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Marvin remained solemnly silent in the backseat for the whole drive, staring out the window he would occasionally shift and grimace at the crinkle his infantile underwear made. Until this point his shame had remained secret from the world, out of the public eye he had began to cope with it while it was at his Aunts place. But now here he was no pants and on his way to day care being dropped off by his Aunt and cousin like a toddler. But he was sure at least they would have been given the decency of being able to wear pants. The drive wasn’t much further, occasionally Jill and Mildred would glance over at him but they kept their conversation to themselves. It was eerie, how they acted like this was the most normal thing in the world, that there wasn’t anything unusual about an adult man sitting in the backseat with his pull ups on display.

Finally the car pulled out into a car park, Marvin turned to face the colour full building with an obnoxiously large smiling sun emblazoned over the top of the sign “Happy Time Day Care.” That’s funny, Marvin thought to himself, he didn’t feel very happy. In fact he couldn’t imagine a worse place to be going than here at this very moment.

“We’re here!” Mildred announced cheerily.

Jill turned to look at her cousin, he refused to meet her gaze which remained fixed on the day care.

“He can’t look away from it mum I think he’s excited about all the fun his going to have.”

Mildred chuckled, “Maybe they can teach him to act his age, or at least toilet train him.”

They both glanced down at his exposed pull ups, Marvin shifted uncomfortably under their gaze pulling a hand across to cover himself.

“I dunno mum, I think you’re asking a lot from them, unless they’re miracle workers.”

Both women left the car laughing loudly, Jill opened Marvins car door released his seat belt clasp and helped pull him to his feet. She held his hand firmly, maybe she thought he was planning on doing a runner, but where would he got dressed the way he was. At least he would have solitude inside this building, he wasn’t planning on having his Aunt and Cousin chasing him halfway across town with his pull ups exposed. Marvin breathed deeply, he was slightly shaky as they passed under the bright sign following close behind Mildred through the automatic sliding doors. They travelled across the fluffy carpet to the receptionist desk where they were greeted by a bright eyed smiling woman.

“Hi welcome to Happy time, how can I help you today.” The younger woman said, slightly confused as she scanned the group looking for someone young enough to be a charge.

“Hi I called earlier about my leaving my nephew Marvin here for a few hours.” Mildred replied in the same cheery manner.

The woman looked at Marvin, clearly he was to old to be left here under their care, but she hadn’t been notified of a new starter. Then she looked down and finally laid eyes upon his infantile pull ups that were clearly on display. A quick expert glance showed they were dry, it was a reflex for her to check for wetness. She was taken back a moment when she realised she was starting intently at the crotch of this grown man.

Clearing her throat awkwardly she continued. “Ummm, I see that he definitely needs help but he’s quite a bit older then the others and what we’re usually used to dealing with.”

“I understand, I already spoke with the owner and cleared it with her.”

The receptionist, went wide eyed before regaining her composure. “OH well sorry, in that case let me just get her for you, won’t be a moment.”

She left quickly, somewhat frazzled and confused by the weirdness of the whole situation.

It wasn’t long before Marvin heard a familiar voice, echoing down the hallway as she approached them. “Hello it’s so good to see you again, I’m so glad you decided to take me up on my offer!”

Marvin turned to follow the voice, and laid eyes on the kind older woman he had now crossed paths with in as many days. It was Jan, the woman from the airport, suddenly things started clicking into place he remembered her offer. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it wasn’t why did everything feel so far and in-between he had really lost the largest semblance of his adult hood over twenty four hours. That was all it took for his maturity to be snatched away from him, here he was an adult about to be enrolled in a day care with his pull ups on display for the whole world to see.

Jan paused as she was not given the welcoming she had been expecting as she laid eyes on Marvin as the dam broke and he burst into tears.


“Oh sweetheart.” She said in a motherly tone as she rushed over and held him tightly in her arms.

