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Make sure you start from the begging I have rewritten the story from the ground up!
Next month I plan on doing a poll for the next story and at the same time I am hoping to finish up   Seven Days with step mum too!


Elliot’s mind had been very burdensome as of late, constantly suffering from spates of anxiety and distress. It seemed to only get worse as time moved forward, infuriating him to the point of madness. He knew his feelings weren’t normal, and what was worse there was no one he felt comfortable confiding in. It was even more ridiculous that he had willingly put himself into this position. As much as everything pained him he just had no self-control and couldn’t force himself to put a stop to it. For a time now he had been indulging himself in a very niche, hobby. He wouldn’t call it a fetish that felt too simplistic of a term for it.

While he did feel some sexual gratification from it, that wasn’t its sole purpose. Diapers… He wore diapers; it was something that caused him to shudder even when he was trying to wrap his head around it. It wasn’t something that he went around shouting from rooftops, not a single one of his friends knew about it. He knew it was weird, strange, possibly even creepy depending who you asked. If it caused him so much distress you would be right to wonder why he hadn’t put a stop to it. It was hard to put into words the way they made him feel every time he wore them.

This was something he had only begun recently experimenting with; it was never in public he even refused to leave the safety of his bedroom. Thank goodness for online shopping, it had been a nerve-racking experience simply adding them to his card and putting in his address, he couldn’t imagine going into a store to purchase some. His first order had been a simple package of plain white adult medical diapers that he had sent directly to him. He hated putting in his real name, but if he made something up and he missed the delivery he was worried he wouldn’t be able to retrieve them.

Elliot spent a surreal amount of time refreshing the tracking on the website while he anxiously awaited their arrival. He was terrified his mother’s snoopy nature would catch him out, the website mentioned discrete shipping for all their medical items but it was still a worrisome thought. His mother didn’t have much respect for his personal boundaries even as an eighteen year old boy he should have been afforded much more than space than she was willing to give him.

Perhaps it was because it was just the two of them living together, and a mother’s responsibility for their child doesn’t end simply because they’re suddenly considered an adult on paper. He still might not be old enough to drink, and have yet to bother with his license but he wasn’t in high school anymore. She wasn’t completely overbearing but definitely wanted to be involved with as much as possible. It made hiding anything from her nearly impossible, she wasn’t so invasive as to read through his messages, but that didn’t stop her from looking through his room. When he confronted her about it she insisted she was just checking if he was on drugs, suddenly he felt like a prisoner watching as she dug around for contraband.

By some miracle she was out at work when the package arrived, he sprinted down to answer the door and awkwardly snatched the parcel away from the delivery man with a smile. When he managed to find his best hiding spot in the closet he felt like he had done the impossible. Elliot had even gone out earlier in the week to buy a new jacket; it was going to be his cover story when his mother undoubtedly discovered the parcel packaging in their bin. He briefly contemplated stuffing it at the bottom but he was worried that might raise questions, he was probably reading too much into it even his mother wasn’t that insane. But the idea of leaving it on top of the garbage seemed smart, the idea of hiding in plain sight had come to mind.

As predicted his mother noticed the packaging in the garbage and casually asked him about what he ordered.

He quickly came out and showed her, “Nothing special, just a new jacket.”

She gave him a funny look. “It looks nice dear, but I’ve told you before I’m more than happy to pay for your clothes, you don’t have to worry about using your own money.”

She wasn’t exaggerating, she was quite insistent when it came to coming along to pick out his clothes. To be fair she did pay for them, it felt odd having her still do that for him at his age. Honestly it only bothered him to a lesser degree, she was still happy to let him pick out his own clothes. Occasionally she would veto his choices and it did end up leaving him with a pretty nerdy and dorky wardrobe. Nothing in his wardrobe would be considered ‘cool,’ it meant his friends teased him for being a mummy’s boy but he told himself it didn’t bother him.

When night came around Elliot quickly excused himself to his bedroom with eager anticipation. It felt surreal putting on his first diaper, it was such an awkward process and he had to watch a video on how to do it himself. It ended up having to be retaped multiple times but Elliot couldn’t have been happier. He was so quiet moving around his room, terrified the crinkling would give him away. He tip toed around even though he knew his mum would be asleep now at this hour.

Elliot began to wonder what had caused his obsession with diapers in the first place. It was hard to pinpoint where the feelings had come from and he could never quite narrow it down. For the longest time he remembered having a strange stirring inside of him whenever an ad for diapers came over the television. He would always turn his head away and do his best to act nonchalant; his mother never questioned his odd behaviour so he was hopeful she had never even noticed it. He wasn’t sure why it bothered him so much when they came over the TV, he thought it might have been because it was such a juvenile reminder he still lived at home. But as time grew on and he found his mind dwelling on the thought of diapers even more he realised it had to be another reason.

He thought back to the day that his curiosity peaked and finally got the better of him. He waited for his mother to leave that day and he quickly started digging through his closet. He found what he was looking for, buried deep in the back of his closet he pulled out one of the old boxes from his childhood. He shuffled through the old clothing that he hadn’t worn since he was a toddler and eventually he had what he wanted. It was a half open packed of unused diapers he had worn many years ago. He greedily pulled one from the packet and inspected it with an intense curiosity. He loved the sound it made when it crinkled, when he unfurled it even with its age it still had such an intoxicating scent. It was so fresh smelling, a mixture of cloth and plastic intertwined, it was so abnormal to enjoy it as much as he was, but he did.

Soon came the bitter sweetness to his happy discovery, when he looked down at his body he realised there was no way he would ever fit into something so small. It was comical to even consider, the diaper was tiny it wouldn’t even come up over his feet.

Elliot sighed, he tried stuffing the diaper into his underwear but the thin padding was nothing like he was hoping for. He shoved the worn diaper along with the rest of his old baby paraphernalia back into its spot at the bottom of his closet. It was a short time before he had turned to the internet; it had been such an obvious solution that it was strange he hadn’t considered it right away.

He was soon overwhelmed when he discovered much more than what he was expecting to find. There were websites completely catered towards people who apparently didn’t just love wearing diapers, but wanted to act and live like babies too. He found copious amounts of clothing, a sea of diaper varieties and even furniture sized for adults. As he began exploring the edges of a seemingly bottomless rabbit hole he quickly feigned away and closed the site. He just wanted a simple diaper he told himself, stumbling onto a local pharmacy website he went with a plain white brief that looked like it was big enough to fit him. That should satisfy his curiosity, he hoped.

Elliot had his allowance saved up in his bank account; his mother would directly deposit it into his account every fortnight. He wished he had been able to find a job, but lacked the motivation to try hard enough. His mother didn’t pressure him; she liked having Elliot around as long as he did his fair share of the chores. He had tossed around the idea of college for a while, but after barely passing his classes in his final year the idea of racking up a huge debt to potentially fail anyway sounded very unappealing. Again, it wasn’t something his mother was pushing on him, which was a surprise since she seemed to always want to direction his decision making one way or another.

She had her own college degree and a well-paying career; he had assumed she would want him to follow along in her own footsteps. Maybe the prospect of living alone while he went off on his own worldly adventures scared her. But it was a part of growing up, weather she wanted him too or not he would have to eventually leave home. Thankfully for the both of them, he wasn’t ready to run of gallivanting and was happy at home for the time being while he decided what to do with his life.

His friends had been making steps in the right directions for their futures which sometimes made him feel pressured to make up his own mind. Elliot was much too uncertain to make his own decision, even after listening to their encouragement that College was a great place to be. He couldn’t fathom what they might say if they found out that while they were off becoming successful young adults, he was at home trying on diapers like a baby. As embarrassing as it was he found so much enjoyment from it that after taking the time to stuff it in the bottom of the garbage the next morning he eagerly awaited night time where he would do it again. By the time he had gone through the entirety of his first package he had mastered the art of being discreet. He had several rules he followed.

He made sure that diaper wearing stayed only in his bedroom once his mother had gone to bed. Stuffing the worn diaper at the bottom of the garbage the next morning when she had left the house and keeping his stash hidden out of sight at the bottom of his closet at all times. As long as he followed these rules religiously he was sure she would never find out. And for some time he was right, she had no idea about his nightly escapades.

It was late one fateful night, he was feeling blissful and cosy snuggled up in a diaper underneath his bed sheets. Then it came seemingly out of nowhere, he must have drunk too much soda at dinner time. He had been in such a hurry to get into his diapers that night he had completely forgotten to use the bathroom beforehand. The whole situation was a bit ironic, he was desperate to pee and had a bathroom strapped around his waist but refused to use it for its intended purpose. He had tossed the idea around but after seeing everything on that website he was afraid it might push him further down that aforementioned rabbit hole. He had been running low on his supply too so the idea of tearing this one off and putting on another one felt wasteful. He knew by now that the tapes weren’t resealable and would be useless if he took it off. So breaking one of his sacred rules, in the dead of night he left the safety of his bedroom and tipped towed down the hall, crinkling all the while.

He held his breath as he passed by his mother’s bedroom, thankful she kept the door closed at night. The pressure was really building now, his diaper seemed increasingly likely that it was about to be used for its purpose if he didn’t get a wriggle on. Picking up the pace he almost broke out into a run, pausing as he slowly turned the bathroom doorknob, cursing it under his breath for being so creaky.

“Elliot.” His mother’s sheepish voice called after him as she appeared in the hallway. “What’s going on why are you up?”

