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The tears flowed more freely down his cheekbones now, she cooed him as he sniffled. The diaper cream came first; she tenderly lathered his front and bottom. A healthy dusting of baby powder ensured no diaper rashes for the big baby. Elaine pulled the heap of diapers up and over Charlie’s front, effectively sealing him into his cushy prison. Cute little diaper pins with pink ducky heads were used to pull the cloth tightly around his body. It was such a foreign feeling for Charlie, he couldn’t even recollect if he had ever worn a cloth diaper before, even when he was still a baby. Now he was lying here after willingly being put in one when he was supposed to be a mature adult. Sure it’s not what he wanted so maybe that put his willingness into question, but he never resisted her. Only meekly tried to dissuade her and got tearful about the prospect of being diapered. So much for being a man, imagine if his friends saw him like this.

He thought the diapers would be it, but after he sat up he saw Denise unfurling some crinkly underwear.

“Plastic panties mean no leakies!” Denise said cheerfully.

The item in question was a pink pair of plastic pants with a frilly white bottom. This was beyond a joke and Charlie was mortified, but it wasn’t worse than the diaper. That’s what he told himself to offer some kind of comfort to the situation. It was all he had in his mind to rationalise why he let himself be stood up and step right into them so she could pull them up and over his diaper. He looked down, it was comical, like those baby costumes you see in the shop. It was very thick and would make walking a challenge and impossible to do so with any sort of grace. She turned him around inspecting the diaper from all sides, making sure it was securely tucked into his frilly plastic pants.

“Call me old fashioned, but I like my charges tucked securely into a cloth diaper, none of this disposable business.”

He winced, almost wishing he was in a disposable diaper. It was a weird thought, he obviously couldn’t remember the last time he wore diapers at all. But for some reason, it almost felt sentimental in his mind, besides he was sure they wouldn’t be this thick. It felt like he had a large towel wrapped around his waist.

“Now I hope we know our manners by now Charlie, you know what I want to hear?”

He did, rather than play dumb he went along with it and tearfully he managed to choke out the words. “Thank you for my…. diaper Nana.”

Hallelujah, if there were a perfect time for a choir to spontaneously appear with a chorus of trumpets and victorious trumpeting now would be the time. Denise felt a bit wicked that she had managed to push him this far, it was like training a puppy but this was so much simpler. She really had to do something about his blubbering though, he was such a sook. Luckily she had the most perfect and simple solution to that problem. She reached over into the same drawer that kept the plastic panties and pulled a simple lavender coloured pacifier and clip from a jar. She quickly and effortlessly pushed it into his mouth, letting the clip dangle freely. To her surprise he started sucking almost as soon as the teat touched his mouth.

“Shhhh, no more tears, this will help dear.”

Charlie couldn’t help himself, the pacifier was actually helping relax him but he wouldn’t admit it. He wondered why that was, maybe it was like a fidget spinner, something to focus his attention on, a calming distraction. This whole situation was really beyond a joke now, he was really tempted to get hold of his mobile and call his dad, tell him everything that was going on. But it was a horrifying thought having anyone find out about this. Right now only Denise knew what was going on, even Anna wasn’t currently aware he was dressed like a baby. If he kept his cool, played everything right he could stay on Anna’s good side. His clothes would be ready by the time he got home whenever Anna decided to pick him up. He would be on his best behaviour, get back into his regular clothes and ride out the rest of the week. This would just be something he looked back on. Yes he would cringe every time he thought back to this moment, but whatever he could deal with that.

If he misbehaved or put up any defiance then he was afraid what that would mean for him. He wasn’t sure anymore if he had the mental fortitude to put a stop to this kind of treatment. It was better to play along until it was over, it shouldn’t be more than a few more hours he hoped. For the time being he would be confined to his diaper…. And his dress, he realised as Denise retrieved his clothes. He raised his arms obediently as she pulled it over his head. It came down to his diaper offering no modesty it looked like a t-shirt now. It was failing horribly to cover barely any part of his crinkly pants.

Denise swooned. “Don’t you look precious; your frilly pants are showing perfectly!”

He turned and saw how prominently they stood out from his reflection in the mirror. He felt much less enthusiastic about it then she obviously did. She clipped his pacifier clip over his dress and walked him out into the living room. It was a real feat trying to walk dressed this way, he waddled along with difficulty as he did his best to match Denise’s pace. She pointed to a spot on the rug in front of the television and he stumbled over to it. He tried lowering himself slowly but lost his footing, thankfully his diaper cushioned his fall and he landed with a plonk on his bottom. He sat unmoving as Denise left the room, shortly returning with a wicker basket that she put down in front of him.

He curiously peaked inside and saw a bunch of old babyish toys inside. She looked down at him expectantly so he reached inside and pulled out the first thing his hands touched. A rattle….. of course, it was probably the most infantile thing in there. He looked up at her and shook it half heatedly, it seemed to do the trick because she smiled and sat down on the couch behind him. He could see her reflection in the black television screen; she pulled out some knitting needles and a half-finished sweater? Charlie sat their glumly, slowly he turned the rattle over in his hands and the beads gently swished around inside. He looked up at the TV, wishing that she would turn it on so he could at least pass the time quicker. He turned to face her, he was quite a sight dressed like a new born girl with his pacifier bobbing in and out as he sucked.

“What’s the matter?” She asked.

He pointed back to the TV and muttered quietly, ‘please.’

She turned it on, immediately switching the channel over to the most babyish show she could find. He was expecting it anyway, this way it covered up the uncomftable silence in the room. He felt goose bumps on his arms and shivered, Denise noticed immediately.

“My goodness you really are a handful aren’t you.”

She put down her knitting needles and strode over to the fire place. It wasn’t long before she got it going and it basked the living room in a warm pleasant glow. He wouldn’t say anything but he actually was feeling quite pleasant. Why was this suddenly so relaxing it was so surreal and hard to put into words. Denise was sitting behind him, humming merrily as she knitted; the fire place was crackling away keeping him warm. The TV was playing a kids show yes but everything was helping add to the atmosphere. Then there was him, dressed as a baby girl with a thick diaper around his waist, playing with the rattle. It shouldn’t feel nice but it did, maybe he was just being sentimental. He just felt no pressure it was relaxing being here, his tears had dried up the pacifier was doing wonders at calming him. It felt like a missing piece that had been returned to its rightful place.

He turned his attention to the toy basket and found a juvenile puzzle. It was only a few hundred pieces but it got his attention, it was definitely more engaging than the babies rattle. He was about half way through the puzzle, unsure how much time had passed when he thought back to Anna. He wondered when she was coming to pick him up; he actually wished for a moment that it wouldn’t be so soon. FUCK…. He blushed and froze for a moment, what was he thinking?!?!? This was ridiculous and nothing was normal about his predicament. He felt his heart beat quicken for a moment, its ok it was just a passing thought it didn’t mean he enjoyed this treatment. The moment past and he was presented with a more pressing issue. His bladder was starting to signal it was time for him to go toilet, he wondered fearfully. Denise wasn’t actually expecting him to use his diaper was she?


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