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Jennifer’s eyes fluttered as she slowly woke up from a relatively peaceful sleep. She yawned and flipped over on her side feeling her leg brushing up against her clammy pants. The sensation pulled her from the sleepy daze and she quickly threw her quilt away from her. The disappointment came fast as she looked down knowingly at the wet spot saturated her pyjama pants and sheets.

“Fuckkkk offfff.” She whined, throwing her pillow to the floor in disdain.

For the last week now her childhood problem had resurfaced out of the blue. It had been some time since she could remember last wetting the bed but now she had pissed herself five out of the last seven nights. Last night meant it was now three in a row and her mother was getting real angsty about running the expensive mattress. Jennifer kicked out her legs in frustration and groaned, the noisy tantrum was heard by her mother as she was walking past her bedroom.

“Jen what’s the ruckus about did you have another wet night.” She said, barging into her daughter’s bedroom unannounced.

“What do you think?” She grumbled, tossing her arms up in the air.

Her mother sighed but masked her annoyance as she walked over to console her daughter.

“Go have a shower and clean yourself up sweetheart, its Christmas Eve I don’t want you letting this ruin your holidays ok?”

She gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze and sent the miserable girl off into the bathroom while she dealt with the mess left for her once more.

The question of protection had already been raised in discussion, she brought it up as casually and politely as she could manage but it still fell on deaf ears. Jennifer outright refused even after her mother insisted they weren’t diapers they were just disposable night time underwear. She either didn’t believe or couldn’t care that plenty of other people still had this issue and wouldn’t accept it. This couldn’t go on anymore; she cringed as she saw the urine stains running down the length of the mattress. Christmas or no, she would be more adamant and insistent that her daughter wear something that would protect the mattress from any further damage.

Jennifer sighed blissfully as the warm water cascaded down her naked body. It was always such a relief washing away the signs of her accident in the morning. She hated the clammy grossness she felt waking up in filthy sheets. She shuddered as she remembered the previous conversation she had with her mother, her insistence on wearing fucking diapers. Jennifer cringed at the thought of parading around in a soaked diaper after waking up in the morning. Her mother made it clear they were just pull on underpants but she couldn’t shake the thought of something juvenile that babies would wear.

Finally she stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around her waist. She carefully stepped back to her bedroom, being careful to make sure it was covering her full body she was met with her mother by her doorway. She pushed past her to get dressed, feeling uneasy with her gaze watching over her. She had a good idea of what her mother was about to bring up with her again. Her fears were quickly confirmed when her mother spoke up.

“Jennifer we need to have a word.”

“Can it wait till I get dressed at least, I would rather not argue with you while I’m naked.”

The tension could have been cut with a blade, Jennifer’s mother turned to give her daughter some privacy as she dressed.

“Look I’m not cleaning up your mess every morning Jen.” She gestured towards the bed, stripped of its linen.

“I didn’t ask you to!” Jennifer snapped back.

“Don’t argue with me Jennifer, I’m picking you up protection from the store today that’s final.” She rose to leave the room.

“IF you by them for me I won’t fucken wear them mum I’m an adult now you can’t do shit about it, I’ll clean up the mess I don’t care.”

Her mother spun back around, her gaze staring searing daggers through her daughter. She was about to say something as she trailed her mind for the right words, but in the end it wasn’t worth it. She aggressively shut the door on her way out, deciding it was time to speak with her own mother about all this mess.

Jennifer shook in anger as she fought the urge to shout out or break something. Why would someone her age suddenly be having accidents, it was ridiculous and she could think of no cause for it. Rather than let it bother her any longer she threw herself onto her computer chair and pulled up her social media. At least she could escape her reality for a while inside her screen before she had to deal with family crap tomorrow. Normally Christmas didn’t bother her so much; she could live with being fawned over by her family about her personal life for a day. But with the resurgence of her bed wetting she really would rather not have to deal with that too. She trusted her mother not to mention it but it would still be etched in the back of her mind.

Later in the day Jennifer’s mother returned from the chemist, a single pack of plain pull ups for women resting in the plastic bag that hung from her wrist. The conversation that night went as expected, yelling and screaming. None of it did any good, just like the nights previous Jennifer went to bed without protection and woke up in soaked bed sheets. She dared not speak to her mother about it and took the initiative to clean it all herself. Her mother met her in the laundry but said nothing as her daughter bundled the wet sheets into the washing machine. She resisted the urge to check on the mattress hoping she had at least enough sensibility to soak up the wet spots.

It was Jennifer’s grandmother hosting the Christmas event this year so they left just before lunch time, spending the car ride together in awkward silence. They both put on fake smiles as they pulled up and greeted their extended family; everyone had shown up this year packing out the spacious house with festive spirits. The youngest ones had insisted they do gifts straight away so Jennifer was quickly ushered into the family room and embarrassingly made to sit on the floor with the others. She coupled this with the fact there weren’t enough seats but it was still humiliating made to sit there especially after how juvenile she had been feeling every morning.

She watched gifts being handed over and being ripped open by excited hands. Finally her grandmother handed one to her and smiled.

“Open it, I made it myself.”

Jennifer cringed as all eyes fell on her she hated being the centre of attention like this. She carefully pulled at the tape holding the Christmas themed wrapping together. Letting it fall open she looked at it with a rather strange feeling of bewilderment.

It was a thick stack of towels with stitching along the side, she wasn’t sure what to make of it before her grandmother handed her another.

“Here sweetie, this one goes with it.”

She handed a smaller wrapped package to Jennifer who carefully tore it open. This time it was more evident what she held in her hands, a pair of plastic translucent underwear way too big to fit on her slender frame.

“What… is all this.”

“I heard from your mother that you didn’t want to be put in disposable bed wear so I spent all last evening putting this together for you. I thought cloth might be more suitable.”

Jennifer blushed crimson as her humiliating secret was relayed to her entire family.

“Grandma I don’t need…” She was interrupted as her mother pulled her to her feet.

“Come on let’s see if it fits.”

The tantrum that followed was quite a spectacle, she pulled Jennifer kicking and screaming to the bedroom. Everyone could hear her being spanked senseless across her mother’s lap before the blubbering girl relented and allowed her mother to pin the thick diapers onto her. The plastic pants were pulled firm over the bundle of cloth and unfortunately it was much too thick for her jeans to fit over her. So Poor Jenifer was dressed in only her shirt and diapers as she was brought back into the living room for all eyes to see her knew humiliating status.

“What do you say Jennifer.”

Her mother gently spanked her plastic bottom causing the girl to flinch.

“Thank you for my diapers Grandma.” She managed to choke out.

Jennifer was brought back over to the centre of the living room and plopped right back down where she was seated before. All she could do was hope her mother only intended to keep her in these at night and that she would be allowed to use the bathroom as she felt the pressure pushing down on her bladder.