Elliot froze, the shock of being discovered meant his last vestige of defence was gone and a torrent of pee flowed into his diaper. His bladder had selfishly decided it had had enough, and his pee was quickly absorbed into the padding. He didn’t dare turn and face his mother while he was filling his diaper, and stayed stuck with his hand still on the door handle. As she began to approach him he pushed down harder on his bladder to quicken the process; he had to find a way to stall her before she knew what was happening.

“Mum, I…. have to go bathroom it’s fine you can go back to bed.” He blurted out rather unconvincingly.

Finally the flow had come to an abrupt halt and he quickly pulled open the door and stepped inside. Before he had a chance to shut it her arm flew towards him and kept the door held open. She stood before him like an eagle watching its prey her gaze zeroed in on his diapered bulge underneath his pyjama pants like it had some kind of beacon calling out to her. Even in her sluggish state and having not seen her son in diapers since he was a toddler she immediately knew what that bulge and crinkle had meant.

“Honey, why are you wearing a diaper?” She asked inquisitively.

One incredibly embarrassing conversation latter Elliot had offered up the only excuse he could think of at the time. He convinced her he was having trouble bed wetting all of a sudden, it wasn’t the best cover up but he didn’t want to tell her that he was wearing them because he enjoyed it. She chastised him for not confiding in her about his problem, she felt immense guilt that he had been dealing with this all by himself and even buying his own diapers.

That was all about to change she told him, from now on she would take care of everything. Suddenly she abruptly reached down his pyjama pants and cupped his soak padding in her hand. It all happened so suddenly that Elliot didn’t even have a chance to object to her intrusiveness. Before he knew it he was back in his bedroom, lying on his bed before she took off his pants and ripped away his soaked diaper. She expertly took care of him, gently scolding his lack of wipes or powder on hand and used tissues for the time being to clean him up before taping him into a fresh diaper.

Elliot couldn’t believe what he had just gone through, and with his own mother to boot he was in awe. He couldn’t decide if he had enjoyed it or not, but when he remembered it was all the product of his lie it made him feel incredibly deceitful. He thought about coming clean, but was too afraid of the consequences. The next morning she stepped into his bedroom and congratulated him on having a dry diaper. She even took it off him herself and made him hop into the shower. After cleaning up they left for the store together at her behest, making a special trip to buy him some more diapers. When they got to the pharmacy she made sure to buy powder and wipes and even decided on a plastic sheet for his bed just in case his diaper leaked. It was incredibly humiliating standing at the registers with her and he was sure judging by the size of the diapers they would know they were for him.

For the next couple of weeks he was ridden with guilt for lying to his mother but he honestly was enjoying the freeness of being able to wear a diaper every night without having to hide it from her. Every night he was diapered before eight, and most nights he actually found himself giving sideways glances towards the clock hoping time would move faster so he could wear his diaper. Of course to keep up with the charade he made sure he wet his diaper every night before he drifted off to sleep. His only dry morning was that first one and he had to make sure to keep up his act in case she began to suspect something was amiss. He hated the idea that the nightly diapering routine might end and was secretly enjoying the closeness it was affording the two of them.

It truly had been a wonderful couple of weeks but now things had suddenly taken a deeper turn. He was sitting in the front seat of his mother’s sedan, it was a rather long drive ahead of them and they had left for their trip first thing in the morning. The destination was his mother’s old friends place for a cute little getaway and catch up. There was no chance she would leave him alone, especially not when he was reliant upon her for his diaper changes. She also wasn’t convinced by his insistence that he wouldn’t wet in the car. But the fact they were leaving so early mixed with her concern for destroying her car seats meant he had been changed into another diaper that morning. So here he was strapped into a clean diaper, freshly powdered and smelling incredibly infantile. He hoped the trip would be quick and he could change into his underwear before they go there. If he was lucky his mother’s friend wouldn’t find out about their nightly bedtime ritual. But he couldn’t help the nagging dread in the back of his mind that something was about to happen.


Elliot wasn’t sure how soon into the drive he had fallen asleep or how much time had passed. He hadn’t stirred until his mother had gently woken him with a loving caress over his shoulder.

“Sweetheart, we’re at the first stop.”

He yawned and rubbed his eyes, the invasive sunlight was making it hard for him to keep his eyes open. Suddenly an equally invasive hand reached over and peeled down his shorts before pressing against his padding.

“Oh you’re not wet.” His mother asked surprisingly, if he had been awake he might have noticed the minute touch of sadness in her voice.

Her actions quickly jolted him awake and his eyes flew open. Elliot was terrified that he had been caught and finally the act was up. He hadn’t missed a night waking up dry since the first morning.

“Yeah I guess because I already went a lot last night.” He said shrugging, hopeful that he could casually play it off and trying to remember if he had been particularly wet that morning or not.

His mother pondered while she kept her eyes focused on the road. “It’s been a couple of hours; I guess I thought…..”  She trailed off before quickly reeling back. “Never mind, good job honey I’m proud of you.”

Her hand had finally retreated from the inside of his pants; it had been in there for so long like she was desperately searching for some tiny trace of wetness in his diaper. Her reaction had been so strange that Elliot began to wonder why. He also cursed himself for not using his diaper before he fell asleep, cringing at his carelessness. He had to be more careful, if he started having regular dry nights she might start to wonder if he had more control over his made up problem then he was leading on.

“Come on let’s have some breakfast.” She said changing the subject.

Elliot peered outside and saw they were parked at a truck stop, seeing all the people walking by this early left him blushing that someone could have caught a glimpse at his diaper check. The stop had a large vintage looking diner built into it which wasn’t an uncommon sight this far out of the city. Elliot paused while his mother stepped out of the car, suddenly his diaper seemed much more obvious when he realised he was about to be wearing it out in public for the first time. Rather reluctantly he left the safety of the car and did his best to minimize his movements. He was sure that he could hear the echo of his diaper crinkling with every step; it drove his anxiety up to a boiling point. His mother noticed his hesitation and stubbornly took his hand and pulled him along at a normal pace.

Elliot stumbled along, it was such a surreal experience being dragged hand in hand with his mother the crinkles of his diaper even more evident as he took longer steps to keep up with her. He had no idea how hard he was blush right now as the humiliation began to sink in. Thankfully as they pushed their way through the glass doors the dinner was quiet enough that no one even looked in their direction. His mother led them over to a booth with plush red vinyl seats, the décor made it look like the diner hadn’t been renovated since its establishment in the eighties. Elliot quickly scampered into the booth, grateful that his mother had finally let go of his hand and that the booth offered him some privacy.

Eventually they were joined by a smiling middle aged waitress, dressed in a pink pin stripped dress with a delicate white apron. The uniform was so in keeping with the place Elliot wondered if it was also the same one from thirty years ago. As the woman took their order she seemed rather chirpy for someone working this early in the day, Elliot sunk back into his seat as she introduced herself. His mother took it upon herself to order for the both of them; it made him feel even more like a child. He didn’t bother whining as he would have ended up ordering the same bacon and eggs with the serve of freshly squeezed orange juice anyway. The whole experience left him feeling quite meek and timid, the diaper between his legs a constant humiliating reminder of his predicament.

The food came quickly, which Elliot’s grumbly stomach was very thankful for. The waitress paused after leaving their plates to gently sniff the air. She turned to Elliot and smiled before turning tail and returning to the kitchen. The food did smell delicious, but he realised that wasn’t the scent she had caught. He blushed and slumped his shoulders down hoping to sink out of view, she had smelt the baby powder. He had been so focused on hiding his big bulge he hadn’t stopped to consider how much he smelt like an actual baby. He quickly started scoffing down his food as fast as he could swallow; the sooner they were on the road again and left this place far in the rear view mirror the better. His diapered state was really weighing heavy on his mind now, between every bite he would anxiously peer around the diner to see if the waitress was paying him any mind. He was consciously aware every time she seemed to turn in his direction, it was probably his imagination but he couldn’t help feel like she was always staring at him.

“Slow down or you’ll choke.”

Elliot blushed as he whipped away the excess food from his mouth.

“Maybe you need a bib.” His mother joked.

Elliot coughed and slowed down, he looked at his mother’s plate and realised they wouldn’t be leaving until she had finished anyway. He watched nervously as people came and left, most of the diners customers were gruff looking types, stereotypical truck drivers with big bellies, chequered shirts and long scruffy beards. Eventually he noticed a family come into the diner, the mother carried the youngest and strapped them down into a high chair. He spied the large diaper bag slung over her shoulder and apparently his mother had too.

“We could definitely use one of those, much more practical than stuffing everything into your suitcase.”

He was worried that she sounded more sincere than she ought to have; at least her earlier jibe about the bib had been a joke. Blushing again he couldn’t help the part of him that secretly wanted her to go through with it.

When his mother had finally finished her food the waitress was quick to notice and scampered over to collect their plates.

“Anything for the road?”

Even though she was speaking with his mother, Elliot noticed the waitresses curious eyes peered over him.

“I’ll grab a coffee and a juice for Elliot.”

“I’ll be right over.” She replied, not bothering to write down such a simple order.

Elliot flipped open his phone, his mother wouldn’t normally let him use it when they were eating together but since they were leaving he didn’t think she would mind. He quickly got swept up in his group chat as he engrossed himself in all of his unread messages. It felt slightly unnerving talking with his friends while he was wearing a diaper and in the middle of a holiday with his mother. He couldn’t help feeling incredibly small, what would they say if they had any idea about it; the unimaginable shame would be overwhelming. Thankfully as far as he knew they had no suspicions about any of it, he was too old to be having sleepover with his mates so there wasn’t any way that they might find out.

