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It was early morning that much he could tell as his drapes were pulled open and the morning sun poured in, lighting up his room. He blinked away at the blinding rays not used to being up in time to see the sun rising.

“How did you sleep baby?” His mother asked.

Still rather dazed and unsure of what was going on she had caught poor Jean off guard.

“What… huh, I need to sleep mum.”

He felt the covers whisked off him and a hand prodding around his groin.

“What mum, get off me.” He whined.

It was the realisation that made his eyes grew wide as her hand prodded at his diaper. He quickly remembered his predicament, the humiliating downfall he had been suffering as of late. She quickly drew away her hand and had a look of surprised plastered across her face.

“Not wet.” She proclaimed.

“Ofcourse I’m not I don’t actually need these stupid things.” Jean complained.

His mother laughed at his feeble attempt to deny his new infantilized place in the home.

“Oh so you’re just using your diapers willingly then, that’s even worse it means you don’t wanna give up your diapey wipey’s.” She cooed and gripped his cheek playfully.

“STOP.” Jean begged as he batted away her hand. “I don’t want to wear diapers you know that.”

She shook her head. “Well if that is truly the case then perhaps you should have grown up by now instead of acting like a little baby brat all the time.”

She pulled Jean off the bed so he was standing and began adjusting his diaper.

“It’s not wet so you should be good till we get to class.”

The memory of the pervious nights conversation came flooding back to him and Jean gulped as he prepared for the worst.

“What class….” He asked, terrifying uncertainty lingered in his voice.

“You will just have to wait and find out.” His mother smiled somewhat wickedly.

It definitely filled him with even more anxiety than normal, unfortunately he had no choice but to play along with his mother’s demented plans to coddle him until he good get back on her good side. Perhaps then he would be able to fight back and regain his lost maturity. How long would that be though, he could only remain hopeful against all odds that this ordeal would be kept brief and he could return to the day care but this time as a caretaker and not one of the charges. But wait… why would he ever go back to that hell hole so willingly, surely he could never show his face there without being reminded of what he endured. Not to mention how the other kids would react to his promotion, they surely wouldn’t take what he said seriously. He definitely just needed to get away from that place for good, finding a job could wait he would take the loss and go penniless until he found anything else.

Jean was quickly dressed by his mother in about the most mature outfit he could hope for these days. A white t-shirt with bright red cuffs, sporting a matching colour cartoon truck was plastered over the front. Blue denim overalls were pulled up his legs and buckled behind him, meaning he would be helpless to remove them without assistance. At least his shoes and socks were plain coloured, but it didn’t do anything to take away from the juvenility of his ensemble. It was concerning how his mother looked at him with such loving and caring eyes now. He almost preferred the plain and annoyed glances he would receive on a daily basis. She was enjoying this treatment of him he knew it and his mother did nothing to hide that fact. He was more docile this way, easier to manage and she liked having someone so dependent on her care once again. She gently took Jeans hand in hers before leading him to the kitchen and planting him down at the table.

He could already smell her cooking and a plate of bacon and eggs was given to him. The choice of cutlery was of course plastic and infantile, which made cutting through the bacon that much more of a challenge, at least it wasn’t steak. It would have been an enjoyable somewhat return to normality with the meal but of course his mother had to walk over and tie a plastic bib around his neck, refusing to let a moment go by that he wasn’t reminded of his predicament. If it wasn’t the humiliating articles of clothing over his body or the juvenile way his mother spoke to him then it was the constant diaper crinkles that he swore would shake down the whole house. They echoed so rhythmically following wherever he walked.

His diapers were a constant and humiliating reminder that he wore his bathroom around his waist, it felt like the longest time since had sat on his porcelain throne to relieve himself. A plastic prison was all that he had offered now and it held no comfort to be reminded of it but how could he not always be aware of it. He thought for a moment that maybe it would be better if he had no control of his bladder. At least that would make it less humiliating if he truly needed them right, but surely that thought was insanity and Jean quickly brushed it aside.

Jean quickly finished off his plate as his mother walked over intending on feeding him his final bites as they were in a hurry. And just like that they were off, the same trembles accompanying him as they left the house, wishing that his mother would be quicker at locking the house door. Afraid he was that the neighbours would see him dressed like this, he had managed to avoid it till now his fate only known by those at the day care and his mother. She pushed the padded boy by his backside into the back seat and buckled him in tightly, it’s something she had insisted on doing ever since he was first picked up from the day care since this all started. He hoped to avoid having to suck on his pacifier it made it hard having to avoid locking eyes with anyone at the traffic lights. But unfortunately Jean had no say in it and a pale blue one was shoved into his mouth and clipped onto his shirt.

The drive wasn’t long but it was knowing they were driving away from the day care and towards the unknown that caused Jean to start sweating profusely. Like a caring mother would she noticed right away seeing the droplets of sweat across his brow and turned on the air conditioner for her adorable son. They drove over to a side of town that Jean had never really paid much attention to while growing up, there was nothing of value to him here but apparently his mother seemed familiar to it. They stopped in a car park that was already quite packed out and almost as quickly as they stopped Jean was pulled from his seat by his mother and they entered some kind of club looking venue. The building was just as plain looking as they walked through the front doors as it was on the outside. Jean tried to look apprehensively for anyone around but it seemed deserted. He could hear voices further down though and he pulled the pacifier from his lips.

“No that stays in Jean.” His mother said before reinserting it.

Finally Jean had some idea of where they were going as they walked an empty hallway and noticed an A frame announcing the class that was happening inside.

‘Early learning’s childhood development mother and child bonding class.’

“Mum no please.” Jean asked desperately, as if some final plead would get him out of this mess.

“You’ll have fun trust me; you’re going to learn just what it’s like to be a little baby again.”

Jean planted his feet down refusing to move and all his mother had to do was turn around and point her finger at him and it was enough that he got the message. Submitting without so much as an ounce of rebellion his mother opened the door just as the voices got much louder and he was led inside. The sucking on his pacifier grew frantic without even realising it and Jean looked up at the horrifying display that befell him.



Love this!!