and smelly; as the feeling of sleep left him he recalled having his normal shower before going to bed, so he shouldn’t be. Curiously he plucked away his quilt and saw to his horror a dried stain with a yellow hue covering both him and his sheets.

“What the fuck!” He cried loudly before standing up in a hurry.

Apparently it was loud enough that whoever was walking down the hall could hear and opened his door to investigate.

“Edward?” Melissa called out as she stepped into his room.

He quickly spun around to face his intruder.

“GET OUT.” Edward screamed, failing miserable to cover his stained shorts with his hands.

“It’s alright baby you just had an accident.”

“I’m not a FUCKING baby.” He whined.

Just then Ava came barging into the room. “What’s going on, why are you screaming?”

“It’s alright Ava, Edward just had an accident, he’s just a bit embarrassed it’s no big deal I’ll handle it.”

Ava’s eyes grew wide as she spied her son’s soiled shorts but even more worrisome when she saw the stained sheets.

“MUM, tell her to get out!”

Her attention turned back to Edward who was desperately trying to prevent Melissa from removing his sodden clothing.

“EDWARD.” She shook a stern finger. “Do as you’re told.” She told him bluntly.

Ava grabbed the dirty bed sheets and left the room shaking her head in disbelief. Edward was easily more shook then her however; Melissa had ripped the dirty clothes off his body leaving him naked in front of this stranger who apparently could care less about any boundaries.

“Alright off to the bathroom with you.” Melissa declared, delivering a sharp slap to his bare bottom on the way out.

Edward quickly scampered down the hallway covering both ends with his hands looking a right sight. He had no idea however that Melissa was following him doing her best to stifle a laugh until she was standing right beside him in the bathroom.

“Get out.” Edward whined once more, even realising himself how pathetic he sounded.

“Goodness you’re fussy.” Melissa teased.

She ignored his obvious embarrassment and nervous look across his face and began to run a bath for him.

Edward stood their bashfully while they both waited in awkward silence for the tub to fill. When Melissa finally turned the taps off and he was made to sit down in the warm water he thought now she would have to leave. Instead to his horror she grabbed a washcloth and began to bathe him herself like a baby.

“I can do that myself.” He pleaded.

“Nonsense.” Melissa said, humming merrily to herself. “You relax; let Auntie Mel clean you up.”

It was the tensest moment in Edward’s life, as far as he could remember. It became much worse when his mother came knocking into the bathroom.

“Everything alright in here?” She enquired, giving them both a strange look.

“We’re fine Ava, just helping Edward get cleaned up, looks like he hasn’t bathed properly in months!”

Edward blushed and looked up at his mother expecting her to say something, praying she might come to his rescue. Instead she simply shrugged and left the room to return his soiled clothes with the rest of the washing.

Without any hope of escape he was left alone to endure the humiliating bath, It was about that time when Edward realised he needed too wee. He turned towards the toilet with a look of desperation.

“I have to go to the toilet.” He griped.

“Can’t you be a big boy for me and hold it?” Melissa sighed.

Edward paused thoughtfully for a moment before shaking his head.

“Alright well, I’m almost finished here then you can go.”

Either Melissa wasn’t listening or simply didn’t care, but funnily enough she chose that exact moment to start cleaning his groin as Edward felt a tiny rush of pee leak out into the water.

“I can’t hold it!” He said desperately.

He finally stood upright as Melissa pulled her hand away, it was at that moment his bladder let go and a cascade of urine pissed out of him into the tub below.

Melissa quickly stood out the way to avoid being splashed, giving Edward a pitiful look as he stood their looking downward as he peed shamefully into the water. She waited for him to finish before pulling the crestfallen boy from the water and towelling him dry. By now he had stopped putting up a fight; he had no resistance left to offer.

“Your mother didn’t mention you were struggling with toilet training, it’s definitely unusual for a boy your age.” Melissa told him, attempting to break the silence.

“It hasn’t happened before.”

“So that wasn’t you who woke up in wet sheets this morning.”

“I mean before that.” Edward whined.

“I seeee….”Melissa trailed off, clearly unconvinced. “Either way I’ll be speaking to your mother, something must be done, I’ll toilet train you myself if I have to.”

Edward blushed; this wasn’t a conversation he was ever expecting to have. This woman had moved into his home, it hadn’t even been a day and already she was meandering around him like she was his mother and he was still a babe.

“Well, can you go dress yourself or would you like me to do that for you too?”

It was then he realised Melissa had finished drying him and he was standing their unmoved looking like a lost puppy.

“Yes, I can manage.” He grumbled.

“Good, I’m going to have a word with your mother.”

She excused herself leaving Edward feeling more worried than ever. He could only imagine what the resulting conversation might mean for him, he had no idea why he had suddenly started wetting himself as soon as Melissa showed up. He couldn’t be sure but somehow she must have been behind it.

He quietly scampered off to his room without being seen, finally getting his own privacy for the first time since waking up. Maybe it was the food he ate last night, but Edward had never gotten sick from his mother’s cooking before and the others both seemed fine.