This whole time Elliot had been absentmindedly staring at his phone screen that he was taken by surprise by the sudden tug on the back of his shirt and he quickly spun around in shock as he searched for the intruder.

“Sorry sweetheart your shirt had ridden up and your diaper was sticking out.”

The waitress was smiling down over him like she was speaking to a toddler, he wasn’t sure how to react, he was furious and completely crestfallen but he lacked the confidence to tell her off for the sudden invasion of his privacy.

“If you’re mommy needs to change your diaper you can use the staff room, you’re a bit big for the changing table in the parents room.”

Elliot shook from head to toe.

“Manners Elliot, what do you say?” His mother intervened.

“T…thank you.” He barely managed to mutter above a whisper.

He consciously looked around to see if anyone else had heard or seen what had happened. He managed to catch the eye of the mother from the other table looking back at him and smiling. He sank even lower into his seat wishing that moment for something to wipe him from existence.

Finally his mother stood up and Elliot practically ran out the diner, ignoring the ever present rustling from his diaper.

“Someone’s a little eager to get on the road.” His mother said as she finally caught up to him at the car.

“Can we just go… please.” He replied, catching his breath.

Elliot leapt into the car the moment the doors were unlocked and soon they were back onto the highway. He watched the diner falling out of view hoping for a respite of comfort but he couldn’t alleviate himself from the embarrassment that had just befallen him. The feeling of his diaper pressing against his seatbelt made it even more present in his mind and he had the sudden compulsion to tear it off and throw it out the moving window, leaving all of his inclinations to wear diapers with it. But the reality of his situation made that impossible, how would he explain to his mother that suddenly he didn’t need to wear diapers anymore with the flick of a switch he went from bed wetter back to complete continence.

The idea of coming clean with her was the forefront of his thoughts, but then he would be left with whatever judgement she would have planned for him for the entirety of the trip. He had no idea how she would react if he completely came clean and said he never needed diapers to begin with.

A sudden pressure in his bladder tore Elliot away from his moral dilemma and left him with an even worse one. The thought of willingly pissing his diaper was out of the question so instead he awkwardly turned to his mother.

“Can we stop; I need to use the bathroom.” He asked rather rudely.

He watched in disdain as she quickly shook her head. “Why didn’t you go back at the diner?”

“I didn’t need too.” He cringed, realising at that moment he sounded quite pathetic.

She sighed. “I didn’t think I needed to remind my son to use the bathroom, guess you’re having more trouble than I realised.”

Elliot hated that he was having this conversation, especially the sudden shift it seemed to be taking. He brushed over what she was saying, why hadn’t he thought to use the bathroom back at the diner. The pressure was quite strong, it wasn’t normal for him to go this long without realising he needed to use the toilet; he hadn’t even drunk all his juice yet. Was it because he was wearing diapers and now his subconscious didn’t bother signalling to him when his bladder was starting to fill, had he really become so accustomed to wearing them. He realised he hadn’t even gone before they left for the trip, the last time he went he shivered as he remembered willingly wetting himself the night before like clockwork to keep up his charade.

The revelation that he hadn’t used the bathroom in so long sent signals flying like crazy and he couldn’t even process it before his bladder was telling him it was time. He didn’t even bother begging his mother to pull over before it happened as the dam finally burst and he flooded his diaper. He looked down in shock, watching the ever growing bulge in his pants and to his horror the darkening wet patch that was seeping into his shorts.

His mother noticed the look of urgency plastered across his face and followed his gaze down and saw her son’s diaper leaking all over her car seat.


Moving quickly she veered off onto the side of the road, thankful for the lack of traffic this early in the day and that by now the highway had stretched out onto long country roads lacking any kind of barrier to prevent them from leaving.

As she parked in the shade of a tall tree Elliot was too preoccupied as he desperately tried to stop his flow. More and more pee was soaking out of his diaper as it failed miserably to keep up with the amount of urine that was seeping into it. Even the bottom of his shirt was stained with his piss as he moved around the seat to try and stop it from soaking into the upholstery.

As the car rolled to a stop Elliot’s mother leapt from the car, she pulled a towel from his suitcase and pulled him from the car before turning her attention to the state of the seat and frantically started to clean it.

Elliot stood there in shame as he watched her drop the towel in disgust before getting another one and draping it over the seat. Elliot couldn’t fathom why his diaper had failed him so badly, maybe it had gotten loose at some point, but he had only worn it since his mother had changed him into a clean one before they left in the morning.

Finally she turned her attention to him and he didn’t put up a fight as she completely undressed him down until he was standing there with only a though roughly soaked diaper hanging between his legs. He fought the urge to cry as she berated him for being such a baby as his diaper was ripped away from his body and plopped down into the dirt. The dry part of his shirt was used to clean him as best as she could manage without any more clean towels on hand to do the job.

When she was satisfied Elliot was pushed onto the back seat completely naked and given a fresh coating of cream and powder before a clean diaper was strapped to his waist. When he realised he wasn’t going to be given any clothing Elliot pleaded for something to cover himself with and was finally given a shirt that she reluctantly pulled out of his bag.

“Everything else is soaked, apparently I need to see your diaper at all times to make sure you have it on properly, another thing you seem incapable of doing yourself.”

Elliot sat back down sullenly in the backseat of the car since the front had become quarantined from his accident. He hoped they had no more stops along the way; there was no chance anyone would fail to notice the big diaper he was wearing.


Elliot spent the remainder of the trip ducking out of sight every time they pulled alongside another car at the traffic lights. Even though the windows would have obscured his diapered state from view he was still paranoid that everyone would see. This wasn’t the enjoyment he had come to get from wearing diapers, this feeling of humiliation and helplessness was awful. The high octane rush had gone, replaced with a grim reality that he now faced. After everything that had happened this morning he was really considering if it was all worth it, and unfortunately all signs were pointing to no. He couldn’t suddenly quit cold turkey; it would be too unbelievable he was going to have to wean himself away from the diapers. This was the only way his mother wouldn’t suspect that something was amiss; his legitimacy would definitely be put to question if he began waking up dry every single morning from now on.

Conspiring against his mother in such a devious way left him with an awful feeling of guilt. But this way it would make everything right again, he had a taste of the diapered life and got much more than he had bargained for. But the lies had to come to an end; he could never face the truth of what he had done. He already knew he wouldn’t be able to live this down; the inevitable consequences if he came clean wouldn’t help anything. Perhaps he might indulge himself somewhere down the line on the odd occasion when he was home alone. But as long as he was living under his mother’s roof he would have to keep it all to a minimum.

Elliot shifted in his seat; the crinkle of his diaper resonating along with the hum of the car engine gave him a sense of calming. The fact that his diaper was in plain view and he was sitting pants less made him feel incredibly exposed. It would almost be exciting if the feeling wasn’t being masked with an overwhelming sense of dread.

Occasionally his mother’s hand would drift across to him and snake her way down to his padding where she would give the front and back a firm squeeze as she checked for signs of wetness. He was beginning to think that she was enjoying her treatment of him, even after she had just given him a stern talking too. Maybe she enjoyed the closeness and intimacy his ailment offered them. Even before this he had little privacy away from her but she would never have dreamed of checking his undies for accidents, with his new found dependency brought with it an assortment of caveats. He would be lying if he didn’t admit to somewhat liking the attention he was being given, even feeling somewhat cautiously optimistic about what responsibilities were been taken away. It felt like a wave of calm had washed over him lately. If it wasn’t the constant reminders prodding him in the back of his head like the blade of a sharp knife, telling him he should feel guilty then it would be perfectly blissful.

It wasn’t long before they finally pulled off the highway and drove into the centre of a small town. Driving down the main street was a stark contrast compared to the city streets close to home. It was still quite populated and bustling, busy enough that when they stopped at the crossing Elliot desperately clutched at his shirt as people walked close by their car.

“Are we nearly there?” He asked nervously.

What Elliot had been conveniently forgetting throughout their trip was the unavoidable topic of his diapered state as soon as they reached their destination. He had no doubts he would be teased, he couldn’t remember a lot of his mother’s friend but he had memories of how she used to love riling him up. It had been sometime since her last visit, his mother had seen her in between then but last time she left him to stay by himself. Another reminder that he was being treated even younger now that he was supposed to be older. His heart rate quickened as they pulled off the main roads and turned into a side street drawing ever closer to her place. Elliot’s anxiety hit breaking point when they pulled up the drive way of a quaint suburban home. It was rather plain looking, just like any other house on the street but it did have a very homely feel to it. He wondered whether it would be big enough inside to give him some desperately needed privacy.

The sound of his mother’s car pulling up to the house made enough noise that a kindly looking woman made her way out onto the front porch. Elliot hesitated and stayed back in the car watching his mother quickly park before rushing over to greet her friend with a hug. They smiled ear to ear as they reconciled like young excited high school girlfriends; it was quite wholesome to see. He watched anxiously from the safety of the car, more acutely aware of his diapered state than ever. Finally he saw their attention turn towards him and seeing his mother talk to her he knew they could only be talking about him. Her friend looked on with amusement and a strange look of puzzlement across her face at whatever was being told to her. Finally she waved him over and the look he got from his mother told him he better cooperate or else.

With an extreme amount of reluctance Elliot opened the car door and regrettably stood in full view of both women.

“Elliot, don’t be rude, come say hi to Lin.” His mother ordered.

“H…hi..Lin….” He mumbled.

Lin’s eyes were wide; her gaze fixated over his diaper which Elliot was hopelessly trying to cover with his hands. Finally Lin managed to slip out of her trance and she quickly regained her composure.

“Elliot… that’s a very….cute…diaper you’ve got there.” She said, trying to find a more suitable word.

