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“Ughhhh, how many times do I have to remind you I’m too old for all this Easter crap.” Monty explained wearily.

He had just been woken up rather abruptly by his mother and now sat up in bed rubbing away the sleep from his eyelids.

“Monty, you get up right this instant I swear you are such a baby, no one needs to sleep as much as you do except for newborns.” His mother stood there shaking her head, she had her no nonsense attitude about her and Monty was in no mood for an argument this early.

Moving to check the time on his phone he took one look at it resting on his bedside table. Seeing the early hour of 6:00am plastered across the screen he dropped it and lay back shoving his face into the pillow with a muffled groan.

“It’s six in the morning, why are you in here let me sleep.” He whined.

His mother held her composure; it was always an uphill battle trying to hold her son to any of his commitments, especially those which required any amount of effort other than just showing up somewhere.

“Look, you’ve known about this for weeks, I reminded you time and time again, yet still you chose to stay up late playing your stupid computer games again. Maybe I should start reinforcing a strict bedtime schedule for you, if you like sleep so much I can put you down for a nap during the day.”

Monty laughed sarcastically, still muffled by the pillow.

“I’m serious, you have two choices. Choice number one, you get up help me set up the hunt and the party for when everyone arrives, like you promised. Otherwise it’s choice number two, if you’re not grown up enough to do that well then you can participate with the others, it’s up to you.”

Scoffing Monty replied once more. “Whatever Mom, I’m too old for that I’m not some kid anymore.” He said before quickly drifting back to sleep.

It wasn’t long before he was woken once again by his mother bursting into the room. Except oddly enough this time her demeanour was very much uncharacteristically like her. She strode confidently to the opposite side of the room opening the curtains and letting the midday light saturate the room, blinding Monty as he attempted to shield his eyes.

“Rise and shine sweetie pie, it’s time to get up I hope you enjoyed your sleep in.” His mother said cheerily.

Monty reached for his phone again, this time showing 11:00am, I much more routine time for him to wake up, although he would have preferred if it was twelve.

“Everyone’s already started to arrive we just have to get you ready then we can start the hunt.”

Monty stretched, yawning. “Can you please get out so I can get dressed, I need to piss.” He groaned.

His mother raised a stern finger. “Language mister, I don’t want to have to put you in time out before we’ve even started the day.”

Ughhh, the stupid Easter party, he quickly remembered. If only he could go back to sleep and wake up after everyone had already left, he hated that it was their families turn to host especially when it was just him and his mother here.

Suddenly the quilt was ripped off his body in one swooping motion.

“ALRIGHT, I’m getting up.” Monty explained frustratingly.

Dressed in his regular night attire of a simple shirt with an old pair of boxer shorts he quickly moved to cover his lower half, embarrassed to be seem by his mother in this state of dress at his age.

She scoffed at his silly attempt to cover himself. “Why are you hiding yourself did you go wee wee in the night, it doesn’t look like it, here let me check.”

Reaching down she firmly grabbed her son’s wrist, peeling it back she inspected the state of his underwear.

“MOM knock it off, I didn’t wet the bed what’s the matter with you.” Monty whined, yanking his wrist away from his mother’s clutches.

She tuttered, “tsk,tsk, why are you being such a grumpy pants this morning. No matter once we get you up and ready you can enjoy the day.” She took in a big whiff of her son. “At least you managed to bathe yourself last night, you’re not a stinky little boy that’s good news.”

She then proceeded to pull at her son’s shirt.

“MOM what are you doing, you’re acting crazy.” Monty explained as he tried holding his shirt down.

She released momentarily and dead stared him straight in the eyes. “Do what you’re told, or you will find somewhere else to live, I mean it. You didn’t want to act like the grown up young man you’re supposed to be that’s fine, you’re just not ready for that. But you will do what I tell you, understand.”

Monty was shocked; he looked at her desperately before nodding meekly.

His mother’s demeanour quickly changed back to her happy self and she hummed gently as she proceeded to strip Monty bare. Her son now sitting bare he watched on as she fetched the supplies she had bought from her Pharmacy trip that morning. Taring open a packet she brought over a thick disposable diaper and some powder. Monty whimpered, all teary eyed, not sure why this was happening or what it all meant. He offered no resistance, going along with her prompting he lifted up allowing her to slide the diaper under him. He cringed as his bottom rested on it hearing the crinkle, his mother never stopped smiling as she powdered him generously before taping it into place.

“Almost finished.” She stated, placing a pair of fluffy blue bunny ears atop his head completing the look.

“Ok my baby bunny, you’re all padded and set to go, come with me.”

From the moment he took his mother’s beckoning hand and was pulled to his feet everything went by in a blur. The looks he received as he waddled down the stairs, the stares the laughter from his whole extended family. He couldn’t process any of it, just managing to pull closer to his mother which was met with a chorus of ‘awwws.’ He didn’t say a word, his teary eyes darting across the room to afraid to meet with anyone’s for longer than a moment. Too scared to see the judgement they held, the humiliation, this was the lowest point in his life.

Meekly going along with all the hugs and kisses he stood limply and soon a basket was thrust into his hand and he was pushed out onto the lawn with the youngest. He turned to face his mother who stood with his Aunt both were cheering him on and holding their phones taking pictures of videos he wasn’t entirely sure. He turned back to see the hunt well underway, suddenly he felt the pressure on his bladder reach breaking point. He remained motionless as he let go, his diaper starting to sag as it contained the full force of his wetting. It was all too much he started bawling his eyes out as he stood there in his soaked diaper, an empty basket in one hand and his bunny ears clinging on to his head.

“Mummy….” He blubbered.

Luckily she was there for him running over to her baby boy she clung on hard to him.

“Shhhh, there there my baby it’s ok, mummy’s here you’re safe now.”

He wasn’t sure what is future held for him, but hopefully it would include a dry diaper.



Great story ! Hope there more !!


i really love your stories !! Especially the aunt and the wrong bus story rsrs they are my favorite and really miss them