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Mindy had been desperately looking for a job over the holidays, anything that would get her out of her mothers house and away from her overbearing family that had all come to stay for Christmas. She had tried pretty much everything, waitressing, cleaning, even degrading herself to apply for the position of a bikini car wash and was told that she was too flat chested to be a suitable candidate. That comment had done wonders for her confidence she thought as she looked down at her now padded chest, giving her the illusion of a C cup when she couldn’t even fill out a B. It was her own fault really, she had left the job search until December when everyone had already hired their Christmas casual workers in November. It wasn’t until a few days ago she was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast when she glanced over at her mothers newspaper. “WANTED: Girls to play Santa’s Elve’s at the Everdome Mall, December till Christmas Eve.

It wasn’t the most desirable job, but it did pay well enough and that was all the convincing she needed. It was also a full time job so she would be out of the house only coming home at night when she could just go to sleep and avoid all the family festivities. She shouldn’t be complaining to much it even sounded much better then the cleaning jobs she had put herself down for. She thought those ones were guaranteed, but apparently using her mother as a reference for regularly cleaning her room wasn’t good enough. The interview had gone swimmingly too, they hired her on the spot and said she was exactly what they were looking for. They prompted her if she had any questions about the position, the listing didn’t exactly explain all the details, but she was in too much of a hurry to do some shopping with one of her friends. It was their fault for having the interview in the mall offices during a sale, she had her heart set on a pair of flats and could finally justify the purchase having saved up enough allowance that she still got weekly from her mother.

Now here she was in the temporary dressing room that they had transformed one of the offices into staring down at her pretty flats. Unfortunately for her she should have probably asked more questions about the job description, after all it was a girl not a woman that they were looking for. Now Misses Clause, or Sandra as she was actually called was helping her get ready for the day like she was some incapable child. The first thing she had done after making her get undressed was to whisk away her padded bra, tut tutting that a young girl shouldn’t be wearing such a thing and to be happy with what she was given at birth. She tired explaining that she wasn’t some snot nosed little brat and she was an adult woman, Sandra had replied that yes she had seen her actual age on her application but that didn’t automatically make her a grown up.

‘Age is just a number.’ She had said matter o factly, maybe her licence said she was a woman but that certainly wasn’t the only credential she needed. Finally after much pouting she had relented, allowing the condescending woman to dress her in her childish red and green leotard with matching green tutu. Not before making a comment about her less than appropriate underwear and asking her if she should have been allowed out of diapers. The final touches were the striped stockings pulled up both of her legs and the cute little elf ears and hat that had been placed over her blonde braided hair. At least she got to wear her sparkly red flats, it was better then the elf shoes but it still humiliatingly completed her outfit perfectly. Its why Sandra had offered to let her keep using them, commending her for being a big girl and picking something suitable for her work. Mindy didn’t mention that it was all circumstantial and just happened to be on theme. She would still rather go out into the mall wearing this outfit then going back home for some overbearing family time.

Finally all dressed up she had been led out and introduced to the rest of the elves and Santa himself. She had asked his real name but whenever she brought it up he just told her ‘it’s Santa little girl, you should remember me.’ She laughed the first time but after the second and third she stopped being bothered to ask. Her job was to stand next to him while they took the photos and offer a candy cane to everyone after they give Santa their Wishlist. It was easy enough, but she did blush often as she heard comments from the parents about how adorable she looked dressed up. She was to humiliated to tell them her actual age when prompted, her size wasn’t helping but she wasn’t that short so she just would say she was a teenager. Besides if they knew she was actually an adult they probably wouldn’t believe her anyway.

As the day grew on so did the pressing need to use the bathroom, she had had the opportunity on her break but opted to use the time to go shopping instead. Sandra had reimbursed her part of the cost of her shoes since she was using them for work and she was going to waste no time spending it on more clothing. She trotted over to Sandra who was working the camera and whispered.

“Hey I just need to quickly use the bathroom.”

To her surprise Sandra refused. “No young lady you had your chance during your break, these parents are waiting now go back to your spot.”

Mindy didn’t argue she was to surprised by Sandra’s sudden refusal and annoyed tone. She actually started to feel upset about it. So it was no surprise that Mindy now to afraid to show how desperate she was instead opted to let go and pee straight into her now darkening tights. If it hadn’t hurt her pride enough already she heard and saw the flash of the camera right as she was peeing herself. Humiliated and softly crying, Sandra called for a break to lead the poor girl away to the changing rooms. She was going to get one more chance in pull ups this time before she was demoted back to diapers. The fact that Sandra had so easily called for a break now but refused to when she desperately needed to go, still hadn’t crossed her mind. She was to focused on the now as her damp clothing was being pulled down and Sandra was dabbing her clean with a wet cloth her eyes crossed over to the princess pull ups on the bench. No matter she thought, this was still better than spending time at home, at least she was getting paid and there would be no way her family would find out about it, right?



I'd love a chapter 2