Lin could see how incredibly embarrassed he was meeting her like this, so she quickly moved the distance between them and pulled him into a big hug. She embraced him with the same excitement and enthusiasm as she had done with his mother.

“It’s so good to see you again; it feels like it’s been forever.” She said, doing her best to move on with the conversation and ignore the fact he was diapered.

It was all quite a shock to hear he was back in diapers now, especially when he was supposed to be an adult. It had been quite a while since she had last seen Elliot and hear he was looking younger and more immature than their last encounter. Before even she could realise what she was doing one hand had crept downward and she was pulling the back of his diaper out to see if he needed a change.

Elliot blushed crimson as his diaper was pulled backward and Lin had to mentally scold herself for doing such a rash thing, finally realising the boy who reeled back in shock.

“Sorry Elliot.” She shifted awkwardly. “It was just instincts, thought that might have been why you were too scared to leave the car.”

Elliot could see his mother grinning as she watched the event unfold.

“Honestly surprised he’s still dry after the display he put on the ride here.” She explained.

“I’m not a baby.” Elliot suddenly snapped back.

Both women laughed.

“Maybe not.” Lin spoke up. “But you sure are diapered like one!”

Both women laughed again at poor Elliot’s expense, who failed to come back with anything to say in his own defence.

“Come on guys; let’s go inside, I’ll show you around.”

They followed Lin inside; Elliot remained far out of arm’s length, lest he be the subject of another unwarranted diaper check. The house wasn’t exactly small, but it was definitely cosy for lack of better word. It was spaciously decorated without over doing it, Lin was clearly fond of horses as multiple paintings adorned the walls, Elliot noticed her own named signed in the corners of each one. He admired the décor as he realised at least they shared one thing in common, Elliot to was fond of horses but more so the ones in history that were rode into battle rather than them in general. It was a bit of a girlish feeling sometimes to be so fond of them when it was such a stereotype that every girl wants her own pony growing up, but he sometimes wished he had gotten to have that experience when he was younger. The tour eventually landed them in a rather generously sized bedroom with a double bed planted down the centre.

“And this is where you will be staying.” Lin cheerfully announced.

He watched his mother put her bags down on the floor, he was suddenly aware that she had also been carrying his and he realised he could of grabbed a pair of his pants and gotten changed by now. When they suddenly left Elliot to go grab a coffee, he realised he hadn’t been shown his room yet.

“Sorry where am I staying?” He interrupted as politely as he could.

The two women shared a funny smile before acknowledging him.

“You’ll be sleeping with me sweetheart.” His mother said in a sickly sweet voice.

Elliot stared daggers at her, as he tried to figure out if it was another one of her crude jokes at his expense.

“Sorry hun only two bedrooms in this house.” Lin interjected.

Elliot could feel the blood leave his face as the reality came down hot and heavy. They really expected him to share a bed with his mother at his age, not to mention the fact he was going to be diapered. The thought of having to somehow wet his diaper without her thinking something was up was somehow at the forefront of his worries.

“But I can’t, I’m too old for that I ummm, I’ll sleep on the couch.” He asked hopefully

Lin stubbornly shook her head. “I would be a pretty awful host if I was to let my youngest guest be condemned to the couch for their stay.”

She thought for a moment. “I suppose I could take the couch and give you my room if you so wished?”

It seemed like a great solution, but Elliot was quite a courteous person normally and the thought of being at someone else’s house and taking their bedroom over seemed worse than having to share a bed with his mother. Unfortunately he wasn’t even given the chance to decline her generous offer as his mother took it up herself to make that decision.

“No that’s fine Lin you don’t have to do that, DOES SHE Elliot.” She said in a serious voice.

Elliot swallowed. “I can stay with mum, it’s no bother.” He said defeated.

He was looking even more like a bashful misbehaved toddler as he stood there with his diaper proudly on display, realising this was going to be an experience he hoped he would soon forget.


“Really Claire it doesn’t bother me either way.”

It caught Elliot off guard hearing his mother called by her maiden name, it had been some time he had heard her called anything other than Mum or Miss Jacobs and it felt unnatural. The distraction was the briefest respite from the thought of sharing a bed with her; he desperately hoped that she would agree to it even if it meant Lin would be on the couch. He wouldn’t feel as bad about it if his mother took the decision out of his own hands. Judging from her expression though he already knew what her answer would be so instead Elliot jumped on the chance to save some face.

“It’s ok Lin, I’ll sleep in here.” He conceded.

Lin took one last look at both him and his mother and shrugged her shoulders.

“Well alright then, I guess that settles it.”

After catching up over a coffee Lin left them both to get settled in while she finished up some house work. Elliot watched awkwardly from the desk in the corner of the room that he had retreated too for some peace and time to himself to use his phone. Desperate to get out of his diaper Elliot went to get changed but he was ordered to wait until his mother had a chance to change him herself.  She stored away her belongings in the chest of drawers first before dealing with Elliot’s. As she began emptying is stuff out of his bag he realised he had been standing their like a dunce letting her do everything for him. He quickly waddled over, his diaper crinkling loudly from his sudden brisk movements. Reaching for his bag his hands were abruptly slapped away in a playful manner.

“I can do that.” Elliot whined.

Claire shook her head. “Honey just let me; you’ll just chuck everything in and crease it.”

Elliot had to agree with her sentiment; he was pretty lousy when it came to anything laundry related. He hardly did his share of chores at home but his mother seemed to mind so he was reluctant to learn. Why would he care so much to learn such a menial task anyway, it had zero value to him but it was another sharp blow to his maturity when he realised she did do so much for him.

It was quite overwhelming watching her pull out his diapers and lotions from his bag. Everything suddenly felt like it was being pushed too far, especially considering he was standing diaper clad in the bedroom he would be sharing with his mother tonight. He cringed as he heard them crinkle as Claire carefully laid them out in one of the empty drawers.

‘Why had she packed so many?’ Elliot wondered.

About the same time he realised he hadn’t seen any underwear being taken out and he quickly regretted that he hadn’t packed his bag himself. But his mother had taken it upon herself to do it for him, and it was one less distraction that he had to worry about so he had simply shrugged and carried on with his game while she did it for him.

He couldn’t help but agree with her sentiment he was pretty lousy when it came to anything laundry related. Besides why did he care so much about such a menial task anyway, it held little value to him, besides the fact it wasn’t helping the lack of maturity he was feeling. It was weird that he felt this was pushing everything to far considering he was standing in the bedroom he would be sharing with his mother and a thick diaper prominently on view. Elliot cringed the moment she started pulling his diapers out. Why had she packed so many of them, he had packed his bag himself but she insisted he give the bag to her when he was finished so she could make sure he took enough of his special pants with him. It was a strange moment when, the concept seemed so simple a diaper for each night it was straight forward and he was more than capable. But considering she had crowned herself monarch of all things diaper related he didn’t think to dwell on it.

“Wait mum, where did you put my underpants?”

She pretended not to hear him for a moment as she carefully deposited another diaper in the drawer.

“MUM.” Elliot almost shouted.

Claire spun around with a furious gaze. “DON’T you raise your voice at me!” She waved a diaper towards him threateningly.

She managed to keep her composure and not raise her voice to alert Lin to their argument.

“I’ve been noticing spots on your underwear and I’ve seen you running off to the bathroom on more than one occasion.” Claire told him bluntly.

Elliot’s face scrunched up, what was she even referring too? He couldn’t recollect anything like that happening. He had full control over his wettings they were intentional not that he would admit it, but he knew he didn’t actually have any real problem using the toilet.

“Mum.” He seethed.

She held up her finger to make him quieter.

“What are you talking about?” He said managing to lower his voice.

“Elliot.” She sat with her hands in her lap, almost like she was ready to deliver him some seriously bad news.

“Don’t fight me on this; do you want me to spank you like a little brat?”

Elliot was frazzled; ‘she wouldn’t actually spank him right?’ But after everything that had already happened that morning he was too afraid she might go through with it. He searched her face for any sign that she might not be serious but he realised he couldn’t read it.

“No… You can’t spank me…I’m not a.” He paused, the final word caught in his throat and he searched for a better one but she was faster.

“Baby.” She said, the word oozing out of her lips.

Elliot gulped,acutely aware once again of his diapered state and how helpless he felt at the moment. He looked down at his feet, to ashamed to meet his mother’s gaze. She gently walked over to him and ushered him down on the bed. Taking his hands in her own she held them lovingly in her lap.

“This is what’s best for you, until we can get your accidents under control.” She caressed his hands trailing her finger over them in a circular motion; Elliot blushed as she continued soothing him.

“Maybe it’s the stress of growing up and all the responsibilities that get piled on you; we can see a doctor about it when we get back. But for now it’s best if we keep you padded, you will be well protected and looked after I promise.”

Elliot was ashamed at the way his mother belittled him and treated him like a child. This would be the perfect moment to come clean and tell her she had made it all up. Confess his crimes before it went any further; the charade had gone on long enough.

He truly wished that he could though, that he had the spine to actually come clean. But he lacked the strength and integrity to do it, he was too afraid of any consequences that might follow. The alternative was spending the trip stuck in diapers and sharing a bed with her for the length of their stay. Maybe if he came clean she would be so furious that he would be condemned to the sofa, perhaps after hearing it even Lin would be so disappointed she wouldn’t even care if he didn’t have a bed to sleep in.

Elliot’s mind raced a mile a minute, he didn’t have long to decide. An angry mother’s scorn or spending the trip diapered like a baby, it seemed like a no brainer. But something prevented him from speaking out and before he could truly make up his mind, Claire broke his trance.

