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The handler offered her apologises and moved the snake away as all eyes at the table were tuned on Cody and his rapidly filling pull up. The poor boy went limp as he was stood up and led away from the table. His pull up was at capacity, streams of pee dribbled down his calfs and it sagged as it hung between his legs. He felt a hand grip the back of his pull up holding it tight as it started to look threateningly like it would fall to the ground. Finally he looked up to the person who was practically giving him a wedgie now. It revealed the rough hand guiding him belonging to Nancy, everything seemed a bit foggy but he suddenly felt better when he realised it was her with him.

“Sorry.” He found himself murmuring.

“What for sweetheart.” Nancy replied between strides.

“I didn’t mean… to wet, it was… just the.. snake.”

“It’s alright dear.” Nancy stopped suddenly, making sure to leave a hand on Codys soggy pull up she cooed. “Babies do wee wees, in their diapers it’s to be expected we just should have had you in something thicker thats my fault.”

Cody was fighting the thick fog that was starting to cloud his judgement, this wasn’t right none of this was right. How many times had he willed to put a stop to all this, how many times had he played out in his head that he was a college student not some pissy toddler. Yet all he could think of now was how the squishy feeling bunched up around his lower end was reminding him that he desperately needed a change.

Sensing the uncertainty emanating from Cody as he stood their twiddling his bare feet on the footpath, Nancy tried again to calm him.

“Cody it’s ok, plenty of people in our class have accident’s, you’ve nothing to worry about I’m going to take good care of you and get you all cleaned up.”

Cody couldn’t help letting out a small smile as Nancy pulled her arm around him tightly for a hug. Nancy was the only good thing about today, yeah she was the one who instigated all his babying treatment but at least she was nice about it. Could he have lived with never meeting this woman if it meant today never would have happened. If you asked him this morning he would have said yes with upmost certainty, but the longer the day drew on the more he doubted what his answer would be.

Maybe after today he would get to see her again, but on a more mature one on one setting. Once everything had been sorted out and she realised he was a college student, that was definitely an awkward conversation he wasn’t looking forward too. But the boundaries had grown obsolete between them, he wasn’t sure if anything could embarrass him anymore not after everything he had experienced today.

Finally Nancy led him into a changing rooms, which he silently prayed were empty. She didn’t hesitate before pulling him into the womens side which surprisingly the whole block seemed empty. Everyone must of been out having lunch, at least his change would afford him some privacy. Undoubtedly his nudity would be privy to Nancy but he stopped considering anything between the two of them private. She had seen him naked more times this afternoon than his mother had in a dozen years.

Nancy led Cody over to a bench, she draped over a towel she pulled from a nearby locker before unceremoniously pulling down his pull up and letting it fall to the tiled floor with a wet thud. Cody didn’t bother covering his shame, it was a moot point by now he just stood their limply and complied when Nancy ushered him to lay down across the towel. He stared up at her completely naked and vulnerable he had given himself to her completely. He watched with an almost keen interest, the feeling of dread he had clung too since leaving his house this morning seem to dissipate in this moment.

Nancy dug through the diaper bag she had brought over from the picnic area retrieving some cream, powder and wipes. She hastily made quick work in her duties making sure to wipe Cody through reaching every nook and cranny. He winced as she drew the cool wipe over his groin and Nancy had to stifle her giggle. She emptied a generous helping of creme onto her hand and reaching under him she lathered it across his bottom before spreading it over his intimates. This had much more of a reaction than the wipe had and Cody couldn’t help the growing erection he was now sporting.

“Awww, that just means I’m doing a good job your little guy is saying thank you.”

Cody bit his lip and blushed, he would have much preferred the silence. He locked down at his groin internally begging for it to go down but it refused.

Nancy noticed its stubbornness and chuckled, she continued her job as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Returning to the diaper bag she pulled out a thick plain white diaper. Cody noticed it was much larger than what would be suitable for her normal charges, he wondered why she was carrying around one so big. What purpose did it serve, he paused to look down at his slimy groin. Obviously its purpose fitted him perfectly but it wasn’t like he was expected to go on this trip. He had just followed the bus schedule and ended up on the wrong bus, the one his mother had printed off for him. Unless there were others like him at this school, older kids who still needed diapers. But how come they weren’t on this trip, he would have seen at least one of them by now. It still wouldn’t explain why she bought them along on the field trip.

