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Marvin spent the rest of the evening hiding away in his bedroom, ignoring the requests that he come down for dinner. His Aunt could tell something had gone array, she felt it as soon as she laid eyes over Jill’s solemn expression. Since Marvin had come down she hadn’t seen her daughter in such high spirits for some time. Even she could tell that the responsibility she held over her older cousin was doing her confidence wonders. She used to be such a shy and timid girl it had taken so long for her to come out of her shell. This version of her daughter was someone completely different; she had changed practically overnight.

This new version of her daughter was so pleasant to be around; she was even beginning to feel less worried about her future. Jill was always the forefront of her worries, terrified her daughter wouldn’t be ready for adulthood and its struggles. But seeing how good she was at handling Marvin, it was like a part of her that had remained dormant for so long had finally surfaced. She had a spark in her and it wasn’t till that evening that she began to worry it might have been fleeting. Something had obviously happened between her and Marvin; she didn’t want to stir the pot so she didn’t force him to come down for dinner. Normally she would have seen it as a momentary act of rebellion against his new status. This time she would let it go hopefully in the morning she would be able to patch things over once they had time to sleep over it.

In the morning she did just that, at the break of dawn she gently passed the threshold into Marvin’s bedroom. The stale aroma of pee escaped the room as the door open and wafted through her. It was a familiar smell, one that would emanate from a well-used diaper. Marvin lay stiffly undeterred from his slumber as his Aunt cautiously approached him. A line of droll leaked from his mouth and as she carefully peeled away his bed sheets and got her first look at the saturated diaper a faint smile appeared across her face. He truly was quite helpless the way he laid there in desperate need of a change. She tossed with the idea of a reprieve from her treatment of her nephew as she laid down for sleep. But seeing him here like this cemented how she truly felt. The boy was not ready for adulthood, her mother sent him here to be disciplined to return a well-mannered and appreciative young man.

She would keep her word to her sister, he would be returned to her just as she hoped he would. But not exactly how she would have expected, soon she would have her little baby boy back. She quickly retrieved a bottle of powder some wipes cream and a fresh diaper from the dresser. Without even bothering to wake Marvin, Mildred pulled away at the tapes of his diaper. Part of her expected it to be messy given recent events and she wondered if any of the wetness had been caused without his knowledge. At that moment as if his groin were a magical tap triggered by thought alone, a small trickle of urine leaked out into the open diaper. It took Mildred by surprise and her eyes widened at the sight, it may have only lasted a short moment but it was telling that he was clearly growing dependant on his diapers now.

Marvin did not stir as the used diaper was pulled from under him, she was careful not to wake the poor boy. After the craziness from the day before he could use a good sleep in. She was quick though; afraid another sudden burst of pee would soak the bed sheets. The diaper had done its job well at containing his wettings, she was surprised it had not leaked, another soaking and she was sure the padding would succumb to the weight of his urine. She let the diaper fall to the floor with a wet thud momentarily discarding it and casting it out of mind. Using a handful of wipes she cleaned over his groin, meticulously wiping away any trace and evidence of his pee. Finally as Marvin was gently pulled up so the fresh clean diaper could be slid beneath him he quickly woke.

His eyes darted around for a moment as he adjusted himself and quickly laid eyes on his Aunt who was perched over him.

“What’s….. Going on?” He asked in a perplexed and dizzy state.

“Shhhhh….” Mildred gently cooed.

“I’m just changing your diaper, lay back darling boy.”

Even in his groggy state, her caring voice made him feel compelled to obey and he quickly laid his head back down and raised his bottom. The fresh diaper was pulled beneath him and he softly squirmed actually finding he enjoyed the feeling of clean padding beneath him. His Auntie continued to coo and speak gently to him as she lathered him in cream.

“We don’t want you getting a nasty case of diaper rash do we now?” She teased, lightly tapping him on the nose.

Marvin shamefully started to enjoy this side of his Auntie; even as she generously sprinkled baby powder and tapped his diaper shut he still enjoyed having her in his presence. This side of her was much more welcoming compared to the cold and bluntness he had received prior as she treated him like a naughty toddler. Especially after everything that had happened yesterday it was enjoyment he suddenly felt. Even if he had just been placed into a fresh diaper like a baby he could see past the humiliation for what it was. Gentle and kind loving hands had placed him into this diaper and he felt all tingly with butterflies in his stomach as he returned the smile back his Aunt was showing him.

“Thank you.” He offered quietly but without any prompting.

It was quite a breakthrough and his Aunt was smitten at the progress Marvin had shown her.

“You’re welcome darling, now we better get you something to eat!” She cheerfully announced. “You must be hungry, come along now.”

He allowed himself to be pulled by his feet and confidently he scampered toward the kitchen sticking close by his Aunt, completely disregarding the fact he remained unclothed except for his crinkly diaper.


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