She gently caressed his shoulder while one hand came to a rest over his diapered groin; gently she squeezed his padding searching again for any sign of wetness.

“Still dry baby, mummy’s proud.”

She planted a long wet kiss on his cheek before standing up and continuing to unpack the rest of his belongings. Elliot sat frozen, stuck in a state of comatose as he tried to break away from his trance. Every part of him was filled with dread and doubt, the decision had been made for him and he was locked out of any respite until they at least returned home and he had another chance to come clean. It was incredibly weird feeling so helpless facing such a lack of control, he finally broke out of his mental lock when he heard footsteps approaching and Lin appeared at the doorway.

“If you’re all unpacked I thought maybe you would like to go out for dinner tonight?” She asked hopefully.

From the tone of her voice it seemed like she was rather dependant on their answer, perhaps the idea of going out to dinner with other people was quite appealing. But actually Lin had simply forgotten to pick up enough groceries to feed the three of them. Not used to cooking for a group of people she hadn’t the ingredients on hand to throw a meal together that would be enough to feed all of them.

“Of course that sound’s lovely.” Claire replied. “What did you have in mind?”

Elliot listened with feigned interest in what they were saying; he could care less where they ate as long as he got to wear pants again. He shuddered as he remembered the earlier trip at the diner and prayed that this wouldn’t be as bad.

“What about Elliot?” Lin asked.

Both women looked down at the gloomy boy.

“Does he need his diaper changed before we go?”

Elliot cringed at how casually Lin spoke about the unknown state of his diaper right in front of him. Did she not realise he was an adult boy and this whole situation was utterly ridiculous. Not to mention the ludicrousness that the question wasn’t at least directed to him directly, not that it would have fared him much better.

“No he should be fine I just checked him.”

“Alright we’re good to go then.” Lin declared, clapping her hands together in excitement.

Elliot was reluctant to say anything, but watching the two women ready to leave he finally found the confidence to speak up.

“Pants.” He rather awkwardly blurted out.

Both women turned to him and smiled.

“But Elliot.” His mother spoke. “I really think we ought to keep a better eye on your diaper.”

His eyes darted between both women, they couldn’t be serious.

“Please…..” Elliot shook as he swallowed his pride. “Please mummy can I wear pants to dinner.”

It pained him to call her that; it was the first time calling her anything but mum since he was a child. But in a moment of desperation he thought if he sounded as submissive as he could manage than maybe she would take pity on him, it was definitely less humiliating than the idea of having his diaper on display in public.

“I suppposee.” She sighed reluctantly.

She grabbed a pair of mint green shorts the most repulsive ones he owned and wished he had chucked out years ago. Much to Elliot’s shame she held them open for him to step into, it was embarrassing enough to do such a humiliating act but having to do so in front of company was even more traumatic. Looking down and realising which alternative was obviously worse he quickly stood up and stepped into the shorts, awkwardly holding onto her shoulders for balance as she pulled them up his crinkly bottom. They felt intentionally tight around him and he realised that it didn’t feel much better than the notion of going pants less.

Of course the idea was clearly unthinkable but in the moment Elliot was feeling quite grim. Especially when his mother fiddled roughly with the zipper that she couldn’t seem to close over his diapered groin, he was worried she might give up and pull them off. Fortunately she managed to force the zip leaving him with an oddly shaped bulge around his waist, but still he rationalised, it had to be infinitely better than having someone gawking at his diapered behind.

Claire took a moment to admire her son’s poofy waist and gave him a loving and condescending pat across his crinkly bottom.

“Ok happy now?”

It felt like more of a statement than a question but Elliot still nodded.

“Great, were off then.”

Elliot followed the two women out of the room, sighing with despair at the sight of his bloated backside in the hallway mirror and the crinkling that accompanied it with every step he took.


Elliot was shuffled into the backseat of Lin’s Sedan and before he had time to react his mother reached over and shamefully he allowed himself to be buckled in. He looked at her quizzically and she smiled giving him a peck on the cheek before she condescendingly ruffled his hair. He sank back into his seat, feeling a horrible sense of déjà vu. Every crinkle that emanated from his diaper reminded him how low he had sunk; the shame was obvious and suffocating. The stupid shorts hadn’t helped his confidence in the slightest; they were woefully ill prepared at hiding the extra bulk from his diaper. He was sure that any keen eye experienced with changing diapers would be able to spot his padded bulge a mile off. He sighed, leaning back against the window as the car pulled out into the darkening night sky.

Too focused with his own moral dilemmas Elliot ignored the conversation going on between Lin and his mother. It was pointless arguing the embarrassment that he was being subjected too, he partly felt like he deserved this and besides, both women seemed to think he needed to be in diapers and he wasn’t sure how he might be able to convince them otherwise without coming clean. He had been enjoying wearing them at night, away from the invasive eyes of his mother and now Lin, but wearing them during the day had stretched things too far. He thought back to his earlier accident and realised he hadn’t used the bathroom again since, he shuffled awkwardly as his mind wondered for any tell tail sign that he might need to use the loo. Thankfully he didn’t feel the need, but a prickling sensation in the bag of his neck was telling him maybe that was because he had become completely incontinent.

The idea that he was suddenly unable to control his toileting habits was ludicrous, but it still didn’t calm his nerves not after everything that had already happened to him, it suddenly didn’t feel like such a far stretch. Everything about his predicament was beyond frustrating and poor Elliot was struggling to see any light at the end of the tunnel. It looked like he was going to be subjected to coddling from his mother like he was a two year old until they got home. At least he would finally have a chance to spill the beans and confess everything to her. He couldn’t let himself be reprimanded to diapers when they got home, this whole situation had gone beyond his control and Elliot wished he had been smarter and avoided this whole situation from the get go.

Perhaps if he had come clean from the start, and simply told his mother the truth that he was curious how the diapers felt. Maybe she would have shrugged it off and let him get his kicks out of it in private until it was out of his system. But his attempt at brushing it off as a medical issue to save himself the embarrassment of admitting he wanted to wear diapers had made his mother feel inclined to intervene. As the car roared over a bump in the road his diaper rustled as it continued to hold him tightly. He really did enjoy wearing diapers as much as he hated to admit it to himself, he began to wonder if he would really have the strength to give them up completely when they returned home.

While both women laughed and yacked away Elliot had to stop himself from groaning. He wasn’t even allowed to bring his phone with him to the restaurant; his mother said he had already spent enough time on it for the day. He was left with nothing now to distract his thoughts or preoccupy him away from the reality of the night. He tried listening in to snippets of the conversation but it was so boring, to him it was all mindless drivel. They were talking about the past; giggling away at fond memories they shared. At least they weren’t talking about him; he hated being the centre of attention, which was more evident now than ever. He much preferred to slink back into the shadows and be left out of the conversation altogether.

Eventually Lin turned a corner and they pulled into a restaurant which unfortunately seemed quite bustling judging from the amount of cars that filled the parks. Elliot’s hopes had dashed that perhaps it might have been quiet like the diner, the less people that might notice him the better. Turning the other cheek perhaps the busyness might work in his favour; he might be more likely to go unnoticed if everyone was already too preoccupied to look in his direction. Maybe things would actually go in his favour for once he thought brightly. As soon as they found a park Elliot quickly clambered out of his seat on his own, rather than risk his mother undoing his belt for him like a child.

“Someone must be hungry.” His mother teased.

Elliot watched her retrieve a bag from the boot that he had failed to notice her put their in the first place. It was only a passing thought but he blushed as he recalled the mother from the diner and realised she must have borrowed the bag from Lin and slapped together a makeshift diaper bag.

His eyes fixated on it in horror and he recoiled in shock, turning around he was completely oblivious as his mother came up behind him and yanked his pants backwards to give him his first public diaper check.

“Mum pleaseeee.” He whined.

“Just making sure you have a dry bottom sweetheart.”

Claire gave him a satisfied pat on the bottom before urging him forward with a sharp push.

Elliot was the first one through the sliding doors and his eyes darted around completely oblivious on where to go. Thankfully his mother and Lin appeared in front of him and walked up to the greeter at their counter.

“Hey there table for…. Three?” The young woman said as she veered her head to see Elliot standing oddly close behind the two ladies.

“Yes three please; a booth if you have one available.” Lin asked hopefully.

The greeter obliged and took them over to a booth which Elliot was thankful that it offered him a reasonable amount of privacy from the rest of the guests at the tables.

The young woman tilted her head and studied him as he quickly jumped into the booth. She could have sworn she saw something sticking out over the top his shorts that definitely weren’t underwear. Rather than dwell on it she kept her composure and retained her well-practiced professionalism and waited for them to all be seated.

“Here are your menus my name is Sara I will be your sever today, I’ll be back soon to see how you’re going.”

She quickly scurried over to another waitress and called her over to a quiet part of the restaurant.

“What’s going on Sara?”

“I think that guy over there is wearing diapers.” Sara replied looking quite stunned.

She followed Sara’s gaze and quickly spotted the young man sitting between the two women at their booth.

“How do you know?”

Sara whispered back. “I think I saw them sticking out his pants.”

The woman shrugged. “I thinkyou imagined it Sara.”

She was about to protest when the two girls watched one of the women pour him a glass of water and stuff his napkin in the blushing boys shirt like a bib.

“Wow, ummmm ok that’s weird.”

“See I told you!” Sara practically squealed. “He looks like a little mama’s boy.”

“Even if it’s true I don’t get why you care?” The waitress replied. “We get plenty of weirdos in here.”