After googling his own symptoms he realised it must be to do with stress, perhaps the idea of having someone else living in his house was causing him anxiety. It was a pretty strange reaction to have, especially at his age but what else could it have been.

Edward scrolled down further looking for solutions to his problem, recoiling in fear when he saw the mention of adult diapers and immediately clicked away when he saw the shopping links attached to the site.

‘Surely they couldn’t be thinking of making me wear those.’ He wondered.

Even so, it was better to play it cool and he decided to hide away in his bedroom for the rest of the day.


Edward managed to stay hidden away in his room playing games, only coming out for some snacks when he heard no one was home and to use the bathroom which thankfully he didn’t seem to have any more issues with. He was surprised that Melissa and his mother actually left him alone, the next time he spoke to them was when they were all sat down for dinner, this time pizza was on the menu.

The mood was significantly tenser than the previous night; it left Edward with a looming feeling of dread.

“Thank you for dinner.” Edward said, excusing himself before dropping his dishes off into the sink.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he made it to his room uninterrupted, but that feeling was fleeting when soon his door opened and his mother entered the room.

“What do you want?” Edward asked, realising it came out more rudely then he had intended.

“Edward.” His mother paused until the right words came to mind. “I spoke to Melissa and we both thought it best that…”

“I’M NOT WEARING DIAPERS!” Edward cried out as he spied the crinkly package tucked under Melissa’s arms as she tried unsuccessfully to sneak in behind his mother.

Ava sighed; Melissa gave her friend a gentle smile before taking the reins.

“Edward, it isn’t so bad if you can show us you don’t need them then you can stop wearing them.” Melissa explained gently.

“It’s not fair.” Edward said, stamping his foot down looking like he was about to throw a temper tantrum.

“RIGHT.” Ava snapped. “That’s enough, clearly you aren’t as grown up as you think you are, if you don’t start doing what you’re told then I’ll spank you like the child you’ve been acting like.”

Edward gulped, his fear was apparent; evidently he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

“Fine.” He seethed.

“Much better.” Ava sighed in relief.

“Now then Edward would you rather me or your mommy put your diaper on for you?” Melissa asked.

“I can do it myself.”

Melissa laughed. “Now Edward, I didn’t realise you had any experience changing diapers, are you sure, it can be rather tricky?”

Edward shrugged. “I don’t care I will figure it out.”

“I think its best you leave it to the professionals for now, but thank you for being such a big boy and offering to do it yourself.”

Edward felt like crying as he allowed Melissa to undress him, he felt utterly emasculated especially after being spoken down to like a child.

“Ava, since Edward is too shy to pick would you like to do the honours?” Melissa asked, gently pushing Edward down onto his bed.

Ava shook her head. “I haven’t changed a diaper in years, its fine; you go ahead I’ll watch this time.”

Melissa grinned, like she had been secretly hoping that would be the answer.

“Aren’t I lucky hey mister, getting to put such a cute little guy into his diapers.” She cooed.

Ava tore one from the package and handed it over to her.

“Why did you have to get ones so babyish?” Edward whined, as he looked over at the juvenile printings on the front.

“It was Melissa’s idea, these are thicker than the plain ones, and she seems to think you might be a heavy wetter.” Ava told him plainly.

“These ones are much cuter than the other ones too, trust me Edward you will much prefer these.”

Edward wanted to say something smart, anything to remind them he wasn’t a willing participant in any of this. Instead he held his tongue and reluctantly lifted up so Melissa could slide the diaper underneath him.

Before he had a spare moment to get used to the strange feeling underneath his bottom, he felt a squirt of ointment cover his groin and embarrassingly Melissa’s hands smoothing the cream over his private parts.

“I think this little guy has missed his diapies.” Melissa teased.

Edward closed his eyes and looked the other way as he realised he was starting to get excited from all the touching.

“Boys.” He heard his mother scoff.

Both women laughed as Edward was given a fair dusting of baby powder before his penis was tucked downward and the diaper was taped up.

“Awww aren’t you adorable.” Melissa swooned. “I can’t see why your mommy ever let you out of diapers; I could just gobble you up!”

Edward started giggling uncontrollably as Melissa made munching sounds over his shoulder and poked his sides, managing to tickle all of his sensitive spots.

“Alright little guy, your mother and I were going to watch a movie in the living room, want to join us?”

Edward looked up, finally managing to catch his breath after that unsolicited onslaught. He caught his mother’s stare and nodded, realising he probably didn’t have much of a choice.

“Excellent.” She helped him to his feet. “And don’t worry about that, it can handle another couple of wettings before you need a change.”

Edward froze and followed her gaze downward as she cupped his swollen padding.

“I’m glad you convinced me to go with the thicker padding.” Ava remarked.

Edward could swear he felt his padding swell even further as he stood there with his padding pushed up against him as he stared back into Melissa’s unwavering eyes.

“Yes I have a feeling this little guy might be back in diapers for some time.”



Please go on with this story


Would love it if you continued this story.