“What’s the matter, are you going to miss your Auntie and Cousin don’t worry it’s only for a couple of hours then they will be back to get you.”

Meanwhile Mildred and Jill looked on in astonishment, sharing the same bewildered looks on their faces.

“He’s had an eventful time since we last saw each other.” Mildred continued. “ I was hoping that maybe you could help him with his potty training he’s been having some problems, also as you can see he hasn’t really been acting his age.”

She paused for a moment, taking in the scene as she watched Jan stroking her nephews hair, cooing to him before pulling the back of his pull up out to see if he was in need of a change.

“But neither of those are a big issue, as long as he’s well behaved if that means he ends up spending his time here locked away in diapers locked away in a crib sucking on a pacifier then so be it.”

Jill was stunned, this was unbelievable it was almost too much for her, she took sight of the receptionist who had greeted them who seemed similarly stunned at Mildreds confession. She was suddenly jealous, was Marvin really going to end up in diapers and she wouldn’t be there to see it, maybe he would last the next few hours without being regressed to that level. She suddenly eyed his pull ups suspiciously, no that was unlikely she was honestly surprised that he hadn’t soaked himself as soon as he started crying.

Finally Marvin’s tears had slowed down to a sniffle, Jan dried his puffy eyes with the end of her sleeve gently dabbing them across his face.

“You were right to bring him here, age is only a number some boys just aren’t ready for their adult responsibilities. I could see that from when I first laid eyes on him, looking like a lost toddler trying to find his mommy as he shuffled around the airport trying to find where to go.”

She pulled Marvin away from her slightly and smiled down at him. She quickly reached forward cupping the front of his pull up giving it a gently squeeze. Marvin tensed up as he felt himself getting excited from the unexpected intrusion on his private area. The last thing he wanted was to get an erection in front of Jan and his family, he did his best to put the thought out of his mind and thankfully Jan released her grip before anything other than a small stirring started to show.

“Did you need me to sign anything else before we head off then, he looks like he’s in capable hands.” Mildred said, smiling now that Marvin had gone quite docile and looked much more relaxed.

He really was a sweet boy, when he was much younger she loved his company. Regression really did do wonders for troublesome older boys. Now that Marvin had been shown his place he quickly revealed his true colours, his tough boy act had thoroughly been diminished. By the time his mother came to visit at the end of the week, she was sure her work would be complete. She wondered what her sister would say when she took in the sight of what her son had become, she grinned as she wondered wether or not if she was ready to have a toddler running around the house again. But at the rate things were going, she expected it was more likely the more accurate comparison was a baby crawling around.

She honestly did secretly hope it would come to that, she felt a warmth growing inside her as she imagined Marvin crawling around her living room wrapped in a nice crinkly thick diaper. She wasn’t sure if she envied her sister too much, it was a full time job in itself looking after a baby Marvin would be no different. She was more then happy to take him of her hands from time to time but she felt like she was done being a full time mother over someone so dependant. For a moment she even contemplated her daughter being in a similar situation to Marvin. This wasn’t the first time she had considered it, but no her daughter was a fine young woman and they still were closer than ever. That wasn’t to say that in the future if she become too big for her breeches she wouldn’t take her down a peg or two but nothing so extreme as to what Marvin was now going through.

“Ok Marvin say goodbye to your Auntie and Cousin, wave to them for me, can you do that, can you be a good boy for me.”

Mill related to Jan’s prompting and did his best to give a sincere and rather juvenile wave to Mildred and Jill.

“You make sure you behave yourself ok, I better hear good things from Jan or else you will be in trouble mister.” Mildred said, shaking a stern finger in warming.

Marvin nodded slightly in response, satisfied Mildred smiled.

“In that case we better be off then, we’ll be back soon give us a call if you need anything.”

“Oh don’t worry Marvin will be given all the attention he needs.” Jan said in confidence as she wrapped her arm around Marvins shoulder and they both watched as they left through the sliding doors.


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