“Ehhhhh.” Sara said throwing her hands up. “It’s different I guess, beats some creep hitting on me for the night, this might actually be fun.”

“Whatever; have fun with that.” The waitress said walking away seemingly uninterested about it.

Back at the table Elliot was quietly blasting his mother for forcing him into a bib.

“Could you stop please, people can see.”

“Oh relax.” She started as Lin chuckled. “No one cares, besides you know how much of a messy eater you can be.”

He almost agreed with her before he recalled back at the diner where he had shown he had no trouble with his etiquette. There really was no excuse for his mother’s treatment of him, he wanted to chastise her but hated the thought of potentially causing a scene and risk bringing any attention to himself. Glancing around he caught eyes with Sara, he blushed as he realised she had probably seen the whole thing and quickly turned away.

“Elliot why are you so fussy, do you need your diaper changed?”

Mum STOP.” He hissed through gritted teeth.

She was about to query him again before Sara had trotted over stopping by their table.

“Hey! Are you guys ready to order now?” She asked in a clear, rehearsed voice.

“Hmmm.” Lin thought. “What would you recommend?”

“Well tonight’s specials are….”

Their voices all muffled together as Elliot sat their frozen and unmoving, wishing something would whisk this woman away from them. He realised in horror that she can’t have been that much older than he was, it was a stark contrast of their maturities, Elliot had only just met this person and hadn’t even exchanged a single word with her but he already knew she was more mature than he was. He sat determinedly still, terrified that the slightest movement might cause his diaper to crinkle against the vinyl seat and give away his secret.

“And what about you love?”

He looked up at her eyes landing on her cleavage before awkwardly pulling his gaze higher.

“I ahhhhh…” He trailed off, wishing he paid more attention to what the specials of the night were.

“He’ll have the chicken nuggets.” Claire interjected, taking it upon herself once again to order for him.

“Ohhhh good choice!” Sara said enthusiastically.

“Would you like the child’s size, or would he like the-“

“I’ll have the adults.” Elliot quickly interrupted.

“Elliot manners.” Claire scolded.


“No problem!” Sara replied as she wrote down the last order on her pad. “If it’s too much for him we can wrap it up to take home.”

Elliot could feel her gaze looking down at him; his eyes were fixated on the table in front of him to ashamed to glance up, he hated that all of her questions had been redirected through his mother and he had been completely ignored.

She offered her thanks and just as Sara was about to walk off she suddenly spun back around.

“Oh, I almost forgot to mention, we have plastic bibs for the messy eaters if you would prefer that, it would work a lot better than what he’s got.”

Elliot cringed, she had to be toying with him clearly she could see he was an adult, what kind of sick parallel world was he living in. Why was everyone treating this like it was normal, it was messed up he felt like he had hit rock bottom so many times now but no matter what it seemed to keep getting worse.

“That’s very sweet to offer but I think we’ll just see how that goes, right Elliot?”

He nodded slowly, like a zombie without the ability to think from himself.

“No problem! The offer stands, so just give us a shout.”

Sara turned to leave, but as she did so Claire spoke up, further proving that poor Elliot still had further to fall, his pit of embarrassment continuing to grow.

“There was one last thing; I don’t suppose you have a parent’s room around, just in case I need to change any diapers.”

Both Sara and Elliot looked equally shocked by the statement, even Lin was surprised by her friends disregard for her son’s embarrassment. Sara looked to Elliot and could see how deep his cheeks had reddened; he looked so flustered and humiliated.

“Ohhhh… ahhhh…..”She quickly cleared her throat. “Sureyes, the parent’s room is just back there.” She pointed off in the direction. “But I’m not sure if the changing table would be sufficient……”

“Oh that’s no bother I have a mat to place on the floor, just need it for a bit of privacy you know.”

“Ofcourse!” Sara hurriedly blurted out. “I’ll go put your orders in, if there’s anything else just give us a shout.”

She smiled before quickly scurrying away before anything else could be said. She needed to get away and process what just happened.

‘Fuck me there’s no way anyone is going to believe what just happened.’

Elliot meanwhile sat there in equal disbelief at what he had just suffered through.

“Why did….” He looked for the right words as he fought the urge to start crying.

“Oh Elliot, honestly.” His mother shook her head. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of plenty of people need diapers, don’t be such a baby.”

Baby, the word echoed through his ears, rattling in his head. Was that what he really was now, he defiantly didn’t feel like a man. One thing was for sure, he was going to come clean about everything, this all had to end TONIGHT.


Elliot kept silent throughout the whole dinner; thankfully the Sara must have been too uncomfortable to approach their table again so she had another server bring over their food. The girl had raised her eyebrows at Sara’s request to switch; she expected to be serving some sleazy guy that had been fawning over her and not some regular looking family. She had pestered Sara for an answer but she insisted she would fill her in later; it was too awkward to talk about.

While he sat their grumbling and picking at his food Elliot couldn’t have been more furious. He had been humiliating in front of an attractive looking girl his own age. He didn’t dare cause a fuss in the restaurant though, the worst part was both his mum and Lin were acting like nothing unusual had just taken place.

“Elliot, stop playing with your food and eat it or I’ll start feeding you myself.”

Elliot nodded bashfully and shoved a forkful into his mouth; he couldn’t bear the thought of anymore humiliation.

Finally he felt a twinge in his bladder, a signal to his brain that he would need to use the toilet soon. Part of him was relieved; it alleviated his earlier fears that somehow he might have forgotten how to tell he needed to go. But the reality was he would need to use the toilet and soon, otherwise the risk of having an accident in his diaper would be too high. He was terrified if his mother found he had used his diaper she would take him to get changed in the restaurants bathroom; he had already suffered through a lifetime of embarrassment today.

There was a slight reprieve when Elliot finished his meal and realised both Lin and his mother had too. He thought they might leave soon but listening to them deep in conversation he began to realise it might not be soon enough. The server came over and offered to collect their plates and asked if they wanted desert.

“No thank you, but we will take a coffee each.”

Elliot sighed, there was no end in sight and the more he thought about how long they might be stuck here the more the pressure in his bladder started to grow. He thought over his options, he could wait it out and undoubtedly have an accident before they had a chance to leave. He could willingly piss himself, but that was an incredibly dumb idea otherwise he would have no choice but to go and use the bathroom.

The idea of using the toilet sounded fine on paper, but it meant he would have to waddle by all the tables and risk someone seeing his obvious diaper bulge. Typically he could see the men’s bathroom door from where he was seated, but unfortunately it was located on the other side of the restaurant. Then there was the fact he would have to pull his diaper off and on to use the toilet, it would make an ungodly amount of noise in the process.

But throwing up his options, it was going to be awful no matter what so that’s what he decided to go with.

“Excuse me.” He asked his mother as he tried to stand up.

“Where are you off to?” Claire asked, somewhat annoyed that he had interrupted their conversation.

“I need to use the loo.” He replied plainly.

“Sweetheart.” Claire began, pulling Elliot back down onto his seat. “You’re in diapers its ok to use it, I’ve told you I’ll change you and you’ll be staying in them until we get home.”

“Mummmm.” He whined. “You can’t be serious; I know I need to use the bathroom it’s not like I have no control.”

Claire sighed. “I know you’re such a big boy for realising too, but you’ve been under a lot of stress today, I think if we take back your toileting responsibilities for a little while then maybe that will help with your bed wetting.”

Elliot was gobsmacked, not only was his mother being utterly patronising but she also thought that in some insane parallel universe if he willingly used his diaper than maybe that would help with his bed wetting.

“Mum I don’t need diapers I don’t wet the bed.” He blurted out, finally coming clean.

Claire smiled lovingly, she stroked Elliot’s arm as she brought him in close to her.

“Elliot, darling it’s alright; I’m going to help you get through this baby.”

She gently started pushing a hand down against his bladder.

“Mum, this is insane.” Elliot continued to whine.

Shhhhhh baby, don’t make a scene.” Claire cooed.

“Mummy, please.”He begged.

Claire began gently humming; even Lin began caressing Elliot’s other shoulder lovingly. It was all too much for the poor boy and without any way to control it he started peeing his diaper.

Elliot didn’t even realise he had started sobbing like a baby; his pee pooled between his legs and was quickly soaked up by his diaper. It was an awful feeling of embarrassment and he prayed that no one else knew what was happening to him. At least the warmth was inviting, but it was a sour comfort compared to the fears that he might leak his diaper again. Finally when the flow came to an end he realised his shorts were still that awful minty green and there was no discolouration, thankfully his padding had absorbed the entirety of his accident.

“Are you finished baby?” Claire asked in a tender voice.

Elliot silently nodded.

“Ok, let’s get you changed.”

He would much rather have stayed in his wet diaper until they got home, but the decision was out of his hands. Elliot felt too submissive to put up any sort of fight, so he took her hand and was led through the restaurant into the parent’s bathroom. There was no doubt that people were giving them strange looks seeing the older boy being led to the toilets with his mother. Especially with his diaper bulge even more obvious now that it had been thoroughly soaked.

It was a small well deserved victory when they reached the toilet and it was unoccupied, a single bathroom with a lock on it meant that no strangers would be able to witness his change. There was a plastic changing table attached to a wall but it was clearly meant for an infant and not someone his size, it would obviously snap the moment he was laid down on it. True to her word his mother pulled a changing pad from the diaper bag, it was a plastic sheet similar to the one she put on his bed at night to catch any leaks he might have during the night.