Cody waited expectantly for Nancy to put him in his diaper. His diaper, he never thought he would ever think those words or experience their meaning. He just wanted it over and done with, that was all, it wasn’t like he held some level of contempt having all this attention from a beautiful slightly older woman. If having his bottom swathed in comfy, crinkly padding was the price to pay then maybe he was happy to pay it. Nancy wasn’t satisfied she sat at the end of the Cody’s feet, stroking the padding. He thought maybe she was taunting him, but it looked like she was strongly considering something.

Finally she decided to leave the crinkly padding in her wake, as she stood up she sent a quick text message off before leaving her phone on the bench.

“Just wait there a moment Cody, don’t move a muscle I’ll be right back.”

Cody watched on in disbelief as Nancy left him alone naked on a bench in the womens changing rooms waiting for a diaper change. He hoped desperately she would come back, he hated being left alone in this state especially naked. What would someone say if they were to walk in, although he doubted that if everyone hadn’t laid eyes upon him dressed in his pull up at some point today then they had surely heard about it. Maybe that would work in his favour, at least they wouldn’t see him as some kind of creep hiding in the womens changing rooms, just another charge waiting for a clean diaper.

Maybe someone would see him in his state with the diaper at his feet and just take over and finish the job Nancy had started. He shivered, trying to block the thought out of his head. That kind of thinking wasn’t normal for someone his age, he shouldn’t want it. But part of him, a part that had been latent and was suddenly growing exponentially was crying out for him to be cared for. Maybe it was the attention from an attractive woman, and his feelings were getting all fuddled up. His mind was associating his infantile behaviour as a way for him to receive attention that he suddenly craved. It was normal for a young man to want attention from a pretty woman even if she was a bit older then him, but it was certainly not normal for him to want to achieve that in this manner.

He had had a girlfriend before, it was a short lived fling because they were both seniors and going to seperate schools. They both quickly realised it wouldn’t last, it was a shame too Cody really liked her and they had been friends throughout school. He had hoped that maybe there was a chance to rekindle it, he couldn’t stop thinking about her over his break before starting college. Occasionally he would hover over the enrolment website for the college she was attending, but he couldn’t bring himself to go through with it. It would mean having to move and leave his mother alone, he didn’t like that thought he felt like he was abandoning her.

Finally footsteps broke his train of thought and he gripped down hard on the bench, hoping for a miracle that it would be Nancy and not some stranger walking into the bathroom. To his relief, it was her smiling face that he saw striding into the change rooms, and oh boy did he welcome it.

“Sorry to leave you like that but silly me I almost forgot that it’s time for swimming.” Nancy explained pulling something bulky and cloth out of a plastic bag.

Cody looked to the aforementioned item clutched in Nancy’s hand as she walked over to him. It was a swim diaper. Bulky and blue, it had small clown fish dotted around it and a wide green frilly brim around the top and leg holes, which did a lot to take away any masculinity it might have offered him. At least it wasn’t pink, he couldn’t tell if it was designed for a girl or boy in mind, he guessed that babies didn’t really have a choice in the matter maybe it was meant to be uni-sex. But he wasn’t a baby, someone had made that big enough to fit him, well he assumed it would.

Nancy knelt down returning to work she gestured for Cody to push up and she slid the cloth diaper beneath him. Giving him a quick dusting of baby powder, enough that anyone who walked past would be able to tell he now smelled like a baby.

“Now this won’t do you any good if you wee, but it’s expected that babies pee in the water anyway.” Cody tensed up as Nancy poked and prodded around the diaper she had expertly strapped to his waist. “But, it’s meant for your number two’s, so any poopy accident’s won’t go floating off in the water ruining everyones fun.”

Cody was shocked, did she really think he was capable of doing that, a wet accident was one thing but that was something entirely different.

“Now you just lay their a minute while I get changed ok, I need to get in my bathing suit too.”

Nancy walked over to the same locker she had retrieved the towel from, she pulled out a plain black swimsuit but to Cody it was the most beautiful one he had ever seen. She looked over at him and smiled before turning her back to him and sliding her top off.



Great chapter !! This story is getting better as time passes !!


I love this story. cant wait for more!