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Damien stood frozen, completely humiliated in an almost comatose state, his fixation resting on his reflection against the wardrobe mirror. His mind raced as it tried to rationalise what he saw looking back at him. He had never worn anything so effeminate before in his entire life, pair it with the fact he had been demoted back to diapers he couldn’t imagine wearing anything worse. He had to mentally stop himself from sucking on the pacifier; he wasn’t sure how long the thing had been bobbing rhythmically in and out of his mouth. From the moment the plastic bulb had been forcefully shoved between his lips his instincts had taken over and he began to suck subconsciously.

Lexi couldn’t help but coo at the sight of the young man; she had truly put him in his place. She lived for this, the amount of control she had over him was limitless. It had hardly been any effort to take him from the adult he claimed to be to what now stood before her. Her head swam with ideas of what to do with him next, what she would expose him too there was so much potential. Would she take things slower now, she did love the thrill of the hunt but he had been so quick to succumb to her that perhaps she should press that advantage.

“Now that the little sissy is properly dressed, it’s time we get some food in that cute belly of yours.”

Lexi reached under his skirt and patted his crinkly diaper. She hardly had any self-control around Damian, she almost wanted to keep him toddling around with his diapers completely on view but the way his blush matched the colour of his dress was too perfect.

“No…NO stop get me out of this.” He cried.

Damian withered around as he desperately tried to pull free of the baby dress that clung tightly around his bodice. Lexi quickly stepped in and stopped him, pulling both hands to his side she held tightly her stare boring right through him.


Maybe she was getting to eager pushing him this way, but he had to learn right away who was in charge.

She quickly pulled the timid boy, whose demeanour had changed as soon as he had been scolded by her, over to a rocking chair that sat silently in one corner of the room. Damian showed no signs of resistance as he was led over, sulkily his feet slightly dragging on the room’s fluffy carpet until he was forcefully pulled over Lexis lap. He wasn’t stupid he knew what was waiting for him as he allowed himself to be adjusted to a more stable position. He couldn’t see what she was reaching for but he knew whatever it was it bore ill to him. He felt a sharp crack as what could only be described as a wooden paddle came down hard on his diapered bottom.

He whined and struggled but she had a firm grip on his arm that was now pulled behind his back. She paused before striking him again.

“If you struggle I’ll pull your diaper down, you won’t get another warning.”

Damian tried remaining as still as he could manage as the paddle came down again harder than the first time. He cried out in a whimper as the paddle crashed over his padding again and again. The movements were strong and Lexi grew more confident with each stroke. It had been some time since she had a naughty child mimicking an adult over her lap. It was her turn to see her own reflection and she smiled coyly as she brought the paddle down another time.

Tears leaked out of the boys eyes as he fought back breaking out into a full blown sob. He hadn’t even been spanked as a child, his mother and father coddled him and would never dream of using physical punishment on him. Now hear he was across this strangers lap, having no confidence to stand up against her and dressed as a baby girl.

“Please stop.” He wailed.

To his surprise there was no whack following his cries, Lexi had paused her onslaught perhaps his begging had worked.

“Do you promise to behave now?” Lexi asked.

“Yes I will.” Damian replied nodding.

“Good because the next time you disobey me I won’t be so lenient and the diaper will be coming down.”

She pulled him off her lap and he couldn’t help but rub over his crinkly diaper as he tried to reach the sharp pain he felt emanating from his reddened backside. Pulling out a tissue she dabbed at the tears hanging from the corners of Damian’s eyes.

“It’s ok baby, no more tears. We’ll get you your bottle and you will feel much better with a full stomach.”

Damian took the hand that was offered to him and toddled alongside her, his diaper crinkling the whole way as he followed along towards the kitchen. He stood silently in the dining room as Lexi pulled out an oversized high chair and replaced one of the regular sized ones to make more space. He sniffled as she pulled open the tray and beckoned him forward. Sniffling he didn’t dare dawdle and quickly trotted over, his diaper loudly crinkled as he sat down against the wooden chair. The pacifier bobbed in and out once again, this time he was completely aware of it happy that it seemed to be providing him with some level of comfort.

“Ok baby time for your baba.”

He watched with trepidation as she walked over to him, now acutely aware of the pressure that had suddenly returned to his bladder.


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