Claire pulled down his shorts, manoeuvring them over his feet she managed to tug them off without having to take away his shoes. His diaper was droopy but managed to hold on, she tugged him down onto the cold vinyl mat. Just like earlier she began humming again, Elliot wasn’t sure if she was trying to console him or make it less awkward but nothing would make him feel any better about this. The wipes were extra cold and humiliating as she made quick work soaking up the wee on his groin that hadn’t been absorbed by his diaper. She stuffed the used wipes inside the old one before pulling a new diaper and coaxing it under his legs.

Elliot had gone through this routine more than a dozen times now, but this was by far the worst and most humiliating one. There was no enjoyment from it, the cream the powder the baby oil his mother had added to the ritual, nothing felt good. It was all just embarrassing and made him feel like a toddler that couldn’t use the potty. As if to humiliate him further he spied the porcelain toilet perched across from him. Claire pulled the final tab of his new diaper shut and gave him a gently caress over his groin leaving a cloud of powder puffing from the sides in its wake.

“Ok baby, up you get.”

Claire pulled him to his feet before she washed her hands. Elliot waited awkwardly for her to dress him in his shorts but when she picked them up she had a puzzled look on her face.

“Aren’t you going to dress me?” He asked, cursing himself for how pathetic he sounded.

Claire flipped the shorts over in her hands to show him the rear; there was a dark crescent moon shape over his bottom where he must have leaked.

“We need to get you thicker diapers sweetheart, you keep leaking, I’m sorry we don’t have any other options.”

She grabbed Elliot’s hand; kicking and screaming she led the humiliated boy back out onto the restaurant floor. Lin quickly saw them and decided to grab their coffees to go and paid for the meals while most of the restaurant watched the diaper glad boy being led out by his mother.

“I told you!” Sara said to another waitress.

No one approached them and most of them were too shocked to even react accordingly to the sight. Elliot stopped caring about who saw them, he was blubbering like a baby the whole time as Claire led him back to Lin’s car. They had to wait there for her to come running out as she juggled the two coffees in her hand.

Claire pushed Elliot by his diaper into the car and strapped him in.

“Gosh Elliot, quite your hollering I wish I had a pacifier to shove in your mouth.”

Elliot didn’t stop crying, he didn’t care anymore, his life was over.


Elliot didn’t stop blubbering the entire drive back, Claire had to keep apologising to Lin over and over again for the embarrassment and ruining the trip. Lin promised that they hadn’t and said she didn’t blame him either. He couldn’t care less about potentially ruining anything; this entire day had been awful he had been forced into one humiliating predicament after another.

When they got inside of the house Elliot ran to the bedroom and jumped under the covers. His eyes were puffy from all the tears but at least he had stopped crying now. He tried to fall asleep but it was too early so he rolled around kicking his sheets in frustration. Eventually giving up he found his phone and decided to check his messages. Again he saw a bunch from his friends and wondered what they were all doing. He bet none of them had gone through a humiliating ordeal like him, and none of them were dressed in diapers like a baby. It was awful to think how far he had fallen compared to them, they were all growing up and he was going backwards. It all happened because for whatever reason he wanted to wear diapers. It was his fault, all of it he had to admit it to himself. If he never got caught, or even better ignored his inclinations and never tried them in the first place he wouldn’t be in this position.

Elliot was absentmindedly scrolling through his news feed when some time had passed and eventually Claire came into the room. When she opened the door he pulled the covers over his head and pretended to be asleep.

“I know you’re awake.” Claire said obviously. “You were a real brat today.”

Elliot was fuming; he chucked the covers over his head and stared daggers at his mother.

“It was you’re fault.” He cried.

Claire scoffed and shook her head. “Oh my bad, I guess you’re right it was my fault you leaked in your diaper.”

“I told you I had to use the toilet!”

“Yes, and it was you who started having accidents to begin with, babies who can’t control their bladders don’t get the same potty privileges as adults do.”

“Don’t call me a FUCKING baby.” Elliot seethed.

Claire turned to him, her face was completely red.

Elliot quickly regretted his outburst and choice of language when she stormed over and pulled him from under the sheets.

“You’re going to regret that.”

Claire pulled the terrified boy over his lap and started belting his diaper.

“Mummy stooooop.”Elliot cried, his eyes filling with fresh tears.

Claire ignored him; she continued the barrage over his diapered bottom spanking him silly.

“YOU. WILL. NEVER. USE. THAT. LANGUAGE. WITH. ME. AGAIN. UNDERSTAND?” She said belting his bottom between every word.

“Yes!” Elliot wailed. “I’m sorry, please stop mummy.”

This time Claire actually listened.

“Next time.” She looked him dead in the eye. “I will rip your diaper off and do it over your bare bottom.”

Elliot was a sight for sore eyes, he looked terrified of his mother and instantly Claire was filled with remorse. Maybe she had acted a bit too harsh, after all he had been through a lot today.

“Elliot, I’m sorry mummy was a bit too rough with you come here.”

This time when she pulled Elliot onto her lap, she curled him up so that she was holding the large boy between her arms.

She began humming again, the same tune she had when she changed his diaper earlier that day.

“I’m sorry.” Elliot said again.

“It’s ok, mummy is sorry too.” Claire planted a tender kiss on his forehead.

She gently caressed the back of his diaper and casually slipped a finger underneath his cuff.

“Still dry baby, mummy’s proud.”

He wasn’t sure why, but Elliot decided now would be his chance, it was time to come clean.

“Mummy, there’s something I have to tell you.”

“What is it baby?” Claire said, continuing to hum.

“I don’t wet the bed.”

Claire chuckled lightly. “We’ve been over this Elliot, its fine mummy isn’t mad that you’ve been having some troubles.”

“No you don’t get it, I lied.”

Claire paused. “Elliot what do you mean.”

“I wanted to wear diapers, when you caught me a lied because I was embarrassed and said I was having problems but I wasn’t.”

Elliot tensed up; he didn’t dare look up to see his mother’s reaction. He was waiting for the moment that she would throw him off of her lap onto the floor and storm off in a huff.

“Elliot Daniel Jacobs.”

He winced hearing her call him by his full name.

“I’m your mother; you don’t think I can’t tell when my son’s been lying to me.”

Elliot looked up at her in confusion.

“You don’t think if you were actually having accident’s I would have noticed wet sheets at some point, or the smell of stale urine from your bedroom. I know you bought diapers because I imagined you were curious. When I realised what was going on when I saw one you had haphazardly stuffed in the trash I was confused, but I thought well it’s a bit strange but definitely better than other boys who experiment with drugs and alcohol.”

Elliot didn’t know what to say or how to feel, so apparently his mum had known this whole time, he decided to keep quiet and listen.

“My big baby boy wanted to wear diapers, so what I figured what’s the harm. When I caught you in the act I expected you to come clean, but I could see how embarrassed you were so I played along with your little charade to give you what you wanted.”

Elliot couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “So this whole time, you knew I didn’t need diapers.”

“Not exactly, I think you definitely do need diapers just not out of necessity, but I could see how happy it made you.”

“But today, everything that happened, why would you put me through all of that?”

Claire giggled. “I wanted to see how far I could take it, as far as I knew you wanted me to treat you like a little baby again.”

“I don’t want to be a baby.” Elliot told her plainly.

“You could have fooled me with the way you’ve be acting, haven’t you heard the expression a mother knows best.”

Elliot tried sitting up out of his mother’s lap but she held him down firmly.

“Well I guess we can stop all of this now then, right?” He asked her hopefully.

Claire thought for a moment before replying. “I don’t think so Elliot.”

“But I don’t want this!” He cried.

“Well then think of it as your punishment for lying to me all this time.”

He was caught, Claire had him exactly where she wanted, this knew side of Elliot was so sweet and brought them closer together, she wasn’t about to give that up so easily.

“But mum…”

“Mummy.” Claire corrected him. “I want you to keep calling me mummy from now on.”

Elliot gulped, how had things gotten this far, this wasn’t how the conversation was meant to go, he would much rather of been grounded for the rest of the year for lying than have to put up with this knowing the truth of it all.

“I have something for you.” Claire said, finally letting Elliot up off of her lap.

She walked over to her bag and pulled something out of a plastic package. Fearfully Elliot watched her, he had no idea what she had until before he could stop it she came back over and shoved a pacifier into his mouth.

“I’ve had this for a while.” Claire revealed. “But I was saving it until we could have this conversation.”

Elliot reached to pull the blue pacifier from his lips but she stopped him.

“That stays in unless mummy says otherwise, understood?”

Elliot gloomily nodded.

“Otherwise, if you don’t behave mummy might need to talk with your friends parents to see if their kids have been going through a similar phase and if they have any advice for me.”

Elliot froze and looked up at his mother in terror.

She had an almost evil expression across her face and he realised he was being blackmailed.

“I’ll be good mummy.” He lisped between his pacifier.

“I’m glad to hear that baby.” She stroked his hair. “Now I think it’s time you got some sleep, babies need plenty of rest after all.”

He let himself get tucked in underneath the sheets, realising fearfully that he had no idea how long this treatment might go for. The only chance he had of ending it quickly was if he behaved he hoped, at least it wouldn’t get any worse. But after getting tucked into bed and seeing his mother changing into her nightgown before hoping into bed with him and pulling him in close for a cuddle, he wasn’t so sure it would end as soon as he had hoped.


Elliot stirred awake when he felt himself being pulled around the bed. His eyes blinked open and he looked up in confusion to see his mother standing over him.

“W…what’s going on?” He asked sheepishly.

“You’re wet.” He heard his mother’s voice. “I’m changing your diaper sweetie.”

Elliot forced his eyes open just as his mother tugged a wet diaper out from underneath him.

“No I’m not.”

Claire chuckled. “What’s this then?” She said holding up his wet diaper for him to see.

Elliot recoiled in disgust.

“But I didn’t….. I don’t remember going.”

Claire studied him quizzically, trying to gauge if he was telling fibs or not.

“So I guess you wet the bed for real then huh.” She couldn’t help laughing. “I think that’s what we call karma darling.”

Elliot looked terrified, he thought he might start crying again, apparently his mother did too so she plopped his pacifier back into his mouth that he must have lost during the night.

“Actually you know what; I think you could do with a bath.” Claire stated, returning the diapering supplies back to the dresser.

She pulled Elliot to his feet and tossed away his shirt leaving him naked as the day he was born. Elliot didn’t realise it but he had been rhythmically sucking on his soother the entire time. When he finally realised he thought about taking it out but remembered their earlier conversation last night and was too scared about the consequences. He tried concentrating enough that he wouldn’t start sucking again, so as he was led bare bummed through the house it sat limply between his lips.

Claire turned the taps on and as soon as the tub filled he was quickly made to step inside. He realised to his dismay that she wasn’t planning on leaving, that she would be bathing him herself. He normally had showers too, the last time he remembered having a bath was as a kid. This is exactly how he felt too, as she ran a bar of soap across his body lathering him up, he was a kid again. Even worse she was treating him like a toddler, how many kids still wore diapers. It was a harrowing experience having her clean him and again humming a cheery tune. What was worse that the moment he stopped focusing on his pacifier he would start sucking again. It became such a reflex like there was nothing unnatural about sucking on a dummy as his age.

Finally Claire seemed satisfied that he was clean enough and pulled him from the tub. She borrowed one of Lin’s towels to dry him and left it in the bathroom again leading him naked through the strange house.

“Hey guys, did you sleep well?” Lin said catching them in the hallway.

Elliot wasn’t sure if she didn’t care or was just pretending not to notice the fact that he was stark naked with a pacifier between his lips.

“Lovely thanks Lin just got this little guy out of the tub better get him in a diaper too before he makes a mess on your rug!”

The two women laughed and Elliot blushed, realising he wasn’t as embarrassed as he normally would be about that comment; he feared he might be getting used to this treatment.

Back in their bedroom Elliot quickly lay down on the bed and assumed the diapering position. It was weird doing it without any prompting but he would much rather be wearing a diaper than spend any longer standing naked in front of his mother.

“Such a good baby.” Claire cooed, and Elliot immediately regretted taking the imitative like that.

The diaper change felt different to the other ones, there was something harrowing about being diapered without any say in it. His mother knew everything, this was her idea putting him in diapers it wasn’t his fantasy anymore it was hers. Or his punishment, he wasn’t entirely sure but she definitely seemed to be enjoying this immensely more than he ever did. At least the change was quick; she seemed to have regained her knowledge at changing his diapers awfully quick. It had become second nature now, even the fact he was an adult didn’t slow things down, if anything it made it a much smoother process considering how cooperative he was.

“No clothes today baby, it’s pretty warm and this way I can keep a better eye on your diaper.”

Elliot didn’t bother responding; arguing with her was out of the question if he wanted to keep his treatment a secret. There was no question if she went to his friends parents how she had threatened then they would ask their kids about it and news would soon spread around his group that he was back in diapers like a baby.

He followed her out of the room, there was a lot more waddle in his own steps than hers and he struggled to keep up. Previously he would have loved the idea of running around the house in his diaper, but now in his mother’s friend’s house without any semblance of privacy it was a much worse experience.

When they got to the dining room Lin was already there and had prepared them sausages and eggs. It was actually quite inviting and the smell was intoxicating, Elliot’s stomach grumbled and he suddenly realised how hungry he was. He took a seat and expected his mother to put a bib on him or insist on feeding him herself. He was actually surprised when she didn’t and quickly took the chance to eat his food before she changed her mind.

“Elliot what do you say?” Claire asked.

“Thank you for breakfast.” Elliot told Lin as he scoffed down his food, it was much easier talking without his pacifier in his mouth.

“It’s no problem darling, I’m glad you like it!”

Elliot didn’t mind Lin’s company; at least she wasn’t treating him like a baby, but she didn’t win any points with the fact she was treating this like it was normal. But would he rather her look at him strangely and tease him, he wasn’t sure if that was a better alternative.

They didn’t have much planned for the day so they spent it mostly hanging out in the garden and catching up with each other. Elliot felt completely exposed sitting on the grass watching the two women do gardening almost naked except for his diaper. It was almost lunch time when he heard a grumbling in his stomach, but it didn’t take a genius to realise it wasn’t hunger this was something else.

‘Oh no.’ He realised anxiously once he knew what the feeling was.

All those hefty meals from yesterday and this morning had finally caught up with him and he realised he needed to poo. He looked up at his mother who was shovelling dirt and realised there was no chance she would let him use the toilet. But did she actually expect him to use his diaper for that surely she wouldn’t. He go to his knees and was about to stand up and ask her when suddenly the urge became to munch for him.

He squatted down and grunted behind his pacifier, immediately a log started pushing out of him and landed firmly in his diaper. When he looked up he saw both Lin and his mother stifling laughs as they watched him doing his business. Elliot thought it was over but realised as he grunted again that there was more to come and another poo pushed the weight of his diaper even saggier between his legs. After that he had no way of stopping his bladder emptying and soaking into every crevice filling his diaper to capacity.

“I think someone has a present for you.” Lin joked.

It was the first time that Elliot had heard her tease him for his diaper and he blushed crimson. He squatted on the lawn to afraid if he sat back down the mess would cover his bottom. So he waited awkwardly while Lin watched him curiously until his mother came back with his diaper bag and decided to change him right there on the grass.

“Peeyew!” She said grabbing her nose.

Elliot blushed and sucked harder on his pacifier, it was the first time being changed in the open and now Lin was watching intently as she cleaned his filthy bottom.

“I can’t believe he actually wanted this.” Lin said in bewilderment.

“My baby just loves using his diapers doesn’t he?” Claire cooed pinching his cheek.

Elliot realised Lin had been told everything and too afraid to deny it he timidly nodded.

He was changed into a clean diaper and before he knew it Elliot was back in the freshly washed minty grin shorts and a t-shirt.

“I think it’s time we got some lunch.”

The pacifier was made to stay in and soon enough Elliot was in the backseat of Lin’s car, with no idea what humiliations waited for him next.


It had been a month since their trip to Lin’s and there was still no end in sight for Elliot’s diaper treatment. In fact things had fallen so far that it was no longer just diapers, Claire did everything for him now. She did all his chores, which was fantastic but it was a steep price to pay now that he was forced to use his diapers all the time. She cooked for him, bathed him, dressed him and picked out his clothes for the day, unless she decided she would rather him waddling around in only his diapers. She would feed him sometimes, it became a twice a day ritual she would fill up a baby bottle with juice and feed it to him. At no point did he put up any resistance, he told himself it was because if he did than his friends would find out about his new life, he would never admit to enjoying any of this.

Of course spending all his time in diapers his continence had taken a harsh blow, he wet himself every night now and even during the day sometimes he would find his pampers soggy without remembering when he did it. At least he had control over his bowels, but that gave him little comfort whenever he was forced to hunch over and fill his diaper up with his mess. At least his mother wouldn’t leave him stewing in his filth for too long, but he would often spend more time in soggy padding than a dry diaper these days.

Elliot was mortified when she ordered a custom sized changing table for his bedroom, it was the first major change in his life and soon his single bed had railings built into it like a crib.

He finally put his foot down when he realised things were going too far and to his surprise his mother showed some leniency. Together they set boundaries, he was allowed to dress himself when he went out in public and saw his friends, and she even bought him some pull ups and let him take care of changing himself when he was with them. It was much easier hiding his padding when it was much thinner, but his dwindling control meant he had to always check himself or risk leaking in front of his peers. It hadn’t happen yet but the more time he spent in diapers the greater the chance it inevitably would.

Because he was granted that reprieve he had to trade away all responsibilities whenever he was at home. His mother filled his wardrobe with onesies and other infantile clothing, a high chair was made and she even got him a playpen that he would be forced to sit in when he was home. At least she let him keep his computer games; it was a strange adjustment playing his PlayStation while sitting in a play pen dressed with a diaper and onesie. He was terrified his friends might hear his diaper crinkle through the headset when they played, but if they did they never mentioned it.

Elliot wasn’t sure how long he would be able to keep everything a secret; he was also unwilling to admit to anyone that he enjoyed this treatment especially himself. His mother was quite open about her feelings with everything; she loved the changes and couldn’t be more thrilled at having her baby back in her life. He longed for a time where things might go back to normal but right now he couldn’t see that happening. He really only had himself to blame, it was because of his lies that he was in this mess. His mother had pushed everything beyond his wildest imagination; he truly was a big baby now. He had spoken to her about finding a job; her response didn’t make him feel very optimistic.

“Of course baby, that sounds wonderful, if you need me to speak to them about organising a time for me to come change your diapers let me know!”

He wasn’t sure if she was playing games or actually veiling a threat behind her comment. But he decided to drop it for now, sitting in a playpen with his new much thicker babyish diaper getting wetter by the minute while he suckled down on his bottle. He realised it seemed like a faraway fantasy anyway. A grumble in his stomach meant it was that time of the day again, so he got to his knees and pushed. At the same time he was pushing away any notion that he was still a big boy out of his head with every grunt.



Another great story by Mommy thanks you so much